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Monitoring and Evaluation jobs, Project Management jobs, Jobs in Kenya,
Project Officer – Prevention and Response to Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
Key Responsibilities:
Implementation of the project related activities.
- Map and strengthen the capacity of networks tackling harmful gender and social norms.
- Scale up community driven initiatives/solutions to prevent and respond to GBV and harmful practices such as; FGM, Child Marriage etc.
- Develop, package and disseminate key messages to communities and advocate for elimination of GBV and harmful practices-to be distributed during the international campaign days on ending GBV/FGM.
- Promote economic empowerment interventions for community networks on prevention and response to GBV and FGM.
- Establish and activate community social accountability mechanisms for prevention and response of GBV and harmful practices.
- Revitalize gender sector working groups addressing GBV, FGM, and CM including in emergencies.
- Mainstream/Enhance Engagement of men and Boys as a strategy to prevent and respond to GBV and harmful practices.
Project Quality Assurance, Monitoring Evaluation, Documentation and Learning
- Coordinate the project research and learning agenda in close collaboration with identified academic partners and donor office.
- Participate in the project field visits to carry out all tracking and assessments, monitoring and evaluations and ensure appropriate accountability, monitoring and evaluation tools are in place and are utilized in a timely manner.
- Ensure compliance with all donor requirements on MEAL including documentation of best practices.
- Working closely with the line Manager & Matrix Manager, ensure an accurate and quality Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) for the project is in place and is utilized as required. DIPs should be developed semi-annually or as needed based on project changes.
- In liaison with the DMEAL coordinator and the field program managers, develop a regular schedule for monitoring and support visits and organize reflection and learning forums.
- Working closely with the line Manager & Matrix Manager, generate Quality & Accurate quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports informed by Monthly Management Reports and in line with donor requirements and regulations.
- Working closely with the communications team, develop context specific electronic and appropriate documentation on best practice and lessons learned.
- Working with your line Manager & Matrix Manager develop a risk register to ensure risk mitigation in implementation and ensure accountability.
- Ensure that findings and recommendations from various accountability mechanisms such as Peer Review, Operational and Finance Audits, Program evaluations, Program Capability Reviews, are acted upon in a timely and effective manner.
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Advocacy, Networking, Collaboration & Partnerships
- Establish and sustain working relationships with key stakeholders.
- Work with partners and coalitions to engage in advocacy activities with the government structures at County level to address the SGBV needs of local communities within the project areas of operation.
- In coordination with the relevant TP Managers and the WVK GESI Advisor, participate in national level coalitions on SGBV advocacy issues.
- In collaboration with the cluster manager, ensure that project participants and partners are kept informed of all Government laws and policies and WVK policies in respect to SGBV, PSEA and Child protection and Child and Adult safeguarding.
- Participate in relevant Annual County Government Planning and Budgeting processes and influence resource allocation to the priority needs of the most vulnerable groups in the project area.
- Perform any other duties as may be assigned by supervisor or designee from time to time.
- Participate and contribute to committees and task forces which you may be appointed to.
- Participate and lead devotions as appropriate.
Qualifications/Requirements for the role
- Minimum 2 years’ experience in implementation of SGBV related projects and community development work. Familiarity with Child Marriage /FGM projects a plus.
- Thorough understanding of all areas of project management cycles in a complex, international development organization especially in development or Relief Projects.
- A good understanding of International, Regional and National framework on human rights for women and children such as Convections on the Rights of the Child, ACRWC, ANTI-FGM Board operations, Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, Africa Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children, Prohibition of female Genital Mutilation Act, Children Act among others.
- Experience in program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting.
- Demonstrate ability to influence, network and collaborate with county level government, NGO and UN Agency on SGBV and child protection initiatives.
- Proven track record as a staff and community trainer and capacity builder in Child Protection, GEDSI, Prevention and Response to Child Abuse/SGBV and other harmful cultural practices.
- Familiarity with GEDSI approaches to programming, advocacy approaches and referral systems.
