Vacancies at Nairobi City County Public Service Board

County Government Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, Technology Related Jobs,

ICT Officer II (E-learning Officer) – 2 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Education or its related equivalent.
  • Strong knowledge of computer fundamentals, operating systems, office productivity software (e.g., Microsoft office, google workspace) and internet tools
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively convey technical information to participants with varying levels of computer proficiency
  • Experience as a trainer/teacher with computer knowledge, skills and competencies is a plus.

Job Description

  • Responsible for designing, developing and delivering training programs on essential computer skills, software applications and digital literacy
  • Conduct training sessions for participants, covering topics such as computer fundamentals, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and online collaboration.
  • Administer regular assessments, provide feedback to help participants improve their performance and successfully complete given course for certification
  • Maintain accurate records of participant’s attendance, training activities, pass rates and areas of improvement

Valuers – 5 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: land economics, Real Estate and Property Studies or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution; and
  • Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized intuition.

Job Description

This is the entry and training grade for this cadre. An officer in this level will work under the guidance and supervision of a senior officer.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level entail: –

  • Carrying out valuation work for all county institutions including housing estates and private properties for assessment of land rates.
  • Apportioning rates following subdivisions, change of user and lease extension.
  • Inspecting land and properties for rating, purchase, sale and leasing purposes.
  • Making searches on titles in land registries for various valuation purposes
  • Calculating areas from building plans and maps; Measuring buildings in the field for valuation purposes.

ICT Officer I (Information Security)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Possess a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work. 

Job Description

  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets
  • Define, implement, assess, and maintain controls necessary to protect software and applications in accordance with security requirements.
  • Manage configurations for software and applications.
  • Manage changes for software and applications.

Surveyors – 2 Posts

IMPORTANT: Write a Perfect Cover Letter in minutes and start getting interviews! Get expert advice as you write.) Use These Examples Proven to Work.

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines; – Land Surveying and Photogrammetry, Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-Informatics, Geo-Spatial Engineering, Philosophy in Technology(Survey), from a recognized Institution; and
  • Certificate in computer applications.

Job Description

This is the entry and training grade for this cadre. An officer in this level will work under the guidance and supervision of a senior officer.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level entail: –

  • Carrying out angular and distance measurements
  • Computation for medium and high density topographical, general engineering, sub-divisional schemes; and
  • Medium area- cadastral and photo control surveys

Director Survey & GIS

Job Requirement

  •  Served in a grade of deputy director of land surveys for a minimum period of 3 years.
  •  Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines; – Land Surveying and Photogrammetry, Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-Informatics, Geo- Spatial Engineering, Philosophy in Technology (Survey), from a recognized institution
  • Master’s Degree in any of the following disciplines; – Land Surveying, Land management, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Photolithography, Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-Informatics, Geo- Spatial Engineering, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Urban or Regional Planning, Geodesy, Hydrography, Environmental science, Information Science or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
  • Full membership of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (MISK)
  • Certificate in computer applications
  • Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to Land Survey function.

Job Description

  • Implementing new survey techniques, policies and human capacity development in line with the changing professional demands
  • Ensuring maintenance of national and international boundaries
  • Verifying research of new and emerging technologies, astronomical, gravity, magnetic, cadastral, adjudication, sub-divisional schemes, photo control, engineering surveys, (VLBI) observations, adjudication and general boundary surveys
  • Providing standardization data for maintaining, testing, calibrating and certifying survey equipment.

Assistant Director ICT Infrastructure

Job Requirement

  • A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Communication Technology/ Electrical or Electronic Engineering or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served/acted in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector for a minimum of 5 years.
  • Obtained a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body
  • A management course lasting not less four weeks from a recognized institution is an added advantage.
  • Any two of the following ICT Certificates from a reputable institution; Project Management, IT services management Certification (ITIL), ICT authority standards
  • Conversant with the County infrastructure including but not limited to Switching & Routing.

Job Description

  • Planning, monitoring and evaluating program activities to ensure ICT goals and objectives are met
  • Approving of ICT standards for application
  • Liaising with users to ensure that information processing needs are met
  • Supervising ICT officers in the sector;
  • Providing assistance in the development of ICT strategic plans
  • Ensuring that ICT projects are completed within the planned time and budget
  • Drawing up the budget for the ICT unit and procurement of ICT equipment and services.
  • Oversee administration and upgrading of network systems
  • Enforce network, data center and technical support policies
  • Ensure the development of relevant technical skills and service knowledge for staff within the Infrastructure Division

Principal ICT Officer (ICT Infrastructure)

Job Requirement

  • A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector for a minimum of 3 years.
  • Obtained a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.

