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Technical Jobs, Engineering Jobs, Administrative Jobs, Accounting Jobs,
Pipe Fitters (40 Positions)
Job Ref. No
To perform all required pipefitting tasks, safely, consistently and in accordance with the company requirements, procedures andspecifications.
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- Routine inspection and reporting of pipes, water tanks, washouts and valves for leaks, bursts, no water and illegal connections.
- Inspecting and verification of reported pipes, water tanks, washouts and valves for leaks, bursts, no water and illegal connections.
- Promptly prepare and submit requisition for repairs, resolving no water issues and dismantling illegal connection.
- Promptly collect repair material and undertake quality repair work for leaks, burst, no water issues and illegal connections and submit report of completed work.
- Assessment of new customer connection requirements, prepare requisition for pipe, fittings and other material for new customer connection.
- Promptly collect pipes fittings and other material, excavate trench, lay and joint pipe, test and disinfect pipe and back fill of trench.
- Undertake maintenance work on water storage tanks and valve chambers as shall be directed by supervisor.
- Routine testing, servicing and repair of water meters, compiling and submission of reports
- Prompt Ad-hoc testing, servicing and repair of water meters, compiling and submission of reports.
- Promptly undertaking assigned connecting and disconnecting of water meters, compiling and submission of reports.
- operation of rationing and control valves as per approved rationing programme record and submit report.
- Routine inspection and reporting of bulk water meters, water tanks, pipes, washouts and valves for leaks, bursts and no water.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and ealthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
Promptly prepare and submit monthly reports in a prescribed standard format on:
- Leaks and burst reporting and repairs for pipes, washouts and valves and material used.
- No water and illegal connections reported, resolved and dismantled and material used.
- New customer connection requested, connected and material used.
- Water storage tanks and valve chambers issues reported, resolvedand material used.
- Meter testing, servicing, repair and materials used
- Water meter connection and disconnection and material used.
- Any other duties as maybe assigned by your supervisor from time to time.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of a KCSE or at least three (3) years experience in plumbing and pipefitting works
- Plumbing/pipefitting Grade III certificate will be an added advantage
- Good communication, organization and time management skills
- Good interpersonal skills to work in a team
Pump Attendants (30 Positions)
Ref: TVO/06/2023/002
To undertake routine checks of pumps and plan the schedule of pump operation
- Undertake daily checks of pump, control panel, sump and rising main as prescribed in operation manual before staring the pump record and submit report
- Daily start and stop pump(s) according to the approved operation schedule, record timings and submit report
- Routine checkup of pumping system as per operation manual record and submit monthly report.
- Daily morning check and report of water meter inflows(production), watermeter outflows (distribution), water levels in storage tank and inlet and outletpipeline water pressure
- Daily operation of rationing and control valves as per approved rationingprogramme record and submit report.
- Routine inspection and reporting of bulk water meters, water tanks, pipes,washouts and valves for leaks, bursts and no water.
- Operate and maintain water works, air valves, inlet, outlet, washout and scourvalves record and submit report.
- Promptly record and report in a prescribed format observed anomalies in thepumping system.
- Promptly record and report in a prescribed format observed security issues andany other challenges.
- Undertake mixing and dosing of water treatment chemicals into the water at the dosing units, water sump and water storage tanks in the approved quantities as shall be instructed.
- Record and submit report on chemicals received, used and the quantities remaining.
- Undertake chemical tests and chlorine residual test and determine chemical dosage record and submit report
- Check and ensure water is treated before distribution record and submit report
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and healthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- Prepare and submit ad-hoc and or monthly, quarterly and annual reports submit to your supervisor for management decision.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of a KCSE or at least three (3) years of relevant work experience
- Good communication, organization and time management skills
- Good interpersonal skills to work in a team
Waste Water System Attendants (4 Positions)
Ref: TVO/06/2023/003
Inspection, unblocking and cleaning of waste water
- Inspection,unblockingandcleaningofwastewaterinspectionchambersandsewer agepipelinesrecordand submitreport.
- Removal and disposal of sludge as shall be directed by your supervisorrecordand submit report.
- Daily operation and maintenance of sludge drying beds, waste watertreatment lagoons, decentralized waste water treatment facilities andsludgehandlingfacilitiesrecordandsubmit report.
- In liaison with your supervisor assess waste water asset condition, make recommendations for improvement or repair, make requisition for requirements to resolve observed issues, repair and or resolve confirmed issues record and submit report.
- In liaison with your supervisor promptly assess and resolve reportedproblemsrecord and submitreport.
- Observe and record any risks and challenges and promptly report withrecommendationstoyoursupervisor.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety andhealthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- Prepare and submit ad-hoc and or monthly, quarterly and annual reports submit to your supervisor for management decision.
- Any other duties as maybe assigned by your supervisor from time totime.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of KCSE or at least three (3) years experience as a Waste Water System Attendant
- Must be in good physical health
- Must be knowledgeable in general occupational, safety and health standards
- Good communication, interpersonal and time management skills
Operator – Water Treatment Works – 3 Positions
Ref: TVO/06/2023/004
- Undertake daily checks of the water treatment works as prescribed in the operation manual record and submit report.