- Demonstrate ability to manage resources efficiently and effectively.
- Demonstrate experience in implementing faith and development models and working with faith leaders.
- Must be a committed Christian who is able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity challenges.
- Excellent oral and written communications, team player, and proficient in English and Kiswahili.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) Officer
Key Responsibilities:
System Design and Promoting MEAL
- Lead on the development and oversee the roll-out of an organizational MEAL system, ensuring accountability to donors and beneficiaries
- Promote all aspects of MEAL to support the creation of an organizational culture which prioritizes quality programming.
- Build strong relationships with colleagues and provide support as required to ensure MEAL system is understood and supported at field and office level.
- Work closely with the programme teams to ensure that MEAL becomes an integral element of project implementation leading to enhanced quality, accountability, management and impact. This may include the establishment of a Technical Working Group.
Staff Management, Mentorship, and Development
- Manage the project team to ensure that the MEAL system operates effectively with the support and resources required and that there are clear reporting links and feedback mechanisms between field team, region, Management, MEAL and other departments.
- Support the project team progress on specific project activities, providing management oversight on progress and problem-solving in case of challenges.
- Define expectations, provide leadership and technical support as needed so that project team are able to perform their roles as required.
- Manage the performance of direct reports in the MEAL unit through performance management, coaching, mentoring, training and development.
- At the organisational level, devise and manage a MEAL training programme with the goal of increasing capacity and awareness of MEAL for all staff. Assess training needs and engage field staff to roll-out the training programme
Internal Reporting and Documentation
- Responsible to ensure that the GREEN PROJECT delivers on all internal MEAL requirements in a timely manner and with high quality information, including reporting on relevant indicators, total direct and indirect reach data.
- Identifies and incorporates all elements (systems, tools, processes, etc.) required under the MEAL system and enhances capacity of project team to effectively use them.
- Review regular field, quarterly, annual and ad-hoc monitoring and accountability reports received from project field team and circulate to the Management team, ensuring that action plans are included and agreed by Management.
- Facilitate documentation and reporting of assessments, project data, case studies, best practice and lessons learned for internal and external sharing.
- Develop project and operational reporting templates that facilitate the timely and accurate acquisition and aggregation of information.
Promoting Learning for Strategy Development and Decision Making
- Ensure that data and findings from across multiple thematic project activities form a coherent basis for analysis to promote learning and strategy development for the whole project.
- Lead on monitoring and improving the synergy and integration of thematic programmes to enhance delivery of outstanding results for target communities
- Communicate top level learning to ensure that management is able to make informed decisions on a timely basis to strengthen impact and overcome/mitigate challenges.
Programme Design and MEAL Resources
- Ensure that MEAL is an integral part of the project design stage and is integrated in all project activities in a sustainable way.
- Ensure that MEAL resources are included in proposal development to facilitate funding from a wide range of sources.
- Responsible for effectively managing the MEAL budget, in close collaboration with the senior project manager.
External Reporting and Representation
- Ensure external accountability to donors through the implementation of quality MEAL activities leading to timely and accurate reporting.
- Ensure that high quality analysis reports to illustrate the project impact and assessment findings are produced, including evidence of good practice and replicable project, and that they are communicated in the most appropriate way for different audiences.
- With consultation, represent the FMNR project at relevant conferences, meetings, etc., to contribute to the sharing and learning, especially around best practices.
- Participate in Institutional strengthening processes both at organizational and affiliate levels
- Other responsibilities & duties as required by the Senior project manager
Qualifications/Requirements for the role
- Bachelor’s Degree in social sciences, Mathematics, Statistic, development, or information technology Training in data management and M & E is an added advantage.
- Minimum of 8 years practical experience in M&E system development coordination/implementation in a large international non-governmental organization or other international relief/development body for large and complex grants, leadership experience is an added advantage
- Minimum of 3 years of relevant technical experience in MEAL for ANCP Natural resource management (NRM) Projects in Kenya or similar context.
- Experience managing large external evaluations and a clear, deep understanding of different evaluation methodologies appropriate for NRM professional development programs.
