Career Opportunities at United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Ongoing Recruitment UN Jobs 2025
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Community Management Support 1


  • The consultant will assist in the development of marketing materials, provide insights to workshop schedule, propose additional content to predefined materials that can provide additional guidance for beneficiaries.
  • The consultant will attend workshop training preparations ahead of workshop delivery to participants and take minutes of training preparation meetings.
  • The consultant will support the scouting for relevant participants.
  • The consultant will provide assistant to the logistical coordination on workshop days in order to ensure the agenda is followed in a timely manner.
  • The consultant will participate in weekly calls with the UNEP CFU team ahead of the workshop training and take minutes of such meetings.
  • The consultant will assist in the communication with participants about workshop logistics, and engage the participants to facilitate a sense of community between the participants.
  • The consultant will be responsible for note taking during the training workshop to ensure all feedback from participants is noted and feeds into the learnings of this activity.
  • The consultant will distribute and ensure the completion of the pre and post-tests to demonstrate increase in knowledge in the form of one-page questionnaires administered before and after the trainings.

Qualifications/special Skills

  • A first-level degree in business administration, management, economics or related fields is required.
  • Three (3) years of relevant and verifiable experience with managing, coordinating or supporting communities of practice is required.
  • Strong organizational and coordination skills, good writing, interpersonal and communication skills is required.
  • Ability to demonstrate great attention to detail and an affinity with analyzing data and making quick decisions based on that data to improve outcomes is required.
  • Comfortable with technology tools such as online platforms, Trello, Slack, Google Drive, or willing to learn them quickly is required.
  • Knowledge of the UN system, or other international and multi-cultural working environments, is desirable. Experience advising entrepreneurs is preferred.


  • Fluency in oral and written English is required, knowledge of other official UN languages is optional.

Consultant – Community Management Specialist 2

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  • The consultant will develop the training workshop’s marketing materials, finalize and validate the workshop schedule, propose additional content to predefined materials that can provide additional guidance for beneficiaries.
  • The consultant will attend workshop training preparations ahead of workshop delivery to participants.
  • The consultant will advise the UNEP CFU team in the scouting for relevant participants.
  • The consultant will identify participants from their networks, share invitations, and follow-up with participants with incomplet responses, inform participants if and when needed about changes to the workshop.
  • The consultant provide assistance in the identification of the space in which workshops will be organized.
  • The consultant will provide logistical coordination on workshop days in order to ensure the agenda is followed in a timely manner.
  • The consultant will participate in weekly calls with the UNEP CFU team ahead of the workshop training.
  • The consultant will communicate and remind participants of workshop logistics, engage the participants and facilitate a sense of community between the participants under their purview, regularly check in on the participants throughout the workshop day to assess their progress and possible issues, review the outputs of the program and provide feedback and resources to support the beneficiaries, prepare survey follow-up when issues are identified.
  • The consultant will create pre and post-tests to demonstrate increase in knowledge in the form of one-page questionnaires administered before and after the trainings.

Qualifications/special Skills

  • A first level University degree in business administration, management, economics or related fields is required.
  • Four (4) years of relevant and verifiable experience with managing, coordinating or supporting communities of practice is required.
  • Strong organizational and coordination skills, good writing, interpersonal and communication skills are required.
  • Ability to demonstrate great attention to detail and an affinity with analyzing data and making quick decisions based on that data to improve outcomes is required.
  • Comfortable with technology tools such as online platforms, Trello, Slack, Google Drive, or willing to learn them quickly is required.


  • English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in English (both oral and written) is required. Knowledge of another UN official language is desirable.

