Latest Openings at Kakamega County

Human Resources, HR, Agriculture, Agro-Allied, Engineering, Technical, County Government Jobs,

Director of Human Resource Management

Duties and Responsibilities. 

  • The Director of Human Resource Management will be in charge of the overall coordination of County 
  • Human Resource function and will report to the Chief Officer. 
  • Implement policies, guidelines on designed Organizational Structures and Staff Establishment in the County Public Service;
  • Management of human resource services to ensure that staff are properly facilitated with a view to maintaining high motivation for effective performance and high productivity;
  • Lead in Human Resource functions which include recruitment, communication, change management, performance management, discipline, remuneration, staff welfare, human resource planning and staff development;
  • In consultation with authorized officer, determine optimal staffing levels and utilization of human resource in the County Public Service;
  • Initiate and coordinate research on market labour trends and develop strategies for best practices in human resource management and development;
  • In liaison with the County Public Service Board develop staffing norms, organization culture and modeling for optimal use of human resource;
  • Advise the Chief Officer on human resource matters;
  • In consultation with CPSB, prepare and review Schemes of Service and career progression guidelines;
  • As an assistant to the Secretary of the County Human Resource Committee ensure timely deliberation on HR implementation issues; and 
  • Any other lawful duties as may be assigned from time to time. 

Requirement for Appointment 
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:- 

  • Served for a minimum period of three (3) years, in the grade of Deputy Director, Human Resource Management, Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ or in a comparable and equivalent position in the Public Service or Private Sector; 
  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management or any Social Science Degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • Master’s degree in any of the following fields: Human Resource Management, Business Administration, Public Administration or its equivalent from a university recognized in Kenya;
  • Attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme course lasting not less than six (6) weeks from recognized institution;
  • Current Membership to IHRM (K) or an equivalent professional body; 
  • Demonstrated a high degree of professional competence, administrative capabilities and initiative in the general organization and management of Human Resource and a thorough understanding of HR issues and emerging HRM practices & techniques; and 
  • Demonstrated a thorough understanding of national goals, principles and development goals

Plant Operators III- (19 Posts)

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Operating machines of ‘difficult rating’ C; 
  • Assisting machine attendants in identifying possible breakdowns; 
  • Liaising with mechanics for servicing; 
  • Making daily and weekly oil checks; and 
  • Maintaining the cleanliness of the plants.

Requirements for Appointment 
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must:

  • Have a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE) mean Grade ‘D’ Plain or equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution;
  • Have passed the Suitability Test for Plant Operators Grade III;
  • Possess a valid driving licence free from current endorsements for class(es) of machine(s) that one may be required to operate;
  • Be able to operate at least two (2) Plants of ‘difficult rating’ C; and
  • Attended a First-Aid Certificate Course lasting not less than one (1) week from St. John Ambulance or the Kenya Institute of Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized Institution.

Director, Land, Survey and Geo-Informatics

Duties and responsibilities 

  • The officer will report to the Chief Officer and will be responsible for all matters related to survey and land management. Specific duties and responsibilities include:
  • Provide leadership in the management and administration of the directorate; 
  • Preparation and implementation of strategic and annual work plans for the directorate;
  • Preparation of budget and procurement plans;
  • Coordination of preparation of a database for all public land in the county in collaboration with National Land Commission; 
  • Supervision of control, topographical, cadastral, engineering, re-establishment and general surveys;
  • Supervision of work at the GIS Laboratory and digitization of land and survey projects;
  • Management of staff in the directorate; and 
  • Identify and develop training needs for the Directorate. 

Requirements for Appointment 
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:- 

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service, for a minimum of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Bachelor’s degree from a university recognized in Kenya in any of the following disciplines; Land Surveying and Photogrammetry, Geomatics Engineering, Geospatial Engineering; Technology in Geomatics and Philosophy in Survey Technology;
  • Master’s Degree in a relevant field will be an added advantage; 
  • Be a Full Member of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya;
  • Attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme course lasting not less than six (6) weeks from recognized institution; and
  • Certificate in Geographical Information System; 
  • Demonstrate professional competence in work performance and be result oriented in execution of duties and responsibilities; and
  • Demonstrated understanding and commitment to the values and principles as outlined in article 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010

Director, Technical and Vocational Training

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • The officer will report to Chief Officer, Education, Science and Technology. 

Specific duties and responsibilities include: 

  • Provide leadership in the management, development and implementation of County Youth Polytechnics
  • Review and develop policies, strategies and guidelines for development of County Youth Polytechnics;
  • Mobilize resources for Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) projects and programmes;
  • Develop partnership with various stakeholders to improve status and management of Technical and Vocational Training Centers and link the stakeholders to the Ministry; 
  • Promote technical vocational training as an alternative skills process; 
  • Prepare and implement the strategic plan, annual work plan and periodic reports in the department;
  • Supervise and coordinate promotion and implementation of County Youth polytechnic projects, policies and programmes; 
  • Enhance, improve and upgrade certification of technical vocational training centers in the county;
  • Provide technical and coordination support to the stakeholders and partners in mainstreaming the County Youth Polytechnics guidelines for County government; and 
  • Prepare Training needs assessment and planning. 

