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Research Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, Executive Positions, Legal Jobs,
Director Planning, Research and Knowledge Management
Job Purpose
This position is responsible for the overall coordination and management of planning, research, and knowledge management functions.
Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities
- Overseeing the development, implementation, and review of policies, strategies, frameworks, work plans, legislation, guidelines, standards, procedures, and regulations for the CoB.
- Overseeing the preparation of special reports on particular issues upon request by the President or Parliament in accordance with Article 254 (2) of the Constitution.
- Coordinating the review and recommendations of the County Fiscal Strategy Papers and Budget Policy Statement in line with section 8 of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.
- Overseeing the collection, collating, and analysis of macro-economic and socio-economic fiscal data.
- Spearheading CoB’s Quality Management Systems (QMS) preparation and implementation.
- Overseeing the development, implementation, reviewing, monitoring, and evaluation of the CoB Strategic Plan and Service Charters.
- Spearheading the implementation of performance management in CoB.
- Ensuring the establishment of internal monitoring and control systems and procedures.
- Ensuring effective maintenance of the Risk Management Register.
- Overseeing and monitoring the implementation of business continuity plans.
- Ensuring the promotion of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) for the CoB.
- Ensuring staff capacity building is well-coordinated on public participation in the budget process.
- Coordinating stakeholder engagement and fostering a corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good corporate citizenship.
- Spearheading the development and implementation of the department’s strategic plans, budgets, and performance contract.
- Managing, mentoring, coaching, and developing staff in the department.
- Initiating development policies, procedures, regulations, guidelines, and strategies for resource mobilization and partnership development.
- Ensuring compliance with stakeholder requirements.
- Coordinating approval of departmental work plans and budgets.
- Ensuring staff performance appraisal.
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Job Dimensions
Financial Responsibility
- Implementation of the budget for the directorate.
Responsibility for Physical Assets
- Responsible for the assets assigned by the Office of the Controller of Budget as per the office’s asset register.
Decision Making / Job Influence
- Strategic
- Advisory
- Financial
- Analytical
Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience, and Attributes / Skills)
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Statistics, Economics, Policy Management, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Development Studies, International Relations, Public Administration, or equivalent from a recognized institution.
- Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Statistics, Economics, Actuarial Science, Policy Management, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Development Studies, International Relations, Public Administration, Project Management, Strategic Management, or equivalent from a recognized institution.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to Professional Bodies
- Professional qualification and membership in good standing of a relevant professional body.
Previous Relevant Work Experience Required
- Satisfactorily served for a cumulative period of fifteen (15) years, five (5) years of which must have been at least in the grade of Assistant Director or three (3) years at the grade of Deputy Director or in a comparable position.
Functional Skills, Behavioral Competencies/Attributes
- Certificate in leadership course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
- Met the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.
- Certificate in report writing and editing lasting not less than two (2) weeks from a recognized institution.
- Proficiency in computer applications.
- Demonstrated professional competence and managerial capability as reflected in work performance and results.
Chief Manager Planning, Research and Knowledge Management
Job Purpose
Responsible for coordinating effective strategies in planning, resource mobilization, performance management, monitoring and evaluation, quality management systems, and knowledge management.
Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Duties and responsibilities will entail:
- Coordinating, developing, and implementing policies, strategies, frameworks, work plans, legislation, guidelines, standards, procedures, and regulations on Planning, Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation for the CoB.
- Overseeing the review and making of recommendations on the County Fiscal Strategy Papers and Budget Policy Statement in line with section 8 of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.
- Ensuring the collection and collation of macroeconomic and socio-economic fiscal data and preparing and implementing CoB’s Quality Management Systems (QMS).
- Establishing internal monitoring, control systems, and procedures, updating the department’s Risk Management Register, and monitoring and implementing business continuity plans.
- Coordinating the CoB strategic plan and service charter development and reviewing and promoting Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) at CoB.
- Ensuring proper analysis of formats for requisitions for approvals of withdrawals of funds to devise innovative ways of deterring malpractices and fraud.
- Coordinating implementation of research on compliance to budgetary ceilings by Parliament on national and county government expenditure in line with section 5(d) of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.
- Coordinating research and preparation of special reports on particular issues upon request by the President or Parliament in accordance with Article 254 (2) of the Constitution.
- Ensuring the review and making of recommendations on County Fiscal Strategy Papers and Budget Policy Statements are in line with section 8 of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.
- Coordinating feasibility studies and service delivery surveys on matters that come to the attention of the CoB.