Community Management Specialist 1

Duties and Responsibilities

  • UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP’s Ecosystem Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and capacity development for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
  • The loss of forest, and the accompanying loss of ecosystems and the services they provide, threatens the security and livelihoods of local communities, reduces access to clean water, decreases soil productivity and accounts for 12 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. In recent years, it has become apparent that the most significant threat to the world’s remaining forests is conversion for commercial agriculture – whether from large-scale operations or smallholder farmers – as well as other non-forest use. Many of the environmental benefits of intact forest are unpriced ‘externalities’, resulting in the market mispricing natural forest assets. By converting forest to land and then producing tradeable commodities that the market can price, land users are able to take advantage of this perceived arbitrage opportunity. Anticipated global economic growth and changing diets will strengthen the demand for agricultural commodities and place additional pressure on forests in the foreseeable future, meaning that the pressure will get even bigger than it is today without a changing paradigm how land is managed and agricultural commodities are produced. The challenge is to advance sustainable land use by developing business models that can manage sustainable commodity production while also maintaining forests and forest ecosystem services.
  • Against that background, UNEP initiated a new Climate Finance Unit in the Ecosystem Division to proactively help unlock and (re)direct public and private capital towards sustainable land use, including deforestation-free soft commodity production, stimulate land restoration and sustainable forest management. As part of its mandate, the Climate Finance Unit contributes to the UN Decade on Ecosystems Restoration by providing technical and strategic expertise to help unlock public and private finance to scale restoration interventions
  • Against that backdrop, the Unit is now focusing on growing a global pipeline of promising ecosystem restoration enterprises through a menu of tailored business-focused training programs providing expertise and guidance on business planning, business models and financial viability.
  • This novel area of work falls within the Climate for Nature Branch of the UNEP’s Ecosystem Division.
  • Under the technical supervision of the CFU’s Business Analytics team Lead and the overall guidance of the Head of the Climate Finance Unit, the consultant will provide community management capacity to support the pilot deployment of the Restoration Explorer training program in Kenya.
  • The consultant will work directly with various team members in the Climate Finance Unit team, and report to the Head of the Climate Finance Unit.


The consultant will work directly with various team members in the Climate Finance Unit team, and report to the Head of the Climate Finance Unit.

  • The consultant will develop the training workshop’s marketing materials, finalize and validate the workshop schedule,propose additional content to predefined materials that can provide additional guidance for beneficiaries.
  • The consultant will attend workshop training preparations ahead of workshop delivery to participants.
  • The consultant will advise the UNEP CFU team in the scouting for relevant participants.
  • The consultant will identify participants from their networks, share invitations, and follow-up with participants with incomplete responses, inform participants if and when needed about changes to the workshop.
  • The consultant provide assistance in the identification of the space in which workshops will be organized.
  • The consultant will provide logistical coordination on workshop days in order to ensure the agenda is followed in a timely manner.
  • The consultant will participate in weekly calls with the UNEP CFU team ahead of the workshop training.
  • The consultant will communicate and remind participants of workshop logistics, engage the participants and facilitate a sense of community between the participants under their purview, regularly check in on the participants throughout the workshop day to assess their progress and possible issues, review the outputs of the program and provide feedback and resources to support the beneficiaries, prepare survey follow-up when issues are identified.
  • The consultant will create pre and post-tests to demonstrate increase in knowledge in the form of one-page questionnaires administered before and after the trainings.

Qualifications/special Skills

  • A first-level university degree in business administration, management, economics or related fields is required.
  • Four (4) years of relevant and verifiable experience with managing, coordinating or supporting communities of practice is required.
  • Strong organizational and coordination skills, good writing, interpersonal and communication skills is required.
  • Ability to demonstrate great attention to detail and an affinity with analyzing data and making quick decisions based on that data to improve outcomes is required.
  • Ability to be comfortable with technology tools such as online platforms, Trello, Slack, Google Drive, or willing to learn them quickly is required.
  • Knowledge of the UN system, or other international and multi-cultural working environments, is desirable. Experience advising entrepreneurs is preferred.
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  • Fluency in oral and written English is required, knowledge of other official UN languages is optional.

