New Job Openings at Management University of Africa

Education, Teaching, Medical, Healthcare, Education Jobs,

Principal, Management


  • In charge of the administration of the Institute, through the provision of leadership in ensuring implementation and execution of the Institute’s mandate in accordance to the University and Government policies. 
  • Promote collaborations, linkages, and agreements.
  • Supervise the curriculum development and implementation in the Institute through innovations geared towards optimal utilization of available resources.
  • Initiate the development and implementation of the Institute’s strategic plan.
  • Initiate processes for resource mobilization for the development of the Institute’s infrastructure and acquisition of equipment and instructional materials.
  • Liaise with Human Resource Department in the recruitment and appointment of instructors/trainers.
  • Develop a quality assurance system so as to ensure that a high standard of training is achieved.
  • Facilitate and promote entrepreneurship and industrial incubation in technical training through the engagement of income-generating activities.
  • Promote and maintain standards, quality and relevance of education and training at the Institute 
  • Market and promote MUATI activities through workshops, seminars and conferences.
  • Promote research and innovation at the Institute.
  • Prepare annual estimates of revenue and expenditure for the Institute.
  • Prepare comprehensive annual reports for submission to the relevant bodies.

The interested applicants in the position should have the following qualifications: –

  • Graduate in Education or Technical subjects
  • Minimum of three (3) years’ experience in an education related field 
  • Accredited trainer by TVETA
  • Computer literate.
  • Good communication skills

Head School of Education


  • Strategic and Budgetary Planning
  • Developing a strategic plan for the School, in consultation with the Dean, of Schools, including the preparation of a staffing and resource plan.
  • Engaging the staff of the School and the Dean of Schools in devising and agreeing the School’s plan.
  • Reviewing the performance of the School in terms of its objectives as stated in its strategic plan and in its staffing and resource plan.
  • Managing and monitoring of implementation of the resource allocation process within the School.


  • Ensuring the School is adequately staffed.
  • Membership of the relevant Committees including school board and school board of examiners 
  • Creating a supportive working environment for all staff in the School and fostering their career development.
  • Ensuring that staff targets are developed reviewed and completed in a timely manner.
  • Completing probation reviews with all newly appointed academic staff in line with the University policy, in consultation with the Dean of Schools.
  • Allocating duties to staff within the School and the management of staff in consultation with Dean of Schools in accordance with the University policies and procedures.
  • Handling grievance procedures for staff except where a grievance is against the Head of school, in which case the Schools Dean is responsible.
  • Managing relevant disciplinary procedures for both staff and students.

Teaching, Learning and Research

  • Having overall responsibility for the management of the School’s programme of 
  • teaching and research and the implementation of the College’s academic policy.
  • Ensuring the effective delivery of high quality teaching and the maintenance of academic standards.
  • Promoting a culture of learning that is directed to student needs, and of teaching that is informed by the research interests of the School’s staff.
  • Dealing with professional matters where relevant to the activities of disciplines and in particular, the educational requirements of professional accreditation bodies.
  • Fostering the development of academic policy and initiatives within the context of the long-term strategies of the College and the School.
  • Developing and maintaining a vibrant research culture of international standard, including the promotion of research initiatives and networks.
  • Fostering interdisciplinary both within the School and between Schools.
  • Promoting excellence and improvement in all matters of teaching, learning, research and administration.
  • Ensuring the regular review, evaluation and development of programmes offered by the School.
  • Advising the Senior Lecturer and the Dean of Graduate Studies on entry requirementsfor specific courses, in consultation with the relevant course committee and Directors as appropriate.
  • Promoting collaboration within the School, with other Schools, and with other institutions.
  • Liaising appropriately with the Faculty Dean on cross-School and Faculty-wide issues.
  • Nominating External Examiners for undergraduate programmes to Council for approval.


