Latest Jobs at World Vision Kenya

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Data Science jobs, Research jobs, Driving jobs, Project Management jobs, Monitoring and Evaluation jobs,

DMEAL Coordinator – Kenya Big Bream Project (Karen)

Duties And Responsibility

Technical support in Program Planning

  • Take lead in the design and implementation of a monitoring framework to track delivery against program objectives.
  • Together with the Program team and partners, organize and facilitate Strategic/multi-year Plans/designs and budgets for the overall program.
  • Support review and update log frames, M&E Plans, Program indicators and periodic targets and detailed implementation plan.
  • Support the development of clear and implementable work break down structure for respective MEL activities as needed
  • Support the finance team to ensure realistic scheduling of MEL activities and budgets.
  • Identify and document the program assets and produce a Remote Sensing /GIS activity /program map.
  • Identify and document the program geographical coverage and produce a RS/GIS activity /Program map.
  • Participating in the designing/preparation of tools and guidelines for data collection, analysis and reporting, with a focus on establishing output and outcome tracking, systemically checking data for quality, accuracy, and consistency, and providing feedback as necessary.
  • Provide support and participate in Kenya Big Dreams related program design (assessments, research) and in the production of well-designed proposal that are LEAP aligned and reflective of community needs, contexts and donor/SO expectations.

Technical Support in Program implementation and Quality Assurance

  • Lead and Coordinate the successful roll out and implementation of all MEAL related initiatives in the program sites of Baringo, West Pokot and Samburu Counties Migori county will also be added at a later time.
  • Disseminate clear business processes for respective MEAL components to ensure consistent application and adherence to standards.
  • Develop and support implementation of programs in the MEAL annual calendars
  • Lead orientations for assessment contractors and conduct MEL-related capacity building for project staff.
  • Ensure that respective staff and WVK implementing partners are provided with requisite MEAL technical support to perform.
  • Coordinate effective implementation of MEL activities in collaboration with key partners.
  • Coordinate and facilitate timely review and sharing of all program documents; plans/designs and reports.

Monitoring, Reporting and Accountability

  • Establish and operationalize a digital data collection and beneficiary tracking system and database
  • Coordinate monitoring activities of WVK and its implementing partners.
  • Coordinate, participate and report on technical field monitoring visits.
  • Ensure mechanisms for collating, & analyzing data, synthesizing information, updating the monitoring matrix and other monitoring systems are in place.
  • Ensure timely dissemination of monitoring data to key stakeholders for management decision making.
  • Support remote sensing and GIS Mapping of Program initiatives
  • Ensure the appropriate use of information management systems in compliance with WV Kenya, GOK, and donor and in line with partnership agreements.
  • Coordinate the compilation and submission of program management reports as per WV standards and donor requirements.
  • Support establishment of accountability mechanisms for the program to enhance information sharing, complaints management and timely feedback flow
  • Timely and quality review and submission of all mandatory monitoring reports
  • Always ensure to store collected data securely as per policies relating to data protection for the program
  • Coordinate program reflection and learning sessions in conjunction with other grant staff and program partners.
  • Disseminate all program information related to M&E to staff and partners across the three counties.
  • Ensure Program alignment to the national, donor and support office evaluation protocols
  • Prepare for and answer detailed data-related questions in calls/presentations with support office staff and project donors.
  • Develop TORs and submit briefs to present at local and global events on the KBD impact in collaboration with support office.
  • Lead KBD project compliance with all support office data entry requirements including learning appropriate MIS systems and building capacity of project staff for necessary data collection and entry

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Research, Learning and Knowledge Management

  • Coordinate periodic reviews/evaluations of the program interventions using appropriate methodologies to determine achievements
  • Ensure that the program assessments, feasibility studies and or characterization processes are conducted in a timely manner and quality reports are produced as per standard.
  • Coordinate inter-county exchange meetings on MEAL for lessons learnt and upscale to regional programme level intervention
  • Establish effective knowledge management mechanisms including documentation and sharing of innovative/promising/best practices or lessons learned and impacts.
  • Organize and conduct learning forums/events at regular points to facilitate learning by the partners
  • Facilitate ongoing and collaborative learning within WVK and partners based on key data from the performance management system.
  • Serve as project’s point of contact for developing ToRs, solicitation, selection, and execution of in-country assessment contractors including baseline, midline, and endline, and other research as identified.
  • Coordinate learning agenda collaboration with support office.
  • Conduct M&E, research, and planning related to social norms, barrier analysis, and sensitive topics

