New Job Openings at University of Nairobi

Lecturing Jobs, Education, Teaching , Medical, Healthcare,

Senior Lecturer – Department of Nursing – 2 Posts

Department of Nursing


  • An applicant must be a holder of a PhD in Nursing or equivalent qualifications from a university recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate. 
  • He/she must also have a minimum of three (3) years University teaching experience at Lecturer or Research Fellow level OR a minimum of six (6) years of industry experience in the relevant field.
  • The applicant must have supervised to completion a minimum of one (1) PhD and one (1) Masters Student OR a minimum of three (3) Masters Students. 
  • He/she must have a minimum of twenty four (24) publication points from peer reviewed journals with; a minimum of four (4) publications in refereed scholarly journals since last promotion OR a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly book chapters; OR a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly published teaching/lecturer modules or two (2) working, discussion or occasional papers since last promotion. He/she must have attracted research or development funds or educational resources as a Lecturer or Research Fellow since his/her last promotion. 
  • The applicant must also show evidence of community service. 
  • He/she must be registered with a relevant professional body, where applicable.

The successful candidate will be expected to teach and supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate students and undertake further research in his/her area of specialization

Associate Professor Department of Nursing- 7 Posts

Department of Nursing


  • An applicant must be a holder of an earned PhD in Nursing or equivalent qualifications from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate.
  • He/she must have a minimum of eight (8) years teaching experience; three (3) of which are at a Senior Lecturer or Senior Research 
  • Fellow at the University; have Supervised to completion: a minimum of five (5) post graduate students at least; two ( 2) at doctoral level and three (3) masters level; have attained a minimum of 32 publication points from peer reviewed journals with: a minimum of five (5) publications in refereed scholarly journals since last promotion OR A minimum of three (3) publications in refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly book chapters or two peer reviewed working,occasional or discussion papers or two (2) published scholarly teaching modules since last promotion; have attracted of Research funds or development funds or educational resources as a Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow since last promotion; have evidence of community service; have registered with relevant professional body 
  • The successful candidate will be expected to provide academic leadership, teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate students, organize and guide research programmes, initiate and undertake further research in their areas of specialization. 
  • They will also be expected to participate in Departmental, Faculty and University activities

Associate Professor Department of Real Estate, Construction and Quantity Surveying- 1 Post

Department of Real Estate, Construction and Quantity Surveying


  • An applicant must be a holder of an earned PhD in Construction Management or Real Estate from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate. He/she must have a minimum of eight (8) years teaching experience; three (3) of which are at a Senior Lecturer or Senior Research 
  • Fellow at the University; have Supervised to completion: a minimum of five (5) post graduate students at least; two ( 2) at doctoral level and three (3) masters level; have attained a minimum of 32 publication points from peer reviewed journals with: a minimum of five (5) publications in 
  • refereed scholarly journals since last promotion OR A minimum of three (3) publications in refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly book chapters or two peer reviewed working, occasional or discussion papers or two (2) published scholarly teaching modules since last 
  • promotion; have attracted of Research funds or development funds or educational resources as a Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow since last promotion; have evidence of community service; have registered with relevant professional body 
  • The successful candidate will be expected to provide academic leadership, teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate students, organize and guide research programmes, initiate and undertake further research in their areas of specialization. 
  • They will also be expected to participate in Departmental, Faculty and University activities.