  • Representing the School both internally and externally, including representation on College committees.
  • Managing and encouraging an information flow to staff and students within the School regarding School and University developments.
  • Ensuring the effective operation of the School in accordance with approved governance procedures.
  • The general management, subject to College policy, of the School’s physical facilities and equipment, including the allocation of rooms and other space.
  • Having overall responsibility for ensuring that the School’s arrangements comply with legal requirements and related College policies such as health and safety, data protection and data retention policy, freedom of information.
  • Implementing decisions of Board and Council and the supply of information in accordance with Board and/or Council directions.
  • Prepare an annual report in agreement with the School’s Executive Committee and for consideration by the School Committee.
  • Delegating to an Acting-Head during any period of absence of more than three working days (see below).
  • Conducting elections to Headship of Discipline in the School, as required.
  • Other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


  • Must have a Ph.D. degree or its academic equivalent in the relevant field. 
  • Must have a teaching experience of at least 5 years at University or college level. 
  • Must have at least four (4) articles in refereed journals. 
  • OR (those with Master’s Degree) 
  • Must have a Master’s Degree in the relevant area with five (5) years of University teaching experience as a Lecturer or as a Research Fellow. 
  • Must have at least three (3) publications in refereed journals 
  • OR one (1) book plus two (2) articles in the relevant area since becoming a Lecturer or Research Fellow. 
  • Should have successfully supervised a minimum of 2 postgraduate degree students or should have been a research team leader or principal investigator in a project. 
  • Should have attended and contributed at learned conferences, seminars and workshops. 
  • Should have evidence of continued research or effective teaching. 
  • Should have evidence of contribution to University life through active participation in meetings and Corporate Social Responsibility. 
  • Should be a member of recognized and relevant professional bodies.

Head, School of Management and Leadership

Strategic and Budgetary Planning

  • Developing a strategic plan for the School, in consultation with the Dean, of Schools, including the preparation of a staffing and resource plan.
  • Engaging the staff of the School and the Dean of Schools in devising and agreeing the School’s plan.
  • Reviewing the performance of the School in terms of its objectives as stated in its strategic plan and in its staffing and resource plan.
  • Managing and monitoring of implementation of the resource allocation process within the School.


  • Ensuring the School is adequately staffed.
  • Membership of the relevant Committees including school board and school board of examiners 
  • Creating a supportive working environment for all staff in the School and fostering their career development.
  • Ensuring that staff targets are developed reviewed and completed in a timely manner.
  • Completing probation reviews with all newly appointed academic staff in line with the University policy, in consultation with the Dean of Schools.
  • Allocating duties to staff within the School and the management of staff in consultation with Dean of Schools in accordance with the University policies and procedures.
  • Handling grievance procedures for staff except where a grievance is against the Head of school, in which case the Schools Dean is responsible.
  • Managing relevant disciplinary procedures for both staff and students.
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Teaching, Learning and Research

  • Having overall responsibility for the management of the School’s programme of teaching and research and the implementation of the College’s academic policy.
  • Ensuring the effective delivery of high quality teaching and the maintenance of academic standards.
  • Promoting a culture of learning that is directed to student needs, and of teaching that is informed by the research interests of the School’s staff.
  • Dealing with professional matters where relevant to the activities of disciplines and in particular, the educational requirements of professional accreditation bodies.
  • Fostering the development of academic policy and initiatives within the context of the long-term strategies of the College and the School.
  • Developing and maintaining a vibrant research culture of international standard, including the promotion of research initiatives and networks.
  • Fostering interdisciplinary both within the School and between Schools.
  • Promoting excellence and improvement in all matters of teaching, learning, research and administration.
  • Ensuring the regular review, evaluation and development of programmes offered by the School.
  • Advising the Senior Lecturer and the Dean of Graduate Studies on entry requirementsfor specific courses, in consultation with the relevant course committee and Directors as appropriate.
  • Promoting collaboration within the School, with other Schools, and with other institutions.
  • Liaising appropriately with the Faculty Dean on cross-School and Faculty-wide issues.
  • Nominating External Examiners for undergraduate programmes to Council for approval.


  • Representing the School both internally and externally, including representation on College committees.
  • Managing and encouraging an information flow to staff and students within the School regarding School and University developments.
  • Ensuring the effective operation of the School in accordance with approved governance procedures.
  • The general management, subject to College policy, of the School’s physical facilities and equipment, including the allocation of rooms and other space.
  • Having overall responsibility for ensuring that the School’s arrangements comply with legal requirements and related College policies such as health and safety, data protection and data retention policy, freedom of information.


