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Information Systems Jobs, Program Officer Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, NGO Jobs,
Geographical Information System (GIS) Officer-THRIVE Project
Key Responsibilities:
GIS Development and Compliance:
- Develop/rollout GIS system and databases for all World Vision Kenya THRIVE 2030 Program.
- Participate in development of monitoring tools and incorporate spatial analysis into the methodologies so that change can be visualized spatially
- Develop specifications for additional GIS and GPS related hardware and software
- Produce maps and data for THRIVE Project coverage areas. This includes mapping of all Households, S4T and Producer groups.
- Design and update database, applying additional knowledge of spatial feature representations.
- Coordinate GIS databases maintenance as per international standards
- Ensure that GIS business processes, standards and policies developed in coordination with other WVK entities are effectively and consistently used by operations staff
- Simplified systems in place for use in GIS mapping and data visualization
- GIS monitoring tools developed for use
- Appropriate GIS software’s and equipment’s available for use in GIS mapping and data analysis
- Up to date GIS maps and information regarding THRIVE Project.
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GIS Data Collection, Analysis, Management and Reporting
- Field visits to monitor GIS operationalization in THRIVE project areas and collect data
- Conduct research to locate and obtain existing databases.
- Analyse spatial data for geographic statistics to incorporate into documents and reports.
- Compile geographic data from a variety of sources including customer surveys, field Observation, satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and existing maps.
- Prepares, updates, and distributes GIS maps and new information within the organizationn.
- Prepare and provide GIS reports which are evidence-based, based on the data collected from the project areas and share with the staff and stakeholders in a simple map depicting change/impact
- Maintain inventory of system maps as related to GIS (converts from CAD when necessary)
- Up to date GIS Operations in THRIVE Project
- Relevant and up to data Geodatabases in use
- Up to date analysed and usable data in relevant information repository and shared with relevant staff.
- Up to date GIS maps and information regarding THRIVE Project locations
- Up to date inventory of system maps in WVK approved repository for utilization
Capacity Building
- Keep current with new GIS and GPS information and technology (updates the systems)
- Prepare training materials and make presentations to WVK THRIVE Staff and partners
- Guide GIS system users in creating requirements for GIS Software
- Writes documentation to support software
- Regular training/induction on emerging trends in GIS for self and WVK THRIVE Project staff.
- 100% of the THRIVE Project Staff inducted on GIS and GPS information and it role in the organization
- GIS system improvements and License/ user rights provisioning as requested by users.
Advocacy, Engagement and Networking
- Ensure high quality presentation of GIS products to WVK staff, donors, NGOs, Government and other stakeholders.
- Linkages with partners (NGOs, County and National government, church, bilateral and multilateral agencies) in resources mapping for development.
- GIS Products presented to leadership and relevant stakeholders for learning and decision making
- Reports of engagements and new information documented for use.
- Participation reports in GIS events and observation of key GIS days both local and international.
- Support fundraising teams during proposal development upon their request in relation to GIS initiatives
Qualifications and Skills
- At least 4 years’ experience in conceptualization and preparation of maps and other cartographic products using ArcGIS products; working knowledge of the latest version of the software, i.e., ArcGIS 10;
- Must demonstrate ability to design methodologies for collecting GIS data, manage spatial datasets, and maintain the strictest confidentiality of sensitive data while ensuring protocols for usage and licensing of procured GIS datasets are carefully followed;
- Experience in concepts/proposal development for GIS related initiatives is added advantage
- Demonstrate ability to use open-source GIS software for data Analysis and presentation
- Bachelor’s degree in Geomatics Engineering, Geography or Environmental Bio-systems, or Agricultural related courses with post graduate training in GIS
- Geomatics Engineering, Environmental Bio-systems or Geographical Information System
- Analytical skills on GIS data
- GIS data visualization skills preferably Tableau, Power BI or any other emerging applications
Program Officer – Disaster Management
Key Responsibilities:
Programme Design, Management and Reporting
- Ensure that the project log frames and M&E plans are realistic.
- Ensure timely review and submission of narrative reports and other periodic reports to rightful stakeholders
- Participate in monitoring Disaster Management projects progress.
- Ensure that project goals and objectives are achieved and grant requirements are adhered to.
