Vacancies at South Eastern Kenya University

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Education, Teaching, Engineering, Technical, Building and Construction,   

Senior Lecturer Grade 5A (Formerly Grade 13A)

Terms of Employment

  • The succesful candidates will be engaged on  Permanent and Pensionable terms

Job Specifications

  • The central role of the Lecturers is teaching & supervision, research & innovation, and community outreach.

The key duties and responsibilities entail:

  • Lecturing in area of specialization in accordance with the syllabus;
  • Coordinating course projects and practical work;
  • Preparing teaching/learning materials;
  • Setting, invigilating and marking examinations/assignments;
  • Carrying out research work in relevant field or specialization;
  • Preparing students progress reports;
  • Developing proposals for research funding;
  • Writing journal articles and books;
  • Presenting academic papers in conferences/seminars/workshops or symposia;
  • Developing and reviewing academic programmes/curricula; and
  • Supervising Tutorial/Junior Research Fellows and students.
  • Undertake consultancies with local and international organizations within areas of expertise to enhance the image of the University;
  • Establish collaborative linkages and networks through communication, collaboration and participation for resource mobilization for the University;
  • Present research findings and innovations to international conferences in order to increase the visibility of the University and to influence international policy environment for improvement of life;
  • Engage with local and international stakeholders to establish linkages and networks in order to work together for the betterment of communities in various ways such as research and innovations;
  • Execute budgets for student field trips for academic exposure and the application of theory;
  • Control and manage research budgets to ensure accountability of allocated funds.

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A)

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Terms of Employment

  • The succesful candidates will be engaged on  Permanent and Pensionable terms

Job Specifications

  • The central role of the Lecturers is teaching & Supervision, research & innovation, and community outreach.

The key duties and responsibilities entail:

  • Lecturing in area of specialization in accordance with the syllabus;
  • Coordinating course projects and practical work;
  • Preparing teaching/learning materials;
  • Setting, invigilating and marking examinations/assignments;
  • Carrying out research work in relevant field or specialization;
  • Preparing students progress reports;
  • Developing proposals for research funding;
  • Writing journal articles and books;
  • Presenting academic papers in conferences/seminars/workshops or symposia;
  • Developing and reviewing academic programmes/curricula; and
  • Supervising Tutorial/Junior Research Fellows and students.
  • Undertake consultancies with local and international organizations within areas of expertise to enhance the image of the University;
  • Establish collaborative linkages and networks through communication, collaboration and participation for resource mobilization for the University;
  • Present research findings and innovations to international conferences in order to increase the visibility of the University and to influence international policy environment for improvement of life;
  • Engage with local and international stakeholders to establish linkages and networks in order to work together for the betterment of communities in various ways such as research and innovations;
  • Execute budgets for student field trips for academic exposure and the application of theory;
  • Control and manage research budgets to ensure accountability of allocated funds.

Tutorial Fellow Grade 7A (Formerly Grade 11A)

 Terms of Employment

  • The succesful candidates will be engaged on Contract terms

Job Specifications

  • The central role of the Lecturers is teaching & supervision, reearch& innovation, and community Outreach.

The key duties and responsibilities entail:

  • Carrying out research through developing research proposals to source for funding in order to solve existing problems, generate new knowledge and develop innovations.
  • Attending undergraduate project defense meetings in order to evaluate the quality of work done and critique the same.
  • Forging collaboration with industry and other Universities on research and academic matters.
  • Conducting practicals which enable the students relate with the real work environment.
  • Reviewing available teaching and reference materials and recommend the best relevant books to students.
  • Preparing course outlines which give students a preview of the content material to be covered in the module/unit/course.
  • Developing learning materials/content with an aim to facilitate effective teaching in accordance with the syllabus/course.
  • Teaching through lectures which explain/elaborate the learning materials to students making them understand the course content easily.
  • Developing and implement experiments for students which provide hands on experience enabling them to relate theory with practical.
  • Setting Continuous Assessment Test and examinations which evaluate the students based on the taught content.
  • Moderate examinations in order to standardize them and ensure high quality exams are administered.
  • Invigilating Continuous Assessment Test and examinations in order to eliminate exam cheating and ensure fairness in execution of exams through set down procedures.
  • Marking examinations with the aim of evaluating and grading the students.
  • Supervising students implementing their undergraduate projects with an aim of guiding and mentoring them in the specific area of study.
  • Supervising students on attachment/internship in order to ensure student are getting relevant exposure and experience in their respective field of study.

