Latest Job Vacancies at Kenya Bureau of Standards

KEBS jobs, Finance jobs, Accounting jobs, Audit jobs, Law & Legal jobs, Research jobs,

Chief Manager Finance

Reporting Relationships

Direct Reports

  • Manager, Management Accounts,
  • Manager, Financial reporting,
  • Manager, Levy Inspection,
  • Assistant Manager, Payroll.

Indirect Reports

  • Assistant Manager Financial Accounting.
  • Assistant Manager Receivables.
  • Assistant manager Payables
  • Assistant Manager Levy
  • Assistant Manager Management Accounts
  • Assistant Manager-Finance Coast Region
  • Regional Accountants (North Rift region, South Rift region, Mt. Kenya region, Northeastern region, Lake Region)

Job Purpose

Provides strategic leadership in finance and accounting services through the development, implementation, monitoring, maintenance, and review of finance policies, strategies, and procedures to improve the financial health of the organization; and oversees the collection of Standards Levy in compliance with the provisions of the Standards Levy Order for the purposes of facilitating and supporting KEBS mandate on Standards, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA) with an annual budget of KES 6 Billion. This is to promote local, regional, and international trade and ease of doing business while safeguarding consumer health and safety, protection of environment in line with Articles 42, 43(a, b, c & d), 46 (a, b & c) of the Constitution of Kenya and the Standards Act (Cap 496 Laws of Kenya); and entrenchment of a culture of quality for the realization of Kenya’s vision 2030, African Union Agenda 2063 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Articulates KEBS position on matters of Finance and negotiates on behalf of the organization at National, Regional and International level to enhance sustainability of KEBS operations.

Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Provides Leadership and is accountable for the development, implementation, monitoring, and review of finance policies, strategies, and procedures to improve the financial health of KEBS for the realization of KEBS mandate on Standards, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Kenya Vision 2030 and African Union Agenda 2063.
  • Provides leadership in prudent financial management through implementation and maintenance of effective, efficient and transparent internal control systems, management, and financial accounting systems to ensure that financial transactions are recorded and reported accurately in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.
  • Oversees and is responsible for the development, implementation, and monitoring of the annual corporate budget and Medium Term Expenditure Framework in compliance with provisions of Public Finance Management Act and Regulations;
  • Oversees the implementation of the Standards levy order through the collection and reconciliation of Standards Levy to enhance the revenue base and ensure financial sustainability of the organisation for purposes of delivery of KEBS mandate;
  • Provides leadership and is responsible for management of appropriate financial controls to safeguard KEBS resources and ensure that resources are used prudently;
  • Provide leadership and is accountable for the development and review of quarterly and annual financial statements in compliance with the requirements of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), Public Finance Management Act (PFM) and other reporting guidelines;
  • Oversees financial planning using projection models and other financial tools and disseminates the information to the various internal and external stakeholders for effective financial management.
  • Provides leadership in tax planning and management to ensure compliance to relevant laws, minimize financial loss and improve cash management;
  • Provides leadership in creating and maintaining financial linkages and partnerships with National, Regional and International organizations to enhance efficiency in delivery of KEBS mandate;
  • Provides leadership in articulating KEBS position on matters of finance and negotiates on behalf of the organization at National, Regional and International level to enhance sustainability of KEBS operations;
  • Provides leadership in the establishment, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of Management systems adopted by KEBS for purposes of ensuring efficiency, effectiveness, and sustained customer satisfaction in the department;
  • Oversees and is accountable for performance management and productivity improvement in the department;
  • Oversees and is responsible for the development and implementation of the Risk Management Framework in the department to mitigate against the negative effects of risks and take advantage of opportunities;
  • Oversees and is accountable for the development and implementation of business continuity strategies to ensure resilience and sustainability of department’s processes, products and services;
  • Oversees identification and is responsible for provision of the department’s human and physical resources for effective implementation and achievement of strategic objectives;
  • Oversees adherence to Service Charter commitments and compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU’s) with Agent banks and other principals to safeguard against risks and enhance compliance.