Requirements for Appointment 
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: 

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service for aminimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector; 
  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Education, Technology Education or BSc. Engineering from a recognized university;
  • Master’s degree in Education (Institution management, Home Economics, Technology Education) from a recognized university;
  • Registered by Technical Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA);
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Program lasting not less than six (6) weeks or its equivalent from a recognized institution; and
  • Attended industrial attachment for a minimum of eight (8) weeks in the relevant field;
  • Demonstrate professional competence in work performance and be result oriented in execution of duties and responsibilities; and
  • Demonstrated understanding and commitment to the values and principles as outlined in article 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010

Director, Early Childhood Development Education

IMPORTANT: Write a Perfect Cover Letter in minutes and start getting interviews! Get expert advice as you write.) Use These Examples Proven to Work.

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • The officer will report to Chief Officer, Education, Science and Technology. 
  • Provide leadership in the management, development and implementation of ECDE Programmes;
  • Mobilize resources for ECDE projects and programmes;
  • Develop partnership with various stakeholders to improve status and management of ECDE Centers and link the stakeholders to the Ministry; 
  • Lead in preparation and implementation of the strategic plan, annual work plans and periodic reports of the department;
  • Provide technical and coordination support to the stakeholders and partners in mainstreaming ECDE;
  • Manage and review regular reports from ECDE Program Officers; 
  • Compile reports and disseminate technical reviews and improvements in project quality and partner support;
  • Develop play-based curriculum for ECDE in the county; and
  • Supervise the design, development and preparation of ECDE play and learning materials for both normal and special needs children. 

Requirements for Appointment 
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:- 

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service, for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Master’s degree in ECDE or a related field from a recognized university;
  • Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development & Education (ECDE) from a recognized University; 
  • Exposure in curriculum development and child health monitoring;
  • Clear understanding of ECDE policies, framework, goals and objectives;
  • Excellent interpersonal communication and report writing skills;
  • Attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme course lasting not less than six (6) weeks from recognized institution;
  • Demonstrate professional competence in work performance and be result oriented in execution of duties and responsibilities; and
  • Demonstrated understanding and commitment to the values and principles as outlined in article 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.

Director, Education Support

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Provide leadership in the formulation, implementation, monitoring of policies and strategies in development of Education Support;
  • Supervise the promotion and implementation of Education Support programmes and policies; 
  • Prepare and implement the strategic plan and annual work plans in the Department;
  • Prepare the budget and procurement plans for the Department; 
  • Coordinate and provide technical support to the stakeholders; 
  • Mobilize resources for Education support programs in the County; 
  • Develop partnerships with various stakeholders to improve status and management of Education support programs and link the stakeholders to the County;
  • Provide framework for reporting from all education support programmes; and
  • Supervise the design, development and preparation of education support programs for both normal and special needs in both primary and secondary schools. 

Requirements for Appointment 
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:- 

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service, for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Master’s degree in Educational Planning Management/Project Management, Strategic Management or its equivalent; 
  • Bachelor’s degree in Education from a recognized university;
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution;
  • Clear understanding of National Education Framework, Policies Goals and Objectives; and
  • Demonstrated understanding and commitment to the values and principles as outlined in Article 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.

Director of Veterinary Services

Duties and Responsibilities: 

  • An Officer at this level will be answerable to the Chief Officer for the technical services in the 
  • directorate. Specific duties and responsibilities at this level will entail; 
  • Provide leadership in the formulation, development, implementation, monitoring and review of policies, laws and strategies in the animal health sector; 
  • Plan and coordinate programs on the control and eradication of epizootic diseases and pests; and compiling and interpreting technical reports; 
  • Evaluate slaughterhouse designs and make recommendations for approval; 
  • Enforce food safety and quality assurance regulations in local and export slaughterhouses and other animal products processing plants; 
  • Evaluate export/import requests documents in respect to live animals, animal products, byproducts and inputs; 
  • Plan field efficacy trials for drugs, vaccines and acaricides; 
  • Disseminate information on animal health, products and markets; 
  • Coordinate inspection of private veterinary practices and input outlets in collaboration with the Kenya Veterinary Board; 
  • Organize disease search, investigations on antimicrobial and acaricide resistance, monitoring, mapping and outbreak responses; 
  • Prepare and implement performance targets, work plans and budgets and prepare project proposal for resource mobilization; and 
  • Plan and coordinate staff management and development. 

