Executive Job Positions at Kakamega County

County Government Jobs, Safety and Environmental, Legal, Data Science, Technology,

Director, Alcoholic Drinks Control & Licensing

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121,430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,140p.m
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract, renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Supporting and facilitating the Sub County Alcoholic drinks control and licensing committees in carrying out their functions;
  • Secretary to the County Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Board;
  • Carrying out public education in the County directly or in collaboration with other Public and private bodies and institutions on alcoholic drinks control and licensing;
  • Facilitating citizen’s participation in matters related to Alcoholic drinks control and licensing;
  • Facilitating and promoting in collaboration with other counties and government institutions in establishment of rehabilitation and treatment facilities and programs;
  • Carrying out research directly or in collaboration with other institutions and serve as the repository of death and statistics related to alcoholic drink control;
  • Developing in collaboration with other counties and national government department’s strategies and plans for implementation of the alcoholic drinks control and licensing Act.
  • Advising the Chief Officer on the Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Act, County Policy laws to be adopted in regard to the production, manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks;
  • In collaboration with other relevant County departments, prepare and submit an Alcoholic Drinks status reports bi-annually;
  • Recommend to the Chief Officer and participate in the formulation of laws and regulations related to alcoholic drinks;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Sub County Committees and advising the Executive Member on the necessary measures to be adopted.
  • Carry out such other roles necessary for the Implementation of the objects and purpose of the County Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Act 2014; and
  • Perform such other functions as may from time to time assigned by the County Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Board or the Chief Officer.

Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director, Liquor and Licensing, Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Be a holder of Bachelor’s degree in Education, Law, Guidance and Counseling, Anthropology, Sociology or any related field from a recognized university;
  • Master’s degree in Education, Law, Guidance and Counseling, Anthropology, Sociology or any other relevant from a recognized university; and
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution.

Director, Disaster and Risk Management

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121,430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,140p.m
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and responsibilities

  • Planning responses to emergencies and disasters in order to minimize risk of people and property;
  • Planning and directing disaster responses or crisis management activities;
  • Providing disaster preparedness training and emergency plans and procedures for natural disaster, fires, droughts, wartime etc.;
  • Organize emergency response training programmes for staff, volunteer and first responders;
  • Review emergency plans of individual departments such as medical facilities to ensure their adequacy;
  • Liaise with the National government agencies and civil society organizations for technical Assistance;
  • Identify capacity building needs in the areas of peace and reconciliation;
  • Coordinate with relevant national government ministries, other counties, civil society, private sector, local communities and international development partners to enhance intervention;
  • Monitor and Evaluate risk reduction programmes
  • Reviewing, designing and implementing targeted policies and programmes to strengthen local platforms for trauma healing and reconciliation and conduct Monitoring and Evaluation;
  • Prepare and submit monthly, quarterly and annual reports to the Chief Officer, County Administration; and
  • Engage and mobilize elders, reformed warriors and retired civil servants in inter boarder peace initiatives.

Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director, Job group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Bachelor’s degree in peace and conflict resolution, Disaster and safety management, Security and strategic studies, disaster management and international diplomacy, Disaster mitigation and sustainable development, Disaster preparedness and Engineering management or any other equivalent from a recognized institution;
  • Master’s degree in peace and conflict resolution, disaster and safety management, security and strategic studies, disaster management and international diplomacy Disaster mitigation and sustainable development, disaster preparedness and engineering management or in any relevant field; and
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution

Director, Public Participation & Civic Education

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121,430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,140p.m
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Coordinating public participation activities of the County;
  • Mobilizing and organizing the public, stakeholders and local communities to participate in county governance and decision-making processes;
  • Sensitizing the public on county structures, policies or guidelines affecting the rights and responsibilities of the public officers and opportunities for Public Participation;
  • Establishing linkages with Local and International institutions, associations and organizations whose objectives are to promote public participation within the county;
  • Collaborate with relevant institutions in the County to promote access to information and civic education programmes;
  • Establishing an appropriate feedback mechanism to the public;
  • Maintaining a depository of all information, correspondence and documentation on public participation and citizen petition; and
  • Assessing the public responsiveness to public participation and making recommendation to the County Executive Committee Member; and
  • Advising the Chief Officer on the appropriate policies, plans and strategies for enhancing public participation and civic education in the county.

Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must;

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director, Job group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Degree in Education, Political Science, Public Administration, Communication, Law or its equivalent from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • Master’s degree in Education, Political Science, Public Administration, Communication, Law or its equivalent from a university recognized in Kenya; and
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution.

