Internship Opportunities at RTI International

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Internship, Volunteering  , Media, Advertising, Branding,

Communications Internship


  • The RTI University Collaboration Office seeks a prospect for the Communications Internship within the International Development Group (IDG).
  • The USAID Western Kenya Sanitation Project (WKSP) is a five (5) year project which will be implemented in Busia, Bungoma, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kisii, Kisumu, Migori, and Siaya counties. The overall goal of the project is to create a financially sustainable, transformative, replicable, and locally owned sanitation marketplace in the target counties of western Kenya. The objectives to achieve this goal are (1) increased access to and uptake of market-based improved sanitation and fecal sludge management (FSM) products and services; and (2) increased access to and uptake of market-based improved MHM products and services at the household level.
  • The goal of the assignment is to support the implementation of the USAID WKSP Communication Strategy. Reporting to the Communications Director, the intern will support activities that:
  • Elevate the profile of USAID WKSP by promoting the project and sustaining dialogue about its developments and progress
  • Harness learning outcomes from the project’s learning agenda by supporting communication opportunities that foster engagement and buy-in from key audiences and stakeholders
  • Facilitate interactive processes with communities to develop tailored messaging and approaches that enable and encourage positive behaviours and promote individual, community, and societal behaviour change.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to elevate the profile of a project (in this case USAID WKSP) as a credible partner by curating and disseminating knowledge artifacts on marketplace sanitation and menstrual hygiene management
  • Learn how to use tailored messages and use media channels to facilitate interactive processes with communities to develop positive behaviors; promote and sustain individual, community and societal behavior change on menstrual hygiene management.


  • Support the implementation of the USAID WKSP communication and Social Behavior Change Communication Strategies.
  • Provide communications and visibility support to programs and internal teams on events planning and management, with interest to global events supported USAID WKSP
  • Draft and edit USAID WKSP communications pieces, not limited to press releases, impact stories, publications, social media posts, among others
  • Assist in maintaining media contacts and engagement, as well as track mainstream and social media exposure of USAID WKSP and partners, v. Support in expanding and updating photo and video databases
  • Support the preparation of presentations and reports
  • Perform any other duties assigned.
  • The Communications Intern is expected to deliver the following:
    • Branded items that meet the USAID WKSP standards
    • Write-ups for weekly e-brief (bulletin), iii. Social media information pack for each activity
    • Data base of photos and videos
    • Media coverage report for global and national events and campaigns
    • Reports of events undertaken by the communications department.

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RTI’s Internship Program emphasizes experiential and mentored learning experiences, providing students and recent degree recipients an opportunity to apply their academic knowledge and skills in a meaningful and practical way. We are committed to developing the future workforce by encouraging interns to explore various career paths in a nonprofit research institute setting that values diversity and inclusion. Through this program, interns will be exposed to RTI’s open and educational culture; support RTI’s mission to improve the human condition; and build upon their career goals. 

Additional Information

  • This academic credit (with a stipend) internship can hybrid or fully in-person. Internship will take place from June 2023 through August 2023. Pending completion of onboarding compliance, start date may change.  The internship requires a minimum commitment of 20 hours per week. Hours are flexible during business hours, Monday through Friday.


Required Qualifications

  • Must be a local resident of Kisumu, Kenya
  • Senior undergraduate student pursuing a degree in journalism, media, communications, or other related field.
  • Must be eligible to receive academic course credit or fulfill an academic program requirement. Please provide document in with application confirming eligibility.
  • Able to travel across the project target counties
  • Strong interest in the following:
  • Writing and editing beneficiary stories
  • Social media management
  • Events planning and management
  • Photography and videography

Supply Chain Internship


  • The RTI University Collaboration Office seeks a prospect for the Supply Chain Internship within the International Development Group (IDG).
  • The USAID Western Kenya Sanitation Project (WKSP) is a five (5) year project which will be implemented in Busia, Bungoma, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kisii, Kisumu, Migori, and Siaya counties. The overall goal of the project is to create a financially sustainable, transformative, replicable, and locally owned sanitation marketplace in the target counties of western Kenya. The objectives to achieve this goal are (1) increased access to and uptake of market-based improved sanitation and fecal sludge management (FSM) products and services; and (2) increased access to and uptake of market-based improved MHM products and services at the household level.
  • The goal of the assignment is to support the implementation of the USAID WKSP Supply Chain activities. EXPECTED DELIVERABLES:
    • Identification and enrollment of at least 3 enterprises per county.
    • Database of entrepreneurs and enterprises engaged by WKSP.
    • Weekly reports on performance of enterprises in relation to stock and sales.
    • Capacity assessment report for enterprises.
    • Capacity building plan for enterprises.
    • Capacity building report for enterprises.

Learning Objectives:

  • To learn about different actors in sanitation and MHM supply chain and their role in facilitating access to products and services.
  • To learn about organization capacity assessment approaches and capacity building interventions suitable for different actors in the supply chain.
  • To develop skills in documentation of emerging, promising, and best practices in sanitation and MHM products and services supply chain.
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  • Develop and maintain data base of enterprises and entrepreneurs engaged by WKSP.
  • With support from the supply chain manager, follow up on enterprises performance with regards to stocks and sales.
  • Participate in mentorship and coaching sessions for Sanitation and MHM Enterprises.
  • Develop monthly workplans, weekly and monthly reports as part of project documentation and reporting.
  • Provide day-to-day support of specific supply chain activities, ensuring work is completed against the scope, timelines, and budget.

