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County Government Jobs, Building and Construction, Engineering, Technical,
Municipal Manager
Duties and Responsibilities
The Municipal Manager shall report to the Vihiga Municipal Board and will be
responsible for;
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I. Implementing the decisions and functions of the Municipal Board as
provided for in the Urban Areas and Cities Act Section 20 (a) to (s);
Acting on behalf of the Board of the Municipality in ensuring the
execution of the directives of the Board of the Municipality;
- Preparing and presenting for approval to the Board of the Municipality, an annual estimate of revenue and expenditure to fund and carry out the programmes and operations of the Board;
- Be principally responsible for building and maintain strong alliance and effective working relations between the Board of the Municipality and the civil society, private sector and community — based Organisations;
- Causing to be prepared, transmitted to the Board of the Municipality and distributed to the public at least an annual report on the activities and accomplishments of the departments and agencies comprising the Executive branch Municipality;
- Prepare and administer annual municipality budget;
- Administer Municipality utilities and properties;
- Acting as an ex- officio member of all committees of the Board of the Municipality;
- Performing functions as may be delegated by CPSB or by order or confer upon the Municipal Manager and
- Perform other duties as directed by the Board of the Municipality.
Requirement for Appointment
- Be a Kenyan citizen;
- Hold a degree in Urban Management, Public Administration;
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following Social Sciences: Public Administration, Business Management or any other relevant degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
- Should be a registered and Certified Public Secretary;
- Possession of a relevant master’s degree would be an added advantage;
- Should have attended a Sement Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks at kenya school government
- Has proven experience of not less than five (5) years in administration Or management either in the Public or private sector with at least five years in senior management;
- Be a member of the relevant professional institution and be in good standing;
- Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution;
- Be ordinary resident or have permanent dwelling within Vihiga County.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
County Director of Physical Planning
Duties and Responsibilities
The Director of Physical Planning will be responsible to the Chief Officer for the organization, management and administration of the physical planning function.
The County Director of Physical and Land Use Planning shall be responsible for:-
- Advising the county government on physical and land use planning matters that impact the county;
- Formulating county physical and land use planning policies, guidelines and standards;
- Preparation of county physical and land use development plans;
- Preparation of local physical and land use development plans;
- Participating in the preparation of inter-county physical and land use development plans;
- Undertaking research on matters relating to physical and land use
- Recommending to the County Government the establishment of planning units as may be necessary;
- Maintaining a land information system to guide physical and land use planning;
- Communicating decisions of the County Government development applications; and
- Issuance of development permission and other development control instruments under physical planning & land use act with the approval of the county executive committee member.
Requirements for appointment.
A person is qualified for appointment as the County Director of Physical and Land Use Planning if that person—
- Is a citizen of Kenya;
- Holds a bachelor’s degree in urban and regional planning or related discipline from a recognized university;
- Is registered as a physical planner under the Physical Planners Registration Act, 1996 (No. 3 of 1996) and is in good standing with the relevant professional body;
- Certificate in Strategic leadership Development Programme (SLDP) Course from a recognized institution OR its equivalent will be an added advantage;
- Has at least five years’ post-qualification professional experience in physical and land use planning; and
- Is not otherwise disqualified under the provisions of Chapter Six of the Constitution or any other written law.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Principal Superintending Engineer (Civil)
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail
- Spearheading the formulation, implementation and review of policies, strategies, guidelines, standards, procedures, protocols and manuals oncivil engineering;
- Validating technical drawings as per work request; ensuring housekeeping and maintenance of work areas adhere to set safety standards;
- Making sure the equipment and tools are serviced and maintained to operating standards;
- Verifying purchase requests in the plant maintenance and management system;
- Verifying accuracy of materials and equipment;
- Recommending for approval of scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance on cooling towers, roads, building and other civil structures in the county;
- Validating notifications, creation, confirmation and completion of work orders in the plant maintenance management system;
- Ensuring that statutory regulations and safety rules are fully implemented and followed;
- Verifying internal project blueprints and structural specifications to determine dimensions of structure or system and material requirements;
- Coordinating the monitoring of the systems performance, introducing changes and propose improvement and modification as necessary;
- Supervising external consultants to ensure conformance to design specifications and applicable codes; overseeing preparation of technical specifications and estimates for tendering process;
- Determining project details, such as plan preparation, acceptance testing and evaluation of field conditions;
- Inspecting projects; and spearheading feasibility studies and research on civil engineering
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
- Served in the grade of Chief Superintending Engineer (Civil) for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Been registered by the Engineers Registration Board of Kenya;
- Current valid annul Practicing license from the Engineer Registration Board of Kenya;
- Corporate Member with the Institution of Engineers Registration Board of Kenya;
- Attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution;
- Demonstrate competency in CAD (computer Aided design) use for design preparations and interpretation
- Demonstrated administrative, professional and management competence in work performance and results.
