Ongoing Recruitment at Public Service Commission Kenya (PSCK)

Communications Jobs, PSCK Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, Career Opportunities, Health Managememt Jobs,

Communications Secretary (National Communications Secretariat)

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- 

  • Overseeing the development, implementation and reviewing of policies, procedures and regulations for the secretariat;
  • Exercising the roles of Accounting and Authorized officer for the secretariat;
  • Providing policy advice on postal and telecommunication matters that promote the benefits of technological development to all users;
  • Providing strategic direction on policies that foster national safety and security, economic prosperity and the delivery of critical social services through post telecommunications;
  • Providing oversight in facilitation and contribution to the full development of competition and efficiency in the provision of services;
  • Overseeing the development of policies that foster full and  efficient use of telecommunication resources including effective use of the radio spectrum by the Government in a manner which encourages the most beneficial use thereof in the public interest;
  • Ensuring prudent utilization of the secretariats resources;
  • Ensuring compliance with the relevant legislation and Government circulars;
  • Overseeing the preparation of annual budget and internal financial controls;
  • Promoting relevant research and innovation to inform ICT policy advisories;
  • Overseeing the monitoring and evaluation of ICT instruments and frameworks to foster a culture that promote ethical and Governance;
  • Championing national values and principles of public service; and
  • Overseeing performance management in the Secretariat subject to satisfactory performance

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

  • Served for a minimum period of twelve (12) years, five (5) of which must have been at a senior management level in any of the following fields; Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Law, Public Policy or in comparable and relevant position in the wider public service or private sector;
  • A Bachelors Degree in any of the following fields; Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • A Masters Degree in any of the following fields; Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Law, Public Policy or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • Membership of relevant professional body;
  • A certificate in Leadership Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution; and
  • Meet the requirement of chapter six (6) of the constitution of KenyaKey Competencies and Skills
    • analytical skills
    • communication skills
    • strategic and innovative thinking
    • interpersonal skills
    • ability to mobilize resources; and
    • negotiating skills

Deputy Director General for Health

Duties and Responsibilities 
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- 

  • Coordinating the development, implementation, review, monitoring and dissemination of policies, strategies, legislations, guidelines, frameworks, norms, tools, regulations, plans and standards on medical services; 
  • Providing technical advice on medical services to the Principal Secretary in consultation with the Director General for Health;
  • Facilitating relevant Interagency Coordinating Committees’ (ICCs) and Technical Working Groups (TWGs)/ Committee of Experts in medical services;
  • Coordinating identification of health resource gaps and priorities in medical services and mobilizing resources; 
  • Spearheading Business Process Re-engineering in medical services;
  • Validating reports and other information related to medical services; 
  • Coordinating the prevention and control non-communicable diseases into Kenya;
  • Promoting mental health and wellness within Kenya;
  • Facilitating health research and investigations in connection with the prevention or treatment of human diseases;
  • Overseeing preparation and publication of reports and statistical or other information relative to the medical services;
  • Assist the Director General for health in technical supervision of the directorates;
  • Coordinating monitoring and evaluating performance of the Directorates;
  • Overseeing planning and budgeting for the Directorates; and
  • Spearheading capacity building and managing performance of the Directorates.

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

  • Served for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years, three (3) of which must have been at the grade of Deputy Director, Medical Services CSG 6 and above or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
  • A Bachelors degree in Medicine & Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Clinical Medicine/Higher National Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Nursing or any other equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya; 
  • A Masters degree in any of the following disciplines:   Public Health, Medicine or any other health related field from a university  recognized in Kenya;
  • Registration and licensing by a recognized regulatory body as applicable;
  • Membership to a relevant professional body where applicable;
  • A certificate in a Leadership Course from a recognized institution;
  • Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution;
  • Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competencies in work performance and results; and
  • Exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to proper management of medical services.

