Latest Jobs at World Vision Kenya

Project Management jobs, Data Science jobs, Research jobs, Environmental Sciences jobs, 

Project Officer – CESP

Key Responsibilities:

Community Engagement Sponsorship Program implementation 

  • Facilitate development of CESP project annual operating plan (AOP)
  • Roll out Child Protection Minimum Programming Standards in the AP using approved programming models.
  • Ensure Child protection, participation and safeguarding is integrated in the monthly, semi-annual and annual reporting
  • Ensure integration of RC in CPP&S projects/activities as beneficiaries
  • Ensure Child protection, participation and safeguarding responsive programming with specific consideration of the objectives and indicators
  • Ensure timely implementation of activities and budgets sustained at acceptable level
  • Facilitate implementation of CPP&S program and projects.
  • Support effective integration of Sponsorship operation interventions with other projects in the program.
  • Coordinate integration of Faith and Development Models: CFC, EWV, DNHFLs, SNC, COH, SSF and the facilitation of spiritual nurture of children in the AP
  • Support in the asset mapping against RC
  • Coordinate the implementation of micro projects in the AP.
  • Ensure timely capacity assessment for LI conducted annually and programs initiated to address gaps identified
  • Support roll out of new WV initiatives as guided from time to time.
  • Support implementation of Child protection, participation and safeguarding models at the AP
  • Coordinate capacity building initiatives for faith leaders, churches, FBOs, and other strategic groups within the AP as per WV strategy, policy and guidelines.
  • Coordinate training & refresher courses for CPP&S to ensure informed and CPP&S responsive programming
  • Facilitate coaching and mentoring to the AP sponsorship staff in order to attain better results in the sponsorship performance indictors/Dashboard.
  • Contextualize and adopt the use of approved training materials and methods which respond to local needs.
  • Ensure integration of advocacy and gender, equality and social inclusion (GESI) in all technical projects implemented in an AP.
  • Coordinate integration of Faith & Development modules within the AP programmes and activities.
  • Coordinate Integrated Sponsorship planning and monitoring

Sponsorship Operations

  • Gift Notifications (GNs) are tracked, processed, closed at AP and NO and acknowledgement documentation sent to SO within the standard timeline as per the respective SO requirements.
  • Correspondences (SLs, ILs, queries, ELs etc) are tracked and processed within the standard time.
  • Facilitate production of sponsorship 2.0 products (Child Greeting Video (CGV), Child Special Moment Videos (CSMVs), Community Introductory Videos (YIVs) and Community Annual Photos (YAP)) as per guidelines/standards and timelines
  • Ensure RC level are maintained as per the AP plan
  • Ensure overage RC records are dropped as per standards
  • Facilitate development of MOUs with LIs and timely funding of the LIs
  • Ensure CWB/case management issues are addressed as per standards
  • Facilitate timely implementation of birthday bounce backs and community gifts funding.
  • Facilitate processing of APR and Christmas cards as per guidelines and timelines – ensure business processes are followed accordingly
  • Facilitate capturing of child and family participation and support
  • Facilitate children birth registration within the AP
  • Facilitate management of RC files
  • Ensure security of sponsor addresses/contacts
  • Facilitate effective management of RC death processes – timely reporting, development of detailed report, dropping of records, verbal autopsy
  • Facilitate effective sponsor/donor visits to the AP – ensure they sign child protection protocol and complete feedback questionnaire
  • Facilitate integration of child protection initiatives and take lead in case management – reporting of cases as per WV standards, follow for actions
  • Follow up RC Case management until closure in collaborations with other technical projects/grants Staff
  • Coordinate with Safe Guarding, Advocacy and Child Participation Officer to Follow up Protection Cases involving RC and their families.

Monitoring & Evaluation Accountability and Learning 

  • Facilitate DME processes – assessments, AP re/design, baselines, project monitoring/implementation, evaluations, transition processes,
  • Facilitate learning, review and reflection forums and documentation of best practices/change stories
  • Ensure CPP&S responsive reporting with integrated data on participation, prevention and response
  • Generating quality reports – activity reports, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual
  • Management of project management information system (horizon) – DIPs, ITTs, budgets and activity monitoring
  • Ensure timely sharing of SSUI reports for management decision making
  • Coordinate training & refresher courses and conduct regular monitoring to ensure that sponsorship standards and sponsorship business processes are adhered to in the AP/Local Institutions.
  • Seek useful feedback from participants and staff that will improve future capacity building.
  • Build capacity of partners effectively to collect monitoring data on CWB outcomes.