Principal Evaluator for the Evaluation of the UNEP Sub-Programme on Climate Action (2014-2023)

Specific Responsibilities For Team Leader

The Team Leader will be responsible, in close consultation with the Evaluation Manager, for overall management of the evaluation and timely delivery of its outputs, described above in Section E. Evaluation Deliverables. Roles will include:

  • Inception phase of the evaluation, including:
  • preliminary desk review and introductory interviews with project staff;
  • draft the reconstructed Theory of Change of the SP-CA;
  • prepare the evaluation framework;
  • develop the desk review and interview protocols;
  • draft the survey protocols (if relevant);
  • develop and present criteria for selection of Climate Action initiatives for in-depth study;
  • plan the evaluation schedule;
  • prepare the Inception Report, incorporating comments until approved by the Evaluation Manager
  • Data collection and analysis phase of the evaluation, including:
  • conduct further desk review and in-depth interviews with project implementing and executing agencies, project partners and project stakeholders;
  • regularly report back to the Evaluation Manager on progress and inform of any possible problems or issues encountered and;
  • keep the Evaluation Manager informed of the evaluation progress and engage the Sub-Programme Coordinator of Climate Action in discussions on emerging findings throughout the evaluation process.
  • Reporting phase, including:
  • draft the Main Evaluation Report, ensuring that the evaluation report is complete, coherent and consistent with the Evaluation Manager guidelines both in substance and style;
  • liaise with the Evaluation Manager on comments received and finalize the Main Evaluation Report, ensuring that comments are taken into account until approved by the Evaluation Manager;
  • prepare a Response to Comments annex for the main report, listing those comments not accepted by the Evaluation Consultant(s) and indicating the reason for the rejection.
  • Managing relations, including:
  • maintain a positive relationship with evaluation stakeholders, ensuring that the evaluation process is as participatory as possible but at the same time maintains its independence;
  • communicate in a timely manner with the Evaluation Manager on any issues requiring its attention and intervention.
  • The evaluation consultant shall have had no prior involvement in the formulation or implementation of the Sub-Programme during the period being reviewed from 2014 to 2023 and will be independent from the participating institutions. The consultant will sign the Evaluation Consultant Code of Conduct Agreement Form.
  • The evaluation consultant will be selected and recruited by the UNEP Evaluation Office through an individual Special Service Agreement (SSA) consultancy contract.
  • Comprehensive terms of reference will be shared with consultant separately.

Qualifications/special Skills

  • A first level university degree in environmental sciences, international development or other relevant political or social sciences area is required.
  • An advanced degree in the same areas is desirable.
  • A minimum of 10 years of technical / evaluation experience is required, preferably including evaluating large, regional or global programmes and using a Theory of Change approach
  • Experience from international development cooperation, including developing countries. Working knowledge of development oriented organizations, Intergovernmental processes and United Nations coordination bodies are an added advantage;
  • Broad understanding of science related to climate change and advanced knowledge on: climate change mitigation and adaptation and technology support; Multilateral
  • Climate Agreements, regional and national policy processes, desirable.


  • English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this consultancy,

Mid-Term Reviewer – ENDhERI Project (GEFID 9668)

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP’s Ecosystems Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and capacity development for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
  • The GEF-Biodiversity and Land Degradation unit is seeking to recruit a consultant (Level B) to conduct the Midterm Review of the project to assess the overall achievements of the project at midterm, the challenges faced and engage with project counterparts to overcome the issues through effective corrections in project activities and outputs, M&E, resource allocations and related GEF and co-financing. This consultancy post is located in UNEP / Ecosystems Division / GEF Biodiversity and Land Degradation unit. The Review Consultant will work from home as well as conduct a field assessment mission to Maldives, under the overall guidance of the Task Manager (GEF TM) and will report directly to the GEF TM and Portfolio Manager of the GEF Biodiversity and Land degradation Unit, Ecosystem Division in Nairobi.

Inception Phase

  • Preliminary desk review and introductory interviews with project staff
  • Prepare the review framework in line with UNEP’s evaluation guidelines
  • Identify stakeholders
  • Develop the interview/questions matrix
  • Plan the review schedule
  • Prepare the Inception Report

Data Collection And Analysis Phase Of The Review, Including

  • Conduct further desk review and in-depth interviews with project implementing and executing agencies, project partners and project stakeholders
  • Conduct a field assessment mission to Maldives– approximately 10 days, including visiting one of the two project sites
  • Regularly report back to the Task Manager on progress and inform of any possible problems or issues encountered and

Reporting Phase, Including

  • Prepare a MTR Inception report with main tasks, timelines, and institutions, staff and project beneficiaries to be involved in the MTR,
  • Draft the MTR Review Report, ensuring that the review report is complete, coherent and consistent with the ToR as well as Task Manager guidelines both in substance and style
  • Liaise with the Task Manager on comments received and finalize the MTR Review Report, ensuring that comments are taken into account until approved by the Task Manager
  • Prepare a Response to Comments annex for the main report, listing those comments not accepted indicating the reason for the rejection; and

Managing Relations, Including

  • Maintain a positive relationship with stakeholders, ensuring that the review process is as participatory as possible but at the same time maintains its independence
  • Communicate in a timely manner with the Task Manager on any issues requiring its attention and intervention.