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Assistant Director of Physical Planning
Duties and responsibilities;
- Preparing County, metropolitan, regional, urban, rural physical development plans;
- Proving guidance on data requirements for the various ‘categories of physical development plans;
- Implementing physical planning policies, strategies, standards and programmes;
- Conducting thematic regional and county studies urbanization patterns and sprawl;
- Inducting the physical planning liaison committee members;
- Conducting public education on physical planning and development control matters;
- Setting agenda and convening physical planning liaison committee meetings;
- Keeping record of deliberations and communicating decisions of physical planning liaison committee;
- Advising liaison committees and overseeing the enforcement of resolutions;
- Preparing annual state of physical planning reports on county, metropolitan, regional, urban and rural physical development plans.
Requirements for Appointment
- Have served in the grade of Principal physical planner for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- Have a Bachelor degree in any of the following disciplines: – Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Planning or Town Planning from a recognized institution;
- Be a corporate member of Kenya Institute of Planners or Architectural association of Kenya (Town Planning Chapter);
- Be registered by the Physical Planners Registration Board;
- Certificate in Strategic leadership Development Programme (SLDP) Course from a recognized institution OR its equivalent will be an added advantage;
- Demonstrated technical and professional competence as reflected in work performance and results; and
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Municipal Environmental Officer
Duties and responsibilities
The specific tasks of the Environmentalist shall include:
- Promote the integration of environment considering into development policies, plans, program, and projects within the municipality;
- Undertake policy research and analysis to support the integration of environment and natural resources concerns into development plans within the municipality;
- Ensure rational utilization and management of environment and natural resources for sustainable development within the municipality;
- Coordinate the preparation of the environmental and natural resource reports within the municipality;
- Preparation of quality environmental and natural resource report within the county;
- Examine land use patterns to determine their impact on the quality and quantity of natural resources within the municipality;
- Prepare and issue the Zou x {ronment action plan within the
- Undertake and coordinate research, investigations and surveys in environmental and natural resource within the municipality;
- Carry out monitoring and evaluation environmental issues within the municipality;
- Review the environmental impact assessment reports within the municipality;
- Promote environmental public awareness and ensure that all the
- complaint is handled effectively and efficiently within the municipality;
- Liaison with various stakeholders on environmental issues within the municipality;
- Submit quarterly county environment reports to the chief officer
- environment wildlife and natural resources.
Requirements for appointment
- A bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science or related field;
- Registration with relevant professional body as an associate or professional member with good standing;
- Environmental Inspectorate License;
- Ability to interpret and enforce legislation;
- Ability to conduct routine inspections and investigations;
- Ability to effectively interact with the public;
- Ability to communicate information by oral and written methods;
- Ability to weigh the merits of possible solutions;
- Ability to collect, record and analyze research findings;
- Proficiency in Computer Applications/ Packages;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya;
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Assistant Civil Engineer II – 2 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities.
- This is the entry grade for this cadre. An Engineer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior engineer.
- Planning and carrying out scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance on roads, building and other civil structures;
- Ensuring housekeeping and maintenance of work areas adhere to set safety standards;
- Making sure the equipment and tools are serviced and maintained to operating standards;
- Raising purchase requests in the plant maintenance and management system; coming up with technical drawings as per work request;
- Verifying accuracy of materials and equipment; and
- Maintaining tools and equipment inventory.