- Excellent knowledge of digital data collection and accountability systems and use of ONA, CommCare and Kobo. Excellent advanced quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills using SPSS and/or Stata as well as Nvivo/Atlas.ti software.
- Ability to use geographical information systems to collect geospatial data.
- Demonstrable track-record in data management, with the ability to manage large databases
- Ability to analyse and disseminate complex information to a range of stakeholder audiences;
- Computer literacy, particularly in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;
- Strong familiarity with project frameworks [design/implementation/M&E] cycle
- Experience of solving complex issues through analysis, adapting and innovating where necessary, and defining a clear way forward and ensuring buy in Strong results orientation, with the ability to challenge existing mind-sets, Ability to present complex information in a succinct and compelling manner
- Good management skills with ability to manage a team
- Highly developed cultural and political awareness and ability to work well in an international and matrix management environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
DMEAL Coordinator – Kenya Big Dream Project
Key Responsibilities:
Technical support in Program Planning
- Take lead in the design and implementation of a monitoring framework to track delivery against program objectives.
- Together with the Program team and partners, organize and facilitate Strategic/multi-year Plans/designs and budgets for the overall program
- Support review and update log frames, M&E Plans, Program indicators and periodic targets and detailed implementation plan
- Support the development of clear and implementable work break down structure for respective MEL activities as needed
- Support the finance team to ensure realistic scheduling of MEL activities and budgets
- Identify and document the program assets and produce a Remote Sensing /GIS activity /program map.
- Identify and document the program geographical coverage and produce a RS/GIS activity /Program map.
- Participating in the designing/preparation of tools and guidelines for data collection, analysis and reporting, with a focus on establishing output and outcome tracking, systemically checking data for quality, accuracy, and consistency, and providing feedback as necessary.
- Provide support and participate in Kenya Big Dreams related program design (assessments, research) and in the production of well-designed proposal that are LEAP aligned and reflective of community needs, contexts and donor/SO expectations.
Technical Support in Program implementation and Quality Assurance
- Lead and Coordinate the successful roll out and implementation of all MEAL related initiatives in the program sites of Baringo, Migori, West Pokot and Samburu Counties.
- Disseminate clear business processes for respective MEAL components to ensure consistent application and adherence to standards.
- Develop and support implementation of program MEAL annual calendars
- Lead the process of capacity assessments and capacity building for staff and for potential local partners.
- Ensure that respective staff and WVK implementing partners are provided with requisite MEAL technical support to perform.
- Coordinate effective implementation of program Activities in collaboration with key partners.
- Coordinate and facilitate timely review and sharing of all program documents; plans/designs and reports.
- Coordinate and facilitate timely review and sharing of all program documents; plans/designs and reports.
Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability
- Establish and operationalize a digital data collection and beneficiary tracking system and database
- Take lead in the design of monitoring framework to track delivery against program targets and objectives.
- Coordinate monitoring activities of WVK and its implementing partners.
- Coordinate, participate and report on technical field monitoring visits.
- Ensure mechanisms for collating, & analysing data, synthesizing information, updating the monitoring matrix and other monitoring systems are in place.
- Ensure timely dissemination of monitoring data to key stakeholders for management decision making.
- Support remote sensing and GIS Mapping of Program initiatives
- Ensure the appropriate use of information management systems in compliance with WV Kenya, GoK, and donor and in line with partnership agreements.
- Coordinate the compilation and submission of program management reports as per WV standards and donor requirements.
- Support establishment of accountability mechanisms for the program to enhance information sharing, complaints management and timely feedback flow.
- Timely and quality review and submission of all mandatory monitoring report
- Always ensure to store collected data securely as per policies relating to data protection for the program
- Coordinate program reflection and learning sessions in conjunction with other grant staff and program partners.
- Disseminate all program information related to M&E to staff and partners across the three counties.
- Ensure Program alignment to the national, donor and support office evaluation protocols.
