New Job Vacancies at Centre for Health Solutions – Kenya 

Work with NGOs Starting Salary- Ksh 200k
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Medical, Healthcare, Data, Business Analysis and AI, ICT Jobs,

Senior Technical Advisor, Clinical


Overall Job Function

Reporting to the Program Director, the Senior Technical Advisor- Clinical will provide technical oversight and support for HIV clinical interventions in CHS Shinda Tena project supported health facilities in collaboration with the Siaya County government department of health and other stakeholders. He/She will provide technical oversight, leadership and coordination for implementation of HIV Care and Treatment, TB/HIV and PMTCT services in Siaya County.

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Key Responsibilities

  • Serve as the CHS Shinda Tena project focal person for HIV care and treatment,TB/HIV, and PMTCT ,responsible for program planning, implementation and monitoring
  • Support Laboratory and pharmaceutical supply chain management to ensure commodity security in support of provision of high-quality HIV clinical services in Siaya county
  • Provide leadership and technical support to the Clinical services’ technical leads, laboratory technical lead, technical officers and site level staff to ensure implementation of high-quality HIV care and treatment interventions in Siaya county
  • Coordinate capacity building of project and facility staff through trainings, CMEs, mentorship and dissemination of new knowledge to support implementation of HIV clinical services
  • Support budget development and management by monitoring expenditure against the program approved annual budget
  • Coordinate program work plan development and monitor implementation progress
  • Provide technical guidance and innovations to ensure all HIV treatment targets are achieved in compliance with organization and donor rules and regulations
  • Coordinate Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) initiatives to support implementation of HIV care and treatment,TB/HIV and PMTCT interventions
  • Contribute to detailed analysis of program performance to support implementation of high-quality HIV care and treatment,TB/HIV and PMTCT interventions
  • Assess progress and barriers to achievement of program implementation plans, recommend action for improvement or modifications to address problems, document and highlight results
  • Collaborate with other technical leads to develop job aids, tools, SOPs, for implementing all the clinical interventions
  • Develop work plans and coordinate implementation of project activities on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis in conjunction with the Program director
  • Identify best practices, document, recommend, implement and disseminate effective and innovative approaches to support HIV care and treatment
  • Coordinate County Collaborative activities to ensure sustained HIV response systems
  • Represent CHS Shinda Tena in various clinical technical working groups
  • Prepare relevant technical reports and recommendations to improve program performance
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in Medicine
  • A master’s degree in public health or any other relevant field
  • Minimum of 5 years progressive experience in HIV programming is required, 3 of which should be at a senior level
  • Supervisory knowledge, skills and understanding of the National and Global Health HIV/AIDS Agenda
  • Demonstrated expertise in the substantive area of work and good understanding of the evidence-based National and Global HIV/AIDS programming
  • Strong track record of HIV/AIDS programming, and proven ability to produce demonstrable technical and program results
  • Familiarity with the Kenya Health system structures including MOH and NASCOP HIV program implementation and documentation
  • Experience in managing a large, diverse and dynamic team of professionals providing integrated HIV prevention, care and treatment services.

Required Competencies and Skill

  • Strong organisation, communication and program management skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability maintain good relationships with project staff, donors, sub-contractors and other partners
  • Demonstrated excellent Computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point)
  • Ability to identify problems, design interventions and oversee their implementation.

Strategic Information Officer – Key and Vulnerable Populations


Overall Job Function

Reporting to the Senior Monitoring & Evaluation (HIV Prevention), the Strategic Information Officer – Key and Vulnerable Populations will coordinate monitoring and evaluation for the Key and vulnerable population interventions in Siaya county.

