Ongoing Recruitment UN Jobs 2025
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County Government Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, Medical Jobs, Clinical Jobs, Accounting Jobs,
Medical Specialist – Obstetrician and Gynecologist – 1 Post
Duties and Responsibilities
- Performing complex and advanced clinical patient management in areas of specialization including: – internal medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, General surgery, ENT surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Anesthesia, Pediatrics, Pathology, Radiology, Public Health and other specialization recognized by the Board Coordination, training, coaching and mentoring of health personnel
- Managing health stores, including essential medicine and /or plant and equipment. Managing large facilities/hospitals
- Developing medical standard operating procedures (SOPs) and protocol Developing training curricular and syllabi in collaboration with training institution Coordinating emergency response and institution
- Coordinating health projects &progress
- Managing health information system
- Carrying out health survey & research
- Monitoring the provision of forensic and medico-legal services
Requirement for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have;
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.CH. B) Degree from an institution recognized by medical practitioners and Dentist Board.
- Masters’ degree in any of the following field; Medicine, Anaesthesia Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dermatology, Ear, Nose and Throat, Otorhinolaryngology, Family Medicine, General Surgery, Geriatrics, internal Medicine, Microbiology, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Occupational Medicine, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatrics and Child Health,
- Palliative Medicine, Pathology, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Public Health, Radiology, Health system Management, Psychiatry, Health Economic, Health informatics, Epidemiology, Global Health Policy, Public Health Microbiology and Emerging Infectious Disease, Biostatics or equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the medical practitioners & Dentist Board
- Certificate of registration by the Medical Practitioners & Dentist board
- Valid Practicing license from medical practitioners & Dentist board
- Certificate in strategic leadership development programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution
- Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution
- Demonstrated high professional competence and administrative capability as reflected in work performance & result
Registered Clinical Officer III – 20 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- This is the entry grade into this cadre. An officer at this level will work under guidance of a senior officer. Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:
- Taking history, examining, diagnosing, ordering laboratory and imaging investigations; interpreting laboratory and imaging results;
- Treating patients’ common ailments at an outpatient or inpatient health facility; Implementing Community Health Care activities in liaison with other health workers; Guiding and counseling patients, clients and staff on health issues;
- Sensitizing patients and clients on preventive and promotive health;
- Carrying out surgical procedures as per training and skill; collecting and compiling clinical data;
- Assessing, preparing and presenting medico-legal reports and referring patients and clients to appropriate health facilities.
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Requirements for Appointment
- For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Certificate of Registration from Clinical Officers’ Council;
- Valid Professional Practice License from the Clinical Officers’ Council; and Certificate in computer applications.
Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse – 40 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
This is the entry and training grade for this cadre. An officer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior officer. Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:
- Assessing, planning, implementing nursing interventions and evaluating patient’s outcomes. providing appropriate healthcare service including Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI), immunization, PMTCT, ante-natal care and delivery, providing health education and counselling to patients/clients and community on identified health needs; referring patients and clients appropriately;
- Facilitating patients’ admission and initiating discharge plans; maintaining records on patients/clients health condition and care; ensuring a tidy and safe clinical environment; and collecting and compiling data.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- Diploma in any of the following disciplines: Kenya Registered Community Health
- Nursing, Kenya Registered Nursing, Kenya Registered Midwifery, Kenya Registered
- Nursing/Midwifery or Kenya Registered Nursing/Mental Health and Psychiatry from a recognized institution;
- Registration Certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Kenya;
- Valid practicing license from Nursing Council of Kenya; and (iv) Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution.