RTI’s Internship Program emphasizes experiential and mentored learning experiences, providing students and recent degree recipients an opportunity to apply their academic knowledge and skills in a meaningful and practical way. We are committed to developing the future workforce by encouraging interns to explore various career paths in a nonprofit research institute setting that values diversity and inclusion. Through this program, interns will be exposed to RTI’s open and educational culture; support RTI’s mission to improve the human condition; and build upon their career goals. 

Additional Information

  • This academic credit (with a stipend) internship can hybrid or fully in-person. Internship will take place from June 2023 through August 2023. Pending completion of onboarding compliance, start date may change. The internship requires a minimum commitment of 20 hours per week. Hours are flexible during business hours, Monday through Friday.


Required Qualifications

  • Must be a local resident of Kisumu, Kenya
  • Senior undergraduate student pursuing a degree in management, business administration, economics or finance or a related field
  • Must be eligible to receive academic course credit or fulfill an academic program requirement. Please provide document in with application confirming eligibility.
  • Able to travel across the project target counties.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent analytical skills, as well as the ability to express facts and ideas in a clear, convincing, and organized manner and good writing skills.
  • Highly organized and able to set priorities and handle multiple competing time and resource demands.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office products.

Preferred Qualifications

  • It is expected that the team members must be able to work in a fast-paced, results-driven environment – with one team – one project concept.
  • The ideal candidate should be highly motivated, entrepreneurial, resourceful, flexible, independent, and energetic with excellent communications skills, cultural sensitivity and has demonstrated experience supporting technical assistance projects.

Urban Sanitation Internship


  • The RTI University Collaboration Office seeks a prospect for the Urban Sanitation Internship within the International Development Group (IDG).
  • The USAID Western Kenya Sanitation Project (WKSP) is a five (5) year project which will be implemented in Busia, Bungoma, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kisii, Kisumu, Migori, and Siaya counties. The overall goal of the project is to create a financially sustainable, transformative, replicable, and locally owned sanitation marketplace in the target counties of western Kenya. The objectives to achieve this goal are (1) increased access to and uptake of market-based improved sanitation and fecal sludge management (FSM) products and services; and (2) increased access to and uptake of market-based improved MHM products and services at the household level.
  • The project is seeking to recruit an Urban Sanitation Intern on short term contract to support Urban Sanitation activities in the project counties. DELIVERABLES:
    •  Verified data on FSM and Sewer connections as a result of WKSP influence.
    • Activity reports for all urban sanitation activities facilitated/supported.
    • MPE Groups supported with business development services.
    • Demand creation activities and marketing follow ups for FSM and sewer connections.

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain skills on stakeholder co-ordination in sanitation service delivery.
  • To gain knowledge on sanitation project implementation, monitoring and documentation.
  • To provide an opportunity to apply data collection and management skills to inform project interventions.


  • Support data collection on Fecal Sludge Management and sewer connection from Manual Pit Emptiers and WSSPs respectively in Kisumu Cluster, upload monitoring data on WKSP reporting portal on a weekly basis.
  • Support Business development mentorship and coaching of the Manual Pit Emptiers
  • Support marketing activities for Fecal sludge management and sewer connections in Kisumu Cluster
  • Support Urban sanitation and Business Development Manager in preparation of training materials related to urban sanitation.
  • Participate in county stakeholder forums and engagement processes to support knowledge exchange, coordination and learning, and documentation of the same.
  • Provide day-to-day support of specific county Urban Sanitation project activities, ensuring work is completed against the scope, timelines, and budget.
  • Support any other duty as informed by the supervisor or WKSP leadership team. 

RTI’s Internship Program emphasizes experiential and mentored learning experiences, providing students and recent degree recipients an opportunity to apply their academic knowledge and skills in a meaningful and practical way. We are committed to developing the future workforce by encouraging interns to explore various career paths in a nonprofit research institute setting that values diversity and inclusion. Through this program, interns will be exposed to RTI’s open and educational culture; support RTI’s mission to improve the human condition; and build upon their career goals. 

Additional Information

  • This academic credit (with a stipend) internship can hybrid or fully in-person. Internship will take place from June 2023 through August 2023. Pending completion of onboarding compliance, start date may change.  The internship requires a minimum commitment of 20 hours per week. Hours are flexible during business hours, Monday through Friday.


Required Qualifications

  • Must be a local resident of Kisumu, Kenya
  • Senior undergraduate student pursuing a degree in public health, environmental Health, social science, or other relevant field.
  • Must be eligible to receive academic course credit or fulfill an academic program requirement. Please provide document in with application confirming eligibility.
  • Able to travel across the project target counties
  • Strong interpersonal skills working with cross cultural and multi diverse teams.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills. –
  • Excellent analytical skills, as well as the ability to express facts and ideas in a clear, convincing, and organized manner and good writing skills.
  • Highly organized and able to set priorities and handle multiple competing time and resource demands.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office products.

Preferred Qualifications

  • The ideal candidate should be highly motivated, entrepreneurial, resourceful, flexible, independent, and energetic student with excellent communications skills, cultural sensitivity, and a passion for supporting technical assistance projects.

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