The consultant will prepare the following documents, in consultation and collaboration with the Project team:

  • Inception Report: containing an assessment of project, project stakeholder analysis, review framework and a tentative review schedule.
  • Preliminary Findings Note: typically, in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, the sharing of preliminary findings is intended to support the participation of the project team, act as a means to ensure all information sources have been accessed and provide an opportunity to verify emerging findings.
  • Draft and Final Review Report: containing an executive summary that can act as a stand-alone document; detailed analysis of the review findings organized by review criteria and supported with evidence; lessons learned and recommendations and an annotated ratings table.

The consultancy will be home-based with one field visit to Maldives.

Qualifications/special Skills

  • Minimum of a least MSc level or equivalent degree in environmental sciences, international development or other relevant political or social sciences area is required
  • At least 8 years of technical / evaluation experience is required
  • Preferably including evaluating large, regional or global programmes and using a Theory of Change approach; is desirable.
  • A track record of a minimum of 6 years of project development and evaluation experience, including internationally funded projects (experience in the evaluation of GEF funded projects is desirable.)
  • Knowledge of the International organization is desirable.
  • Professional work experience in Asia, in SIDS is desirable.


  • Fluency in oral and written English is required.

Community Management Support 2

Duties and Responsibilities

  • UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP’s Ecosystem Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and capacity development for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
  • The loss of forest, and the accompanying loss of ecosystems and the services they provide, threatens the security and livelihoods of local communities, reduces access to clean water, decreases soil productivity and accounts for 12 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. In recent years, it has become apparent that the most significant threat to the world’s remaining forests is conversion for commercial agriculture – whether from large-scale operations or smallholder farmers – as well as other non-forest use. Many of the environmental benefits of intact forest are unpriced ‘externalities’, resulting in the market mispricing natural forest assets. By converting forest to land and then producing tradeable commodities that the market can price, land users are able to take advantage of this perceived arbitrage opportunity. Anticipated global economic growth and changing diets will strengthen the demand for agricultural commodities and place additional pressure on forests in the foreseeable future, meaning that the pressure will get even bigger than it is today without a changing paradigm how land is managed and agricultural commodities are produced. The challenge is to advance sustainable land use by developing business models that can manage sustainable commodity production while also maintaining forests and forest ecosystem services.
  • Against that background, UNEP initiated a new Climate Finance Unit in the Ecosystem Division to proactively help unlock and (re)direct public and private capital towards sustainable land use, including deforestation-free soft commodity production, stimulate land restoration and sustainable forest management. As part of its mandate, the Climate Finance Unit contributes to the UN Decade on Ecosystems Restoration by providing technical and strategic expertise to help unlock public and private finance to scale restoration interventions
  • Against that backdrop, the Unit is now focusing on growing a global pipeline of promising ecosystem restoration enterprises through a menu of tailored business-focused training programs providing expertise and guidance on business planning, business models and financial viability.
  • This novel area of work falls within the Climate for Nature Branch of the UNEP’s Ecosystem Division.
  • Under the technical supervision of the CFU’s Business Analytics team Lead and the overall guidance of the Head of the Climate Finance Unit, the consultant will provide community management capacity to support the pilot deployment of the Restoration Explorer training program in Kenya.

The consultant will work directly with various team members in the Climate Finance Unit team, and report to the Head of the Climate Finance Unit.