Operational Responsibilities / Tasks

  • Oversees the development and implementation of work plans, budget, Medium Term Expenditure Framework and procurement plans in the department.
  • Provides strategic leadership in collection of revenues, disbursements and reconciliations to enable KEBS to meet her financial obligations and safeguard resources to ensure delivery of the corporate objectives;
  • Provides technical advice to the Director Finance and Strategy and the other directorates on matters of finance to ensure efficient and cost effective running of the organization in realization of KEBS mandate;
  • Oversees the development, maintenance and control of corporate databases and accountable documents for purposes of safeguarding KEBS physical and information assets;
  • Provides leadership in the development and implementation of the department’s resource mobilization strategies to enhance revenue base and ensure financial sustainability;
  • Oversees the setting of targets, reviews and approves departmental performance targets, monitors implementation and submits performance reports to the Director Finance and Strategy;
  • Oversees the preparation and submission of board papers and management papers in relation to finance matters for review by the Director Finance and Strategy;
  • Oversees the implementation of NSC resolutions in relation to Finance matters to fulfil KEBS mandate;
  • Provides technical advice to legal department and acts as an expert witness in courts, tribunals and legal committees on issues related to finance;
  • Liaises with both internal and external auditors to ensure timely and expeditious auditing and oversees the resolution of issues raised by internal and external financial audits;
  • Approves departmental and corporate expenditures;
  • Oversees the development of staff competencies in the department through formal training programs, mentorship, coaching, on-the-job training, to be able to deliver the department’s objectives; and
  • Assigns duties and approves leave for the direct reports;

Job Dimensions:

 Financial Responsibility

  • Accountable for the department’s budget of approximately KES 58 Million
  • Manages working capital of approximately KES 1Billion.
  • Oversees collection of standards levy of approximately KES 700 Million
  • Implementation of cost minimization and resources optimization strategies in the organization.
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Responsibility for Physical Assets

  • Provides oversight for Corporate physical and intangible assets database;
  • Responsible for physical/intangible assets in the department

Decision Making / Job Influence


  • Strategic decisions
  • Operational decisions
  • Financial decisions

Working Conditions

  • Works predominantly within the office with expected exposure to pressure associated with impact of financial decisions;
  • Expected travels within and outside the country

Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills).

Academic qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in business related field
  • Master’s in business related degree;

Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies

Professional Qualifications

  • Certified Public Accountant, CPA (K);
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA);or
  • Certified Investment and Financial Analyst (CIFA)
  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

Membership to professional bodies

  • Institute of Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (ICPAK) and in good standing;
  • Institute of Certified Investment and Financial Analyst (ICIFA) and in good standing;
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA) and in good standing or
  • Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFAI) and in good standing.

Previous relevant work experience required.

  • At least 10 years’ relevant experience out of which 5 years must have been in a management level

Functional Skills, Behavioural Competencies/Attributes:


  • Financial management skills,
  • Auditing skills,
  • Strategic management skills ,
  • Analytical skills,
  • Investigation skills,
  • Negotiation skills,
  • Project management skills,
  • Information, communication, and technology skills,
  • Leadership skills,
  • Presentation skills,
  • Report writing skills,


  • Counselling skills.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Time management skills.
  • Communication skills.
  • Interpersonal skills .