Job Description

  • Systems development, implementation and allocation
  • Co-coordinating systems development
  • Implementation and maintenance
  • Liaising with user departments to ensure effective maintenance of Information Communication Technology equipment.

ICT Officer I (ICT Infrastructure)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Possess a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.

Job Description

  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets
  • Define, implement, assess, and maintain controls necessary to protect software and applications in accordance with security requirements
  • Manage configurations for software and applications
  • Manage changes for software and applications

Senior Human Resource Management Officer

Job Requirement

  • Served in the grade of Human Resource Management or in a comparable and relevant position in the Public Service for at least three (3) years;
  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
  • Member of IHRM;
  • Knowledge of employee relations policies, procedures and experience in their implementation;
  • Ability to plan and organize a substantial workload that includes complex, diverse tasks;
  • Good judgment and extremely high attention to detail;
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, collaborative style and approach, and ability to work effectively across cultures;
  • Willingness to take a hands-on approach to problem resolution as required;
  • Excellent planning and follow through ability;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.

Job Description

  • Assisting in collecting, collating and analyzing Human Resource Management data from Sectors and making appropriate recommendations thereof;
  • Analyzing Human Resource Management issues emanating from sectors and initiating appropriate action;
  • Co-ordinate Human Resource services especially in the areas of discipline, Supporting and compilation of disciplinary and grievance issues;
  • Provide input to HR policy formulation, implementation and interpretation of HR policy and procedures and ensuring effective and proactive communication across assigned departments on policies, procedures and services;
  • Provide expertise in HRMIS, Payroll Processing, Records Management etc. working closely with respective HR teams;
  • Support the development and implementation of HR initiatives and systems
  • Assist in performance management processes;
  • Support internal and external recruitment and hiring processes including, but not limited to job ads, candidate screening etc.
  • Collaborate with other human resource staff in pertinent Human Resource matters;
  • Other related duties as assigned from time to time.

Assistant ICT Officer I – 3 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Diploma in Information Technology/Education or its related equivalent from a recognized Institution.
  • Strong knowledge of computer fundamentals, operating systems, office productivity software (e.g., Microsoft office, google workspace) and internet tools
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively convey technical information to participants with varying levels of computer proficiency
  • Experience as a trainer/teacher with computer knowledge, skills and competencies is a plus.

Job Description

  • Conduct training sessions for participants, covering topics such as computer fundamentals, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and online collaboration.
  • Administer regular assessments, provide feedback to help participants improve their performance and successfully complete given course for certification
  • Maintain accurate records of participant’s attendance, training activities, pass rates and areas of improvement

Deputy Director Survey & GIS

Job Requirement

  • Served in the grade of Assistant deputy director of surveys for a minimum period of 3 years.
  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: – Land Surveying and Photogrammetry, Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-informatics, Geo-spatial Engineering, philosophy in Technology(Survey), from a recognized institution
  • Master’s Degree in any of the following disciplines; – Land Surveying, Land management, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Photolithography, Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-Informatics, Geo- Spatial Engineering, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Urban or Regional Planning, Geodesy, Hydrography, Environmental science, Information Science or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
  • Full membership of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (MISK)
  • Certificate in computer applications
  • Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to Land Survey function.

Job Description

  • Reviewing policies on surveying, mapping and human capacity
  • Overseeing research of new and emerging technologies maintenance of national and international boundaries surveys, cadastral, adjudication, sub-divisional schemes, photo control, engineering surveys, authorizing astronomical, gravity and magnetic surveys, preparation and publication of plans, maps and chats
  • Providing guidance on standardization and certification of survey equipment
  • Monitoring and evaluating the survey and mapping activities
  • Preparing and submitting technical and administrative reports of the division to the Director of Surveys.