- Maintain a good working relationship with national office technical specialists to enhance their contribution to the technical aspects of the projects designs.
- Monitor the country’s humanitarian landscape and ensure emerging risks are analyzed and addressed.
- Ensure successful roll out and implementation of Disaster Management (DM) grants including timely start of grants projects.
- Effective follow up on DM project implementation to ensure they are timely and as per design document and donor standards.
- Technical support rendered in analyzing and utilizing relevant monitoring data by different stakeholders and grant projects teams.
- Standardized monitoring tools applied by project teams.
- Lessons learned from different projects shared to enhance local planning and implementation, modifications that might be necessary at the local level suggested based on evidence and lessons learned.
- Implementation and expenditure levels regularly reviewed & tracked and work plans and budgets managed with the finance team.
- Timely follow up on implementation of project audit recommendations.
- Effective cross-functional linkages established among Disaster Management projects.
- Timely recruitment of Project staff supported and new staff properly oriented on L&R specific programming processes, products and specific donor requirements;
- Staff capacity built on specific grants programming guidelines as per donor specifications.
Quality Assurance and Technical Support
- Ensure assessments, designs, monitor and evaluation of Projects in alignment with set standards realized.
- Ensure that Project designs and implementation plans are reviewed and appraised.
- Timely and relevant analysis and recommendations provided to project leadership and staff.
- Ensure well-coordinated baselines and evaluation processes and participation in these events.
- Implementation of established guidelines and policies monitored for critical milestones in the life cycle of Disaster Management projects during surveys, reviews, evaluations and reports.
- Management and donors notified of any significant changes through regular communication.
- Relevant data from across DM grant projects collated, analyzed and interpreted in a systematic way
- Regular narrative and financial progress reports prepared and shared (monthly, quarterly, semi- annual and annual reports) with the NO, Government, SO, donors and other partners.
- Support baseline surveys/assessments/situational analysis on Disaster management needs, community
- Ensure M & E plans are compiled and indicator tracking tables are tracked and updated.
- Appropriate use of information management systems for DM grants for management decision making;
- Documentation of all project’s initiatives for accountability well-coordinated;
- Lessons learned from monitoring shared with national office operations staff in a way that supports ongoing learning and development
- The DM projects profiled internally and externally in liaison with the Communications department;
Resource Acquisition for Disaster Management
- Ensure timely and accurate funding proposals are developed in line with donor requirements and WVK standards in collaboration with the other sector specialists and RAM for highly competitive humanitarian-related concept notes and proposals;
- Calls and queries by Government, Donors and SOs on the projects effectively responded to in coordination with RAM and DM leadership
- Concepts and proposals to deepen and scale up the impact of the projects and other Disaster Management initiatives developed in close liaison with RAM and the other sector teams.
- Provide regular updates to WV’s Support Offices and donor regarding funding and commitments.
- Lead the roll out and implementation of an integrated, organizational wide, resource acquisition and management system for all funding streams for Food Assistance and DM at large.
- Participate in donor budget negotiations.
- Lead the roll out and implementation of an integrated, organizational wide, resource acquisition and management system for all funding streams for Food Assistance and DM at large.
- Participate in donor budget negotiations.
Advocacy, Networking and Engagement with Strategic & New Partnerships Development
- Representation of WV Kenya in key Disaster Management stakeholder forums/meetings at the National level.
- Effective linkages and collaboration forged with key structures that include the National Drought Management Authority, UN, Donors and other INGOS and International Agencies.
- Support to community led processes of monitoring public service delivery provided and Community capacity enhanced for participation in policy & advocacy.
- Effective networks established with stakeholders at County and National level
- Project SO and donor field visits coordinated in liaison with RAM and Disaster Management teams.
- Facilitate donor engagement especially with the International Organization of Migration (IOM) and other main emergency donors (BHA, ECHO, among others).
- Ensure timely responses to SOs and Donor queries
- Ensure quality representation with donors, NGOs, Government and other stakeholders.
- Participate and strengthen the Partnerships/ Networks
Capacity Building and Learning
- Design appropriate trainings for staff based on the emerging trends in DM and food assistance; skills in proposal development.