- Coordinating establishment and maintenance of data information and documentation centres for information sharing and replicating innovations and patenting of intellectual property rights and updating platforms for knowledge management and learning.
- Monitoring and preparing budget implementation reports per Article 228 of the Constitution.
- Monitoring, evaluating, and making appropriate recommendations on projects and programmes and ensuring accounting officers from public entities comply with and implement the recommendations of the CoB reports.
- Ensuring review of the draft and approved Budget Policy Statement and making appropriate recommendations.
- Coordinating the assessment and reporting on the achievements of the programmes and projects and capacity building on public participation in programmes and projects based on budgeting and budget implementation.
- Steering the development and implementation of business continuity plans for the department.
- Ensuring the development and implementation of the department’s strategic plans, budgets, and performance contracts, as well as mentoring and coaching staff.
- Developing, implementing, and reviewing resource mobilisation and marketing policies, strategies, and programmes.
- Reviewing and analysing information and preparing reports and documents on activities related to funding partners and fundraising.
- Assisting in developing the agenda on Resource Mobilization and Partnerships.
- Preparing reports for donors and relevant agencies.
- Participating in drafting and revising agreements with donors.
- Identifying and mapping potential and emerging funding sources and assessing their current usage and potential for the future.
- Coordinating the development of proposals for funding and effective marketing.
- Identifying key strategic partners and maintaining a database.
- Developing a budget for the department.
- Evaluating the performance of staff in the department.
Job Dimensions
Financial Responsibility
- Developing and implementing the budget for the department.
Responsibility for Physical Assets
- Responsible for the assets assigned by the Office of the Controller of Budget as per the office’s asset register.
Decision Making / Job Influence
- Strategic
- Advisory
- Financial
- Analytical
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Statistics, Economics, Actuarial Science, Policy Management, Business Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Information Science, or equivalent from a recognised institution.
- Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Economics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Policy Management, Project Management, Business Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Quantity Surveying, or equivalent from a recognised institution.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to Professional Bodies
- Membership in good standing with a relevant professional body.
Previous Relevant Work Experience Required
- Satisfactorily served for a minimum cumulative period of fifteen (15) years, three (3) of which must have been at the grade of Principal Planning and Research Officer.
Functional Skills, Behavioural Competencies/Attributes
- Certificate in leadership course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognised institution.
- Proficiency in computer applications.
- Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
- Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
Manager Legal Services
Job Purpose
This position is responsible for providing legal advice on litigation, dispute resolution, legal compliance, enforcement, and advisory services.
Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities
- Facilitating interpretation, evaluation, and reviewing compliance of enabling legal instruments for requisitions for withdrawal of funds.
- Analyzing and reviewing legal opinions on the compliance of the budget process with the constitutional, statutory, and regulatory provisions.
- Reviewing and providing recommendations on legal compliance of the formats for requisitions and approvals of withdrawals of funds.
- Reviewing and providing legal opinions on budget implementation reports for the National and County governments and on special reports to Parliament on stoppage of funds or issues as may be requested by Parliament or the County Assemblies.
- Formulating and reviewing legal guidelines and procedures and rendering appropriate advice to enhance the Medium-Term Papers (MTP), Budget Policy Statement (BPS), Budget Review and Outlook Papers (BROP), County Fiscal Strategy Papers (CFSP), County Budget Review Outlook Papers, and County Debt Management Strategy Papers.
- Issuing legal opinions and making appropriate recommendations on special reports on particular issues as may be requested by Parliament or the County Assemblies.
- Coordinating legal audits and analysing the Legal Audit Reports.
- Coordinating investigations on budget implementation matters and providing legal advisories.
- Coordinating forums for capacity building on legal matters affecting public participation in the budget process.
- Coordinating formulation and review of strategies, frameworks, work plans, legislation, policies, guidelines, procedures, and regulations for the directorate.
- Identifying topical research areas on various legal aspects and processes relating to the mandate of the OCOB.
- Developing, implementing, and reviewing legal monitoring and control systems and procedures.
- Implementing business continuity plans.
- Initiating and promoting Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).
- Facilitating stakeholder engagement and fostering a corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good corporate citizenship.
Job Dimensions
Financial Responsibility
- Implementation of the budget for the directorate.
Responsibility for Physical Assets
- Responsible for the assets assigned by the Office of the Controller of Budget as per the office’s asset register.
Decision-Making / Job Influence
- Strategic
- Financial
- Analytical
Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience, and Attributes / Skills)
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Laws degree from a recognised institution.
- Master of Laws degree from a recognised institution.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to Professional Bodies
- Be an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya.