  • Strategic and Budgetary Planning
  • Developing a strategic plan for the School, in consultation with the Dean, of Schools, including the preparation of a staffing and resource plan.
  • Engaging the staff of the School and the Dean of Schools in devising and agreeing the School’s plan.
  • Reviewing the performance of the School in terms of its objectives as stated in its strategic plan and in its staffing and resource plan.
  • Managing and monitoring of implementation of the resource allocation process within the School.


  • Ensuring the School is adequately staffed.
  • Membership of the relevant Committees including school board and school board of examiners 
  • Creating a supportive working environment for all staff in the School and fostering their career development.
  • Ensuring that staff targets are developed reviewed and completed in a timely manner.
  • Completing probation reviews with all newly appointed academic staff in line with the University policy, in consultation with the Dean of Schools.
  • Allocating duties to staff within the School and the management of staff in consultation with Dean of Schools in accordance with the University policies and procedures.
  • Handling grievance procedures for staff except where a grievance is against the Head of School, in which case the Schools Dean is responsible.
  • Managing relevant disciplinary procedures for both staff and students.

Teaching, Learning and Research

  • Having overall responsibility for the management of the School’s programme of teaching and research and the implementation of the College’s academic policy.
  • Ensuring the effective delivery of high quality teaching and the maintenance of 
  • academic standards.
  • Promoting a culture of learning that is directed to student needs, and of teaching that is informed by the research interests of the School’s staff.
  • Dealing with professional matters where relevant to the activities of disciplines and in particular, the educational requirements of professional accreditation bodies.
  • Fostering the development of academic policy and initiatives within the context of the long-term strategies of the College and the School.
  • Developing and maintaining a vibrant research culture of international standard, including the promotion of research initiatives and networks.
  • Fostering interdisciplinary both within the School and between Schools.
  • Promoting excellence and improvement in all matters of teaching, learning, research and administration.
  • Ensuring the regular review, evaluation and development of programmes offered by the School.
  • Advising the Senior Lecturer and the Dean of Graduate Studies on entry requirements for specific courses, in consultation with the relevant course committee and Directors as appropriate.
  • Promoting collaboration within the School, with other Schools, and with other institutions.
  • Liaising appropriately with the Faculty Dean on cross-School and Faculty-wide issues.
  • Nominating External Examiners for undergraduate programmes to Council for approval.


  • Representing the School both internally and externally, including representation on College committees.
  • Managing and encouraging an information flow to staff and students within the School regarding School and University developments.
  • Ensuring the effective operation of the School in accordance with approved governance procedures.
  • The general management, subject to College policy, of the School’s physical facilities and equipment, including the allocation of rooms and other space.
  • Having overall responsibility for ensuring that the School’s arrangements comply with legal requirements and related College policies such as health and safety, data protection and data retention policy, freedom of information.
  • Implementing decisions of Board and Council and the supply of information in accordance with Board and/or Council directions.
  • Prepare an annual report in agreement with the School’s Executive Committee and for consideration by the School Committee.
  • Delegating to an Acting-Head during any period of absence of more than three working days (see below).
  • Conducting elections to Headship of Discipline in the School, as required.
  • Other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


  • Must have a Ph.D. degree or its academic equivalent in the relevant field. 
  • Must have a teaching experience of at least 5 years at university or college level 
  • Must have at least four (4) articles in refereed journals. 
  • OR (those with Masters Degree) 
  • Must have a Master’s Degree in the relevant area with five (5) years of University teaching experience as a Lecturer or as a Research Fellow. 
  • Must have at least three (3) publications in refereed journals 
  • OR one (1) book plus two (2) articles in the relevant area since becoming a Lecturer or Research Fellow. 
  • Should have successfully supervised a minimum of 2 postgraduate degree students 
  • or should have been a research team leader or principal investigator in a project. 
  • Should have attended and contributed at learned conferences, seminars and workshops. 
  • Should have evidence of continued research or effective teaching. 
  • Should have evidence of contribution to University life through active participation 
  • in meetings and Corporate Social Responsibility. 
  • Should be a member of recognized and relevant professional bodies