  • The consultant will provide local inputs in the development of marketing materials, provide insights to workshop schedule, propose additional content to predefined materials that can provide additional guidance for beneficiaries.
  • The consultant will organize workshop training preparations ahead of workshop delivery to participants and take minutes of training preparation meetings.
  • The consultant will propose and reach out to relevant participants.
  • The consultant will provide organize logistical coordination on workshop days in order to ensure the agenda is followed in a timely manner.
  • The consultant will participate in weekly calls with the UNEP CFU team ahead of the workshop training and take minutes of such meetings.
  • The consultant will provide local inputs in the communication with participants about workshop logistics, and engage the participants to facilitate a sense of community between the participants.
  • The consultant will be responsible for note taking during the training workshop to ensure all feedback from participants is noted and feeds into the learnings of this activity.
  • The consultant will distribute and ensure the completion of the pre and post-tests to demonstrate increase in knowledge in the form of one-page questionnaires administered before and after the trainings.

Qualifications/special Skills

  • A first-level university degree in business administration, management, economics or related fields is required.
  • Three (3) years of relevant and verifiable experience with managing, coordinating or supporting communities of practice is required.
  • Strong organizational and coordination skills, good writing, interpersonal and communication skills is required
  • Ability to demonstrate great attention to detail and an affinity with analyzing data and making quick decisions based on that data to improve outcomes is required
  • Comfortable with technology tools such as online platforms, Trello, Slack, Google Drive, or willing to learn them quickly is required
  • Knowledge of the UN system, or other international and multi-cultural working environments, is desirable. Experience advising entrepreneurs is preferred.


  • Fluency in oral and written English is required, knowledge of other official UN languages is optional.

Programme Management Assistant, G5


The position is located in the Industry and Economy Division, Chemicals and Health Branch, Global Environment Fund/Chemicals and Waste Unit in Nairobi duty station. The incumbent will work under the overall supervision of the Task Manager and will perform the following duties:

Provision of support to project implementation activities

Responsible for tracking monitoring and evaluation status and documentation, by:

  • Managing focal area (POPs) database of individual country project files (paper and electronic), project documentation, budgetary and finance records, progress reports, national technical reports, terms of reference/job descriptions of national and international consultants, consultant mission reports and correspondence on a daily basis;
  • Reviewing for completeness and accuracy the periodic administrative/financial reports and funds transfer papers submitted by national project counterparts, bringing to the attention of project managers any deficiencies or problems for all POPs projects;
  • Maintaining electronic records describing the progress and status of individual projects including expenditure and planned expenditure information, liaising with Funds Management as necessary;
  • Tracks financial and substantive project reporting and informs Task Manager of delays, analyzes the financial and administrative data and prepares relevant and required documents for the Task Managers;
  • Serves as focal point for administrative coordination of programme/project implementation activities through involving extensive liaison with the diverse organizational units to initiate requests, obtain necessary clearances for internally executed projects;
  • Initiates processes and follow-ups on administrative actions, and prepares the relevant documentation e.g.: for recruitment and appointment of personnel, travel arrangements, training/study tours, authorization of payments, disbursement of funds, procurement of equipment and services, etc;
  • Tracks project document internalization;
  • Organizes reporting and logistic arrangements for periodic meetings – draft report/minutes if required and if relevant, teleconferencing, and ensuring equipment required is in place and functioning prior to meetings;
  • Provision of support to project development activities;
  • Supports in the preparation and formatting of project proposals in accordance with GEF and UNEP templates relevant in the project cycle through;
  • Monitoring the status of programme/project proposals and receipt of relevant documentation for review and approval;
  • Compilation, summarizing and presenting basic information/data on specific programmes/projects and related topics or issues;
  • Reviews project documents, especially cost plans/budgets, for completeness and compliance with relevant rules and procedures prior to submission for final approval and signature, identifies inconsistencies;
  • Ensures quality control of documents through verification of GEF and UNEP templates as relevant in the UNEP project cycle;
  • Compiles, summarizes and enters data on projects, drafts related status reports, identifying delays in delivery, and brings to the attention of management.
  • Drafts correspondence on project-related issues and prepares and updates periodic reports, briefing notes, graphic and statistical summaries, spreadsheets
  • Initiates the distribution of project documents to relevant parties upon approval

Provision Of Administrative Support To GEF Operations

Responsible for maintaining focal area database and undertake database tracking of pipeline and portfolio projects through:

  • Tracking milestones of projects and generating project information/history;
  • Hard archive manager, responsible for electronic filing on a regular basis by managing an efficient filing system, maintain current database of working files and other documents relevant to the portfolio of projects;
  • Coordinates library and archive of focal area documentation and knowledge products periodically;
  • Provides general office assistance; responds to complex information requests and inquiries; reviews, logs and routes incoming correspondence; sets up and maintains files/records;
  • Coordinates routine administrative tasks, such as, assessing telephone billing, recording travel/leave, draft internal and external correspondence on subjects requested, placing international and local telephone calls upon request;
  • Provides professional staff with administrative support (including assistance to new staff).
  • Organizes meetings and workshops, and assists focal area team;
  • Prepares and supports action plans of their proceedings; including logistical arrangements for issuance of tickets, DSA, hotel bookings, meeting room, badges, and hospitality;
  • Prepares slides and transparencies for staff use at workshops; Ensures availability of conference equipment during workshops;
  • Prepares pre-encumbrance for workshop equipment and services;
  • Processes travel arrangements/approvals for focal area staff on mission, prepares the necessary documents for participation in missions, acquires an itinerary, booking of hotels, attains visas necessary for travel, ticketing, circulation of mission reports, ensures travel claims are processed within the acceptable times for onward action, prepares documents for home leave;
  • Provides back up support to other Focal Area programme assistants and outposted Programme Assistants:
  • Briefs out-posted Programme Assistants on Focal Area specific issues providing guidance on project, programand Team management and communication;
  • Supports the preparation or prepares, processes and follows-up on contracts for consultants and commitments;
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
  • Prepares and disseminates formal correspondence drafted by Task Managers.
  • Provision of support for GEF Operations and UNEP Corporate Activities through:
  • Assisting the Sub Programme Coordinator in collecting and analyzing information for business planning;
  • Assisting the Sub Programme Coordinator and Focal Area Teams in collecting and organizing information for GC/GMEF, UNEP SMT, UNEP EO and other UNEP-wide processes, such as joint programming;
  • Assisting Sub Programme Coordinator and Focal Area Teams in collecting, analyzing, preparing and organizing information for GEF related process such as GEFOPs, Focal Area Inter-Agency Task Force sheet.;
  • Keep track of organizational changes and management activities.
  • Responsible for self-learning and training S/M to participate with all mandatory UN, UNEP and training courses.
  • Assists with the collection and analysis of data as well as preparation of data presentations and reports for information sharing, responding to queries, knowledge management, planning and decision making.
  • Assists with visualizations and updating information material such as web pages or brochures.
  • Perform any other duties as may be assigned.


  • Professionalism: Knowledge of computer applications such as MS office application (excel, word and power point), knowledge of database soft ware is a requirement. Background of administrative and financial issues of the UN; – Ability to produce accurate financial computation. The ability to perform analysis, modeling and interpretation of data in support of decision-making. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations; commitment to implementing the goal of gender equality (by ensuring the equal participation and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of work).
  • Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise, is willing to learn from others; Places team agenda before personal agenda; Supports and acts in accordance with final group decisions, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.
  • Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; Asks questions to clarify and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; Tailors language, tone, style and format to match the audience; Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
  • Planning and Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; Identifies priority activities and assignments, adjusts priorities as required; Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; Uses time efficiently.
  • Client Orientation: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients ” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view; Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions; Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems; Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects; Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.


  • Completion of High school diploma or equivalent.

Job – Specific Qualification

  • Technical Diploma or equivalent in management or public/business administration is desirable.

Work Experience

  • At least five (5) years of experience in administration, programme or project administration or related area is required. The minimum years of relevant experience is reduced to 3 for candidates who possess a first-level university degree or higher. Please explain how you meet this criterion using examples.
  • A minimum of three (3) years of experience within the United Nations common system or other international organization is desirable. Please explain how you meet this criterion using examples.
  • Experience working on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems such as Umoja is desirable. Please explain how you meet this criterion using examples.
  • A minimum of one (1) year or more of experience in data analytics or related area is desirable.


  • English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the post advertised, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language is desirable.

Method of Application

Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.

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