Director Health Management –Curative And Nursing Services

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- 

  • Overseeing development, implementation and review of policies, strategies, legislations, guidelines, frameworks, norms, tools, regulations, plans and standards for curative and nursing services; 
  • Spearheading preparation and provision of reports, advisories and other information related to curative and nursing services;
  • Overseeing capacity building for ministries, departments, counties and other government agencies (MDCAs) on curative and nursing services;
  • Facilitating technical support to ministries, departments, counties and other government agencies (MDCAs) on curative and nursing services;
  • Setting performance targets with staff in the directorate;
  • Facilitating curative and nursing services health surveys and monitoring health trends in collaboration with relevant stakeholders;
  • Overseeing the design, planning and implementation health projects and programmes for curative and nursing services;
  • Facilitating monitoring and evaluation of health projects and programmes for curative and nursing services;
  • Creating an enabling environment for provision of curative and nursing services by public, private and faith-based providers;
  • Facilitating the establishment of linkages and collaboration with relevant stakeholders for curative and nursing services;
  • Providing lead in the determination of curative and nursing services data variables in the integrated digital healthcare system for curative and nursing services;
  • Coordinating the collaboration with the relevant directorate to analyze, prepare and disseminate national health-related data, reports and other knowledge information for curative and nursing services;   Commissioning of health research and innovation and maintain a repository for curative and nursing services in collaboration with the relevant directorate; 
  • Overseeing resource mobilization for curative and nursing services;  
  • Overseeing the process of determining the specifications for curative and nursing services health-related infrastructure, health products and technologies;
  • Overseeing the provision of forensic services in the country in collaboration with relevant agencies and directorates;
  • Rendering advice on the designing and development of regional centers of excellence for specialized clinical services to improve care and promote medical tourism;
  • Overseeing the development, implementation and reviewing of the Health Tourism Framework for curative and nursing services;
  • Providing guidance in collaboration with the relevant directorate to set criteria for the classification of health facilities categorization for curative and nursing services; 
  • Spearheading Business Process Re-engineering in the directorate;
  • Overseeing the development and implantation of the directorate’s annual work plans, budgets and performance contract;
  • Ensuring compliance with good governance and;
  • Managing and developing staff in the directorate

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-

  • Served for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years, three (3) of which must have been at the grade of Deputy Director, Medical Services, CSG ‘6’ and above or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider Public Service; 
  • A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines : Medicine and Surgery, Dental Surgery, Clinical Medicine/Higher National Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Nursing, Ophthalmology and Cataract Surgery, Oral Health, Dental Technology, Radiography, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Anthropology, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Health, or equivalent qualification from a university  recognized in Kenya;
  • A Masters Degree in any of the following disciplines: Medicine, Anesthesia, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dermatology, Ear, Nose and Throat, Otorhinolaryngology, General Surgery, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Neurosurgery, Occupational Medicine, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, Palliative Medicine, Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics Dentistry, Periodontology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology, Dental Anesthesia, Forensic Odontology, Restorative Dentistry, Orthodontics, Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Systems Management, Global Health or equivalent qualification from a  university recognized in Kenya;
  • Registration and licensing by a recognized regulatory body as applicable;
  • Membership to a relevant professional body (where applicable;
  • Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competencies in work performance and results; and
  • Exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to proper management of curative and nursing services 

Director Health Management- Family Health Services

Duties and Responsibilities
  Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:- 