Networking and Collaboration

  • Network and collaborate with relevant partners, and represent World Vision in Technical Working Group Meetings relating to KBD program
  • Coordinate with external stakeholders including, but not limited to, academia, NGOs, Government, and Private Sector in order to advance the learning /research goals of the program
  • Ensure sensitive complaints collection and handling through development of functional systems within the program
  • Ensure accountability assessments are conducted and capacity of staff built to undertake accountability assessments.
  • Ensure effective community complaints response mechanisms in collaboration with communities are developed and functional
  • Comply with and promote WV policies such as Child and Adult Safeguarding policy, Whistle blower policy and anti – fraud policy (preventing and reporting any incidences of Fraud).
  • Prepare for and speak to data related questions in regular project calls with support office.
  • Build capacity of project MEL staff in each region pertaining to: program planning, monitoring, reporting, research, and quality assurance

Qualification, Knowledge And Skills

  • The holder of this position must have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, Sociology, Economics/statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation or Project management, Statistics or related discipline from a recognized University
  • At least 5 years’ practical experience in Project / Programme design implementation and M&E and learning cycles
  • Practical experience in M&E system coordination/ implementation in a large international non-governmental organization or other international relief/development body
  • Experience in working on donor funded programs and other multilateral donor funded project.
  • Demonstrate understanding of latest developments, research and trends in the relevant aspects of the field of child protection.
  • Experience in program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting
  • Excellent communication, Networking skills
  • Ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment.
  • Demonstrate ability to manage resources efficiently and effectively.
  • Must be a committed Christian who is able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity challenges
  • Must be able to provide spiritual leadership within but not limited to daily devotions
  • Experience in Data collection on the Open data kit plat form and other mobile based applications, data analysis and interpretation
  • Computer literacy in MS office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;
  • Experience in data/statistical programmes e.g. SPSS or Stata etc. 5. Excellent team player with ability to work under minimum supervision
  • Well-developed research, analytical (qualitative and quantitative), documentation, report-writing and strategic planning skills, with particular competency in participatory research methods;
  • Certification in M&E and in conducting assessments or equivalent.
  • Proven ability in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating child protection programmes will be an added advantage
  • Experience in social norms and/or social behavior change research will be an added advantage.
  • Mobile-data collection and management software skills (e.g ODK, Kobo etc.) is desirable
  • Ability to document good practice and lessons learned.
  • Excellent communication skills (both written & verbal).
  • Ability to write effective funding proposals.

Driver-Thrive Project (Karen)

Duties And Responsibilities

Staff Facilitation

  • Timely Facilitation of staff to and from work and to other official duties.
  • Ensure safety of staff and vehicle while on journey
  • Ensure mobilization of additional vehicles and drivers to facilitate key events such as major donor visits, campaigns, evaluations and baselines
  • Ensure facilitation of staff / visitors / donors/ to and from the field

Vehicle Care and Maintenance

  • Ensure vehicle cleanliness all the time.
  • Keep vehicle movement log book up to date.
  • Check mechanical and operational soundness of the vehicle.
  • To ensure that the vehicle is serviced at the required time.
  • To check and ensure that all vehicle tools are in place and intact.
  • Undertake minor repairs and recommend for major vehicle repairs.
  • Park the vehicle at the recommended parking areas by WVK
  • Seek for permission to use the car as per the laid down policy
  • Obey traffic laws
  • Maintain maximum care of the vehicle at all times.
  • Submit all the vehicle spare keys to the Fleet management for safe custody.
  • Surrender vehicle keys to the respective supervisors every end of trip
  • Report all vehicle malfunctions to the fleet office.
  • Initiate procurement process for all motor vehicle repairs and maintenance

Documentation & Reporting

  • Prepare monthly and other vehicle reports and file copies of the same after approval.
  • Forward all invoices and fuel returns to fleet management for payment process.
  • In case of accident, forward detailed report for claim processing
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  • Facilitate delivery of parcels/ mails
  • In collaboration with Administration department liaise with service providers to ensure quality services
  • Work with respective staff to plan and coordinate field facilitation services.
  • Support in community mobilization
  • Be bank gent for bank transactions

Qualification. Skills And Knowledge

  • O level certificate with a clean driving license class A, B, C, E
  • Diploma course would be an added advantage
  • Automobile Association of Kenya competence certification
  • Three years’ experience in driving class A, B, C and E vehicles.
  • Basic knowledge of motor vehicle maintenance.
  • Basic knowledge of first AID and other safety & security measure
  • Basic security training
  • Knowledge of transport regulatory acts/Law
  • High professional ethics and whose integrity
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Domestic travels: 80% travel to the field
  • On call: 20% in emergency situations. The position will require to be on call.

