Program Management Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Integration Advisor at Mercy Corps

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Program Management Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Integration Advisor

Essential Responsibilities


  • Lead on the adoption and institutionalization of the GESI Minimum Standards by embedding and building ownership across Country, Regional and Global teams
  • Support the process of global quality assurance of GESI standards reporting and engage with the analytics of standards and performance data
  • Contribute to the roll out, familiarization, adoption and maintenance of an agency wide standards reporting mechanism, with particular focus on the reporting of the GESI standards
  • Contribute to the revision process of the GESI Standards and wider Program Management Policy as needed
  • Ensure that the program standards team, program managers and directors are oriented, trained and prepared to implement the GESI Standards and understand where and who they can go to for support.


  • Develop and disseminate GESI guidance, tools, and templates needed for country teams to meet and exceed the GESI minimum standards contained in the Program Management Policy
  • Create user oriented GESI guidance, tools and resources specific to program management and GESI integration across the lifecycle in close collaboration with the GESI TSU and GDI Teams
  • Work with other functions to ensure consistency and integration of approaches, including the HLR, MEL, GESI and GDI teams.
  • Support other departments and other technical functions (Goods Distribution, CARM, Finance, Logistics, etc) to, where applicable, mainstream GESI considerations, standards and sensitivities into processes and policies.
  • Support the strengthening of country office and partner staff capabilities around GESI in program cycle management in close collaboration with the GESI team.


  • In collaboration with the GESI TSU Team, identify high-priority countries or programs that need increased GESI standards technical support, both remote and in-country; engage with regional and country teams for their insights into prioritization
  • Apply our Process Improvement methodology throughout country level GESI support, using it as the framework to identify, diagnose and resolve GESI Integration issues
  • Utilize data from Mercy Corps’ systems and processes, specifically the global standards reporting mechanism, Tola Data and audit findings, to support in the diagnosis and resolution of GESI related program management issues
  • Provide technical support on GESI integration through the program lifecycle, specifically on GESI Minimum standards


  • Support the development and alignment of tailored training packages for country offices around strengthening GESI integration
  • In collaboration with the GESI TSU Team, create and curate Program Management GESI Competencies
  • Contribute to the improvement of Program Standards onboarding resources, as well as onboarding support for key positions specific to GESI
  • Lead on the facilitation of GESI Integration communities of practice


Support the PaQ Unit and Program Standards team to integrate GESI into our internal as well as external work.

Supervisory Responsibility


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Reports Directly To: Senior Advisor – Program Management Process Improvement
Works Directly With: Program Managers, Country SMT, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI)
Technical Support Unit, Program Standards Team, MEL Team and other Program Performance and Quality Teams, Regional Teams

Accountability to Participants and Stakeholders

Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our program participants, community partners, other stakeholders, and to international standards guiding international relief and development work. We are committed to actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.

Minimum Qualification & Transferable Skills

  • BA in relevant field required; MA/MS/MBA or equivalent preferred
  • 4+ years of relevant experience in international relief and development, particularly within country teams
  • 3+ years of direct Gender Equality and Social Inclusion experience
  • Demonstrated understanding of key GESI skills, particularly around Gender Assessments, SADD, and Indicator Development
  • Previous experience of creating/contributing to and facilitating GESI professional development products
  • Experience with monitoring, evaluation and other learning efforts
  • Demonstrated ability to understand and work with project teams, and ability to understand how to develop project deliverables
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly and concisely both orally and in writing.
  • Proficiency with MS Office software required (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), and Google suite (Google drive, docs, sheets)
  • Project Management Certification in Project DPro or equivalent


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