Requirements and skills for appointment
- Diploma in Civil Engineering or related field;
- Excellent knowledge of design and visualizations software such as AutoCAD, Civil 3D or similar;
- Knowledge in sketching out drawings;
- Supervision skills will be an added advantage;
- Basic computer literacy
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
ICT Officer
The ICT Officer will be responsible for ensuring reliable office operations on ICT. S/he will be required to support the adoption and rollout of any new technology required to implement program activities in the target areas.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Installing and configuring computer hardware operating systems and applications;
- Trouble shooting system and network problems and solving the faults;
- Repairing and replacing basic IT accessories;
- Offering user supports in both hardware and software;
- Support LANs, WANs, network segments, Internet, and intranet systems;
- Maintain network hardware and software;
- Monitor networks to ensure security and availability to specific users;
- Maintain integrity of the network, server deployment, and security;
- Assign routing protocols and routing table configuration;
- Assign configuration of authentication and authorization of directory services;
- Maintain network facilities in individual machines, such as drivers and settings of personal computers as well as printers
- Maintain network servers such as file servers, VPN gateways, intrusion detection systems;
- Administer servers, and related systems.
Requirements and skills for appointment.
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- Diploma in Computer Science; Information Communication Technology or its equivalent and relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
- Have experience in computer operations and relevant skills;
- Certificate in CISCO;
- A certificate in networking will be an added advantage;
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Land Valuer
Duties and Responsibilities.
An officer at this level will work under the guidance and supervision of a senior officer. Duties and responsibilities will include: –
- Collecting data for the County Land Value Index;
- Collecting and analyzing market data for valuation purposes;
- Appointing rents following subdivisions, change of users and lease extensions; undertaking Stamp Duty valuation;
- Inspecting land and properties for rating, purchase, sale and leasing purposes;
- Making searches on titles in land registries for various purposes;
- Calculating areas from building plans and maps;
- Measuring buildings in the field for valuation;
- Filing stamp duty valuation reports.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate
- Must have a Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Land Economics, Real Estate and Property Studies or its equivalent qualification from a recognized in Kenya;
- Have experience in computer operations and relevant skills to the job;
- Demonstrated technical and professional competence as reflected in work performance and results;
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Land Survey Assistant II
Duties and responsibilities.
An officer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior officer.
Duties and responsibilities at this level entail;
- Carrying out angular and distance measurements and computation for small density topographical,
- Site engineering;
- General boundary and
- Photo control surveys.
Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this grade an officer must have;
- Served in the grade of land survey assistant III or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service for a minimum period of three (3) years
- Degree in Land Surveying from a recognized institution.
- Certificate in computer applications and
- Demonstrated merit and shown ability as reflected in work performance and results.
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Land Officer Assistant III
The purpose of this job is to collocate land information, document, disseminate and initiate basic land administration processes in line with the
- County/National Land Commission mandate on administration and management of public land.
- Draft letters of allotment and submits to the Senior Land
- Administration officer for verification;
- Prepare Valuation requisition for determination of Stand premium and rent payable to the Commission;
- Draft memos for seeking approval of development applications such as extension and renewal of leases and submit for review by the Senior Land Administration Officer;
- Establish status of land, capture and update land information for effective service delivery
- Receive and respond to complaints relating to land matters and direct them to supervisors.
Requirements for appointment
- Diploma in Land Economics, Land Management, Land Administration, Real Estate Management, Land information systems, or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Knowledge of legislation relevant to the land sector;
- Knowledge in land administration and management theories and best practices;
- Map reading and interpretation skills;
- An understanding of the social cultural and political environment that influence land management;
- Computing skills;
- Analytical skills;
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Estates Management/Housing Officer – 2Posts
Duties and Responsibilities.
The duties of an officer in this grade will entail: –
- Collection of data on housing to up-date the housing database;
- Establishing the levels of demand and supply of housing;
- Identification of land for housing development;
- Disseminating information on appropriate building technologies to stakeholders under supervision of a senior officer;
- Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have;
- Bachelor’s degree in, Land/Building Economics, Statistics, Estate Management, Land Administration, Environmental Studies, Sociology, Geography or equivalent qualification from a recognized University;
- Certificate in computer application skills;
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Survey Field Assistant III – 3 Posts
Duties and responsibilities
This is the entry and training grade to this cadre. An officer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior officer.
Duties and responsibilities at this level entail;
- Carrying out angular and distance measurements and computation for small topographical;
- Site engineering;
- General boundary and
- Photo control surveys.
Requirements for appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have;
- Certificate in Land Surveying from a recognized institution and
- Certificate in computer packages;
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Physical Planner II – 3 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities.