Engagement and networking

  • Effective representation of WVK in meetings including CPP&S stakeholder meetings at county, sub-county and ward levels
  • Effective representation of WVK in Child rights stakeholder meetings at county and sub-county levels.
  • Participate in County forums including AAC, intergovernmental gender platform, CUC among others at the sub county and ward levels as will be appropriate.
  • Facilitate community forums – for planning, joint monitoring Facilitate community forums including those that address CPP&S interventions – for planning, implementation joint monitoring
  • Participation in National/International Child rights days such as DAC, IDZTFGM, IDGC, 16 days of activism as well as other WV sanctioned days including Day of Prayer, World Vision month, etc at county and sub
  • Participation in National/International Child rights days at county and sub-county level.
  • Provide information to inform fund raising initiatives at county and national level
  • Facilitate community members to advocate on child wellbeing issues to relevant stakeholders
  • Support advocacy initiatives in the AP.
  • Coordinate partnership with the Local Church, Pastor’s Fellowship other FBOs in rolling out F & D models and related activities.
  • Mobilize local Advocacy groups using CVA and CPA Models

Team Management 

  • Model a high standard of personal Christian leadership, ministry and integrity through lifestyle and work relationships that support spiritual development of the team
  • Grow Supervise and ensure high performing teams including supporting supervisee in Performance Objectives, setting, continuous Performance conversations, Learning and development, mentorship and coaching by creating a high performing culture.


  • Perform any other duty as may be assigned by supervisor or designee from time to time.
  • Participate and contribute in committees and task forces which you may be appointed to
  • Participate and lead devotions as appropriate


  • The position holder should have a Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies, social sciences with a 3 years in sponsorship management.
  • Determined personality with initiative and a team player.
  • The position holder must be result oriented, good public & donor relations.
  • Capability and willingness to take responsibility.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Swahili. 
  •  Good interpersonal, organizational and time management skills.
  • Ability to maintain performance expectations in diverse cultural contexts, stressful environments and physical hardship conditions with limited resources.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office, database applications and other related applications in children in Ministry
  • Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity
  • Integrity and respect for various groups and individuals.
  • Ability to work with minimum supervision.
  • Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity
  • Integrity and respect for various groups and individuals.
  • Ability to work with minimum supervision.
  • Good interpersonal, organizational and management skills
  • The position holder must be a result orientated leader who can manage and satisfy multiple, donor and other stakeholder demands.
  • Excellent understanding of Sponsorship business processes
  • Demonstrated training, facilitation, mobilization and coordination skills at both community and organization level
  • Good analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Ability to travel within country, regional and internationally.

Business Analyst III

Job Description:

  • Business Analyst III are responsible for serving as a liaison between the business community and the IT organization to translate business needs into IT requirements. They are involved as a project team member or lead in all phases of the design, development and implementation of technology solutions throughout the business case and development life cycle processes supporting one or more business functions and one or more highly complex business processes requiring design or integration of technical solutions that may cross multiple functions of the business.
  • Based on breadth and depth of understanding of business needs and processes, they collaborate with other IT professionals to determine if solutions currently exist (internally or externally) or whether new solutions are feasible. They take a broad perspective to determine how such solutions will impact existing work processes and systems, and how to manage the integration. They also research and make recommendations for buy vs. build decisions.
  • Business Analysis professionals are innovative, identifying and proposing technology based business solutions. Through adaptable communication skills and the ability to translate between technical and business language, they work collaboratively, negotiating requirements across multiple groups.
  • Business Analysts must have a solid understanding of the client’s existing business processes, the key drivers and measures of success for the business, and the short- and long-term direction of the business and related technologies. They must have a working knowledge of the business area that they support and should be equally aligned with the IT department.  Strong analytical, interpersonal, negotiation and communication skills are also required.
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  • Conducts data gathering and analysis to understand business strategy and direction. Participates in short- and long-term planning sessions with clients to improve business processes.
  • Develops business cases.


  • Serves as the link between the business, third party vendors and the IT technical team.


  • Assesses client needs utilizing a structured requirements process (gathering, analyzing, documenting, and managing changes) to prioritize immediate business needs and recommends options, risks and cost vs. benefits. Develops, writes, and communicates business requirements and functional specifications for the design and implementation of business solutions. 
  • Analyzes customer’s operations to understand their strengths and weaknesses to determine opportunities for improvements.


  • Analyzes and recommends improvements to business processes and models. Assists with prioritizing business process improvements.
  • Documents current business processes and models.


  • Provides factual content to feasibility study for standard development projects and enhancements.  
  • Assists with drafting of proposals for evaluation by appropriate users and managers.
  • Develops and assists in the presentation of business cases.


  • Reviews test plans and monitors testing process to ensure that business results are adequately tested with minimal risk. 
  • Develops user test cases and validates test results during user acceptance testing.

Required Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, or other related field. Or equivalent work experience.
  • Requires in-depth knowledge of Azure DevOps and Office 365 (Planner, Teams, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Typically requires 5-6 years of relevant technical and business work experience.
  • Willingness and ability to travel domestically and internationally, as necessary.
  • Experience working with cross-cultural teams.
  • Effective in written and verbal communication in English]

Environment and Climate Action Senior Advisor



  • Support the roll out and application of the Environmental Stewardship Policy across EARO offices.
  • Support Field offices to set up and improve integrated programming in ESCA projects and build their capacity to do so.
  • Develop compelling materials to strengthen WV EARO FO’s commitment and passion for work on ESCA (e.g., capability statements, case studies of success, business cases, Return on Investment etc.)
  • Nurture a community of practice at field level to implement environmental programming with practical steps to
  • that reduce WV’s environmental footprint
  • Promote RO, and FO’s Carbon footprint and subsequent measures to reduce impact through initiatives with both internal and external stakeholders
  • Monitor and track FO implementation of ESCA initiatives and report against relevant Regional and Global KPIs
  • Advise  FO’s on ESCA related policy statements as requested.