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Key Responsibilities

  • Oversee the integration of the project’s VMMC, Fisherfolk and KP technical approaches for the achievement of successful project implementation using evidence informed, innovative and best practices
  • Support the M&E framework by reviewing and maintenance of relevant registers/EMR, wall charts, Data entry, reports, timeliness, and accuracy
  • Lead planning, implementation and supervision of all planned VMMC, Fisherfolk and Key Populations (KP) activities within the project area, and ensure these activities are implemented to the highest degree of quality possible
  • Organise and/or participate in SI related capacity building activities targeting CHS staff; health facility staff; and other stakeholders
  • Support needs-based quality improvement capacity building for community based HCT while supporting them in providing leadership to improvement initiatives
  • Work with health facility and community staffs on approaches to routine practices to bridge performance gaps
  • Support MoH to establish systems for continuous learning and implementation of continuous Quality Improvement methods as well as the spread of successful innovations throughout the health sector
  • Work with the MoH to improve the competency and capability of health workers by strengthening quality training programs, including advocacy for quality improvement within core curricula for health providers
  • Assist the MoH in improving performance of health care providers by applying evidence-based innovations and continuous monitoring
  • Convene and conduct quality improvement performance review meetings and other fora needed to achieve the project objectives
  • Assist with the design and oversight of learning sessions to KVP and VMMC, facilitate the scale up of improvements
  • Work with MoH to establish performance monitoring system for tracking priority QI indicators across collaborating sites to show improvement in HCT processes and care outcomes
  • Work with MoH and Implementing Partners in identifying and communicating best practices in improvement of healthcare delivery through newsletters, training and coaching session’s publication and research
  • Provide technical support to CHS-supported health facilities in collection, collation, analysis and reporting of health information to relevant stakeholders using national reporting systems
  • Support the uploading of facility EMR data into the National Data Warehouse (NDWH), C-RIS and KHIS
  • Support the implementation of web-based and mobile health solutions to facilitate real time data transmission and reporting
  • Support EMR data cleaning and monitoring of daily data entry into the systems through regular data quality audit for quality patient management and reporting
  • Contribute in the review and/or development of monitoring and evaluation tools and systems that are responsive to data needs
  • Work closely with other CHS staff and stakeholders to strengthen systems for monitoring patient outcomes; monitoring quality of care; tracing patients who default; data quality assurance; and data collection, collation, analysis and dissemination
  • Ensure timely and proper implementation of the Ministry of Health’s (MoH) monitoring and evaluation guidelines including roll out of new tools in all CHS-supported facilities
  • Provide technical lead in quarterly data feedback to county health management teams and health facilities
  • Provide lead in timely collection, cleaning and reporting of quarterly and other routine data to donors and other stakeholders
  • Building capacity for on QI coaching at project supported sites by closely working with the project SI department to plan for and implement activities aimed at institutionalising the use of QI methods to improve service delivery and client outcomes through training, on-site coaching and support supervision
  • Participate in regional and national stakeholders’ forums or conferences on health and give presentations during these meetings
  • Support the KVP Team in standardising quality by taking lead in continuous quality improvement, tracking key performance indicators and strategies to determine progress and innovations across supported sites
  • In collaboration with KVP team, ensure monthly data is compiled and appropriate reports are submitted to the government and the program management
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by your supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • Degree in Public Health, Biostatistics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Sciences, an equivalent academic qualification from a recognised institution
  • Experience in KVP Fisherfolk and VMMC Data Management is an added advantage
  • At least 3 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS care and treatment, PMTCT, TB/HIV, HTS, VMMC, Key Population and Vulnerable Population
  • Expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods, operations research, Health Management Operations Systems and data quality assessments
  • Demonstrable knowledge and skills in implementation of QI interventions in the context of developing countries and management of QI data and databases
  • Experience in knowledge management, specifically in the area of public health/ healthcare
  • Good facilitation and writing skills
  • Abilities to deliver with minimal supervision

Technical Officer – Key Populations


Overall Job Function

Reporting to the Key and Vulnerable Populations Lead, the Technical Officer (Key and Vulnerable Populations) will coordinate implementation of interventions for key and vulnerable populations in Siaya County. He/She will provide administrative and project support and ensure fidelity of key population implementation while adhering to budget, scope, work plans and schedule required service delivery standards.

Key Responsibilities

  • Lead treatment services in key population clients while working closely with MOH, NASCOP, NSDCC, and other stakeholders in program level planning, trainings, supervision, data collection and reporting
  • Capacity build providers to deliver and sustain provision of comprehensive HIV care, treatment and prevention services whilst strengthening integration at MOH facilities
  • Coordinate and provide technical leadership in the planning and implementation of KP program – KP work plans are drawn and tracked
  • Coordinate evidence-based interventions to improve the quality and responsiveness of HIV prevention programming and service delivery for KP
  • Support expansion and access to HIV clinical care and treatment services, including STI, violence prevention and TB/HIV services, and for reducing the dual stigma and discrimination associated with HIV among KP
  • Coordination of the KP community activities to promote linkage with the various DiCEs and integrated facilities while ensuring the allocated County/donor targets are met
  • Identify and map different categories of KP in the targeted geographic areas in the county and set up outreach service delivery points for the KP community
  • Support in coordination of the KP structural interventions by closely working with the county and sub county health management teams and other KP stakeholders
  • Serve as the focal person for networking and collaboration with Sub County level teams, governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs, CBOs, FBOs and CSOs) involved in key populations programming; including Bar owners
  • Ensure linkage and retention of KP in HIV prevention and Treatment cohorts for better program outcomes
  • Assess progress and barriers to achievement of program implementation plans, recommend action for improvement or modifications to address problems, document and highlight results
  • Support referral and linkage of all high-risk negative clients to high-impact prevention services including VMMC, PrEP, PEP, OVC, DREAMS
  • Working with DiCE in-charges and receptionist, ensure stores inventory and requests are done in a timely manner and that all necessary commodities, supplies and tools are available
  • In collaboration with DICE in-charges and KP field assistants, ensure monthly data is compiled and appropriate reports are submitted to the government and the program on a timely manner
  • Prepare relevant technical and progress reports and recommendations to improve program performance
  • Regularly document processes of key populations programming activities, highlighting best practices, challenges and lessons learned
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by your supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • Degree or a Diploma in Nursing, Clinical Medicine with KP experience
  • At least three years’ experience in implementing a HIV prevention program, especially HIV testing services
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office packages for report writing and presentation
  • Familiarity with HIV community programs including peer education
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to work well with others and to develop and maintain relationships
  • Ability to identify problems, design interventions and oversee their implementation