Research, Learning and Knowledge Management
- Coordinate periodic reviews/evaluations of the program interventions using appropriate methodologies to determine achievements
- Ensure that the program assessments, feasibility studies and or characterization processes are conducted in a timely manner and quality reports are produced as per standard.
- Coordinate inter-county exchange meetings on MEAL for lessons learnt and upscale to regional programme level intervention
- Establish effective knowledge management mechanisms including documentation and sharing of innovative/promising/best practices or lessons learned and impacts.
- Organize and conduct learning forums/events at regular points to facilitate learning by the partners
- Facilitate ongoing and collaborative learning within WVK and partners based on key data from the performance management system.
- Serve as project’s point of contact for developing ToRs, solicitation, selection, and execution of in-country assessment contractors including baseline, midline, and endline, and other research as identified.
- Coordinate learning agenda collaboration with support office.
- Conduct M&E, research, and planning related to social norms, barrier analysis, and sensitive topics
Networking and Collaboration
- Network and collaborate with relevant partners, and represent World Vision in Technical Working Group Meetings relating to KBD program
- Coordinate with external stakeholders including, but not limited to, academia, NGOs, Government, and Private Sector in order to advance the learning /research goals of the program
- Ensure sensitive complaints collection and handling through development of functional systems within the program
- Ensure accountability assessments are conducted and capacity of staff built to undertake accountability assessments.
- Ensure effective community complaints response mechanisms in collaboration with communities are developed and functional
- Comply with and promote WV policies such as Child and Adult Safeguarding policy, Whistle blower policy and anti – fraud policy (preventing and reporting any incidences of Fraud).
- Prepare for and speak to data related questions in regular project calls with support office.
- Build capacity of project MEL staff in each region pertaining to: program planning, monitoring, reporting, research, and quality assurance
Qualification, Knowledge and Skills
- Master’s degree in a relevant field such as international development, social sciences, statistics, or a related field.
- Minimum of 7 years of experience in designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems for development programs, preferably in the context of humanitarian or community development.
- Strong understanding of monitoring and evaluation methodologies, including both quantitative and qualitative approaches.
- Proficiency in data analysis software such as SPSS, STATA, or R, and advanced skills in Microsoft Excel.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to communicate technical information effectively to diverse audiences.
- Proven project management skills, including the ability to manage multiple tasks, meet deadlines, and work effectively under pressure.
- Experience in Data collection on the Open data kit plat form and other mobile based applications, data analysis and interpretation
- Experience working in multicultural environments and collaborating with diverse stakeholders.
- Commitment to World Vision’s mission, vision, and core values;
- Practical experience in M&E system coordination/ implementation in a large international non-governmental organization or other international relief/development body
- Experience in working on donor funded programs and other multilateral donor funded project.
- Demonstrate understanding of latest developments, research and trends in the relevant aspects of the field of child protection.
- Experience in program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting.
- Well-developed research, analytical (qualitative and quantitative), documentation, report-writing and strategic planning skills, with particular competency in participatory research methods;
- Certification in M&E and in conducting assessments or equivalent.
- Proven ability in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating child protection programmes will be an added advantage
- Experience in social norms and/or social behavior change research will be an added advantage.
- Mobile-data collection and management software skills (e.g ODK, Kobo etc.) is desirable
- Ability to document good practice and lessons learned.
- Excellent communication skills (both written & verbal).
- Ability to write effective funding proposals
Project Coordinator – Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration
Key Responsibilities:
Project Planning, Coordination and Implementation (50%)
- Responsible for the in the coordination and implementation of the all activities in the FMNR project
- Train the partners, selected groups and community members on the various recommended focal areas (FMNR, Climate smart agriculture, Sustainable energy options, soil and water conservation, advocacy and policy influence etc). Contribute to effective and timely implementation of all FMNR field level interventions and initiatives with communities and partners.
- Ensure that all FMNR initiatives within the projects area of influence meet or exceed planned outcomes and are implemented in full compliance with the projects guidelines
- Liaise with Cluster Manager, Regional Design & MEAL Coordinator to ensure that appropriate controls, monitoring and evaluation tools are in place and being utilized in a timely manner in all FMNR measurements.