  • Work with Regional Office and Field Office’s to raise grant and other resources to fund environmental projects
  • Work with Priority Field Offices to design, develop and where necessary write grant applications to secure funding for ESCA projects
  • Advise WV EARO FO’s on strategies, approaches and positioning to secure funding for ESCA projects.
  • Work with Global Centre (Headquarters) ESCA and relevant funding offices and functions to build WV EAR Field Office capacity to meet sector and major grant donor requirements on ESCA (e.g. ECHO’s Minimum Operations Requirements )
  • Work with EAR GAM to identify, map and communicate ESCA funding opportunities to WV EAR Field Offices.


  • External and Internal (WV Partnership) Engagement
  • Be a focal point for ESCA issues in cross and multisector programming, including commissioning and overseeing relevant field research/ positioning materials, establishment of external partnerships and help position EARO regional office in the WV Partnership on ESCA issues.
  • Strategically engage with Donors, their respective Funding Offices and other partners in a response, development or nexus context, to ensure that WV is positioned as a viable partner for ESCA programs.
  • Work with FOs to broker external partnerships that can forward ESCA work at field level.
  • Represent the region effectively in key organizational discussions, platforms and fora
  • Maintain partnerships with organizations, think tanks and agencies to fund and implement ESCA or integrated programs


Nexus Approach

  • Will strengthen the implementation of the Nexus Approach by ensuring integration on humanitarian/development/peacebuilding initiatives.
  • These efforts include stronger and more focused joint analysis, strategic planning and programming and more joint learning (field trips, evaluations etc.) between humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding actors.
  • Focus on working in collaboration and complementarity between humanitarian and development actors and knowing that Field Offices will become more and more affected by the climate change, food insecurity, extreme poverty might lead to more conflicts over the scarce resources and the presence
  • Work with humanitarian, development and peace actors to find solutions, to if/when possible, prevent conflict, violence (and population movement) to happen.

Knowledge/Qualifications for the Role

Required Professional Experience

  • Detailed knowledge of NGO Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action programming and how to apply it. 
  • Proven track record of growing communities of practice and influencing senior field stakeholders (Eg. Operations Directors, Head of Mission etc) is vital.
  • Able to think and plan strategically and do practical field assessments, visits, proposal writing etc.
  • Knowledge of Livelihoods, international development, humanitarian response, project management or other relevant field is an added advantage. Experience with Bilateral and UN Donors is required.
  • Experience in development of projects, training materials, conducting training (face to face and online) and providing technical assistance.
  • Understanding of the sector, donor and UN landscape for ESCA.
  • Technical skills: Knowledge of ESCA Project models and approaches is desirable
  • A minimum of 5 working experience in climate change and environmental stewardship, program development, implementation, resource mobilization in both emergency, development and advocacy context.
  • The position requires ability and willingness to travel domestically and internationally up to 60% of the time, with possible extended periods of 4 to 6 weeks of field work.
  • Preferred candidates should be committed to travel to Field Offices for days/weeks and spend time with Field Office technical teams in the field. Hands on support is a critical part of this role.
  • Other: Clear communication skills, written and spoken high influencer, engager and an innovator, Techno survey, Trainer/coach, Research.
  • Strong relationship building/network capacity, spiritual maturity in Christian faith, ability to influence, innovative, and proactive personality. 

Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification

Master Degree in Environmental Sciences, Climate Change, degree in Program Management/International Development is an added advantage. Experience in advocacy, policy formation, guidance and implementation on ESCA project model.

Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications.

  • Highly developed external engagement and networking skills Strong project management skills, including experience with research and development of programming models
  • Excellent writing skills as shown through technical documents, thought pieces, and proposals
  • Demonstrated willingness to be flexible and versatile in a changing work environment while maintaining effectiveness and efficiency
  • Ability to motivate and develop staff Experience leading a task force or community of practice or learning
  • Understanding of climate change risks and challenges
  • Strong understanding of global strategies and frameworks on environmental stewardship and climate change.
  • Knowledge on legal international conventions related to climate change.
  • Strong negotiation, collaboration, networking, liaison, and donor engagement skills.
  • Demonstrated proficiency using Excel, Microsoft Suite of products, databases and statistical packages.
  • Consistently demonstrates high-level influence and strategic engagement skills and tactical savvy in delivery of technical assistance.
  • Ability to think broadly and look at the macro, strategic issues to inform strategy choices and management pro
  • Critical thinking skills to relate to work performed to broader business conte

Location: This position can be based in any of the locations as mentioned above.


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