PMTCT Technical Lead


Overall Job Function

Reporting to the Senior Technical Advisor (Clinical), the PMTCT Technical Lead will work closely with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders to coordinate the implementation of interventions aimed at achieving eMTCT in Siaya County.

Key Responsibilities

  • Provide leadership in designing, and implementation of PMTCT work plans and budgets
  • Oversee the capacity building of project technical officers and health care providers at CHS-supported facilities on PMTCT national guidelines and protocols
  • Coordinate and innovate collaborative activities and strategies targeted to achieving elimination of Mother to Child Transmission
  • Oversee follow-up of HIV infected pregnant and breastfeeding women and HIV exposed infants in CHS supported facilities and ensure optimal outcomes for the mother and infant
  • Liaise with Ministry of Health officials and other stakeholders in the implementation of the program in line with MOH guidelines and priorities
  • Take part in the drafting of monthly, quarterly and annual reports and other written materials such as lessons learned, case studies and other materials as required
  • Assist in program monitoring and evaluation and use of data to inform program planning and continuous improvement
  • Participate in the county, regional and national PMTCT technical working groups
  • Develop job aids, tools and materials as needed including CMEs for use at the facility level to support health care workers to provide PMTCT services
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • Degree in Medicine, Nursing or Clinical Medicine from a recognised training institution. A master’s degree in a relevant field is be preferred
  •  Minimum of five years working experience in HIV treatment programs, preferably supporting PMTCT
  • Training in HIV/AIDS, PMTCT & TB comprehensive care and support
  • Excellent management abilities within a multi-disciplinary team, support, training and mentoring
  • Ability to work well with others and to develop and maintain relationships with project staff, donors and other partners
  • Ability to identify problems, design interventions and oversee their implementation
  • Good use of MS Office packages and office automation solutions
  • Sensitivity to cultural differences and understanding of the political and ethical issues surrounding HIV infection
  • Ability to work and deliver results with minimum supervision
  • Demonstrated ability to work as a team player.

VMMC/Fisherfolk Technical Officer


Overall Job Function

The VMMC/Fisherfolk technical officer will be responsible for providing technical assistance, supervision, logistical support and coordination of implementation of VMMC and Fisher folk program activities in Siaya County.

Key Responsibilities

  • Lead treatment services to FFx population clients while working closely with MOH, NASCOP, NACC, BMUs, Department of Fisheries, Kenya Fisheries Services and other stakeholders in program level planning, trainings, supervision, data collection and reporting
  • Capacity build providers to deliver and sustain provision of comprehensive HIV care, treatment and prevention services including VMMC whilst strengthening integration at MOH facilities
  • Overseeing the development, management and implementation of evidence-based mobilisation strategies for the VMMC and Fisher Folk program
  • Use innovative methods of formative research and social marketing to ensure mobilisation and demand creation is appropriate to the target population
  • Coordinate provision of quality clinical services at the FFx integrated facilities in accordance to the current clinical practices and approved national guidelines including screening diagnosis and appropriate management
  • Coordinate provision of quality comprehensive VMMC and fisherfolk services at the facilities and beaches
  • Coordination of the FFx structural interventions by closely working with the county and sub county health management teams and other FFx stakeholders including BMU and fisheries
  • Liaise with the project pharmacy and laboratory systems coordinators to ensure commodity security on all FFx and VMMC services
  • Regularly document processes of FFx and VMMC programming activities, highlighting best practices, challenges and lessons learned
  • Coordinate comprehensive community-based HIV prevention services through Peer education and outreach for behavioral HIV prevention at the FFx beaches
  • Prepare work plans for clinical outreach activities to mapped KP hotspots and beaches and prepare summary reports after every planned outreaches
  • Support early enrolment into Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART) for FFx and monitor viral load (VL) suppression in the established cohorts in collaboration with health facilities (Support initiation and retention of FFx on ART under the new National guidelines of Treatment as Prevention (TasP))
  • Ensure constant availability of VMMC supplies and equipment across all VMMC facilities
  • Enforce adherence to established VMMC service protocols, policies, guidelines and monitor VMMC quality assurance activities
  • Support referral and linkage of all high-risk negative clients to high-impact prevention services including VMMC, PrEP, PEP, OVC, DREAMS
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by your supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • Degree or diploma in Nursing, Clinical Medicine, or equivalent
  • Certification on VMMC and KVP sensitivity, KVP Micro planning and understand KVP Micro planning tools as per NASCOP SOP.
  • Minimum of 3 years in overall coordination, capacity building and implementation of FFx and VMMC services
  • Familiarity with PEPFAR-funded HIV programs
  • Strong computer skills (MS Excel, Access, Word, and PowerPoint at minimum; preferred proficiency with statistical Software such as SAS and SPSS)
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and strong problem-solving skills
  • Ability to lead and work with a diverse team.
  • Must be willing to undertake activities within KVP hotspots and beaches.