Associate Professor Department of Economics and Development Studies- 3 Post



  • An applicant must be a holder of an earned PhD degree in Economics or Development Studies from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate. He/she must have a minimum of eight (8) years teaching experience; three (3) of which are at a Senior Lecturer or Senior Research Fellow at the University; have Supervised to completion: a minimum of five (5) post graduate students at least; two ( 2) at doctoral level and three (3) masters level; have attained a minimum of 32 publication points from peer reviewed journals with: a minimum of five (5) publications in refereed scholarly journals since last promotion OR A minimum of three (3) 
  • publications in refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly book chapters or two peer reviewed working, occasional or discussion papers or two (2) published scholarly teaching 
  • modules since last promotion; have attracted of Research funds or development funds or educational resources as a Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow (cumulative); have evidenceof community service; have registered with relevant professional body 
  • The successful candidate will be expected to provide academic leadership, teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate students, organize and guide research programmes, and undertake further research in their areas of specialization.
  • They will also be expected to participate in Departmental and Faculty activities 

Associate Professor Department of Public & Global Health- 2 Posts

IMPORTANT: Write a Perfect Cover Letter in minutes and start getting interviews! Get expert advice as you write.) Use These Examples Proven to Work.



  • An applicant must be a holder of a PhD in Public Health or Masters in either Public Health (MPH) or Medicine (MMED) or Masters of Science in Medicine (M.Sc.) or equivalent qualifications from a university recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate. He/she must also have a minimum of three (3) years University teaching experience at Lecturer or Research Fellow level OR a minimum of six (6) years of industry experience in the relevant field. The applicant must have supervised to completion a minimum of one (1) PhD and one (1) Masters Student OR a minimum of three (3) 
  • Masters Students. He/she must have a minimum of twenty four (24) publication points from peer 
  • reviewed journals with; a minimum of four (4) publications in refereed scholarly journals since last promotion OR a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly book chapters; OR a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly published teaching/lecturer modules or two (2) working, discussion or occasional papers since last promotion. He/she must have attracted research or development funds or educational resources as a Lecturer or Research Fellow since his/her last promotion. The applicant must also show evidence of community service. He/she must be registered with a relevant professional body, where applicable.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to teach and supervise both undergraduate and 
  • postgraduate students and undertake further research in his/her area of specialization.

Senior Research Fellow – Department of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies

Department of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies 


  • An applicant must be a holder of an earned PhD Anthropology or equivalent degree from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate.
  • He/she must have a minimum of ten (10) years teaching experience; three of which (3) are at an Associate Professor level; Supervised to completion (CUMULATIVE) a minimum of three (3) PhD and five (5) masters students; OR A minimum of two (2) PhD and nine (9) Masters Students.
  • A minimum of thirty nine (39) publication points from peer reviewed journals with; a minimum of six (6) publications in refereed scholarly journals OR A minimum of four (4) publications refereed scholarly journals and two (2) scholarly book chapters since last promotion OR minimum of four (4) publications in refereed scholarly 
  • journals and two (2) peer reviewed working, discussion or occasional papers OR two (2) scholarly published teaching/ lecturer modules since last promotion; Attracted Research or development funds or educational resources as an Associate Professor or equivalent since last promotion and 
  • show evidence of community service and have Registered with relevant professional body.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to provide academic leadership, teach, mentor and supervise students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, undertake research in their areas of specialization.
  • They will also be expected to participate in Departmental, Faculty and University activities.

Method of Application

Use the emails(s) below to apply

  • Senior Lecturer – Department of Nursing – 2 Posts – Apply Here
  • Associate Professor Department of Nursing- 7 Posts – Apply Here
  • Associate Professor Department of Real Estate, Construction and Quantity Surveying- 1 Post – Apply Here
  • Associate Professor Department of Economics and Development Studies- 3 Post – Apply Here
  • Associate Professor Department of Public & Global Health- 2 Posts – Apply Here
  • Senior Research Fellow – Department of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies – Apply Here


  • Applicants should email their application letters, certified copies of certificates and curriculum vitae (CV) giving details of their qualifications, experience and three (3) referees, as well as indicating their telephone and e-mail contacts.
  • Applications and related documents should be addressed to the Director, Human Resource,University of Nairobi.
  • Applicants should state their current designations, salaries and other benefits attached tothose designations.
  • The application letter must bear the reference code indicated in the advertisement.
  • Late applications will not be considered.
  • Applications should be emailed as one file in PDF 


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