Ongoing Recruitment UN Jobs 2025
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Medical jobs, Healthcarejobs, Nursing jobs, Project Management jobs, Psychology jobs,
Main Purpose
- Provide obstetrical care to pregnant women and their babies, doing follow up before, during and after delivery, according to MSF obstetrical and reproductive health protocols, universal hygienic and newborn caring standards and under supervision of a specialist doctor, in order to ensure their health conditions and avoid post-delivery complications.
- Ensuring the implementation and continuity of antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, obstetrical care (BEmONC 1 and CEmONC 2), neonatal and comprehensive abortion care, management of victims of sexual violence, reproductive tract infections and Fistula care in accordance with MSF Reproductive Core Package of Activities and reinforce the implementation of standardized protocols.
- Where PMTCT is implemented, ensuring implementation of the PMTCT protocol in the ANC/delivery and PNC consultations (pre counseling, test and post counseling
- Collaborating with the medical doctor and nurse in the management of Sexual Violence cases
- Assessing the feasibility for referral of pregnant women form the TBAs to the OPD/MCH for medical evaluation and/or complicated deliveries.
- Ensuring hygiene and sterilization criteria (including universal precautions) are met according to MSF specifications.
- Performing cleaning and minor maintenance for biomedical equipment used.Following the user manual and protocols and alert supervisor in case of malfunctioning
- Guaranteeing a regular and ongoing supply of drugs and equipment required for maternity activities (including monitoring/consumption control/ordering of orders.
- Properly following up all newborn babies from delivery until discharge, informing mothers and relatives about importance of breast feeding, vaccination and possible complications resulting from harmful traditional practices.
- Ensuring patients’ right to privacy and confidentiality is respected
- Supervising that administrative procedures of admissions and hospitalizations comply with MSF protocols , as well as verify patients are properly informed and receive the documents required (birth certificate, vaccination card, etc
- Participatingin the organisation of the ward in collaboration with other midwifes and the maternity ward supervisor. Ensure transfer of relevant information to the next shift team (specially identifying risk cases)
- According to MSF protocols in force, conduct normal deliveries independently Manage obstetric emergencies; identify cases needing referral and send them in time, clean up the newborn, executing and registering first neo-natal medical acts (cutting and cleaning the umbilical cord, vaccination, etc.), detecting possible anomalies/infections of the newborn and reporting them to the doctor, in order to ensure successful interventionsSupervises the use of drugs, facilities and obstetric material, in order to ensure, in accordance with number of patients and prescriptions, a rational use as well as pharmacy stock levels are permanently updated, kept under appropriate conditions and above minimum safety point. 1 BEmONC = basic emergency obstetric and neonatal care = Administration of antibiotics, oxytocics, anticonvulsants, manual removal of the placenta, removal of retained products following abortion, assisted vaginal delivery, preferably with vacuum extractor and newborn care including neonatal resuscitation. 2 CEmONC = comprehensive obstetric and neonatal care = the full package of BEmONC Plus; surgery (caesarean section, hysterectomy, laparatomy), safe blood transfusion and care to sick and low birth weight newborns
MSF Section/Context-Specific Accountabilities
- Compensate (or make sure that someone can compensate in the right way) patient lack of autonomy especially regarding feeding, personal hygiene, movements and their comfort.
- Leads sensitization activities and health talks
- Carry out when necessary a therapeutic education of the patient (and family) using a patient based approach
- Ensure that routine laboratory tests are performed, interprete the results and adapt the approach if necessary
- Participate actively in the monitoring and the reporting of medical activities (correctly fill in patient files, forms, statistics, HIS reports) and propose analysis of these statistics.