Chief Manager Research & Development

Reporting Relationships

  • Reports to Director, Metrology and Testing

Direct Reports

  • Manager Research and Development

Indirect Reports

  • Assistant Manager

Job Purpose

The job provides strategic leadership for designing and implementing Research and Development programmes for the purposes of promoting scientific research, discovery and innovation for the development of novel and effective Standardization, Metrology, and Conformity Assessment solutions to industries in Kenya to foster innovation. Leads scientific research and development advocacy, facilitates communication among various Directorates in KEBS, academia, national and international research institutions, various industrial sectors and non-profit organizations for collaboration in practical scientific research and translates research findings into innovative solutions for industrial development. Provides leadership in analysis of the research landscape on scientific metrology, product testing and related processes to develop more efficient and accurate test methods, measurement systems and databases that will solve existing industrial problems to facilitate local, regional and international trade and ease of doing business while safeguarding consumer health and safety, protection of environment in line with Articles 42, 43(a, b, c & d), 46 (a, b & c) of the Constitution of Kenya and the Standards Act (Cap 496 Laws of Kenya); and entrenchment of a culture of quality for the realization of Kenya’s vision 2030, African Union Agenda 2063 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Develops strategic relationships and partnerships in pursuit of research goals and leads in grant management to mobilize human, physical and financial resources from national and international funding institutions and donors to adequately fund prioritized scientific research projects to realize KEBS Strategic Objectives. Articulates research findings at national, regional and international level to support Kenya’s position in Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment for enhanced access to regional and international markets by Kenyan products.

Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks

Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Provides strategic leadership and is accountable for formulation and implementation of Research & Development policies and strategies for the purposes of promoting scientific discovery and innovation to enhance industrial productivity and provide technological solutions that safeguard health and safety and protection of the environment; entrenchment of a culture of quality in the country for delivery of KEBS mandate, realization of Kenya Vision 2030, African Union Agenda 2063 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;b) Provides strategic leadership in creating and maintaining linkages and partnerships with National, Regional and International organizations such as academia, research institutions for collaboration and funding on research and development programmes;
  • Provides strategic leadership in creating and maintaining linkages and partnerships with National, Regional and International organizations such as academia, research institutions for collaboration and funding on research and development programmes;
  • Oversees the analysis of business environment to identify stakeholder needs to design and implement appropriate research and development projects to support provision of standard-based solutions for the delivery of KEBS mandate and contribute to national development agenda;
  • Provides leadership and is responsible for the generation and translation of research and innovation outputs/results into forms that support generation of publications, patents or regulatory submissions in order to avail findings that can be used in informing policy, strategies and developing new products or services to meet the objectives of KEBS;
  • Provides technical advice to the Director Metrology and Testing relating to Research and Development matters that have economic impact in Kenya;
  • Oversees identification, provision, verification and management of departmental resources both human and physical needs for effective implementation and achievement of strategic objectives;
  • Provides leadership in articulation of research findings at national, regional and international level to support Kenya’s position in standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment for enhanced access to regional and international markets by Kenyan products;
  • Provides leadership in the establishment, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and improvement of the Management Systems adopted by KEBS for the purpose of ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustained customer satisfaction;
  • Oversees performance management and productivity improvement in the department and is responsible and accountable for the department’s performance;
  • Oversees implementation of the Risk Management Framework in the department to ensure mitigation against the negative effects of risks and take advantage of opportunities; and
  • Oversees the development and implementation of business continuity strategies to ensure resilience and sustainability of department’s processes, products and services.

Operational Responsibilities / Tasks

  • Oversees the development and implementation of work plans, budget, medium expenditure framework and procurement plans in the department;
  • Provides leadership and coordinates the design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of KEBS research projects across the country to ensure effective and efficient realization of research and development deliverables within defined timeframes and budget;
  • Provides leadership in development of research concepts, business and funding proposals for mobilization of funds towards realization of research projects;
  • Leads in the preparation and submits Board papers in relation to the department to the Director Metrology and Testing for approval;
  • Provide leadership in implementation of NSC resolutions in relation to Research & Development;
  • Oversees setting of targets, reviews and approves departmental performance targets, monitors implementation and submits performance reports to the Director Metrology and Testing;
  • Approves departmental expenditure;
  • Oversees development of staff competencies in the department through formal training, mentorship, coaching and on-the-job training to enable delivery of directorates objectives; i) Collaborates with Standards Development, Market Surveillance and Quality Assurance and Inspection directorates to enhance operational efficiencies and effectiveness of service delivery; and
  • Assigns duties and approves leave for direct reports. 