- Facilitate trainings for the National Disaster Management Team (NDMT) and the Integrated Disaster Management Committee (IDMC), COVACA, Do-No-Harm (DNH), Disaster Risk ReductionDRR
- Maintain a culture of continuous learning through applied research, cutting edge analysis, and documentation of best practices.
- Technical backstopping for
Others duties
- Other duties assigned to by the supervisor accomplished
On call for DM response/participation in the National RRT
Knowledge/Qualifications for the role
- A Bachelor’s degree in International Relations, Development, Project Planning and Management, Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Development
- Relevant field A Master’s Degree in International Development is an added advantage.
- Excellent written and spoken English is essential
- Demonstrated experience in Economic development, Livelihood and resilience, Agri business and climate change interventions.
- A minimum of 4 years of INGO field experience in implementing or managing similar related projects or programs
- High level of understanding of grant programming
- Prior experience of project implementation is preferred.
- Ability to engage at a strategic level with senior government officials and UNHCR, INGO officials at the County & National level.
- Strong budgetary and financial management skills, organizational skills, communication and interpersonal skills
- Ability to use a computer and software to develop or maintain spreadsheets and databases
- A mature and committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities
- Strong organizational skills and an ability to work with diverse teams across the organization.
- Willingness to travel to the field as and when needed
- Work in a multisectoral/ multicultural team- patience, cultural sensitivity and application of contextual understanding in day to day work
Education & Early Childhood Advisor
Key Responsibilities:
Technical support in Program design and Quality Assurance
- Provide effective technical support to APs and Grants implementing Child Learning and other education interventions
- Participate in the development and review of National Strategy and Technical Programs and ensure Education is well articulated in the CL & HHR Technical Program, related concepts and proposals and utilized to implement NO Strategy
- Participate in technical coordination, planning and review meetings for Education within and externally
- Develop and disseminate guidelines that will support delivery of the Education objectives throughout the strategy period appreciating the unique contexts where the TP will be implemented.
- Support development of Child Learning TP and AP plans (AOPs, DIPs, Annual Budgets)
- Provide effective technical support to field project teams to roll out of World Vision Partnership and other recognized and approved Child Learning Core Models (GbG & Learning Roots)
- Coordinate as applicable sector integration interventions for ensuring integrated Child Learning implementation with other TPs at NO and field level.
- Support/enhance linkages with EARO and GC Education learning centres for continued backstopping to enable quality programming within WVK
- Ensure that business processes, standards and guidelines related to Child Learning initiatives are effectively applied by field programs
Program Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning, Research and Innovation
- Participate/Support CL & HHR TP adaptation processes, Program assessments, monitoring & evaluation,
- Ensure interpretation and utilization of assessment, baselines, evaluations and verification on quality of designs
- Strengthen research, learning, documentation and dissemination of WVK work in Child Learning
- Provide technical linkages and implementation of innovations related to the TP models both with National and Regional Level Governments, public and private partners
- Ensure development of standardized monitoring tools & staff capacity building including core models Data Quality Tools (Learning Roots & Go Baby Go) to ensure are in use with appropriate feedback
- Gather data at National level for reporting on Child Learning (MMR, Semi-Annual, Annual Reports, WVK annual & Board TP Report)
- Coordinate and participate in regular learning forums to profile, communicate and ensure adoption of promising Child Learning practices
- Participate in joint program monitoring visits with key partners to track and document program progress in the targeted program sites.
- Ensure the feedback from monitoring exercises feeds into the working of relevant technical working groups within the Program counties.
- Support quality reviews of program reports and core documents as per WVK guidelines and donor standards.
- Design/Coordinate/participate in education & child learning operational research, documentation, publication and dissemination of useful research findings
- Identify capacity gaps in child learning to inform the National level staff capacity development strategy
- Ensure skills and capacity development for staff and partners in child learning strategies, models and approaches.
Program Development and Resource Acquisition
- Technically support Resource Acquisition & Management (RAM) team to develop proposals/concepts to prospective donors and SOs for Child Learning
- Respond effectively to calls and queries by donors and SOs on Education & child Learning Concepts/Proposals in coordination with RAM
- Physically present/defend Education & Child Learning Proposals to donors in coordination with RAM when required
- Participate in Go-No Go Processes, write ups, meeting with prospective donors and submission of concepts/proposals
- Develop quality and coherent Education & child Learning capacity statements
- In liaison with communications team, develop context specific electronic and live media communications on education & child learning and market related activities.
