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Project Officer- Accountability, Monitoring And Evaluation

About the Role

Key Responsibilities

Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (Learning and Documentation)

  • Support Project assessments (Internal and external)
  • Support in project designs and ensure that the log frame and M&E plan are realistic for food assistance programme.
  • Liaise with National Office technical specialists for their contribution to the technical aspects of the project design.
  • Ensure that M&E activities are adequately budgeted for, this includes monitoring and end of project evaluation for the specified project
  • Ensure that all Monitoring activities are carried out and reported on time (PDMs, MBFSM, On site distribution monitoring)
  • Ensure that Monitoring data is regularly reviewed for its appropriateness and usefulness in measuring progress toward the achievement of project objective.
  • Coordinate with external stakeholders including, but not limited to, academia, NGOs, Government, Private Sector and WFP in order to advance the learning goal of the project
  • Prepare quality monthly, Quarterly and end of project reports in time.
  • Review Visit reports from Field Monitors and ensure they are in line with the design
  • Prepare schedule for monitoring together with communities and partners
  • Seek input from local level partners to adapt monitoring tools, where appropriate.
  • Plan tracking for key CWB indicators of strategic relevance from secondary and primary data, with partners and communities.

Humanitarian Accountability

  • Ensure that M&E system for the food programme is linked to Humanitarian accountability requirements.
  • Work with communities and beneficiaries to establish Complaints Response Mechanism (CRM) in all project sites and ensure that they are functional
  • Ensure that protection issues that comes from the PDM and CRM are addressed appropriate.
  • Ensure implementation of a safe, efficient and effective system for receiving and processing of feedback, ensuring a two-way communication between communities, beneficiaries and World Vision.
  • Ensure that community feedback is effectively used to inform project implementation, monitoring, learning and improvement.
  • Prepare Monthly reports highlighting type(s) and number of community complaints / feedback by project sites. The report should include how these have been analyzed, followed up and used to improve community engagement and project implementation

Capacity Building

  • Ensure that capacity building plan on monitoring is in place and utilized
  • Ensure that Data collection teams are fully trained, and receive field practice; in applicable research methods prior to formal data collection processes are undertaken
  • Build capacity of partners effectively to collect monitoring data on CWB outcomes of strategic relevance


  • Two years’ experience in monitoring & evaluation positions including participatory research and impact measurement.
  • A degree related to the science and practice of community development, program design, statistics and evaluation;
  • Two years’ experience in monitoring & evaluation positions including participatory research and impact measurement;
  • Proven technical ability around M&E (i.e. experience in managing data entry and conducting data analysis and interpretation)
  • Experience with SPSS or EPI Info and other related statistical software packages.
  • Demonstrated understanding of quality assurance systems, and continuous improvement, with particular emphasis on integration of accountability measures into all aspects of the project cycle;
  • Empirical knowledge of humanitarian codes, principles and practice;
  • Must be able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity challenges;
  • Must have outstanding oral and written communications and relationship skills and;
  • Good presentation skills
  • Good team player, self- starter, has ability to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships;
  • Strong commitment to WV Values, Mission and Vision.

Project Officer- Food Assistance

Key Responsibilities

Commodity/cash Management

  • Ensure that all commodities/cash are properly accounted for and bring to the attention of the Project Manager any discrepancies in accounting.
  • Ensure that distribution plans are prepared and approved in advance to enhance efficient field operations.
  • Ensure that damaged/unfit commodities are kept separately at the FDPs. Arrange for the disposal of all commodities unfit for human consumption upon receipt of the necessary authorization. Ensure proper documentation of such activity in the proscribed form in case there are damages at the centers.
  • Ensure that Last Mile Mobile Solution (LMMS) system is implemented, utilized and monitored.
  • Ensure that commodities/ Cash are received by the targeted beneficiaries. Spot-check FDP stores to ensure they are properly maintained and all equipment functioning properly.

Monitoring, Reporting and Documentation

  • Ensure the implementation of CFA/FFA activities is in line with the design and serves the needs of the community
  • Conduct weekly/monthly project monitoring visits and prepare reports
  • Consolidate monthly plans, ensure implementation and share updates on work progress against the plans.
  • Ensure all records are maintained as per CBTD, commodity manual and Cash transfer guidelines.
  • Review distribution center visit reports and align them to the program design
  • Document the contribution of the projects to child wellbeing outcomes to assess impact and advice programming.