DREAMS Technical Lead


Overall Job Function

Reporting to the Senior Technical Advisor (HIV Prevention), the DREAMS Technical Lead will coordinate implementation of DREAMS interventions in Siaya County. This will include development of work plans, providing leadership and coordination of DREAMS staff, and monitoring and reporting for HIV prevention interventions for AGYW.

Key Responsibilities

  • Support the design and implementation of evidence-based HIV-prevention interventions targeting adolescent girls and young women in Siaya County
  • Provide technical assistance through trainings, mentorship, and OJT to staff focusing on the package of evidence-based interventions including school based HIV prevention programming, social asset building, social protection interventions including vocational training, education subsidy, entrepreneurship and financial capability training, and biomedical interventions including gender-based violence, HIV testing and counselling, contraceptive method mix, condom promotion and provision, PrEP education, community mobilisation and norms change interventions, among others
  • Support budget management by monitoring expenditure against the program approved annual budget and revisit plans to ensure budget performance are within approved limits
  • Support supervision and mentorship of the program staff in implementing targeted HIV prevention programs, packaging of interventions, and development of training and IEC materials
  • Support supervision and mentorship of service delivery staff to ensure quality implementation of services to AGYW within the DREAMS program
  • Facilitate engagement with the community and other stakeholders to ensure program sustainability, and ownership by the community members and stakeholders
  • Support monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of DREAMS interventions including working closely with the M&E team to set up program responsive M&E systems, tools, reporting structures, and data analysis that track progress and inform DREAMS interventions
  • Develop technical programmatic reports including donor reports, documentation of lessons learnt, best practices, challenges, and opportunities for programming
  • Facilitate linkages across different HIV programs and services at health facility, and community levels; HIV testing, counselling, care, treatment and strengthening of health facility-community referral and linkages systems for the AGYW for biomedical interventions and social economic approaches
  • Coordination and supervision of evaluations on the efficacy of behavioural, biomedical, and structural interventions and programs
  • Represent CHS in various forums including stakeholder forums, technical working groups, and other national and county programmatic forums, as well as coordinate ownership and sustainability of programs within the government mainstream functions whilst ensuring that key actors, both internal and external, are aware of programmatic and operational successes
  • Any other related duties assigned by your supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • Degree in Social Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Nursing or any other related field
  • Master’s Degree in Public Health or Epidemiology will be an added advantage
  • Minimum of five (5) years’ experience implementing complex HIV prevention programs, with at least three (3) in a senior level position
  • Experience working under PEPFAR-funded programs and USG donor’s regulations, specifically DREAMS program
  • Knowledge or experience in social, behavioural change communication implementation science
  • Demonstrated analytical and problem-solving, written and verbal skills, capacity building skills, communication and interpersonal skills, and providing technical assistance.

ICT Officer


Overall Job Function

Reporting to the ICT & ERP Specialist, the ICT Officer will ensure overall ICT support for CHS offices and supported sites on all ICT functions ensuring smooth, problem free and well-documented systems to ensure the goals of CHS strategic plan are in progress.