- Develop Sector specific Job Descriptions for technical staff in liaison with People & Culture
Collaboration and Advocacy
- Forge and strengthen partnerships with National and County government and other stakeholders involved in Education and ECDE Sectors
- Lead in development and utilization of MOUs / working agreements with sector strategic, funding and program/project implementation partners
- Participate in the planning and execution of ECDE Networks in all the counties, County level conferences e.g Nairobi County Conference, National Education Summit
- Facilitate formation of the working committee for the National Education sector engagement for policy influence on the integration of the WVK Child Learning Models
- Establish and maintain strategic contacts with the UN, Government, INGOs, Universities, Research Institutions, Donors and Embassies
- Ensure WVK representation in key strategic Education working groups and forums
- Gather and provide quality feedback and data to be used to develop technical papers and recommendations on key issues for external engagement with decision makers
- Support advocacy efforts to influence County Governments’ Planning and Budgeting processes and resource allocation to the priority needs within the sector
- Ensure active engagement on policy at County and National level on issues to do with the food and nutrition security and sustainable use of natural resources
- Support development of technical papers and or policy briefs on key issues for external engagement with decision makers
- Build capacity of field staff on advocacy for enhanced advocacy mainstreaming in Child Learning projects
- Participate and contribute in various committees and task forces and other assignments
- Ensure Linkage with World Vision EARO and World Vision GC Education Initiatives/forums for continued backstopping to enable quality programming within WVK.
- Perform any other duty as assigned by the supervisor.
- Participate and contribute in committees and task forces as may be signed from time to time.
Qualifications, Skills & Competencies
- Minimum of 7 years’ experience in education programming – designing, planning, implementing and reporting
- Proven experience and demonstration of employing early child hood programming approaches at the school and community level
- Minimum of a Bachelor of Arts in Education, BA Early Childhood Development, BA Early Childhood Care & Development or a closely related field from a recognized University
- Relevant Post graduate qualification(s) will be an added advantage
- Demonstrated track record in proposal development, funding acquisitions and grant management for major government donors preferred
- Good understanding of the international development trends and approaches at both national and global levels
- Must possess good understanding, knowledge and experience of WVI global core Child Learning project models including Go Baby Go, Learning Roots among others
- Computer literate especially in Microsoft Office Suite and basic knowledge of data analysis programs such as SPSS, Stata, EPI Info and use of GIS for socio-economic mapping
- Excellent technical programming and management skills and a good understanding of the entire program/project life cycle
- Must have good facilitation skills and ability to deliver staff and partner capacity building (training, coaching and mentorship) on relevant technical fields including roll out of CPMs
- Ability to take initiative, solve complex problems, exercise independent judgment
- A team player, capable of building staff and partner’s capacity in Education
- Cross-cultural sensitivity and emotional maturity
- Ability to maintain performance expectations in diverse cultural contexts
- Strong budgetary and financial management skills.
- Good interpersonal and organizational skills with leadership & management experience an added advantage
- Should be a self-starter, able to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships
- Excellent interpersonal, communication, networking and representation skills with experience in public engagements
Administrative Officer – Finance & Support Services
Key Responsibilities:
Administrative Support
- Coordinate administrative support for the Finance & Support services Directorate including but not limited to offering secretariat services, consolidating reports, maintenance of office assets, equipment and maintain adequate supplies/stationary.
- Prepare correspondences and facilitate for signing by the relevant on staff matters; bank, visa, certificate of service, letters.
- Ensure effective and efficient facilitation of departmental meetings, events, activities and Projects.
- Ensure timely disbursement of the Directorate correspondences.
- Ensure provision of excellent front desk services to Directorate visitors.
- Coordinate and ensure timely preparation of monthly, quarterly Directorate reports.
Logistical Support
- Provide Logistical Support for the Finance & Support Services Team.
- Coordinate Air and road travels for the teams including visa applications, airport pickups, transfers and hotel reservations.