Kenya Enrolled Community Health Nurse III – 40 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- This will be the entry and training grade into this cadre. An officer at this level will work under the guidance of a senior officer. Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail: assessing patients and clients and establishing health care needs;
- Planning and implementing nursing care interventions based on patients’/clients’ health needs;
- Providing appropriate healthcare service, including immunization, ante-natal care, delivery, referring patients and clients appropriately;
- Evaluating healthcare outcomes on patients/clients preparing individualized reports;
- Making appropriate discharge plan for patients; conducting assessment of school
- Maintaining records on patients/clients personal and health condition/care:’ ensuring a tidy and safe clinical environment; ensuring safe custody for in-patients belongings;
- Conducting home visits, following up discharged patients/clients and providing continuity of care; and treating minor ailments.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
- Certificate in any of the following disciplines: Kenya Enrolled Nurse, Kenya Enrolled
- Community Health Nurse, Kenya Enrolled Midwife, Kenya Enrolled Psychiatric
- Nurse or Enrolled Nurse/Midwife from a recognized training institution;
- Enrolment Certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Kenya;
- Valid practicing license from Nursing Council of Kenya; and
- Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution own merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results
Perioperative Theatre Technologist – 10 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- This is the entry and training grade for this cadre. An officer at this level will work under the guidance and supervision of an experienced officer. Duties and responsibilities will entail:
- Preventing nosocomial infections, providing technical services to the theatre team,
- Maintaining safety of patients and the theatre team, caring for theatre instruments,
- Participating in provision of clinical services in operation theatre and executing administrative and managerial responsibilities in a hospital set up or surgical related firm or set up;
- Counselling patients/clients on issues regarding perioperative procedures;
- Documenting perioperative cases; and assessing and referring patients appropriately.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have
- Diploma in Perioperative Theatre Technology from a recognized institution
- Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution
Perioperative Theatre Technician – 3 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- This is the entry and training grade for this cadre. An officer at this level will work under the guidance and supervision of an experienced officer.
Duties and responsibility entail:
- Execute Perioperative Safety Precautions;
- Prevent Nosocomial Infections; Maintain Operation Theatre Instruments and Apparatus;
- Provide Perioperative Theatre Technical Services
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have.
- Certificate in either Perioperative Technology or its equivalent from a recognized institution; and
- Certificate in computer appa skills from a cee institution.
Accountant I (Revenue Section) – 7 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- Responsible for revenue collection at Ward level;
- responsible for timely and accurate preparation of quality revenue reports that fall under supervision areas of control;
- training and development of staff under him/her and setting targets for the section responsibilities to authorize payments and sign cheques subject to limit set;
- certify and verify returns, documents, vouchers, monitor collection of revenue including inspection and responsible for Government assets, records and custody of Accountable Documents under his/her sections(s);
- Perform any other duty assigned from time to time by supervisor.
Requirements for Appointment
- served in the grade of Accountant II, Job Group ‘J’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years; and
- Passed Part [II of the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Examination or its recognized equivalent qualification. OR A Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option), Business Administration (Accounting option) from a recognized institution or any other relevant qualification adjudged to be its equivalent from an approved institution and have passed part II of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Examination or its approved equivalent, MUST be a member of ICPAK or IIA or any other recognized professional body;
- Certificate in Computer Applications;
- Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results
Accountant II (Revenue Section) – 10 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- Involve preparation and verification of vouchers in accordance with the laid down rules and regulations involving primary data entry and routine accounting work such as balancing of cashbooks, imprest and advances ledgers etc.
- The scope and complexity of work will increase with experience and training but the officer will still be under close guidance where new tasks are involved.
- Support revenue collection at the Ward level
- He/she will be responsible for safe custody of records and assets under him /her.
- Perform any other duty assigned from time to time by supervisor.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade of Accountant 1, Job Group ‘J’, an officer must have: –
- Passed Part III of the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Examination or its recognized equivalent qualification. OR
- A Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option), Business Administration (Accounting option) from a recognized institution or any other relevant qualification adjudged to be its equivalent from an approved institution and have passed part II of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Examination or its approved equivalent, MU ST be a member of ICPAK or IIA or any other recognized professional body.
- Certificate in Computer Applications
- Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results. Personal
- Qualities In addition to the above requirements,
Method of Application
Written applications, CV’ s copies of Certificates, Testimonials and Identity Card should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the left side the position being applied for and addressed to:
The Sccretary,
Turkana County Public Service Board,
P.O. BOX 05, Lodwar, — 30500.
Delivered by hand at the reception desk at Turkana County Public Service Board along Nawoitorong road opposite Lodwar Club located off Kitale – Lodwar highways the undersigned on or before Friday 13″ December, 2024 by 5.00pm (East African Time}
Important information to all candidates;
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Candidates with foreign certificates should seek for equation certificate from Commission for University Education
Any form of canvassing or lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification
N/B Youth, Women and Persons Livin ti HTN (PWDs) are encouraged to apply.