Chief ICT Officer (Emergency Operations, Incidence Mgt and Program Management)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology /Business Management or any other related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Possess a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.
  • Possess Prince 2, Project Management Professional (PMP) or any other relevant Project Management Certification

Job Description

  • Actively participate in project from the planning stages through to the implementation of a solution.
  • Assigns tasks, develops a time line, and sets the budget for the project.
  • Coordinate meetings between team members and monitoring their ongoing progress.
  • Ensure the project team has resources available to complete tasks – which may include materials, outside services, or additional workers.
  • Develop project scope and goals for the team during each step in the process.
  • Development of criteria or measurable data to determine the success of a project.
  • Establish contingency plans with backup resources and accommodations for prospective delays.
  • Communicate project developments to the management departments and coordinators.
  • Resolve conflicts and obstacles to keep the project on track.
  • Analyze the results against a defined set of criteria.
  • Identify and correct weaknesses in the project life cycle. Provide sponsors or upper management personnel with detailed reports of the project’s progression that include budgets, milestones and analyses of implementation.

ICT Officer I (Program Management)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Business Management or any other related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Posses a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.
  • Familiarity with security certifications including but not limited to Certified information security audit (CISA), information security management and or ethical hacking
  • Knowledge of ICT projects management standards e.g. IT Service Management (ITSM) COBIT Certification in quality management system audit 

Job Description

  • Actively participate in project from the planning stages through to the implementation of a solution.
  • Assigns tasks, develops a time line, and sets the budget for the project.
  • Coordinate meetings between team members and monitoring their ongoing progress.
  • Ensure the project team has resources available to complete tasks – which may include materials, outside services, or additional workers.
  • Develop project scope and goals for the team during each step in the process.
  • Development of criteria or measurable data to determine the success of a project.
  • Establish contingency plans with backup resources and accommodations for prospective delays.
  • Communicate project developments to the management departments and coordinators.
  • Resolve conflicts and obstacles to keep the project on track.
  • Analyze the results against a defined set of criteria.
  • Identify and correct weaknesses in the project life cycle. Provide sponsors or upper management personnel with detailed reports of the project’s progression that include budgets, milestones and analyses of implementation.

Director Infrastructure and Information Security

Job Requirement

  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Communication Technology/ Electrical or Electronic Engineering or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Possess a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated a high degree of competence in identifying, designing and monitoring information technology projects.

Job Description

  • Advise the Chief Officer on ICT infrastructure and information security issues
  • Coordinate the development and implementation of ICT infrastructure and information security programme and plans in Sectors and Sub Counties.
  • Develop and manage strategic systems including shared services and infrastructure, data, information security, Data Centre and electronic services of the County
  • Manage the implementation of ICT programme in the County
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation and use of ICTs and recommend suitable enhancements

Senior ICT Officer (ICT Infrastructure)

Job Requirement

  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets.
  • Define, implement, assess, and maintain controls necessary to protect software and applications in accordance with security requirements.
  • Manage configurations for software and applications.
  • Manage changes for software and applications.

Job Description

Deputy Director Asset Management

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s degrees in Finance, Accounting, Economics or any business related field from a recognized institution.
  • Must be in possession of Certificate of Proficiency in Insurance.
  • Must have Ten (10) Years of relevant experience.
  • Trainings and knowledge on Asset Management and General Insurance.

Job Description

  • Responsible for the management of County’s assets, formulation and review of County asset management policies and guidelines, maintenance and updating of County fixed asset register, installation and maintenance of the assets management system and risk management including general insurance for all county assets.
  • Provide leadership, direction and technical assistance on prudent asset management.
  • Coordinate with other sectors and departments on the formulation and review of the best asset management policy.
  • Issuance of guidelines on the best asset management systems and on asset accounting to all departments.
  • Review existing asset management policy, guidelines and plans to ensure best practices in assets management.
  • Continuously update the county fixed assets register to ensure completeness and accuracy.
  • Assess and analyse budgetary provisions for assets in all departments to ensure timely replacement, repair and maintenance.
  • Evaluate the asset management systems for effective and real time identification and monitoring of assets.
  • Custodian of County Assets Records.
  • Develop and review General Insurance Tender Documents Annually.
  • Any other duty given by the Director Asset Management

Assistant Director Survey GIS/Engineering

Job Requirement

  • Served in a grade of Principal Land Surveyor for a minimum period of 3 years.
  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: – Land Surveying and Photogrammetry, Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-informatics, Geo-spatial Engineering, philosophy in Technology(Survey), from a recognized institution
  • Master’s Degree in any of the following disciplines; – Land Surveying, Land management, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Photolithography, Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-Informatics, Geo- Spatial Engineering, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Urban or Regional Planning, Geodesy, Hydrography, Environmental science, Information Science or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
  • Membership of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK)
  • Certificate in computer applications.
  • Demonstrate a high degree of professional competence and administrative capability.