- Support in writing of correspondences, sending them out and receiving the same from partners.
- Ensure the Directorate has enough stationery, and the photocopiers printers and scanners are maintained in good condition.
- Receive parcels and allocating them to staff.
Document/Information management
- Develop and maintain a Directorate document management system that ensures safe and orderly custody of information both manually and electronically
- Facilitate FSS document retention and retrieval
- Ensure proper filing of FSS hard and soft copy documents for ease of retrieval.
- Maintain a robust online filing system for all FSS documents for ease of retrieval
- Coordinate document retrieval when needed Maintain an up to date addresses of FSS staff, partners and key contact persons based in other WVI offices.
- Ensure confidentiality of finance records in accordance to WVK polices and the data protection regulations.
- Maintain up to date key Directorate records including, Polices, Business processes, Organizational structures, AOPs, departmental staff data and details etc
Banking Liaison
- Coordinate the opening of new bank accounts and updating of signatories and account closure.
- Organize for periodic meetings between banks and WVK finance leadership to discuss banking issues.
- Proper filing of banking information relating to accounts held, signatories list and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
- Coordinate trainings by banks on new initiatives and technologies.
- Coordinate follow up with the various banks on any pending issues.
Other Responsibilities
- Attend and actively participate/lead trans teams, group devotions, chapel and other events.
- Coordinate and participate in roll out and implementation of Directorate initiatives
- Participate in committees and taskforces, as assigned
- Perform any other duties assigned from time to time
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
- Degree in Business Administration or related field
- Business oriented mind set
- Track record demonstrating high integrity, reliable and dependable
- Excellent communication skills
- Networking and influencing skills
- Ability to work with minimal supervision.
- Fluency in English.
- Proficiency in Computer applications (Ms. Excel, Word, Power Point etc)
BHA MEAL Manager, WV Sudan
Job Description:
World Vision Sudan seeks a Monitoring Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Lead for a USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance funded Humanitarian Assistance Project in Blue Nile, Republic of Sudan.
This project focuses on emergency interventions in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Health and Nutrition, and Multi-purpose Cash for the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities.
The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Lead will provide technical expertise and leadership to generate and analyse quality evidence and data through monitoring, assessments, and evaluations. The M&E Lead is required to build and manage monitoring systems, lead mixed methods measurements such as baseline, PDM, DQA and evaluations and effectively promote evidence-based program management. The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Lead will also provide technical expertise on learning agendas, partnership learning practices, and provide input to senior management for program adaptation based on key learnings.
S/he will also provide technical guidance and supervision of sub-grantees and/or sub-contractors on Monitoring and Evaluation related issues.
Temporary location for now is Nairobi, Kenya. The location will change later to field based.
- Refine and implement the project monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning strategy, and recommend any possible changes based on the lessons learned.
- Set up operational arrangements for collecting, analysing, and reporting project data and for investing in capacity building, to sustain the MEAL function.
- Coordinate with communities, service providers, local governments, partners, and donor representatives to reach an agreement on the MEAL system setup and ongoing reviews of the MEAL practices to ensure meaningful participation of stakeholders in improving the system.
- Identify information requirements of components concerning planning, monitoring, and evaluation.
- Develop and ensure that the established guidelines on project monitoring and evaluation for different project components are respected by project team in alignment with the agreements reached.
- Coordinate with World Vision staff and sub-grantees staff on meeting the monitoring and evaluation requirements.
- During the life of the intervention, review the performance indicators and reports produced by different stakeholders and suggest necessary changes.
- Monitor and report on the performance of the project and suggest measures to improve the monitoring system and responsible for developing and maintaining monitoring dashboards to support the management’s decision-making.
- Set-up and ensure the project has an effective community complaints and feedback mechanism that informs ongoing programming and strengthens the overall humanitarian Accountability system.
- Ensure timely and effective communication and information sharing between different stakeholders.
- Serve as a liaison between the project team, partners, project participants and the donor representative to ensure harmonization, shared learning, collaboration and alignment of efforts in monitoring and evaluation.
- At regional level assess training needs relevant to monitoring, evaluation and information management systems and provide, if required, training to local stakeholders.