  • Overseeing the development, implementation, review, monitoring and dissemination of policies, strategies, legislations, guidelines, frameworks, norms, tools, regulations, plans and standards for family health services; 
  • Spearheading preparation of reports and other information related to family health services;
  • Overseeing the design, planning and implementation of family health projects and programs;  
  • Facilitating monitoring and evaluation of family health projects and programs;
  • Facilitating technical support and capacity building to Ministries, Departments, Counties and other Government Agencies (MDCAs) on family health related matters;
  • Creating an enabling environment for provision of family health interventions by public, private and faith-based providers;
  • Facilitating the establishment of linkages with relevant stakeholders on family health matters;
  • Overseeing relevant Interagency Coordinating Committees’ (ICCs) and Technical Working Groups (TWGs)/ Committee of Experts on family health matters;
  • Providing lead in the determination of the family health data variables in integrated digital healthcare system;
  • Facilitating family health surveys and monitoring trends in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders;
  • Overseeing customer satisfaction surveys on services offered in family health;
  • Overseeing resources mobilization for family health services;
  • Spearheading Business Process Re-engineering in the family health services; and
  • Overseeing the process of determining specifications of family health related infrastructure health products and technologies;
  • Overseeing the development and implantation of the directorates annual work plans, budgets and performance contract;
  • Ensuring compliance with good governance; and 
  • Managing and developing staff in the Directorates.

For appointment to this grade a candidate must have: –

  • Served for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years, three (3) of which must have been at the grade of Deputy Director- Medical Services CSG ‘6’ and above or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
  • A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines: Medicine & Surgery, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Clinical Medicine/Higher National Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Nursing, or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • A Masters Degree in any of the following disciplines: Internal Medicine, Reproductive Health, Oncology, Family Medicine, Public Health, Pediatric, Psychiatry, Epidemiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • Registration and licensing by a recognized regulatory body as applicable;
  • Membership to a relevant professional body where applicable; 
  • Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competencies in work performance and results; and
  • Exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to proper management of family health services function.

Director, Health Management- Health Products & Technologies

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

  • Overseeing the development, implementation, review, of policies, strategies, legislations, guidelines frame works, norms, tools, regulations, plans and standards on hhealth pproducts and technologies;
  • Spearheading the dissemination of policies, strategies, legislations and guidelines, frameworks, norms tools, regulations, plans and standards on Health Products and technologies;
  • Providing technical advice and taking lead in the implementation of technical strategies on matters related to HPT;
  • Overseeing the design, planning and implementation of HPT projects and programs; 
  • Spearheading preparation of reports and other information related to HPT; 
  • Facilitating Monitoring and evaluation of HPT projects and programmes;
  • Facilitating technical support and capacity building to Ministries, Departments, Counties and Other Government Agencies (MDAs) on HPT related matters; 
  • Creating a conducive environment for provision of HPT interventions by Public, private and faith-based providers;
  • Facilitating the establishment of linkages with relevant stakeholders on HPT matters;
  • Overseeing relevant Interagency Coordinating Committees’ (ICCs) and Technical Working Groups (TWGs)/ committee of experts on HPT matters;
  • Facilitating HPT surveys and monitoring trends in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders;
  • Overseeing research and customer satisfaction surveys;
  • Overseeing resource mobilization for HPT services;
  • Spearheading Business Process Re-Engineering in HPT services;
  • Spearheading the process of determining specifications of related health products and technologies;
  • Overseeing the development and implementation of the directorate’s Annual Work Plans, Budget and Performance Contract;
  • Ensuring compliance with good governance; and
  • Managing and developing staff in the directorates.
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For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –

  • Served for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years, three (3) of which should have been at the grade of Deputy Director- Medical Services, CSG ‘6’ and above or in comparable and relevant position in the wider Public Service;
  • A Bachelors Degree in any of the following: Pharmacy, Medicine, Clinical Medicine/ Higher National Diploma in Clinical Medicine or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • A Masters Degree in any of the following disciplines: Health Policy, Pharmacognosy and Complementary Medicine, Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Toxicology, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology, Medicines Supplies Management, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Tropical & Infectious Diseases, Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Industrial Pharmacy, Health Systems Management, Pharmaceutical Care, Health Informatics, Health Economics, Epidemiology, Medical Statistics, Drug Design & Development, Radiopharmacy, Public Health, Microbiology, Business Administration or equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • Registration and licensing by a recognized regulatory body as applicable;
  • Membership to a relevant professional body (where applicable);
  • Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competencies in work performance and results; and
  • Exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to proper management.

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