Job Description

  • Researching and initiating new land surveying and national land information management systems (NLIFMS) techniques in line with the changing professional demands.
  • Supervising gravity and magnetic analysis, establishment of Very Long Base Interferometry (VLBI), cadastral, adjudication, topographical, sub-divisional schemes, photo control, engineering surveys.
  • Carrying out quality control of topographical, engineering, cadastral, adjudication and general boundary surveys.
  • Providing standardization data for maintaining, testing, calibrating and certifying survey equipment.
  • Estimating and costing of survey projects.

ICT Officer I (Incidence Management & Emergency)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Business Management or any other related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Possess a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.
  • Familiarity with security certifications including but not limited to Certified information security audit (CISA), information security management and or ethical hacking
  • Knowledge of ICT projects management standards e.g. IT Service Management (ITSM) COBIT
  • Certification in quality management system audit

Job Description

  • Actively participate in project from the planning stages through to the implementation of a solution.
  • Assigns tasks, develops a time line, and sets the budget for the project.
  • Coordinate meetings between team members and monitoring their ongoing progress.
  • Ensure the project team has resources available to complete tasks – which may include materials, outside services, or additional workers.
  • Develop project scope and goals for the team during each step in the process.
  • Development of criteria or measurable data to determine the success of a project.
  • Establish contingency plans with backup resources and accommodations for prospective delays.
  • Communicate project developments to the management departments and coordinators.
  • Resolve conflicts and obstacles to keep the project on track.
  • Analyze the results against a defined set of criteria.
  • Identify and correct weaknesses in the project life cycle. Provide sponsors or upper management personnel with detailed reports of the project’s progression that include budgets, milestones and analyses of implementation.

Assistant Director Economic Planning

Job Requirement

Job Qualifications

  • Degree in Economics, Statistics, Accounting and Finance or related field from a recognized Institute
  • Knowledge and relevant work experience of not less than three (3) years;
  • Must have served as a principal Economist (N) or similar position for not less than 3years
  • Excellent Communication and interpersonal skills;
  • Knowledge in use of Monitoring and Evaluation tools;
  • Training in Data analysis will be an added advantage
  • Training in senior level management will be an added advantage

Personal Qualities

  • Excellent reporting, presenting, and communication skills;
  • Strategic thinking and organizational skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Monitoring and evaluation skills;
  • Interpersonal skills and Collaboration skills

Job Description

  • Support the macroeconomic monitoring of the County.
  • Support the dialogue on macroeconomic policy and economic growth issues within the County departments and non-government stakeholders;
  • Serve as the external focal point on macroeconomic and economic growth issues, working closely with sector specialists;
  • Support core county diagnostics such as County Economic Memorandums and other growth diagnostics, Public Expenditure Reviews (PER).
  • Support Development Policy Operations or other types of operations focused on economic reforms;
  • Support County teams in the preparation of the County Economic Policies and Institutional Assessment;
  • Where relevant, advise sector teams and government authorities on the macroeconomic implications of sector policies and investment decisions, including in the selection and execution of public investments;
  • Provide analytical inputs for and advise the County Management on county strategic engagement and economic policy issues, including through active participation in key review meetings;
  • Support the analytical work program of the County Economic Planning Sector, including the preparation of Systematic County Diagnostic, County Partnership Frameworks;
  • Development of data gathering tools including surveys and questionnaires, acquisition of administrative data sets, and compilation of data from various data sources for use in research and statistical analysis.

Building Inspection Assistant I – 8 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Diploma in engineering, architecture, or building inspection technology.
  • Proven work experience as a Building Inspector.
  • Knowledge of construction design techniques.
  • Knowledge of construction materials, plumbing, electrical systems, heating systems, and sewerage systems.
  • Advanced mathematical skills.
  • Ability to make difficult decisions.
  • Ability to read and understand blueprints and construction designs.
  • A good eye for detail quickly spots safety and structural issues.