Job Dimensions:

Financial Responsibility

  • Mobilizes revenue of approximately KES 20M per annum;
  • Accountable for Department expenditure of approximately KES 28.5 Million per annum.
  • Oversees implementation of cost minimization and resources optimization strategies .

Responsibility for Physical Assets

  • Responsible for assigned physical assets.

Decision Making / Job Influence

  • Makes
  • Strategic decisions
  • Financial decisions
  • Operation decisions.

Working Conditions

  • Works predominantly within the office .
  • Make occasional visits to research laboratories with exposure to radiation, chemicals, vibration among other hazards.
  • With extensive travels locally and internationally

Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills).

Academic qualifications

  • PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
  • Master’s and bachelor’s degree in science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies

Registration with any of the following Professional bodies e.g.:

  • Engineers Board of Kenya,
  • Kenya Chemical society
  • Physical Society of Kenya,
  • Kenya Institute of Management
  • Kenya Engineering Technology Registration Board
  • Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board

Previous relevant work experience required.

  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience out of which 5 years must have been in a management level.
  • Track record of publications in reputable and peer reviewed journals, patents and or utility models demonstrating innovative research work.

Functional Skills, Behavioural Competencies/Attributes:

Functional Skills

  • Measurement skills.
  • Statistical and analytical skills.
  • Investigation skills.
  • Auditing /Assessor skills.
  • Research skills.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Project management skills.
  • Financial management skills.
  • Management skills.
  • jInformation, communication, and technology skills.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Presentation skills.
  • Report writing.


  • Counselling skills.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Time management skills.
  • Communication skills.
  • Interpersonal skills.

Chief Manager Legal

Reporting Relationships

  • Director, Corporation Secretary/Directory Legal Services

Direct Reports

  • Manager, Legal Services

Indirect Reports

  • Assistant Manager, Legal Services (4)

Job Purpose

Provides leadership in provision of legal services, guidance on good corporate governance and supports management on legal matters to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements to protect KEBS interests for realization of KEBS mandate as per the Standards Act CAP 496 of the laws of Kenya. This is to facilitate local, regional and international trade and ease of doing business while safeguarding consumer health and safety, protection of environment in line with Articles 42, 43(a, b, c & d), 46 (a, b & c) of the Constitution of Kenya and the Standards Act (Cap 496 Laws of Kenya); and entrenchment of a culture of quality for the realization of Kenya’s vision 2030, African Union Agenda 2063 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Articulates Kenya’s position in all legal matters with regard to Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA) and negotiates on behalf of Kenya at regional and international level to enhance access to regional and international markets by Kenyan products.

Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Provides leadership and is responsible for provision of legal services, guidance on good corporate governance, administration of legal instruments, litigation handling and supports management on legal matters to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements to protect KEBS interests for realization of KEBS mandate as per the Standards Act CAP 496 of the laws of Kenya;
  • Provides leadership and is responsible for formulation and implementation of KEBS Legal policies, strategies and procedures;
  • Provides leadership in the drafting and interpretation of the National Quality Infrastructure framework on Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA) to enable KEBS fulfil her mandate on trade facilitation, while safeguarding consumer health and safety, protection of the environment, reduction of technical barriers to trade and enhance competitiveness of Kenyan products and services;
  • Provides leadership in assessment and responds to the impact of changes in the operating environment on relevant legislation, legal policies and regulatory frameworks to safeguard KEBS interest, ensure high level of integration while within the broader context of the government; to facilitate national, regional and international trade;
  • Provides leadership in the gazettement of standards by the NSC and, legal notices for mandatory standards and gazettement of quality and levy inspectors;
  • Provides leadership in drafting and gazettement of statutory instruments that guides KEBS operations;
  • Provides leadership in the management of contracts, memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and legal instruments of collaboration between KEBS and partners at the national, regional and international level for effective implementation;
  • Provides leadership in handling of litigations and arbitral matters for and against KEBS to ensure appropriate defence in the courts of law, tribunals or other bodies exercising quasi-judicial functions to safeguard KEBS interests;
  • Provides leadership in the development and implementation of business continuity strategies on legal matters to ensure sustainability of KEBS operations;
  • Provides leadership in the establishment, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and improvement of the Management Systems adopted by KEBS for the purpose of ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustained customer satisfaction;
  • Leads in performance management and productivity improvement in the department and is responsible and accountable for the department’s performance;
  • Leads in implementation of the Risk Management Framework in the department to ensure mitigation against the negative effects of risks and take advantage of opportunities;
  • Leads in the identification and provision of departmental resources both human and physical needs for effective implementation and achievement of strategic objectives;
  • Provides leadership in the development of staff competencies in the department through formal training programmes, mentorship, coaching and on-the-job learning to be able to deliver on the department’s objectives.