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:-
- Collecting and analyzing geographical data for preparing physical development plans;
- Drawing/digitizing Local Physical Development Plans;
- Converting analogue data to digital formats using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other. technology;
- Designing, symbolizing, layout preparation, printing/ plotting and plan finishing;
- Conducting site inspection; and updating of plans.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-
- Served in the grade of Physical Planning Assistant I for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- Degree in any of the following areas: Urban and Regional Planning, Regional Planning, Urban Planning, Building, Civil Engineering, Cartography, Geo-informatics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from a recognized institution;
- Certificate in Computer application skills from a recognized institution; and
- Demonstrated merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results;
- Satisfies the requirements of chapter 6 of the constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Duties and responsibilities
- Preparing circuit programs, scale elevations;
- Drawing of figures and physical development plans from sketches, charts and maps;
- Drafting of simple regional plans from basic data and sketches;
- Checking and confirmation of plan status and reproduction of graphics by means of photographic or other printing process;
- Calculation of areas using plan meter and scales under the guidance of a physical planner, architect or engineer.
Requirements and skills for appointment
- A Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education mean grade C (Plain), with at least a C in English, Mathematics, Physics/Physical Science, Geography,
- Technical Drawing or its approyed equivalent; and
- Physical Planning or approved
- A candidate with work experience shall be an added advantage;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Support Staff – 5 Posts
Duties and responsibilities
- Cleaning of offices; areas around the offices by dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping etc;
- Securely delivering packages, documents, written and verbal messages, and other items to intended location or recipient in a timely manner;
- Managing incoming and outgoing mail so that it is opened, sorted, and distributed in a professional and timely manner;
- Carrying out office Hospitality duties;
- Making sure kitchen is clean and hygienic at all times;
- Loading and offloading office material;
- Any other assigned duties from time to time.
Requirements for appointment
- Minimum KCSE certificate mean grade D (Plain) or its approved equivalent;
- Punctuality & hygienic;
- Ability to work under minimal supervision;
- Functional ability to operate computer applications and
- Good interpersonal skills;
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Fisheries Officer
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must meet the following requirements: –
- Bachelor’s Degree in Aquaculture, Fisheries Management, Aquatic sciences, or equivalent aquaculture-related qualification from a recognized institution;
- Atleast one (1) year working experience in a busy fish hatchery or as an extension service provider;
- Certificate in computer applications from a recognized institution (added advantage);
- Willingness to work under minimum supervision.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Providing aquaculture extension and training services to fish farmers and other clients in Sub-Counties;
- Maintaining fish hatchery operations including broodstock selection, fry production, larval rearing and hatchery management;
- Compiling timely and accurate technical reports, and fisheries related data from Sub-Counties;
- Collecting, updating and maintaining accurate aquaculture statistics within Sub-Counties;
- Organizing trainings, demonstrations and field days for fish farmers and aquaculture related groups, CBOs, etc;
- Implementation of Fisheries Policy and Regulations;
- Assist fish farming groups, C and clusters in formulation of project
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Assistant Fisheries Officer II
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must meet the following requirements: –
- Diploma in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic science or equivalent aquaculture-related qualification from a recognized institution;
- Previous working experience in an active fish hatchery or as an aquaculture extension provider;
- Proficiency in computer skills.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Providing aquaculture extension services at the sub-county level, including conducting field days and training of fish farmers;
- Monitoring and feeding of hatchlings in the fish indoor hatchery and fry in hapa nets;
- Assist with artificial propagation of catfish and breeding of Nile Tilapia;
- Preparation of sex-reversal hormones for fish propagation;
- Collect and submit timely and accurate data from the field or as required;
- Aquaculture record keeping and data management;
- Organize trainings and demonstrations for fish farmers and aquaculture related groups;
- Promote fish value addition, marketing and quality control,
- Reporting to the Sub-County Fisheries Officer.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Fisheries Assistant II – 3 Post
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must meet the following requirements: –
- Certificate in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries Management or equivalent aquaculture-related qualification from a recognized institution;
- Minimum of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Mean Grade C- (minus) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Proficiency in computer skills;
- Previous work experience in a comparable and relevant position.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Provide aquaculture extension and training services to fish farmers and other clients under guidance from Sub-County Fisheries Officer;
- Fish hatchery cleanliness and implementation of biosecurity measures;
- Assist in harvesting, conditioning, counting and packaging of fingerlings;
- Data collection and record management;
- Participate in farmer trainings, demonstrations and field days;
- Reporting to the Sub-County Fisheries Officer (or hatchery manager).