- Identify high risk client antenatal and postnatal and refer them to high risk clinic or maternity for management and monitoring. Educate, inform and book high risk client for review at high risk clinic on discharge from Maternity ward
- On discharge, educate patients; advise mothers on useful topics for their home return; breastfeeding, emergency signs of post-partum complications, family planning (importance of child spacing)
- Ensure the patient’s correct understanding of possible treatment
- Verify that the patient has received the documents: birth certificate, vaccination card, etc
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- Essential Diploma in Kenya registered community health Nursing (KRCHN). Desired Bachelor in Nursing.
- Essential working experience of at least two years in midwife activities related jobs. Experience with other NGOs and/or MSF is an asset
- Essential, mission language; local working language would be an asset.
- Teamwork
- Flexibility
- Commitment
- Service
Main Purpose
- Knowing, promoting, implementing and following up the universal hygiene standards/ precautions, bio-hazard prevention and infection control, security rules and other protocols and procedures in the medical premises and ensuring high standards of hygiene of his/her working environment. Respecting medical secrets and confidentiality at all times.
- Organizing and carrying out care and treatments according to medical prescriptions, and assisting during consultations, daily rounds and other medical procedures. Participating in health education of the patient (and family) when necessary.
- Identifying Sexually Gender Based Violence victims and referring them to the medical team so they can receive the necessary treatment. Knowing and is aware of the importance and appropriate use of the Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Kit
- Ensuring patients are properly received and installed and that those with lack of autonomy are assisted, especially regarding their feeding, personal hygiene, movements and comfort. For ER and OPD nurse, ensuring triage of patients in waiting areas, wards or during emergencies, detecting the priority acute/emergency cases, carrying out first aid care and referring them to the doctor when necessary
- Sending material to be sterilized and recuperates it from sterilization
- Carrying out admission, surveillance and follow-up of patients (i.e. assessment of the evolution of their state of health and the identification of any emergency situation or deterioration
- Carrying and supervising administrative procedures and documents (fill in patient’s files, forms, consumptions, statistics, registers, health files, etc.), ensuring an appropriate written/oral handover, and reporting any problematic situations and cases that may arise. Participating in data collection and keeping doctors/supervisors informed.
- Participating in the department-related pharmacy and medical equipment control and maintenance (quality and its functioning, storage conditions, follow-up of expired drugs inventories, stock takes of medicines and material at every team changeover ensuring no material is taken out of nursing area/wards without prior authorization, etc.)
- Perform cleaning and minor maintenance for biomedical equipment used. Following the user manual and protocols and alert the supervisor in case of malfunctioning.
- Supervising and training nurse-aids, nutritional assistants, cleaners and other related staff under his/her supervision, ensuring teamwork and adherence to all appropriate protocols and procedures
MSF Section/Context-Specific Accountabilities
- Participate in the hospital platforms, departmental meetings, and quality control activities like death audits, case reviews, prescription audits etc.
- Ensure the registration of day-to-day consumption according as per procedure in place including proper cold chain management and maintenance in the department.
- EPREP team member: Assist in response to emergencies within the project or as required.
- Perform any other duties assigned by the supervisor.
- Essential recognized nurse degree/ certificate or diploma with nursing license.
- Essential 1 year of working experience post completion of education.
- Previous experience in other NGO’s is desirable
- Proficiency in English and Kiswahili. The Somali language is desirable
- Results, teamwork, flexibility, commitment, service
Deadline for submission of application: 17th October 2023
Mental Health Supervisor
Main Purpose
- Participate in the planning, supervision and coordination of mental health / pycho-social related services in the programme in accordance with MSF standards in order to provide the most appropriate mental health support for patients.
- Participate in the planning, organization and coordination of Mental Health activities, in close collaboration with the Mental Health activity manager and other medical team members, in order to ensure an efficient and effective implementation of the resources needed while maintaining high levels of quality in Mental Health MSF programs and activities.
- Coordinates activities of counselling services with other relevant actors and liaises with the local counterparts (like MoH, WHO, ICRC and NGO) on mental health matters, including referral services.