- Monitor and support the timely and appropriate utilization of budgeted resources for all FMNR related project interventions.
- Proactively enforce controls and checks as well as ensure effective and timely response plans to all financial audit findings of FMNR initiatives and take the needed measures to prevent future recurrence.
- Participate in proposal development and resource mobilization.
- Provide supervision to Community Mobilizers and Driver to ensure FMNR project objectives are met – effectively manage staff performance.
- Attend the regular weekly and monthly planning meetings as called upon.
Quality Assurance – Monitoring, Reporting and Documentation (30%)
- Supervise and monitor project interventions in strict adherence to WV Kenya, Kenya government regulations and other agreed standards.
- Develop monitoring plan with communities and partners agreeing on the required standards for monitoring, with support from the DME specialist.
- Ensure project data is captured, validated and updated on horizon and or any other approved World Vison Kenya (WVK) DM&E system.
- Coordinate with Cluster Manager, Regional Design & MEAL Coordinator and relevant technical teams at the national Office to effectively support the project to carry out all measurements baselines, assessments, designs, monitoring and evaluations – in accordance with WV established standards, policies and procedures.
- In Liaison with AP Accountant, track project implementation expenditure levels, manage work plans and budgets
- Compile the necessary monthly, quarterly and annual reports and submit to the Cluster Manager and Technical team at the National Office.
- Regularly document success stories / innovation for sharing across the partnership
- Develop context specific electronic and live media communications on FMNR and NRM activities.
- Ensure the Project design document is updated as per DME standards.
- Gather and provide quality feedback and data to be used to develop technical papers and recommendations on key issues for external engagement with decision makers.
Advocacy, Engagement, Networking and Partnerships (10%)
- Participate in the Annual County Government’s Planning and Budgeting process and influence resource allocation to the priority needs of the most vulnerable groups within the Program Area
- Partner with Community, relevant Government authorities, research institutions and other stakeholders; provide technical assistance regarding FMNR implementation.
- Participate in County Sector Technical Working groups and forum and at Sub-County and Ward levels as will be appropriate.
- Ensure that Program participants and partners are kept informed of all the Government laws and policies in respect to FMNR and any changes to government laws, policies and budgets.
- Work with stakeholders and partners to promote FMNR to influence policy on complimentary activities
Capacity Building (5%)
- Build the capacity of partners (FBOs, CBOs, Farmers Groups) to enable them effectively intervene in food security & economic empowerment appropriately
- Ensure integration of FMNR with other project/programmes in the Aps
- Mobilize and sensitize community for empowerment & sustainability
- Establish specific capacity building methodologies for effective delivery & sustainability of project interventions
- Take a lead in building ADP staff and community capacities in food security & economic empowerment sector interventions through trainings and other information sharing avenues to handle project activities effectively.
- Together with partners, conduct regular reflection and learning events;
- Facilitate and coordinate farmers FMNR exposure tours.
Others (5%)
- Participate in Trans teams and support other initiatives by partners in the spirit of integration
- Perform any other duties as assigned by supervisor or designee.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
- Degree in Forestry, Agroforestry and Natural Resource Management related field
- Membership to professional body (FSK, EIK etc)
- At least four years on job experience and specialties in Forestry, Agroforestry, Natural Resource Management with some experience in Agriculture.
- Knowledge on GESI with additional training or skills in gender mainstreaming / integration is an added advantage
- Ability to engage with local communities, partners and government authorities
- Must have a good understanding of the different systems of extension delivery.
- Exposure to gender biased programming
- Able to stand above denominational diversities.
- Cross-cultural sensitivity, flexible world view, emotional maturity and physical stamina.
- Good organisational, analytical and interpersonal skills
- Ability to ride a motorbike is an added advantage
- Excellent English communication skills (both oral and written).
- Excellent computer skills, including proficiency in MS Office or another main email system such as Microsoft Outlook