Ongoing Recruitment UN Jobs 2025
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Finance jobs, Accounting jobs, Media jobs, World Vision jobs, Jobs in Kenya,
Digital Marketing Officer – Local Resource Mobilization
Key Responsibilities:
Local Resource Mobilization
- Lead on the development, implementation, and update of the Inuka Angaza Fund digital resource mobilization and donor engagement strategy, building on the existing donor mapping and ongoing engagements based on the cultivation plan
- Manage the budgets for assigned areas and ensure adherence to Finance / Procurement processes and systems.
- Plans and execute all web, SEO/SEM, database marketing, email, social media, and display marketing campaigns
- Develop campaigns to enhance local resource mobilization initiatives and visibility using media that will highlight Inuka Angaza Fund work using life transforming and impactful success stories
- Regularly update the WVK/Inuka Angaza website to reflect updated content
- Work with National Office and field teams to brainstorm new and innovative strategies.
- Ensure the use of quality photos, videos and other digital marketing tools that will inspire local donors
- Manage relationships with external vendors, agencies, and partners to support digital marketing initiatives and projects.
Inuka Angaza Fund Brand Visibility
- Lead the development of the Inuka Angaza Fund website and ensure it is updated with appropriate marketing content
- Support in the preparation of written material, internal newsletter, press releases, media briefings and other communication products
- In conjunction with the communication team, engage with the appropriate mainstream media
- Keep Inuka Angaza Fund active on social media through content shared via X, Face book, Instagram, LinkedIn and other platforms
- You will be responsible for the analysis and management of all fundraising channels and activities, ensuring all current and potential donors stay updated
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Manage Customer database
- Lead the development of a digital system to reach out to the Kenyans in the diaspora as a potential funding source
- Lead the day to day running of the CRM platform and track and report on all website and social media metrics.
- Track KPIs related to the CRM goals such as leads, conversion, retention or outreach goals.
- In conjunction with other departments, develop a resource base for potential donors
- In conjunction with communication and the field teams, identify potential stories for marketing initiatives
Stories and documentaries
- Develop a database of documentaries and stories for use as and when an opportunity arises
- Evaluate important metrics that affect website traffic and target audience
- Work with the field NRD point persons to develop capacity in marketing to support fund raising initiatives.
- Support the fundraising events organized in the field
- Work with mainstream media to broadcast Inuka Angaza life transforming stories for purposes of visibility
Social Media Engagement
- Design and oversee aspects of WVK’s digital marketing for local resource development (LRD)including marketing database, email, and display advertising campaigns
- Develop and monitor campaign budgets
- Prepare accurate reports on marketing campaigns overall performance
- Coordinate with advertising and media (external engagement) to improve marketing results
- Identify latest trends and technologies affecting Local resource mobilization for informed decision making
Other duties.
- Any other duty that may be assigned by the supervisor or designee as assigned from time to time
Knowldge, Skills & Abilities
- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communication, Business Management or Public Relations or related field form a recognised university
- A minimum of 6 years in marketing 3 of which must be in digital marketing
- Prior experience in working with the private sector and networking with business entities, governmental and non-governmental organisations
- Skills in website development and management of CRM
- Excellent communication, writing and reporting skills required
- Photography skills an added advantage
- Certification in graphic design
- Proven experience in leading digital marketing, using website, social media, documentaries and photography etc
- Must have ample experience and expertise in public relations and donor engagements.
- Must be a strategic thinker and a strong team player.
- Strong interpersonal and relational skills
- Good writing skills and presentation skills
- Knowledge on fund raising essentials
Cluster Accountant
Key Responsibilities:
Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Post financial data transactions into the accounting system.
- Consolidate and submit accurate project funding requests.
- Ensure timely preparation and review bank reconciliation statements.
- Prepare and consolidate accurate financial analysis for management decision making.
- Prepare Core/Logframe Combined Financial Reports.
- Ensure timely review and recording of Employee Expense Reports.
- Ensure timely review and reconciliation of the balance sheet items.
- Consolidate periodic Cluster compliance reports.
- Accurate data in Sun system
- Maintained cut off periods.
- Adequate funds available for project implementation.
- Bank reconciliations prepared by the 5th of every month
- Clean bank records maintained.
- No over and material under spending (over 10%) in projects on a monthly basis.