- Supervise the daily mental health activities and patient support according to MSF protocols and standards in order to provide the most appropriate support for clients with psycho social needs
- Liaise with the other MSF team members of the project.
- Supervise, in close coordination with the HR department, the associated processes (recruitment, training/induction, evaluation, potential detection, development and communication) of the staff under his/her responsibility in order to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required
- Oversee the administrative processes associated with psychosocial functioning.
- When needed, give psychological support to patients according to MSF protocols to improve mental health conditions of patients and enhance their functionality
- Compile the data and statistic linked with MH activities and report to the MH activity manager
- Offer clinical counselling supervision to mental health counsellors in collaboration with the Mental Health Activity Manager.
- Ensure the patient’s related information is kept confidential
MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities
- Ensure updated protocol and tools are used. Drugs are prescribed according to the standard list. Admission and discharge criteria for the MH patients are respected.
- Client files registration books maintenance: Compile and analyze data linked to MH activities and report to the Hospital Director
- Ensure patient education is provided at the waiting are of mental health clinic as well as individually coordinate the defaulter tracing health education with the outreach supervisor.
- Train team under your supervision, and ensure/ follow up the implementation of knowledge training.
- Liaise with key staffs and team members in the project, in order to ensure an efficient and effective implementation of the resources needed, while maintaining high levels of quality in MH program and activities.
- Offer clinical supervision to MH officer, psychosocial counselor and MH auxiliary nurses in collaboration with the Hospital Director.
- Organize weekly departmental weekly meetings and document the recommendation /decision/ and the formulate action points in order to follow up.
- Upon request in the emergency set up coordinate or directly participate in the stabilization of unstable psychiatric patients in the clinical setting (ER or wards)
- Emergency preparedness team member: attend to any mass emergency in the project area. The role of the supervisor and other mental health officers is as indicated in the project Mass Casualty Plan.
- Use and enforce the use of appropriate PPE’s provided by the facility while in the clinical setting and also when attending to patients.
- Perform any other duty assigned by direct supervisor.
- Essential Degree in psychology or mental health related field.
- Mental health and psychosocial-related experience of at least 2 years is essential.
- Supervisory skills are desirable.
- NGO experience is desirable
- Essential proficiency in English and Kiswahili. Somali language is desirable.
- People Management.
- Commitment.
- Flexibility.
- Results.
- Teamwork
Deadline for submission of application: 18th October 2023
Learning Manager for the Operations Department
The main objective of the Learning Manager for the Operations Department is to ensure the definition of effective learning solutions that respond to the operational needs of OCBA. This translate in these main areas:
- Effective learning paths for Field Coordinators and Heads of Mission
- Effective learning solutions regarding operational areas like Security Management, Emergencies, Humanitarian Affairs, and People Centred Approach
This position is at the crossroads of many partners with responsibilities in the area of L&D, and therefore will require close collaboration and alignment with all of them: the Operations Department, prioritizing learning needs, expressing needs (especially for LHS, but also for IMS) and providing some of the solutions; the Learning Unit and Tembo, providing learning expertise and coordination of learning offer; Pool Management, in charge of the deployment and development of IMS, therefore expressing needs; and the other departments involved in operations, especially the Medical, Logistics and HR departments. The OLM will need to collaborate with representatives of all these areas.
He/she will be hierarchically accountable to the Deputy Director of the Operations Department.
The Learning Manager for the Operations Department will be responsible for:
- Identify, analyse and prioritize the main learning needs regarding staff (FCs and HoMs), operational areas (security, emergency, people-centred approach, humanitarian affairs), missions, and Operations department.
- This may include to design a performance analysis, whenever necessary, in order to identify the main drivers of low performance, and eventually the gaps that can be covered with learning solutions
- Design the most adequate learning solution, taking into consideration target population (size, characteristics, delivery possibilities, access to internet and devices,…), tasks to be learned (complexity, amount, moment in the learning path, connection with other learning solutions,…), and existing learning solutions (in order not to re-invent the wheel, what is already there in OCBA, in MSF and outside; and also to inspire new solutions if needed)
- • This includes the update of existing learning solutions, especially regarding: new contents and/or priorities and better or innovative methodologies (eg. Virtual reality, etc.)