Key Responsibilities

  • Consistent and timely troubleshooting support provided to the project and personnel
  • Proactive assessment of user needs in terms of software and applications and installation of the same on computers for all relevant users
  • Maintain and troubleshoot all network and computer related issues
  • Integrate security, physical control solutions for all confidential data and systems
  • Monitor performance and manage parameters to provide fast responses to front-end users
  • Integrate and configure computer networking for best performance
  • Troubleshoot and repair of hardware, operating systems and applications
  • Monitor and maintain computer systems and networks
  • Identify security gaps and provide relevant solutions
  • Test and evaluate all new technology including M&E systems e.g. database systems, websites etc.
  • In collaboration with ICT Partner and MEL Unit, develop participatory strategies and tools for monitoring and evaluating the project
  • Conduct electrical safety checks on computer equipment
  • Enhance office IT system through appropriate upgrades and advise Operations Unit on changes or improvements required
  • Help install and support of all ICT hardware and software; ensuring applications support including hardware/Software Installations
  • Receiving logs requests for support from users and respond to the requests in a logical and prioritised manner
  • Ensuring all work is carried out and documented in accordance with required standards, methods and procedures
  • Work with the SI department to support ICT related tasks at project and health facility level
  • Providing guidance and advice to staff on policy issues related to ICT equipment safety and maintain confidentiality and observe data protection guidelines of the organisation
  • Ensuring monitoring progress of requests for support and ensure users and other interested parties are kept informed
  • Carries out any other reasonable duties within the overall function commensurate with the level of responsibilities of the position
  • Carrying out general maintenance to hardware in regards to cleaning and ensuring smooth functionality
  • Ability to train other staff in ICT function to handle basic support matters
  • Assets management support and distribution accountability
  • Server support functions and minor AD functionality
  • Any other related duties assigned by your supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • A degree in Information Technology or Diploma in Information Technology with over 5 Years relevant experience
  • Proficiency in the use of ICT particularly in development of web‐based solutions, maintenance of websites and working with databases.
  • Excellent use of MS Office packages and office automation solutions
  • Experience in the Windows Server and Linux Server Administration
  • Experience in networking, software& hardware maintenance
  • Demonstrable experience in the development and implementation of web and mobile based solutions
  • Good organisation, interpersonal, negotiation and high level of computer skills, including excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and ERP systems.

Health Informatics Officer


Overall Job Function

Reporting to the Strategic Information Lead, the Health Informatics Officer will be responsible for the implementation of solutions that will lead to real-time data collection, submission and sharing and support Health informatics Systems in Shinda Tena Project supported health facilities in Siaya county

Key Responsibilities

  • Design, develop, deploy and support Electronic Medical Records Systems
  • Design of reporting dashboards
  • Support in extraction and aggregation of data for program progress monitoring and reporting through the DATIM and MOH system (KHIS)
  • Support the uploading facility EMR data into the National Data Warehouse (NDWH).
  • Design, develop and implement web-based and mobile health solutions to facilitate real-time data transmission and report sharing.
  • Support EMR data cleaning and monitoring of daily data entry into the systems
  • Design, development, deployment and support of electronic systems for patient monitoring, as well as the aggregate database for program monitoring and reporting to MOH and donors
  • Implementation of solutions that will lead to real-time data collection, submission and sharing
  • Hardware and network setup, troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Write programming scripts to perform automated data accuracy checks and generate reports of any identified inconsistencies
  • Generate monthly data summaries to help track and inform on program performance
  • Support the roll-out of eHTS, eVMMC, eCommunity ART, WebADT and support all HIS products
  • Support the roll-out and operationalisation of the POC EMR systems
  • Support in design, development and maintenance of other program databases/ systems such as Ushauri and Mlab etc
  • Any other related duty that may be assigned by the supervisor.

Person Specifications

  • At least a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or any other relevant discipline.
  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in supporting HIS solutions that are used in HIV programs in Kenya
  •  Experience in the design, programming and administration of transactional databases (MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL)
  • Experience in the Windows Server and Linux Server Administration
  • Experience in networking and hardware maintenance
  • Experience in designing, developing, implementing and maintaining knowledge management systems that facilitate data use for decision making
  • Demonstrable experience in the development and implementation of web and mobile based solutions.
  • Experience in Electronic Medical Records’ development, implementation and support
  • Experience in programming skills in PHP, JavaScript CSS, XML, net (C#, ASP)
  • Working knowledge of DATIM & PEPFAR reporting systems Ability to work effectively in a busy, high-pressure team environment
  • Ability to prioritise workload and demonstrate outcomes on strict deadlines
  • Strong oral and written communications skills.

Method of Application

Interested applicants are invited to email their applications and detailed CV with contact details of three referees to clearly indicating the subject title as Health Informatics Officer: CHS/HR/STP/HIO/02/2023 by 5.00 PM,  October 10, 2023.

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