Job Description

  • Required to conduct inspections before, during, and after construction to ensure that the building and construction site complies with safety, structural, and building code regulations.
  • Required to issue violation notices, stop-work orders, and permits for construction.
  • Reviewing blueprints and building plans.
  • Checking foundation depth and the strength of construction materials.
  • Inspecting the building structure, plumbing, electrical, sewerage, and heating systems for safety and specification compliance.
  • Maintaining daily construction logs and ensuring that the construction site adheres to all safety codes.
  • Measuring dimensions to verify alignment, elevation, and leveling of the building.
  • Issuing of violation notices and stop-work orders.
  • Signing and issuing construction and occupation permits.

Cartography Assistant III – 2 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Diploma in cartography from a recognized institution; and
  • Certificate in computer applications.

Job Description

This is the entry and training grade to this cadre. An officer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior Officer.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level entail: –

  • Drawing survey and deed plans
  • Small area boundary schedules
  • Small area preliminary index diagrams.

Chief ICT Officer (ICT Infrastructure) – 2 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Posses a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.

Job Description

  • Systems development, implementation and allocation
  • Co-coordinating systems development
  • Implementation and maintenance
  • Liaising with user departments to ensure effective maintenance of Information Communication Technology equipment.

Assistant Director Information Security

Job Requirement

  • A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Communication Technology/ Electrical or Electronic Engineering or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served/acted in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector within the County for a minimum of 5 years.
  • Obtained a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;

Job Description

  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets
  • Define, implement, assess, and maintain controls necessary to protect software and applications in accordance with security requirements
  • Manage configurations for software and applications
  • Manage changes for software and applications.

Chief ICT Officer (ICT Infrastructure) – 2 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Posses a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.

Job Description

  • Systems development, implementation and allocation
  • Co-coordinating systems development
  • Implementation and maintenance
  • Liaising with user departments to ensure effective maintenance of Information Communication Technology equipment.

Chief ICT Officer (Information Security)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Posses a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.

Job Description

  • Ensure that security requirements are adequately addressed throughout the development and acquisition lifecycles for all assets.
  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets, network (including wireless), hardware, system, and mobile device assets.
  • Develop and maintain inventories of information assets.
  • Ensuring that physical assets such as facilities are properly secured, particularly those containing information technology and other operational assets.
  • Analyzing and managing threats to the organization’s information security
  • Conducting and monitoring logs and other sources of information (users, applications, networks, systems, access to physical assets, etc.)

ICT Officer 1 (E-learning Officer)

Job Requirement

  • Having Served as Assistant E-Learning Officer I or Trainer in ICT or its equivalence is a plus.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Education or its related equivalent from a recognized Institution.
  • Strong knowledge of computer fundamentals, operating systems, office productivity software (e.g., Microsoft office, google workspace) and internet tools
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively convey technical information to participants with varying levels of computer proficiency
  • Experience as a trainer/teacher with computer knowledge, skills and competencies is a plus.

Job Description

  • Responsible for Supervising, & Guiding e-learning officers and ICT trainers
  • Coordinate the designing, developing and delivering of training programs on essential computer skills, software applications and digital literacy
  • Conduct training sessions for participants, covering topics such as computer fundamentals, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and online collaboration.
  • Coordinate and Administering regular assessments, provide feedback to help participants improve their performance and successfully complete given course for certification
  • Coordinate and Compiling accurate records of participant’s attendance, training activities, pass rates and areas of improvement from trainer

Planner I – 10 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following discipline: Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Planning or Town planning or any other equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution will be an added advantage;
  • Membership to Kenya Institute of Planners or Architectural Association of Kenya; Registration with Physical Planners Registration Board,
  • Attended professional, Management etc Course from a recognized Institution in Kenya;
  • Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institution in Kenya;
  • Demonstrated a thorough understanding for national goals, policies, objectives and the ability to relate them to the physical planning function

Job Description

  • Providing technical advice to the County on Physical planning matters;
  • Overseeing implementation of the physical development policies, guidelines, strategies and spatial plans;
  • Overseeing development of a framework for development of County Infrastructure;
  • Overseeing collection of geographical data for preparation, design and review of physical development plan;
  • Spearheading vetting and verification of Physical development and building plans;
  • Regulate use of County land;
  • Overseeing implementation of development control and preservation orders;
  • Providing technical advice on matters concerning alienation and appropriate use of land such as change of use, extension of use, extension of lease, sub-division of land and amalgamation of county land;
  • Managing and maintaining physical planning records and data banks;
  • Resolving conflicts arising from physical planning processes;
  • Initiating and facilitating research on urbanization strategies and policies and any other matter related to physical planning;
  • Collaboration with other stakeholders and the National Land Commission and National Government on matters related to physical planning;
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time

Chief ICT Officer (Information Security)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Posses a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.