Requirements for Appointment: 
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: 

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director of Veterinary Services (SADVS), Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service, for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Master’s degree in any of the following fields; Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Surgery, Livestock Economics, Forensic science, Animal nutrition and Feed Science, Animal Genetics and Breeding, Clinical Studies, Veterinary Pubic Health, Livestock Production Systems, Poultry Science, Master of Public Health, Applied Veterinary Parasitology, Applied Microbiology, Comparative Mammalian Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Wildlife health and Management, Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Animal Production or Aquatic Sciences from a recognized institution;
  • Bachelors of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) Degree from a recognized institution; 
  • Be registered by Kenya Veterinary Board; 
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution; and
  • Shown outstanding administrative capabilities and professional competence required in managing veterinary services

Director of Fisheries

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop and implement of fisheries policies, programmes and strategies;
  • Monitor and Evaluate, control and surveillance of the fisheries systems;
  • Oversee the development of trans-boundary fisheries management plans;
  • Monitor the implementation of regional and international fisheries agreements;
  • Coordinate the strengthening of fisheries extension services;
  • Promote the cooperation between the fisheries sector and local/ international stakeholders;
  • Undertake cost effective research to advance national and sectoral priorities;
  • Promote fish marketing and value addition;
  • Undertake fisheries technical training in liaison with relevant institutions; and
  • Monitor and evaluate of activities in the directorate.

Requirements for appointment
For appointment into this grade, an officer must have; –

  • Served in the grade of Senior Assistant Director of Fisheries(SADF) Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service, for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Master’s degree in any of the following fields; Biological Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Aquatic Sciences, Biochemistry, Food Science and Technology, Environmental Science, Physical Sciences or any other equivalent and relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution;
  • Shown competence in planning and implementation of development,management and research of fisheries projects and programs; and
  • A broad knowledge of the Fisheries development and management policies, Fisheries Act and other related Acts and international conventions

Director, Cooperative Development

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Provide leadership in the technical advice on cooperative investments, finance, credit, marketing, project management extension and advisory services;
  • Develop and implement of policies or programs and enforcing compliance with cooperative legislation;
  • Design, coordinate and monitor the implementation of cooperative activities, programs and policies;
  • Carry out market research and disseminating research findings;
  • Prepare and validate registration and deregistration of cooperative societies’ documents; 
  • Monitor cooperative societies’ liquidation process; 
  • Develop education and training packages for the cooperative movement; 
  • Promote value addition and processing; 
  • Conduct cooperative banking inspections and undertake cooperative risk assessment; 
  • Develop new financial products, new credit policies and other cooperative ventures; and 
  • Responsible for staff supervision, development and appraisal in the directorate. 

Requirements for Appointment: 
For appointment in to this grade, an officer must have;-

  • Served in the grade of Deputy Director of Cooperatives, Job Group CPSB 04/‘Q’ in the Public Service, for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and equivalent position in the wider Public Service or Private Sector;
  • Master’s degree in any of the following fields; Commerce, Business Administration, Economics Sociology, Law Cooperative Movement, Marketing Entrepreneurship, Management and Organizational Development or Finance from a recognized institution;
  • Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, Business administration, Economics, Sociology, Law, Cooperative Management, marketing Entrepreneurship, Management and Organizational Development or Finance from a recognized institution; and 
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution

Assistant Director, Governor’s Press Unit

Duties and Responsibilities: –

  • Analyze information on programmes, significant events and impact on the customers in a specific sectoral area; 
  • Research on possible causes of negative publicity on the Government on both local and international press; 
  • Prepare and organize on how Government policies, programmes and projects can be propagated and promoted; 
  • Prepare media supplements, documentaries, press releases/media features; 
  • Regularly attending meetings at the Public Communications Office to deliberate on cross cutting issues that require to be centrally disseminated by office of Public Communications.
  • Ensuring that H.E. the Governor is adequately, consistently and extensively covered in major newsmedia outlets at all times;
  • Identifying Government events in a specific sectoral area that require packaging for dissemination to the media and the public; 
  • Gathering Information on policies, programmes, significant events and how they impact on customers and disseminating the same to the public/media; and
  • Ensuring proper projection of corporate image of the organization.

Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this position, one must;

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields Mass Communication, Public Relations, Communication Studies, Journalism, International Relations, Social Sciences or any other equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya; 
  • Possess good oral and written communication skills in both English and Kiswahili;
  • Have relevant experience of three (3) years;
  • Demonstrated professional competence and managerial capability as reflected in work performance; 
  • Certificate in digital photography and video editing will be added advantage

Method of Application

All the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the on-line form. 
ALL Serving Officers in the County Public Service, MUST clearly indicate on the on-line form: –

  • The Officer’s Payroll Number; 
  • Date of first appointment; 
  • Date of last promotion to the current grade; and
  • Substantive designation and Job Group. 

During interviews, shortlisted candidates will be required to produce the following original documents: –

  • National Identity Card; Academic and Professional Certificates; current payslip and letter of appointment/promotion to the current grade.

Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification. 
The County Government of Kakamega is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 
Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted. 


  • All applicants should click on the Job Offers Option on the County Website, fill the Application Form and submit it ONLINE on or before 25th July, 2023 at 11.59 P.M.
  • N/B: No hard copies or emailed applications to the Board’s official email i.e. will be accepted. 
  • Applicants are advised to provide accurate information when making applications, those who give false information regarding their credentials and qualifications will be automatically disqualified

Interested and qualified? Go to Kakamega County on to apply

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