- This may include the development of learning strategies to respond to organizational, department or mission assessments. It could be for positions (e.g. FC&HoM Learning Path), operational areas, missions or for the Operations department.
- Ensure a link with knowledge management, through the Operations Knowledge Management Manager, so learning solutions are up-to-date (e.g. links to job aids), they don’t limit to formal training actions (e.g. consider Communities of practice), and a clear link is established with what will be their job.
- Development of the designed learning solutions. This may include:
- ensuring contents are aligned with the priorities and guidelines of the Operations department and other guidelines and protocols.
- organize the required translations to French, Arabic and/or Spanish.
- In case as Subject Matter Expert (SME) is required for the analysis, design and development of the learning solutions, organize the convenient recruitment and selection process with the pool managers and the recruitment unit, and do the required administrative procedures to hire the SME.
- Implementation of the learning solutions, in coordination with the Learning Unit (LU) for international trainings. This may include:
Annual Plan:
Present a proposal to DepDirOps about:
- number of editions of specific trainings (ERT, FC-PMR, etc), languages, dates, seats for OCBA and for other OCs
- new learning needs detected that requires developing a project in order to analyse them, and then deserve allocation of budget in case new learning solutions may need to be developed
- number of seats for trainings from other OCs (PSP, ICHA, Management/Leadership,…) and also external to MSF.
- Present the proposal to LU and adjust dates and budget.
- Final approval is by DepDirOps
Get and coordinate the required facilitators:
- Select them with the pool managers
- Do the required administrative procedures to hire them
Ensure the selection of participants is adequate to the learning solution and contributes to the organization’s objectives
Coordinate with the LU in the organizational log/admin arrangements (i.e.. Training venue, administration support, equipment and materials, etc.)
Ensure the learning solutions include evaluations that assess if participants have really learned, and thus can be certified
Implementation of the learning solutions for missions. This may include:
- Analyse with mission about what learning solution best fit their needs, and agree about possible dates
- Select the facilitators with the pool managers, the required administrative procedures to hire them, and coordinate them
- Support the mission in the selection of participants
- Support the mission in the selection of the training venue, and ensure all the log/admin arrangements are ready (ie. Training venue, administration support, equipment and materials, etc.)
- Ensure the learning solutions include evaluations that assess if participants have really learned, and thus can be certified
Evaluation of the learning solutions. This may include:
- Proposal and assignation of the required resources: time, budget, team, quality. For new learning solutions, it will require a project document. As team, normally there will always be at least a SME and an Instructional Designer (ID); often, external suppliers are involved, and sometimes, content owners may also need to be included.
- Project management to ensure success as agreed in the project document or by the DepDirOps, in terms of quality, time, budget and team.
Be the focal point of the Operations Department in all aspects regarding learning.
- Contribute to a better understanding of the barriers faced by our staff regarding learning (access, motivation,…) and potential solutions, and contribute to socialising lessons learned, best practices and innovations regarding learning.
- MSF experience as a Field Coordinator is essential and experience working as a Head of Mission is desirable.
- Proven project management experience.
- Analytical skills to assess learning needs.
- Experience in the implementation of learning solutions.
- Knowledge of learning principles and their application at program conception, design, and development is desirable.
- Knowledge of Agile project management methodologies.
- Knowledge of human-centered design methodologies (design thinking, user research, prototyping) and co-creation and participatory processes (solution & delivery design, etc.) is desirable.
- Ability to combine a creative mindset with strategic thinking.
- Working proficiency in English is required, and French is a big asset. Arabic and Spanish will be appreciated
Closing date: October 22th, 2023, 23:59 CET (Central European Time).