Senior Lecturer Grade 5A (Formerly Grade 13A) in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

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REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/1/6/2023 (1POST)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Mechanical Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned PhD in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from recognized and accredited university.
  • At least three (3) years teaching experience at the University level as a Lecturer Grade 6 or six (6) years research/industry experience.
  • A minimum of thirty-two (32) publication points as a Lecturer or equivalent, of which at least twenty-four (24) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Supervised at least three (3) postgraduate students to completion as a Lecturer SEKU Grade 6 or equivalent.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Attracted research or development funds as a Lecturer SEKU Grade 6 or its equivalent.
  • In-depth professional/discipline specific knowledge and experience in a specialized field or broad knowledge of a number of fields.
  • Complied with Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity (2010).

Senior Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/2/6/2023 (2 POSTS)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Mechanical Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned PhD in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from recognized and accredited university.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.


  • A Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University with at least three (3) years in research/teaching/industry experience.
  • A minimum of twenty-four (24) publication points, of which at least sixteen (16) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Tutorial Fellow Grade 7A (Formerly Grade 11A) in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

 REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/3/6/2023 (1 POST)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Mechanical Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • A Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Senior Lecturer Grade 5A (Formerly Grade 13A) in the Department of Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

 REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/4/6/2023 (1POST)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Civil Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have :

  • An earned PhD in Civil Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from recognized and accredited university.
  • At least three (3) years teaching experience at the University level as a Lecturer Grade 6 or six (6) years research/industry experience.
  • A minimum of thirty-two (32) publication points as a Lecturer or equivalent, of which at least twenty-four (24) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Supervised at least three (3) postgraduate students to completion as a Lecturer SEKU Grade 6 or equivalent.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Attracted research or development funds as a Lecturer SEKU Grade 6 or its equivalent.
  • In-depth professional/discipline specific knowledge and experience in a specialized field or broad knowledge of a number of fields.
  • Complied with Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity (2010).

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/5/6/2023 (2 POSTS)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Civil Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned Ph.D. in Civil Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.


  • A Masters Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University with at least three (3) years Research/teaching/Industry experience.
  • A minimum of twenty-four (24) publication points, of which at least sixteen (16) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Tutorial Fellow Grade 7A (Formerly Grade 11A) in the Department of Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/6/6/2023 (1 POST)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Civil Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • A Masters Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Senior Lecturer Grade 5A (Formerly Grade 13A) ) in the Department of Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/7/6/2023 (1POST)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Electrical Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned PhD in Electrical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from recognized and accredited university.
  • At least three (3) years teaching experience at the University level as a Lecturer Grade 6 or six (6) years research/industry experience.
  • A minimum of thirty-two (32) publication points as a Lecturer or equivalent, of which at least twenty-four (24) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Supervised at least three (3) postgraduate students to completion as a Lecturer SEKU Grade 6 or equivalent.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Attracted research or development funds as a Lecturer SEKU Grade 6 or its equivalent.
  • In-depth professional/discipline specific knowledge and experience in a specialized field or broad knowledge of a number of fields.
  • Complied with Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity (2010).

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/8/6/2023 (2 POSTS)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Electrical Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.


  • A Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University with at least three (3) years teaching/research/Industry experience.
  • A minimum of twenty-four (24) publication points, of which at least sixteen (16) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Tutorial Fellow Grade 7A (Formerly Grade 11A) in the Department of Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/9/6/2023 (1 POST)

  • SPECIALIZATION: Electrical Engineering

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • A Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the Engineers Board of Kenya and have a valid membership certificate.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Technician, Grade 11 (Formerly Grade 5) in the Department of Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/10/6/2023 (1 POST)

Terms of Employment

  • The successful candidates will be engaged on Permanent and Pensionable terms.

Job Specifications

  • The Technical staff are responsible for assisting in coordination of technical activities in the department to enable students acquire practical skills by ensuring that all practical sessions are done as scheduled.

The duties and responsibilities of Technician entail assisting in:

  • Receiving, labeling and safely storing samples to be tested.
  • Determining and performing tests needed for the analysis and report.
  • Recording tests and analyses and then reporting the results.
  • Discussing and answering any questions regarding the results.
  • Organizing and storing samples in accordance with all safety and other requirements to ensure the safety of personnel and integrity of the sample.
  • Cleaning and maintaining lab equipment, including recalibration of equipment.
  • Maintaining equipment records and daily work logs.
  • Staying current on technical and scientific advances in their field.

Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this grade, one must:

  • Have a Diploma in Electrical Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
  • Be computer proficient and conversant with use of ERP system.
  • Comply with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Technician, Grade 11 (Formerly Grade 5) in the Department of Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/11/6/2023 (1 POST)

Terms of Employment

  • The successful candidates will be engaged on Permanent and Pensionable terms.

Job Specifications

  • The Technical staff are responsible for assisting in coordination of technical activities in the department to enable students acquire practical skills by ensuring that all practical sessions are done as scheduled.

The duties and responsibilities of Technician entail assisting in:

  • Receiving, labeling and safely storing samples to be tested.
  • Determining and performing tests needed for the analysis and report.
  • Recording tests and analyses and then reporting the results.
  • Discussing and answering any questions regarding the results.
  • Organizing and storing samples in accordance with all safety and other requirements to ensure the safety of personnel and integrity of the sample.
  • Cleaning and maintaining lab equipment, including recalibration of equipment.
  • Maintaining equipment records and daily work logs.
  • Staying current on technical and scientific advances in their field.

Requirements for appointment

For appointment to this grade, one must:

  • Have a Diploma in Building Construction or Civil Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
  • Be computer proficient and conversant with use of ERP system.
  • Comply with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Public Health, School of Health Sciences

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/12/6/2023 (1 POST)

  • Specialization: Health Records Management

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned Ph.D. in Health Records Management or equivalent Degree from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the relevant Professional Body (where applicable).
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.


  • A Masters degree in Health Records Management or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from a recognized/accredited University with at least three (3) years teaching/research/industry experience.
  • A minimum of twenty-four (24) publication points, of which at least sixteen (16) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Been registered with the relevant Professional Body (where applicable).
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, School of Health Sciences

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/13/6/2023 (1 POST)

  • Specialization: Histology and Cytology

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned Ph.D. in Medical Laboratory with a speciality in Histology and Cytology or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB) and with a valid practising License.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.


  • Have a Master’s degree in Medical Laboratory with a speciality in Histology and Cytology or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from a recognized/accredited University with at least three (3) years research/teaching/industry experience.
  • Have a minimum of twenty-four (24) publication points, of which at least sixteen (16) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Been registered with Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB) and with a valid practising License.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Nursing Sciences, School of Health Sciences

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/14/6/2023 (1 POST)

  • Specialization: Pediatric Nursing

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned PhD. in Pediatric Nursing or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with Nursing Council of Kenya(NCK) and with a valid practising License.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.


  • Have a Master’s degree in Pediatric Nursing or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from a recognized/accredited University with at least three (3) years research/teaching/industry experience.
  • Have a minimum of twenty-four (24) publication points, of which at least sixteen (16) should be from refereed scholarly journals.
  • Been registered with Nursing Council of Kenya(NCK) and with a valid practising License.
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Science and Computing

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/15/6/2023 (1 POST)

  • Specialization: Computer Science

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned PhD. in Computer Science or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the relevant professional body (where applicable).
  • Comply with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Lecturer Grade 6A (Formerly Grade 12A) in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Community Development Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

REF: SEKU/ADV/AC/16/6/2023 (1 POST)

Specialization: Social Work (1)

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned Ph.D. in Social Work or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the relevant professional body (where applicable).
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Specialization: Gender and Development (1)

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned Ph.D. in Gender and Development Studies or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Be registered with the relevant professional body (where applicable).
  • Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Specialization: Sociology (1)

Requirements for appointment.

For appointment to this position the candidate must have:

  • An earned Ph.D. in Sociology Work or equivalent Degree qualification in the relevant area from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Been registered with the relevant professional body (where applicable).
  • Complied with Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity.

Method of Application

All applications should be clearly marked with the reference number of the advertised position and submitted as follows:

  1. Interested applicants should send THREE (3) HARD COPIES of Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae (giving details of educational and professional qualifications, age, detailed workexperience, present post and salary, applicant’s telephone number and e-mail address), Academic & Professional certificates and other relevant testimonials, to the address below, quoting clearly the relevant reference number on the envelope.
  2. All applications should be sent to the above address by Friday, 16th June, 2023.
  3. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
  4. SEKU is an equal opportunity employer and female candidates and persons living with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor,

Administration and Human Resource Management

South Eastern Kenya University

P.O. BOX 170-90200,



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