Portfolio Manager at APA Insurance

Insurance jobs in Kenya, Executive level,


  • Evaluating and monitoring portfolio performance to ensure consistency across clients with broadly similar mandates while seeking to achieve out-performance against agreed return benchmarks.
  • Identifying and executing appropriate asset allocation strategies with due regard to managing portfolio risks and regulatory compliance aspects.
  • Developing, reviewing and managing client assets in accordance with the mandate. This includes liaising with the back office & external service providers on enquiries regarding the accuracy of client portfolios information & subsequent follow ups regarding their amendments.
  • Leading the team in executing client reporting actions on a timely basis in respect of monthly fact sheets for the Unit Trust Fund mandates, periodical third party reporting as required, as well as regular thematic thought leadership investment notes targeting current and prospective clientele.
  • Leading the team by offering clear guidance regarding the research and analysis to be carried out on companies and sectors, as well as oversee the collation of third party research from reputable sources against which internal research findings/opinions may be compared. 
  • Participating in the management earnings call reviews particularly for stocks with representation in the client portfolios and share key takeaways from them with the management and investment committee for their appreciation. 
  • Developing concise investment recommendation notes for the appreciation of the management investment committee, pension fund trustees or other such clients for their due consideration. 
  • Demonstrating proactivity in client service by providing advice, statements, responding to queries etc. and coordinating the team’s response in various client related matters on an ongoing basis with a view to enhancing client retention or client acquisition.
  • Leading the team in conducting due diligence on brokers, banks and other service providers and recommend a bank panel and respective limits to the management investment committee for their consideration.
  • Reviewing & monitoring of the dealer’s transactions with brokers, banks and other service providers and reporting back to management and investment committee regarding their alignment to the overall strategy to be executed, as well as compliance with established limits.
  • Contributing & supporting the General Manager in meeting overall business objectives e.g., through marketing initiatives via online or in-person methods, responding to tenders, actively sourcing for new business to contribute to product development and other such business initiatives that may arise from time to time.


  • Evaluating staff performance and give timely and incisive input during appraisals.
  • Supervising subordinate staff, assign duties and overseeing their execution at a high standard.
  • Actively participating and contributing in Investment Advisory Committee decisions, by providing insights borne of considered research & analysis. The portfolio manager would also be the secretary of the committee. 
  • Overseeing and coordinating the timely implementation of Investment Committee recommendations and the alignment of client assets with investment committee recommendations, as well as proactively provide feedback to the investment committee regarding the progress on agreed actions.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Business Administration, Actuarial Science, or a related field.


  • Strong analytical and research capabilities with a keen eye for detail.
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills to engage a diverse clientele.
  • Proficiency in investment platforms, with familiarity in Innova being an advantage.
  • Energetic, team-oriented, and capable of inspiring a results-driven culture.
  • Excellent presentation and report-writing skills, tailored to diverse audiences.


  • Progression towards CFA/CAIA and CISI Level 1 & 2 is highly desirable.
  • Investment qualifications from credible institutions such as the CFA Institute would be an advantage. 
  • Demonstrated pursuit of professional qualifications such as the CFA /CPA II /ACCA II or equivalent will be an advantage.


  • 4-5 years in investment management, including unit trusts and third-party mandates.

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