  • Provide overall supervision of field monitors
  • Engage in identification and recruitment of field monitors
  • Ensure that field monitors maintain a daily activity schedule
  • Spot check field monitors to see if they are at food distribution centers/project sites
  • Ensure that a list of authorized names with signatures for relief committees is compiled.
  • Monitor and manage performance to field monitors throughout the project cycle

Stakeholder Engagement & Capacity building

  • Ensure coordinated engagement with the Community, Government authorities, WFP and other stakeholders
  • Provide updated information to internal & external partners
  • Participate in identification of training needs and ensure proper training and develop capacity for field monitors.

Project Officer- Humanitarian Information And Reporting

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Key Responsibilities

LMMS/CTS System operation:

  • Oversee wireless connectivity issues between mobile devices and roaming servers in field operations, trouble shooting where necessary.
  • Ensures correct functioning of LMMS in beneficiary registration, enrollment, household updates and commodity distribution activities.
  • Ensure Safety of data collected in the field; maintain backups and encryption of laptop data when required.
  • Support in the administration LMMS/CTS system users within the project.
  • Provide systems support and report back to the field team on state of field deployments.
  • Work with software developers and partners in new systems and upgrades
  • Report technical failures, help to replicate problems and lead field installations with system upgrades/new releases.
  • Document technical shortfalls within the existing mobile product offering and with new version releases
  • Prepare LMMS/CTS reports and forward them to relevant departments within WVK and LMMS/CTS Global IT.

Documentation and Reporting

  • Prepare commodity reports (CSR, RSR, LSR) and ensure timely submission to National office and other stakeholders.
  • Maintain a neat, organized and chronological filing system, ensuring that hard copies of the recommended reports are available and easy to access at any required time.
  • Update the shipment registers, shipment receipt summaries, Loss claim register and Loss files to make sure that the soft copy and files are up to date for easy accessibility on monthly basis.
  • Make frequent visits to the field locations to ensure accountability.
  • Collect and keep all the receipts and dispatch summary, truck inspection reports, loss reports, physical inventory, warehouse inspection report, distribution summaries and distribution center visit reports.
  • Track key CWB indicators of strategic relevance from secondary and primary data available.
  • Ensure real-time monitoring and appropriate data storage so that local programming data is readily available at times
  • Ensure Physical inventory for all the warehouses to ensure that the commodity book balances match the actual stock in the warehouses and explanations provided for any variances.
  • Review invoices and other Cooperating Partner reports

Ensure all records are maintained as per CBTD, commodity manual and Cash transfer guidelines.

Coordination and collaboration

  • Work closely with the global LMMS/CTS Support personnel in all aspects of the technology readiness and rollout, in addition to providing feedback to, and receiving technical instructions from, the FAIR Coordinator on IT upgrades, maintenance and new developments
  • Participate in fora of IT support staff for LMMS/CTS for sharing common experiences and troubleshooting technical challenges.

Capacity Building

  • Participate in capacity development initiatives for field staff to ensure adequate LMMS/CTS coverage.
  • Support FAIR Officer to provide training to other Food Assistance staff


  • A minimum of 2 years work experience in IT or related.
  • Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in computer Science or IT or any other related course from a recognized University.
  • A minimum of 2 years work experience in IT or related.
  • Solid background in the Window Operating System – XP in particular. Comfortable invoking, stopping or restarting System Services, installing and uninstalling software, creating user groups and setting up user privileges.
  • Solid networking skills – able to set up, securing and administer wireless ad-hoc peer-to-peer networks. Ability to isolate and troubleshoot network connectivity difficulties accordingly and through running IP configuration tools, resetting wireless connections. Understands TCP/IP protocol.
  • Knowledgeable of Relational Database Management Systems – exposure to MySQL highly desirable, including the use of database management tools (such as MySQL Query Browser and Administrator).
  • Ability to troubleshoot IT problems – log, track and systematically troubleshoot IT problem.


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