Operational Responsibilities / Tasks

  • Leads in the development and implementation of work plans, budget, Medium Expenditure Framework, and procurement plans in the Department;
  • Provides leadership in responding to correspondence which have legal bearing and advise staff on legal action resulting from KEBS operation while on official duty;
  • Provides leadership in the development, maintenance and updating of KEBS databases on all cases in which KEBS is an interested party;
  • Provides leadership in conducting legal clinics to staff to inform operations;
  • Provides leadership on legal guidance and advises Management and staff on legal instruments, contracts and corporate governance to ensure statutory and regulatory compliance;
  • Provide leadership in the development of technical regulations relating to KEBS operations and in the conduct of their legal impact analysis;
  • Manages collaborations between KEBS and external stakeholders to ensure compliance with statutory, regulatory requirements and international obligations;
  • Leads in the preparation of the directorate’s board papers and submits to the Director, Legal Services for consideration;
  • Provides leadership in monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of the legal department’s service delivery to ensure, legal and regulatory compliance and that risks are identified and managed;
  • Provides leadership in investigations on litigation matters, advices the Director – Legal Services on KEBS’ defense and provides guidance on alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to safeguard KEBS interests;
  • Provides leadership in setting of targets, reviews and approves department performance targets, monitors implementation and submits performance reports to the Director, Legal Services;
  • Provides leadership in implementation of National Standards Council resolutions in legal matters;
  • Approves departmental expenditures; and
  • Assigns duties and approve leave to the direct reports.
  • Drafts Gazette notices for forwarding to the ministry, regional and international conventions and partnership agreements.
  • Provides leadership in setting of targets, reviews and approves department performance targets, monitors implementation and submits performance reports to the Director, Legal Services;
  • Provides leadership in implementation of National Standards Council resolutions in legal matters;
  • Approves departmental expenditures; and
  • Assigns duties and approve leave to the direct reports.

Job Dimensions:
Financial Responsibility

  • Controls department’s budget of approximately KES 105 Million.
  • Approve the expenditure of the department.

Responsibility for Physical Assets

  • Responsible for department’s physical and Intangible assets.

Decision Making / Job Influence

  • Strategic decisions;
  • Operational decisions;
  • Financial decisions.

Working Conditions

  • Works predominantly within the office with expected travels within and outside the country.

Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills).
Academic qualifications

  • Bachelor of Laws degree.
  • Master’s degree in law.

Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Law.
  • Admission as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya.
  • Certified Secretary’s course-CS(K).
  • Member of the Law Society of Kenya and in good standing.
  • Current Practicing Certificate from Law society of Kenya.

Previous relevant work experience required.

  • At least ten (10) years post admission experience and five (5) years in managerial position.

Functional Skills, Behavioural Competencies/Attributes:
Functional Skills

  • Minute writing
  • Report writing
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Financial management skills
  • Auditing Skill
  • Strategic management skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Prosecution and Investigation skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Project management skills
  • Information, communication, and technology skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Presentation skills


  • Counselling skills.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Time management skills.
  • Communication skills.


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