- Relevant and accurate reports submitted to the relevant users in good time.
- Advances accounted within the finance policy terms.
- Properly aged and accurate balance sheet accounts maintained.
- Program reports prepared in time.
Planning, Budgeting & Budgetary control
- Prepare accurate Program budgets
- Ensure accurate and quality budgets are uploaded into existing databases and systems.
- Ensure compliance with grant guidelines and other standards
- Participate in proposal writing and grant budget development.
- Conduct financial analysis for management decision making.
- Monitor and timely communicate changes on Project Budget and Actuals System (PBAS) commitment.
- Develop realistic cash flow forecasts in line with the plans.
- Quality and realistic budgets prepared and finalized in good time.
- WVI & donor budgeting guidelines and standards are adhered to.
- Properly maintained records for decision making.
- Up to date PBAS maintained and reconciled with relevant reporting and accounting systems (e.g. horizon and Sun System)
- Target low maintained.
Risk Management
- Ensure Finance and administration risks for the Cluster are identified, recorded in Riskonnect and mitigation measures put in place.
- Provide timely support and coordination to all Finance and Accounting related internal and externa audits
- Ensure timely implementation of Finance and Accounts audit recommendations in the Cluster
- Ensure adherence to internal controls and WVK Policies as relates to Finance and Administration are adhered to by all staff in the region and any non-adherences are noted in a timely manner for correction and process improvement
- Ensure timely production and review of monthly report to address any variances in a timely manner.
- Internal Controls are adhered to by all the staff.
- Programmes Cash and Assets are well managed and accounted for by staff and Partners.
- Programme Audits successfully coordinated and the prior Audit issues are implemented on time.
- Understanding of approaches in responding to risks through integrated risk management solutions platform.
- Balance sheet accounts are updated and reconciling.
- All finance related risks are identified, recorded and mitigated.
Cash Management, Payments and Coordination
- Ensure maintenance of up to date records of cash disbursement.
- Cash flow management to ensure compliance with target low.
- Ensure timely supplier invoice payment and staff disbursements.
- Coordination of all accounting functions in the cluster.
- Provide technical support and leadership to staff within the Cluster
- Proper records of accounts kept.
- Maintained target low. Clean asset register maintained at all times
- Supplier and staff disbursements made in a timely manner.
- Seamless functioning within the cluster.
- Project operations within the cluster adequately and effectively supported.
Office Administration.
- Ensure that the Cluster is safe for occupation as per OSHA requirements and regulations.
- Coordinate facilities management at the Cluster office by supervising outsourced service providers including security and janitorial services
- Ensure equipment are properly maintained and operated optimally.
- Cluster office is safe for occupation and comply with OSHA requirements.
- Outsourced service providers well supervised to deliver optimally.
- Cluster office equipment are well serviced and operational.
Asset Management
- Ensure assets are properly tagged and recorded in the asset register and in Sunsystem within the Cluster.
- Support the Programs in asset acquisition, management and disposal.
- Liaise with the security department and the cluster office driver to ensure motor vehicles are used as per WVK policies.
- Review motor vehicle summary reports from the cluster driver on a monthly basis to ascertain proper usage and efficiency.
- Consolidate and review the Cluster asset register and share with Regional Office on quarterly basis.
- Ensure accurate information for fleet, real estate and insurance is provided to the RO annually for updating Real Estate and Assets Management (REAM) portal.
- Assets are properly tagged, recorded in the asset register and in Sunsystem within the Cluster.
- Assets are acquired, managed and disposed as per policy.
- Motor Vehicles within the Cluster are used as per WVK policies and also adhere to government regulations.
- Summary motor vehicle reports reviewed on a monthly basis and important information shared with management for decision making.
- Consolidated Cluster asset registers shared with RO on quarterly basis.
- Accurate and timely information on Real Estate, Assets and Insurance information in REAM provided to RO.
Local partners’ capacity building.
- Conduct financial assessment of potential local partners.
- Build financial management capacity of local partners for competence and risk reduction
- Review MOUs and funding agreements to ensure soundness.
- Ensure timely funding of the local partners
- Review financial reports and transactions
- Monitoring the local partners to ensure compliance and for process improvements
- Well informed partners able to abide by World Vision Kenya’s mission and vision
- Timely and proper accounting of grants as per grant agreements
- Other responsibilities as may be assigned.