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Livestock Production Officer – 2 Posts
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must meet (the following disciplines: Animal requirements: –
- A Bachelor of Science de in Science/Animal Production Agrculture, Rerousiness, Food Science and Technology, Agriculture and Home Economics, Range Management/ Natural Resource Management, Livestock/Agricultural Economics and Dairy Technology, Agricultural Education and Extension, Animal Health and Management or any other relevant and equivalent qualifications from a recognised Institution;
- Proficiency in Computer skills;
- Previous working experience is an added advantage.
Duties and Responsibilities
This is the entry and training grade into the Livestock Production Officers’ cadre.
- An officer at this level will be deployed at the Sub- County and will work under the guidance and supervision of a senior Officer.
- Providing technical advice in animal production, livestock marketing, range management, apiculture, and to promote economic livestock farming;
- The Officer will assist in organizing extension activities including field days, field demonstrations, farmer field schools and farm visits;
- Participate in farmer trainings;
- Perform any other duty as assigned.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Assistant Livestock Production Officer – 5 Posts
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must meet the following requirements: –
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C or its equivalent;
- Diploma in any of the following fields: Animal Husbandry, Dairy Science and Technology, Food Science and Technology, Agriculture and Home Economics, Apiculture, Animal Health and Production, and Range Management/Farm Management from a recognized Institution.
Duties and Responsibilities
This is the entry and training grade for diploma holders. Officers at this level will be deployed at the ward level. Specific duties and responsibilities will include;
- Assisting in organizing and executing livestock extension duties at this level.
- They can also be deployed as subject matter specialists in fields such as poultry, sheep & goats, apiculture and dairy production. The activities at this level will entail:
- Assisting in designing livestock enterprise plans and
- Assisting in training of farmers.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Veterinary Officer – 2 Posts
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must meet the following requirements:-
- Have a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) Degree from a recognized institution;
- Be registered and retained by the Kenya Veterinary Board;
- Have a certificate in computer applications.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Undertaking disease control activities such as disease search, vaccination and enforcement of livestock movement regulations;
- Participating in the training of stakeholders in vector control programmes;
- Advising on good veterinary practices;
- Collecting data and preparing reports on animal health, products and markets;
- Providing advice on animal breeding and welfare;
- Undertaking postmortem examination and other diagnostic tests;
- Supervise and coordinate all private veterinary service providers in the sub county including clinicians, inseminators, agrovets, and livestock spraying groups;
- Any other duties as shall be assigned by the County Director of Veterinary Services.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Assistant Animal Health Officer III
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must meet the following requirements: –
- Diploma in any of the following the following discipline: – Animal health and production, Veterinary public health and meat technology, from a recognized institution;
- Be registered and retained by Kenya Veterinary Board;
- Have a Certificate in computer application from a recognized institution;
- Certificate in Meat hygiene will be an added advantage.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Participating in sample collection and dispatch to laboratories;
- Inspecting livestock stock routes;
- Undertaking artificial insemination and meat inspection;
- Enforcing slaughter house hygiene and meat transport regulations;
- Participating in construction and maintenance of farm structures;
- Demonstrating and training on milking techniques and external parasite control techniques;
- Carry out herd health programs including; vaccinations, closed castration, dehorning, ear tagging, branding, deworming, disbudding, docking, de-beaking and hoof trimming;
- Carry out simple treatment of animals;
- Participating in disease search, collecting data and writing technical reports;
- Keeping records on breeding, animal health and Disease control programs;
- Participating in fi ons and agricultural shows;
- Any other duties as shall be assigned by the County Director of Veterinary Services.
- Salary scale: The salary, allowances and other benefits attached to this position will be as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
Method of Application
The applicants should download the application for Employment form the official County Website, complete it and submit to the undersigned on or before Friday 23rd January, 2024 at 5pm.
P.O. BOX 880-50300
Do not attach your ID card, Academic, Professional or any other documents to the application form
County Government of Vihiga is an equal opportunity employer and encourages People Living with Disabilities, Youth and Women to apply.
County Public Service Board does not charge any recruitment fee whatsoever. Do Not Pay Money to Fraudsters because Our services are absolutely free
Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification
Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.
Those with certificates from foreign institutions must have them