Career Guidance and Counselling Officer


  • Counsel and advise students, individually or in groups, on issues related to planning an academic program
  • Give Guidance on choosing and attaining an educational or career goal. 
  • Draw and implement a programme for group and individual counselling on identified biopsychosocial needs of students that affects academic life of students
  • Train students on job search skills , such as writing a winning curriculum vitae, resume, application letters, interviewee skills, and networking 
  • Work with students to develop skills, such as organizational and time management abilities and effective study habits 
  • Train students on job search skills, such writing a winning Curriculum Vitae, resume, application letters, interviewing skills and networking and networking. 
  • Help students locate sources of financial support to pay for school and other training programs. 
  • Identify and draw a programme of co-curricular activities that supplement curricular activities.
  • Work closely with other staff members in the planning and coordination of career outreach and programs such as career fairs, career programs, and employer panels 
  • Identify students in need of referral resources outside the school for additional support 
  • Supervise the acquisition, maintenance, and dissemination of information regarding career fields, employment opportunities, and specific employers for full-time, part-time, internship and work-study opportunities. 
  • Provide information on specific programs and services offered by the university or by organizations outside for the educational and/or career enhancement of the individual. 
  • Market recruitment services and develop partnerships with alumni and employers to identify employment opportunities and engage their participation in campus recruitment services such as on-line job listing service, resume referral, on-campus interviews, career fairs and information sessions. 
  • Assist with administrative responsibilities as assigned by the Supervisor.

The interested applicants in the position should have the following qualifications:-

  • A Master’s degree in Counseling, Psychology, psychiatry, Education or related discipline 
  • At least five years’ experience as a counselor, two of which should be in guiding and counseling students at an Institution of higher learning
  • Ability to remain neutral when dealing with sensitive situations 
  • Excellent tact, diplomacy and conflict resolution skills 
  • Interest and knowledge in co-curricular activities 
  • Be empathic and a good listener 
  • Have excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills. 
  • Be computer proficient 
  • Have excellent report writing skills.

Communication Intern


  • Collaborate with the Marketing and Corporate Affairs team and the various departmental heads to gain an understanding of how and what is to be communicated to reach the primary audiences (prospective students/parents, alumni, and the on-campus community).
  • Conceptualize, create and publish daily content (combining original text and images as well as text, images and videos provided by the Corporate Affairs Department) that enhances affinity for MUA
  • Share stories of community’s successes, success stories for alumni and current students that build meaningful connections and encourage engagement.
  • Employ innovative tactics to grow the audiences of each of the main University social media accounts.
  • Serve as an ambassador for the Marketing & Corporate Affairs departments, which includes seeking out story ideas for social media as well as the website.
  • Encouraging members of the community and students utilizing the social media platforms to connect with the MUA social media platforms. 
  • MUST possess animation, photography and videography skills 
  • Provide support to the event organizing teams during live and online events
  • Working with faculty and research department to make their research relevant in the mainstream media such as op-ed pieces and setting up interviews
  • Organize for culture week, Sports and CSR events in collaboration with the Dean of students.


  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism and/Public Relations/Communications/Marketing or a Diploma in a similar field.
  • Minimum one (1) year of experience in Online Marketing and/or Social Media Management. 
  • Excellent Communication skills 
  • Experienced in social media monitoring 
  • Experience in a fast moving goods company or a learning institution
  • Familiar with Search Engine Optimization 
  • Sound knowledge of journalistic code of conduct 
  • Excellent writing skills

Method of Application

Interested candidates who satisfy the requirements below should forward their applications accompanied by a detailed CV, email address, daytime telephone contact, name and address of three referees. The applications should reach the undersigned not later than 13th July 2023. 
The Management University of Africa is an equal opportunity employer. 
The Management University of Africa 
P. O. Box 29677 – 00100, NAIROBI 


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