Director, Information Communication and Technology

IMPORTANT: Write a Perfect Cover Letter in minutes and start getting interviews! Get expert advice as you write.) Use These Examples Proven to Work.

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121,430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,140p.m
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Development and management of Information Technology policies and programmes within the Public Service;
  • Drawing up IT plans for implementation;
  • Coordinating of all Information Technology programmes in the public service;
  • Overseeing the preparation and utilization of the department’s budget;
  • Developing the strategic plan, annual work plan and procurement plan for the Directorate;
  • Capacity building other department staff on basic ICT skills;
  • Managing the county website and email system;
  • Designing and maintain the county network infrastructure and internet services; and
  • Designing and developing of county information systems.

Requirements for Appointment

  • Served in the grade of Senior Assistant Director of Information Communication Technology, Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ for a minimum period of three (3) years or a comparable and relevant position in the Public or private sector;
  • Degree in Computer Science or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Master’s degree in Computer Science or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution; and
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution.

Director, Housing

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121,430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,140p.m
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Formulating of housing policies and planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of housing programmes and advising Government on housing matters;
  • Coordinating of enactment and review of legislations relating to housing and human settlements;
  • Overseeing the activities of the national secretariat for human settlements; promotion of appropriate building materials and construction technologies;
  • Liaising with stakeholders on housing and human settlement matters;
  • Overseeing research and dissemination of findings to stakeholders;
  • Coordinating establishment of land banks for housing development and promoting of participatory approaches and capacity building in the housing development process; and
  • Other duties will entail management of financial, human and other resources in the department of housing.

Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  • Served in the grade of Senior Assistant Director of Housing, Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ for a minimum period of three (3) years or a comparable and relevant position in the Public or private sector;
  • Been registered by any of the following bodies: Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors, Engineers Registration Board, Institution of Surveyors of Kenya, Physical Planners Registration Board, Valuers Registration Board, National Environmental Management Authority Board and any other relevant and recognized professional body;
  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Valuation, Property Management, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Civil/ Electrical/Mechanical Engineering, Land Economics, Real Estate and Land Administration, Building Economics, Urban/Regional Planning, Construction Management, Economics, Estate Management, Sociology, Community Development, Statistics, Environmental Studies, Geography or equivalent qualification from a recognized University;
  • Master’s degree in any of the following: Housing Administration, Urban Management, Urban/Regional Planning, Valuation and Property Management, Architecture, Interior Design, Civil/Electrical/Mechanical/Structural Engineering, Land Economics, Building Economics, Estate Management, Building/Construction/Project Management, Economics, Sociology, Environmental Studies, Community Development, Business Administration or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution; and
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6)
  • weeks from a recognized institution.

Director, Industrialization and Research

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121,430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,140p.m
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Providing linkages to finance, markets, resource efficiency and cleaner production technology suppliers, Research and Development findings, quality assurance, and intellectual property protection;
  • Creating linkage for subcontracting among MSI and Medium and Large Industries;
  • Identifying potential investors in specific industrial sectors in the County;
  • Disseminating industrial information to stakeholders;
  • Identifying and Documenting indigenous technologies and entrepreneurs;
  • Undertaking monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of Industrial projects/ programmes;
  • Undertaking benchmarking surveys and supporting the rehabilitation of industries through identifying, promoting and creating awareness on market opportunities for county products;
  • Creating awareness on counterfeit goods in liaison with Anti-Counterfeit Agency (ACA), and
  • Preparing industrial performance reports to enhance productivity.

Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  • Served in the grade of Senior Deputy Director Industries, Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ for a minimum period of three (3) years or in any comparable and relevant position in the Public Service or Public Sector;
  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field in any of the following: Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Civil Structural, Industrial, Electronics), Architecture, Building, Economics, Land Economics, Food Science and Technology, Biochemistry, Geology, Statistics, Commerce, Business Administration, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • A Master’s Degree or Post graduate diploma in any of the following: Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Civil Structural, Industrial, Electronics), Architecture, Building, Economics, Land Economics, Food Science and Technology, Biochemistry, Geology, Statistics, Commerce, Business Administration, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or any other field related to industrial development from a relevant field recognized in Kenya; and
  • A certificate in any of the following fields: project Planning, Project Appraisal, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Entrepreneurship, Public Policy Analysis, Small, Enterprises Policy and Promotion, Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing, Environmental
  • Management or Business Development Services from an recognized institution recognized in Kenya