- Membership in good standing with the Law Society of Kenya.
Previous Relevant Work Experience Required
- Satisfactorily served for a cumulative nine (9) years, three (3) of which must have been in the grade of Senior Legal Officer or a comparable position.
Functional Skills, Behavioral Competencies / Attributes
- Certificate in a management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognised institution.
- Proficiency in computer applications.
- Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
- Demonstrated professional competence and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
Senior Fiscal Analyst
Job Purpose
This position is responsible for performance analysis of County Government Budgets, reviewing withdrawal requests from Public Funds, and preparing statutory and special reports.
Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities
- Implementing policies, strategies, frameworks, work plans, legislation, guidelines, standards, procedures, and regulations for the OCOB.
- Compiling and analyzing requests for withdrawals from the County Revenue Fund and any other public fund that requires approval from the COB for withdrawal.
- Coordinating the preparation of budget implementation and monitoring reports for County Governments and making recommendations to the COB on measures to improve budget implementation per Article 228 of the Constitution.
- Implementing formats for requisitions and approvals of withdrawals of funds.
- Enforcing budgetary ceilings set by Parliament on County Governments’ expenditure.
- Providing technical advice on the preparation of special reports on particular issues requested by the President, Parliament, or County Assembly under Article 254 (2) of the Constitution.
- Providing technical advice on special reports to Parliament and County Assembly regarding funds withheld by the Cabinet Secretary in charge of finance.
- Reviewing and making recommendations for every County Fiscal Strategy Paper, County Budget Review Outlook Paper, and County Debt Management Strategy Paper.
- Ensuring that the County Fiscal Strategy Paper, County Budget Review Outlook Paper, and County Debt Management Strategy Paper align with the Budget Policy Statement and the County Integrated Development Plan.
- Preparing quarterly budget implementation reports for County Governments under Article 228 (6) of the Constitution.
- Preparing special reports on specific issues as may be requested by an Accounting Officer at the County level.
- Ensuring proper internal monitoring and control systems and procedures at the County level.
- Publicizing reports submitted to County Assemblies.
- Investigating and publicizing reports from County Governments on matters that have come to the attention of the COB under Article 252(1)(a).
- Attending County Assembly sessions and following up on the implementation of recommendations raised in the reports.
- Ensuring accounting officers from public entities comply with and implement recommendations from COB reports.
- Maintaining a Risk Management Register and advising on mitigating measures for addressing risks in the Counties.
- Conducting capacity-building initiatives on public participation in budget implementation in the Counties.
- Ensuring business continuity plans are developed and operational in the Counties.
- Implementing Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) in the Counties.
- Facilitating stakeholder engagement and fostering a corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good corporate citizenship.
- Implementing OCOB’s strategic plans, budgets, and performance contracts.
Job Dimensions
Financial Responsibility
- Reviewing County Governments’ exchequer requests.
Responsibility for Physical Assets
- Responsible for the assets assigned by the Office of the Controller of Budget as per the office’s asset register.
Decision-Making / Job Influence
- Analytical
- Operational
Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience, and Attributes / Skills)
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Statistics, Finance, Commerce, Business Administration, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to Professional Bodies
- CPA (K), ACCA, CFA, or an equivalent professional qualification.
- Membership in good standing with a relevant professional body.
Previous Relevant Work Experience Required
- Served for a cumulative period of six (6) years, three (3) of which must be at the grade of Fiscal Analyst or a comparable position.
Functional Skills, Behavioral Competencies / Attributes
- Certificate in a management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
- Proficiency in computer applications.
- Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
- Demonstrated professional competence and ability reflected in work performance and results.
Internal Auditor – 2 Posts
Job Purpose
This position is responsible for providing independent assurance on the effectiveness of OCOB’s internal control systems, risk assurance framework, and governance structure.
Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities
- Implementing internal audit policies, strategies, frameworks, work plans, legislation, guidelines, systems, procedures, and regulations.
- Verifying source documents to support withdrawals from the Equalization Fund, Consolidated Fund, County Revenue Funds, and any other public fund that requires the Controller of Budget’s approval.
- Collecting and collating data related to budgetary ceilings set by Parliament for National and County government expenditure in line with Section 5(d) of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.
- Investigating and preparing special reports.
- Conducting financial, operational, and information technology system audits and submitting reports.
- Reviewing debt financial requirements in agreements/contracts to confirm the accuracy of payments.
- Implementing the Internal Audit and Risk Charter.
- Conducting risk-based, value-for-money, and systems audits per auditing standards.