Job Description

  • Ensure that security requirements are adequately addressed throughout the development and acquisition lifecycles for all assets.
  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets, network (including wireless), hardware, system, and mobile device assets.
  • Develop and maintain inventories of information assets.
  • Ensuring that physical assets such as facilities are properly secured, particularly those containing information technology and other operational assets.
  • Analyzing and managing threats to the organization’s information security
  • Conducting and monitoring logs and other sources of information (users, applications, networks, systems, access to physical assets, etc.)

Senior ICT Officer (Information Security)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Possess a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.
  • Familiarity with security certifications including but not limited to Certified information security audit (CISA), ITSM and ethical hacking 

Job Description

  • Ensure that security requirements are adequately addressed throughout the development and acquisition lifecycles for all assets
  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets, network (including wireless), hardware, system, and mobile device assets
  • Develop and maintain inventories of information assets
  • Ensuring that physical assets such as facilities are properly secured, particularly those containing information technology and other operational assets.
  • Analyzing and managing threats to the organization’s information security
  • Conducting and monitoring logs and other sources of information (users, applications, networks, systems, access to physical assets, etc.)

Assistant ICT Officer II – 3 Posts

Job Requirement

  • Diploma in Information Technology/Education or its related equivalent from a recognized Institution.
  • Strong knowledge of computer fundamentals, operating systems, office productivity software (e.g., Microsoft office, google workspace) and internet tools
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively convey technical information to participants with varying levels of computer proficiency
  • Experience as a trainer/teacher with computer knowledge, skills and competencies is a plus.

Job Description

  • Conduct training sessions for participants, covering topics such as computer fundamentals, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and online collaboration.
  • Administer regular assessments, provide feedback to help participants improve their performance and successfully complete given course for certification
  • Maintain accurate records of participant’s attendance, training activities, pass rates and areas of improvement

Principal ICT Officer (Information Security)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector for a minimum of 3 years.
  • Posses a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing  work.
  • Membership with relevant professional body in good standing;

Job Description

  • Ensure that security requirements are adequately addressed throughout the development and acquisition lifecycles for all assets
  • Develop and maintain inventories of software and application assets, network (including wireless), hardware, system, and mobile device assets
  • Develop and maintain inventories of information assets
  • Ensuring that physical assets such as facilities are properly secured, particularly those containing information technology and other operational assets.
  • Analyzing and managing threats to the organization’s information security
  • Conducting and monitoring logs and other sources of information (users, applications, networks, systems, access to physical assets, etc.)

Senior ICT Officer (Incidence Mgt, Emergency Operations and Program)

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology and Business Management or any other related discipline from a recognized Institution;
  • Served in a Senior position in the Information Communication Technology Sector.
  • Possess a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body;
  • Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.
  • Familiarity with security certifications including but not limited to Certified information security audit (CISA) and ethical hacking
  • Knowledge of ICT projects management standards eg. IT Service Management (ITSM) COBIT

Job Description

  • Actively participate in project from the planning stages through to the implementation of a solution.
  • Assigns tasks, develops a time line, and sets the budget for the project.
  • Coordinate meetings between team members and monitoring their ongoing progress.
  • Ensure the project team has resources available to complete tasks – which may include materials, outside services, or additional workers.
  • Develop project scope and goals for the team during each step in the process.
  • Development of criteria or measurable data to determine the success of a project.
  • Establish contingency plans with backup resources and accommodations for prospective delays.
  • Communicate project developments to the management departments and coordinators.
  • Resolve conflicts and obstacles to keep the project on track.
  • Analyze the results against a defined set of criteria.
  • Identify and correct weaknesses in the project life cycle. Provide sponsors or upper management personnel with detailed reports of the project’s progression that include budgets, milestones and analyses of implementation.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified? Go to Nairobi City County Public Service Board on to apply

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