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County Government Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, Administrative Jobs,
Deputy Director Land Administration
Job Requirement
Academic Qualifications;
- Must have a land related Masters Degree from a recognized University.
- Must have a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Land Economics, Land Management, Land Administration, Real Estate Management, or equivalent land related degree from a recognized University.
Professional Qualifications/Membership to professional bodies;
- Full membership in the relevant Chapter of Institution of Surveyors of Kenya or any other land related professional body.
- A certificate in a leadership course will be an added advantage.
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Previous relevant work experience required.
- Must have served for twelve (12) years in the lands sector, three (3) of which must be in a senior management position in a comparable institution;
Applicants must possess level of knowledge and skills in the following areas;
- Technical competencies in land administration and management;
- Strategic leadership skills;
- Analytical skills;
- Communication skills;
- Knowledge of budget preparation skills; and
- Negotiation skills.
Job Description
- Guides the preparation and implementation of the County’s Strategic Plan;
- Spearhead setting of the Directorates’ performance targets and preparation of work plans;
- Supervises the analysis of various provisions on leases and agreements;
- Spearhead implementation of programs and projects under the Directorate;
- Initiate land regularization and formalization programmes;
- Lead in setting criteria for identifying persons occupying land as squatters;
- Evaluates claims on land and makes recommendations for documentation;
- Formulates the development and implementation of technical standards for service delivery in the County.
- Steer planning and budgeting for the programmes of the Directorate;
- Manage performance and capacity building;
- Puts in place monitoring and evaluating performance and preparation of reports;
- Recommend approval of applications for issuance of letters of allotment on County land;
- Prepares leases and transfers of land on County land for execution by the Director, Land Administration and Evaluates approval of development applications, such as renewal of leases, subdivisions and amalgamation; Analyses land issue and provide recommendations to the Director;
- Investigates land complaints for consideration by the County;
- Monitors performance of staff in the department;
Land Administration Officer I
Job Requirement
Academic Qualifications;
- Must have a Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Land Economics, Land Management, Land Administration, Sociology, Education arts, Political Science, Community Development, Commerce or any other related degree from a recognized University.
- Must be computer Literate.
Previous relevant work experience required.
- Must have served for two (2) years in the Lands Sector.
Applicants must possess level of knowledge and skills in the following areas;
- Technical competencies in land administration and management;
- Communication skills;
- Negotiation skills.
- Problem-solving skills.
- Analytical skills.
Job Description
- Processing applications for Development Control including Subdivisions.
- Change/extension of user and lease extensions.
- Making requisition for approved development applications as well as preparation of advertisement notices.
- Carrying out investigations on land rent defaulters in consultation with the officer in charge of land rent section.
- Undertaking site inspections alongside senior officers.
- Conducting site inspections.
Director Land Administration
Job Requirement
Academic Qualifications.
- Must have a land related Masters Degree from a recognized University.
- Must have a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Land Economics, Land Management, Land Administration, Real Estate Management,or equivalent land related degree from a recognized University.
Professional Qualifications/Membership to professional bodies;
- Full membership in the relevant Chapter of Institution of Surveyors of Kenya or any other land related professional body.
- A certificate in a leadership course will be an added advantage.
Previous relevant work experience required.
- Must have served for fifteen (15) years in the Lands Sector, five (5) of which must be in a senior management position in a comparable institution;
Applicants must possess level of knowledge and skills in the following areas;
- Technical competencies in land administration and management;
- Strategic leadership skills;
- Analytical skills;
- Communication skills;
- Knowledge of budget preparation skills; and
- Negotiation skills.
Job Description
- Oversights management of Land Administration and Management Directorate.
- Provides leadership in Directorate, formulation and review of all policies, procedures and strategies on the core mandates of the Directorate to ensure delivery of County’s strategies.
- Oversees implementation of Directorate’s programmes to give effect to the County mandate.
- Oversees provision of advisories to County Government and other stakehoIders for sustainable conservation and utilization of Land.
- Oversees development of appropriate policies and strategies recommended for enhanced benefit sharing, access and use of Land.
- Undertakes performance management of staff in the Directorate.
- Oversees implementation of County’s resolutions on allocation of public land.
- Oversight mapping and documentation of all County land.
- Leads in development of budget and monitors implementation of planned activities in the department.
- Spearheads regularization and verification of ownership of land in all schemes within the County.
- Oversights handling of County land disputes and complaints.
- Oversights issuance of consents for public land transactions.
- Steers the maintenance of up-to-date Asset Land Register and records linked to the Public Land Inventory.
- Oversees implementation of County and Management Policy directions in the Directorate.
Assistant Director, Information Communication Technology
Job Requirement
For appointment to this grade an officer must have:
- Served in the grade of Principal Information Communication Technology or in an equivalent and relevant position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (2) years;
- A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information System Technology or ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
- Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.
Job Description
- An officer at this level will head a division at the ICT Unit in a Department.
- Planning, monitoring and evaluating program activities;
- Ensuring ICT goals and objectives are met; approving of ICT standards for application;
- Liaising with users to ensure that information processing needs are met;
- Reviewing and evaluating feasibility studies and reports for implementation;
- Management and coordination of the unit;
- Supervising ICT officers;
- Providing assistance in the development of ICT strategic plans;
- Ensuring that ICT projects are completed within the planned time and budget;
- Ensuring that procedures and standards are adhered to;
- Liaising with heads of Department in the County in developing and implementing change management initiatives;
- ensuring that officers are adequately trained;
- drawing up the budget for the ICT unit; and
- procurement of ICT equipments and services.
Assistant Director Land Administration
Job Requirement
Academic Qualifications;
- Must have a Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Land Economics, Land Management, Land Administration, Real Estate Management, or equivalent land related degree from a recognized University.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies;
- Full membership in the relevant Chapter of Institution of Surveyors of Kenya or any other land related professional body.
- A certificate in a leadership course will be an added advantage.
Previous relevant work experience required.
- Must have served for seven (7) years in the lands sector, two (2) of which must be in a senior management position in a comparable institution;
Applicants must possess level of knowledge and skills in the following areas;
- Technical competencies in land administration and management;
- Analytical skills;
- Communication skills;
- Knowledge of budget preparation skills; and
- Negotiation skills.
Job Description
- Assists to oversee research and development of Land Administration Policies
- Assists in guiding the preparation and implementation of the County’s Strategic Plan;
- Assists in setting of the Directorates’ performance targets and preparation of work plans;
- Supports in Supervising the analysis of various provisions on leases and agreements;
- Helps in spearheading implementation of programs and projects under the Directorate; Initiate land regularization and formalization programmes;
- Setting criteria for identifying persons occupying land as squatters;
- Evaluates claims on land and makes recommendations for documentation;
- Formulates the development and implementation of technical standards for service delivery in the County.
- Helping in Managing performance and capacity building;
- Puts in place monitoring and evaluating performance and preparation of reports for staff under him.
- Recommends approval of applications for issuance of letters of allotment on County land;
- Helps in preparation of leases and transfers of land on County land for execution by the Director, Land Administration; Evaluates approval of development applications such as renewal of leases, subdivisions and amalgamation; Analyses land issue and provide recommendations to the Director;
- Assists in Investigating land complaints for consideration by the County;