MEAL Coordinator

Duties And Responsibilities

Program Planning:

  • Together with the consortium partners and secretariat technical teams, organize and facilitate Strategic/multiyear Plans/designs and budgets for the overall program
  • Support review and update log frames, M&E Plans, Program indicators and periodic targets and detailed implementation plans.
  • Support the development of clear and implementable work break down structure for respective program activities as needed
  • Support the finance team to ensure realistic scheduling of program activities and budgets
  • Identify and document the program assets and produce a Remote Sensing /GIS activity /program map.

Implementation, Technical Support and Quality Assurance

  • Coordinate the successful roll out and implementation of all MEAL related initiatives in the program sites and by all consortium partners (All counties)
  • Disseminate clear business processes for respective MEAL components to ensure consistent application and adherence to standards.
  • Develop and support implementation of program MEAL annual calendars
  • Lead the process of capacity assessments and capacity building for staff and for potential local partners.
  • Ensure that respective staff and WVK implementing partners are provided with requisite MEAL technical support to perform.
  • Coordinate effective implementation of program Activities in collaboration with key partners, technical leads and the Program Director at the secretariat
  • Coordinate and facilitate timely review and sharing of all program documents; plans/designs and reports.

Monitoring, Reporting And Accountability

  • Establish and operationalize a digital data collection and beneficiary tracking system and database
  • Take lead in the design of a monitoring framework to track delivery against program targets/objectives.
  • Coordinate Monitoring activities of WVK and its implementing partners.
  • Coordinate, participate and report on technical field monitoring visits.
  • Ensure mechanisms for collating, & analyzing data, synthesizing information, updating the monitoring matrix and other monitoring systems are in place.
  • Ensure timely dissemination of monitoring data to key stakeholders for management decision making.
  • Support remote sensing and GIS Mapping of Program initiatives
  • Ensure the development and appropriate use of information management systems in compliance with WV Kenya, GOK, and donor and in line with partnership agreements.
  • Coordinate the compilation and submission of program management reports as per WV standards and donor requirements.
  • Support establishment of accountability mechanisms for the program to enhance information sharing, complaints management and timely feedback flow.

Research, Learning and Knowledge Management

  • Coordinate periodic reviews/evaluations of the program interventions using appropriate methodologies (such as LQAs) to determine achievements
  • Ensure that the program assessments, feasibility studies and or characterization processes are conducted in a timely manner and quality reports are produced as per standard.
  • Coordinate inter-county exchange meetings on MEAL for lessons learnt and upscale to regional and secretariat level intervention
  • Establish effective knowledge management (KM) mechanisms including documentation and sharing of innovative/promising/best practices or lessons learned and impacts.
  • Organize and conduct learning forums/events at regular points to facilitate learning by the partners
  • Facilitate ongoing and collaborative learning within WVK and partners based on key data from the performance management system.

Qualification, Knowledge And Skills

  • The holder of this position must have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Climate Change, Economics/statistics, or equivalent degree in a relevant field;
  • A master’s degree in project planning and management, NRM, Climate Change, M&E or Statistics is an added advantage
  • At least 7 years professional experience in Project/ Programme design implementation, M&E and quality learning cycles
  • Results orientated person able to manage and satisfy multiple and at times conflicting organizational, donor and other stakeholder demands;
  • Experience in the execution of development cooperation projects and consortiums
  • Post graduate training in Program Planning and Management, M&E or Statistics, information Science, Climate Change/ Natural Resource Management or related studies is an added advantage
  • Must also have ample experience in Public relations and be a strong team player
  • Statistical training certification especially on data analysis, advanced excel, SPSS, On-line data collection platforms
  • Ability to build capacity of staff on relevant technical fields;
  • Ability to take initiative, solve complex problems, exercise independent judgment;
  • Ability to work with minimum supervision;
  • A team player, capable of building staff and partners in climate change and natural resource management
  • Cross-cultural sensitivity, and emotional maturity
  • Ability to maintain performance expectations in diverse cultural contexts;
  • Excellent English communication skills (both oral and written).
  • Experience working in arid and semi arid and interfaith contexts.
  • Office based environment with frequent travel to the field;
  • Travel required: up to 50% domestic travel and occasional international travel
  • Available to represent MEAL issues at critical functions and moments as needed;
  • On call to serve on emergency and crisis response team and;
  • Available to serve on other teams and working groups as requested.
  • Committed Christian who is able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity challenges
  • Ability to provide spiritual leadership within but not limited to chapel and daily devotions;
  • Outstanding oral and written communications and relationship skills,
  • Excellent coordination and conflict management skills


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