- Safeguarding documents on pensions, gratuities, and allowances and preparing reports.
- Implementing national planning documents, including the Budget Policy Statement and Budget Review Outlook Papers.
- Collecting and collating debt management data to conduct debt sustainability analysis and prepare the public debt report.
- Promoting Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).
- Fostering a corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good corporate citizenship.
Job Dimensions
Financial Responsibility
- Ensuring financial audits are conducted efficiently.
- Reviewing compliance with financial regulations.
Responsibility for Physical Assets
- Responsible for the assets assigned by the Office of the Controller of Budget as per the office’s asset register.
Decision-Making / Job Influence
- Financial
- Analytical
Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience, and Attributes / Skills)
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to Professional Bodies
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA-K), Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
- Registered with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) or any other relevant recognized professional body.
- Registered with either the Institute of Internal Auditors (IAA) or the Information Systems Auditors and Control Association (ISACA).
- Membership in good standing with a relevant professional body.
Previous Relevant Work Experience Required
- Served for a cumulative period of six (6) years, three (3) of which must be at the grade of Internal Auditor Assistant or a comparable position.
Functional Skills, Behavioral Competencies / Attributes
- Certificate in a management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
- Proficiency in computer applications.
- Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
- Demonstrated professional competence and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
County Budget Coordinator
Job Purpose
This position is responsible for advising the Controller of Budget on effective methods of county budget implementation, facilitating authorization of withdrawals from County Revenue Funds and other public funds. The holder is responsible for the preparation of statutory and special reports on Budget Implementation.
Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities
- Implementing policies, strategies, standards, frameworks, work plans, legislation, guidelines, procedures, and regulations on budget implementation.
- Receiving and collating all requisitions and supporting documents related to County Governments from County Treasuries.
- Comparing the requisitions against the budgets and primary requirements and preparing reports.
- Analyzing the requisitions and supporting documents and preparing summaries.
- Maintaining a tracking record of all the requisitions.
- Collecting, collating, and analyzing data to prepare special reports.
- Implementing formats for requisitions and approvals of withdrawals of funds.
- Collecting and collating data on budget implementation for the County Governments.
- Keeping inventory on the resolutions adopted on the reports of the County Governments.
- Keeping track of compliance and implementation of the recommendations of the CoB reports by accounting officers in the county governments.
- Implementing the department’s charter.
- Promoting Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).
- Implementing the business continuity plan for the department.
- Fostering a corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good corporate citizenship.
Job Dimensions
Financial Responsibility
- Reviewing County Government Exchequer Requests.
- Preparing and monitoring the execution of the OCOB county office budget.
Responsibility for Physical Assets
- Responsible for the assets assigned by the Office of the Controller of Budget as per the office’s asset register.
Decision-Making / Job Influence
- Financial
- Analytical
Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience, and Attributes / Skills)
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Economics, Statistics, Finance, Commerce (Finance or Accounting Option), Business Administration (Finance or Accounting Option), Business Management (Finance/Accounting Option), or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to Professional Bodies
- Certified Public Accountant CPA (K) or Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or its equivalent.
- Membership in good standing with a relevant professional body.
Previous Relevant Work Experience Required
- Satisfactorily served for a cumulative period of six (6) years of work experience, three (3) of which should have been in the grade of Fiscal Analyst or a comparable position.
Functional Skills, Behavioral Competencies / Attributes
- Certificate in a management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
- Proficiency in computer applications.
- Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
- Demonstrated professional competence and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
Method of Application
The terms of service for each position are specified in the Job Description. Successful candidates will be offered a competitive remuneration package.
Qualified interested candidates should submit their applications quoting the job title on both the envelope and the cover letter.
Enclose a detailed and up-to-date curriculum vitae indicating your current remuneration, home county, e-mail address and reliable daytime telephone contacts, and copies of your certificates, testimonials and national identity card.
You should also provide the names of two referees who must be familiar with your previous work/academic experience indicating their telephone, postal and email addresses. Please note that it is a criminal offence to provide false information and documents in the job application.
Upon being successful and granted an offer of employment, the successful candidate MUST present clearances and satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 by providing copies of the following;
- Tax compliance certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
- Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI)
- Clearance certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB
- Clearance Form from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)
Applications should be sent by post or hand delivered to our office addressed to:
The Controller of Budget
Bima House 12th Floor, Harambee Avenue.
P.O Box 35616-00100 Nairobi
So as to reach the Office of the Controller of Budget by 1st at April, 2025 at 5.00 pm.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.