Director, Weights and Measures

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121,430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,140p.m
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Advising on issues relating to Weights and Measures Act Cap 513, Trade Description Act Cap 505 and all subsidiary legislation;
  • Coordinating of verification of weighing and measuring equipment activities in office and field;
  • Supervising sampling of pre-packaging of goods for control and manufacture of weighing and measuring equipment;
  • Ensuring comparison of working standards against Secondary Reference Standards and calibration of testing equipment, standards and equipment used by manufacturers and repairers;
  • Overseeing installation of underground storage tanks and fuel dispensers for sale of petroleum products and related products in liaison with relevant institutions;
  • licensing and monitoring performance of Weights and Measures;
  • Conducting inspection and investigation on mis-descriptions of goods, services, facilities and on the use of weighing and measuring equipment for trade; and
  • Coordinating on-job training for in-service trainees, mentoring, guiding and counseling of staff.

Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  • Served in the grade of Senior Assistant Director of Weights and Measures, Job Group CPSB 04/ ‘Q’ for a minimum period of three (3) years or in any comparable and relevant position in the Public Service or Public Sector.
  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Law, Legal Metrology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Information Communication Technology, Instrumentation, Engineering (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics), Micro-processors or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
  • Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Instrumentation, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Law, Engineering (Mechanical/ Electrical/Electronics), Micro-processors, Business Administration or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
  • Holder of Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Metrology or Advanced Certificate offered by the Institute of Trade Standards Administration (Kenya);
  • Certificate of membership of the Institute of Trade Standards Administration (Kenya)
  • Must be an appointed inspector of Weights and Measures, under section 54 of The Weights and measures Act Cap 513; and
  • Certificate in computer applications from a recognized institution

Senior Principal Superintending Engineer (Irrigation)

Basic Salary: Kshs. 121, 430 x 6,070- 127,500 x 6,370- 133,870 x 6,570- 140,440 x 6,770- 147,210 x
6,960- 154,170 x 7,160- 161,330 x 7,810 – 169,330×7, 810-169,140p.m)
Terms of Service:

  • Three (3) year contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Formulating policies, standards, programmes and projects for irrigation development;
  • Develop and maintain an irrigation database and integrate systematic monitoring and evaluation;
  • Set up measures to implement adaptation and mitigation to climate change and enhance sustainable environment management;
  • Provide capacity building for farmers and support establishment of viable farmer organizations.
  • Promoting research development, technology and innovation in irrigation sector;
  • Coordinating the planning, designing, construction, operating and maintenance of irrigation systems;
  • Liaising with development partners and other relevant stakeholder in irrigation development;
  • Supervising the monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects;
  • Coordinating the implementation of departmental strategic plan; and
  • Ensuring development and review of annual works plans and budgets, coordinating departmental performance contract and managing and developing staff.

Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  • Served in the grade of Principal Superintending Engineer (Irrigation), Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ for a minimum period of three (3) years or comparable in public or private sector
  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: – Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering, soil water and Environmental engineering, Environmental and Bio-systems Engineering, Biomechanical and processing Engineering or soil and water Engineering from a recognized institution;
  • Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Systems, Land and Water Engineering, Soil and Water Engineering, Environmental Engineering from a recognized institution;
  • Been registered as an Engineer with Engineers Registration Board (ERB) or institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK);
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution; and
  • Certificate in computer applications from a recognized institution.

Method of Application


  • All the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the on -line form.
  • ALL Serving Officers in the County Public Service, MUST clearly indicate on the online form:
    • The Officer’s Payroll Number;
    • Date of first appointment;
    • Date of last promotion to the current grade; and
    • Substantive designation and Job Group.
  • During interviews, shortlisted candidates will be required to produce the following original documents: – National Identity Card; Academic and Professional Certificates; current payslip and letter of appointment/promotion to the current grade.
  • Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
  • The County Government of Kakamega is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates and Persons with disabilities (PwDs) are encouraged to apply.
  • Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.

All applicants should click on the Job Offers Option on the County Website www.kakamega.go.ke, fill the Application Form and submit it ONLINE on or before 9th August, 2023 at 11.59 P.M.
N/B: No hard copies or emailed applications to the Board’s official email i.e. cpsb@kakamega.go.ke will be accepted.
Applicants are advised to provide accurate information when making applications, those who give false information regarding their credentials and qualifications will be automatically disqualified.

  • Kakamega County Public Service Board (KCPSB) DOES NOT use Agents nor charge ANY FEE at any stage of the recruitment and selection process.
  • Our official communication channels are; email address cpsb@kakamega.go.ke and Phone Number 0745888999 ONLY. 

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