- Prepare TORs for special studies when necessary and participate in the recruitment of any potential consultant that will carry out the study. In collaboration with the Program Manager, review and approve proposed study designs and oversee the work during the studies to ensure protocols are followed to meet internal and external validity requirements of that given study.
- Review the final report of any study undertaken in the life of this intervention and ensure that the quality standards are met, and conclusions are accurate.
- Facilitate processes according to which partners relevant government representatives and donor representatives are collaborating, reflecting on the M&E data, drawing lessons learned and making recommendations to project leaders for further improvements and adaptations in project implementation for higher efficiency and effectiveness.
- Prepare quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports, and assist in the preparation of the annual work plans for both WV and partners.
- Ensure that data audits are planned for and are performed on regular basis. Lessons learned are drawn and shared and course correction is undertaken to continuously improve and strengthen the M&E system and lead the development of the M&E portions of project proposals (e.g., M&E Plan, Theory of Change, Logframe, M&E Budget, Indicator Tracking Table, etc.), in collaboration with the Program Quality Technical and Business Management staff.
- Supervise staff that report directly to this position. Conduct regular coaching and implement the Performance Development Management system and set up project data quality assurance mechanisms, and periodically participate/co-lead the project internal data quality assessments.
- Work with the Strategic Coordination and Learning Adviser to ensure high quality, coordinated, and demand driven learning, knowledge management and capacity strengthening activities and provide periodic review of projects’ management reports and associated processes to identify challenges and lessons learned, and share them within and across the Sudan Teams
- Conduct regular field visits to monitor implementation, to ensure compliance with operational procedures and assess progress as well as to deliver technical support to field staff, provide resources, and make clear recommendations on ways to strengthen the program and share learning across programs.
- Perform other duties as required.
- A master’s degree in a quantitative field (economics, agricultural/development economics, statistics, biostatistics; nutrition, applied sociology, anthropology, or other relevant subject) with significant training in quantitative methods plus eight years relevant experience, or a PhD in any of the stated field of study above, with at least six years relevant work experience are required.
- Previous experience with Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), Food for Peace Development Food Security Activities (DFSA)s, and/or Emergency Food Security Programs (EFSP)s is preferred.
Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification:
- Experience as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist required.
- Experience working with sub grantees and contracts under grants for complex projects.
- Fluency in English.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
- Professional licenses, as required in the field and by the donor.
- Strong management and interpersonal skills.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
- Mentoring and facilitation skills.
- Ability to network and communicate with a wide range of stakeholders.
- Experience working overseas in low-resource environments.
- Experience using M&E MIS systems and technology to track program outputs and indicators.
- Ability to use data analysis software such as SPSS, STATA, Epi Info, Kobo Collect etc.
- Other skills and knowledge required for this position can be found in the FSN Network M&E Manager Core Competencies.
Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications:
- Demonstrated experience in leading the M&E of a large award (multi sectoral and multi stakeholder US Government funded project).
- Strong conceptual
- knowledge about Toc’s, logic model, multi-sector indicators (WASH, Health, Nutrition, MPCA and Food security), M&E plans, data quality assurance, data utilization, and gender integration into M&E.
- Demonstrated experience and expertise in developing and operationalizing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan.
- Demonstrated expertise and experience in developing and operationalizing routine monitoring systems designed to track both output and outcome indicators.
- Demonstrated expertise in designing annual monitoring surveys including annual beneficiary-based sample surveys, probabilistic sampling strategy and estimating sample size, developing a proper sampling frame and establish appropriate weights, clean, process, store quantitative data.
- Demonstrated expertise in designing qualitative studies, in-depth knowledge about qualitative sampling, and experience in using interview and interactive tools to generate qualitative information and analysis.
- Demonstrated experience in developing data quality assurance strategies, data management, use of technology for getting just in time data and data visualization.
- Demonstrated expertise and experience in data utilization strategies and ability to think creatively about active data sharing techniques.
- Knowledge of and familiarity with international assistance program Monitoring and Evaluation requirements, preferably USAID Office, BHA or Food for Peace (FFP) policies.
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work cross-culturally with diverse teams.
- Ability to work with host-country professionals, ministries and with donor colleagues in country.
- Ability to achieve results through partners.