- Operation and maintenance of the treatment works as prescribed in the operation manual record and submit report.
- Daily morning check and report of water meter inflows(production), water meter outflows (distribution), water levels in storage tank and inlet and outlet pipeline water pressure
- Undertake mixing and dosing of water treatment chemicals into the water at the dosing units, water sump and water storage tanks in the approved quantities as shall be instructed.
- Record and submit report on chemicals received, used and the quantities remaining.
- Undertake chemical tests and chlorine residual test and determine chemical dosage record and submit report
- Check and ensure water is treated before distribution record and submit report
- Daily operation of rationing and control valves as per approved rationing programme record and submit report.
- Routine inspection and reporting of bulk water meters, water tanks, pipes, washouts and valves for leaks, bursts and no water.
- Operate and maintain water works, air valves, inlet, outlet, and washout and scour valves record and submit report.
- Operate backwash tank, filters and record as per operation manual and record filter wash time and submit report.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and healthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- Prepare and submit ad-hoc and or monthly, quarterly and annual reports submit to your supervisor for management decision.
- Any other duties as maybe assigned by your supervisor from time to time.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of a KCSE or at least three (3) years of experience as a water operator
- A Certificate in Water Supply Operator from a recognized institution will be an added advantage
- Good communication, interpersonal and organization skills
Meters Readers/Enforcement Officers (24 Positions)
Ref: TVO/06/2023/0 05
- Ensure the Mobile Meter reading Assistant is stored safely, diligently used and maintained and in good working condition at all times.
- Promptly record and report in a prescribed format observed anomalies on the Mobile Meter reading Assistant as shall be directed by your supervisor.
- Promptly inform your supervisor in the event you have not received the meter reading data by the due date.
- Undertake meter reading according to the approved meter reading cycle
- Undertake meter reading according to the approved format.
- Promptly record, report giving reasons and request for reassignment of the meter reading data.
- Upload and send duly completed meter(s) reading(s) as scheduled.
- Promptly check anomalies from the anomalies report issued by your supervisor or commercial officer correct, record and submit report.
- Ensure no account(s) meter reading is submitted on estimate.
- Promptly assess, record, resolve and report in a prescribed format observed challenges hindering actual meter reading.
- Promptly report on suspected illegal connections, water theft or meter tampering including but not limited to tampered seals, meter reversals, e.t.c.
- Prepare and submit report in the prescribed format after every meter reading cycle on any issues, observed challenges, conclusion of findings and recommendations including but not limited to suspected faulty and tampered meters, suspected underground leaks and other visible leaks.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and healthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- Prepare and submit ad-hoc and or monthly, quarterly and annual reports submit to your supervisor for management decision
- Prepare and submit report in the prescribed format after every assignment on any issues, observed challenges, conclusion of findings and recommendations.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of a KCSE or at least three (3) years of experience as a meter reader
- A Meter Installation Certificate from a recognized institution will be an added advantage
- Good communication, interpersonal and time management skills
Customer Service Officer – (9 Positions)
- Receive, promptly record and resolve customer orders, requests, applications, inquiries and complaints related to water supply, billing, waste water and any other relevant issue.
- Receive, promptly record and escalate to branch manager, operation manager commercial, operation & maintenance manager water, operation & maintenance manager waste water and transport officer on customer orders, inquiries and complaints related to water supply, billing, waste water and any other relevant issue
- Advice customer on conditions required to update customer account details, superseding of account, stop billing, account termination and new account application seek clearance from your supervisor and update.
- Create superseded account, new account, stop billing, terminate account, and update account details, new customer connection application information and connection approval details in the billing system.
- Check system and give confirmation to requested clarification on customer payments.
- Follow up on progress of resolving escalated issues and proactively give frequent feedback on progress to customer(s)
- In liaison with other departments, undertake planning, organizing, implementing, coordinating and execution of company’s internal andexternal customer care and public relations events as shall be instructed by your supervisor.
- In liaison with other departments, undertake planning, organizing, coordinating and represent the company at external public relations events including but not limited to customer service and public relation outreach programmes to stakeholders and the general public as shall be instructed by your supervisor.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and healthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- Prepare ad-hoc and monthly reports included but not limited to customer orders inquiries and complaints categorized to reported, resolved and pending. All by customer category, overall, per branch and per meter reading book send to your supervisor for clearance andany other for management decision.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of KCSE or at least three (3) years experience in customer care/service work
- A Diploma in Marketing, Reception, Business Management, Business Administration or any equivalent certificate from a recognized institution will be an added advantage
- Good communication, interpersonal and time management skills
- in computer skills
Commercial Officer
Ref: TVO/06/2023/007
- Collect debtors and customer disconnection list from your supervisor.
- Promptly collect customer contact information record and submit report to your supervisor and customer care officer.
- Advise customer to visit or contact customer care office to update customer account details.
- Request and record customer payments receipts and confirm with office.
- Undertake disconnection and or reconnections as per approved disconnection and or reconnection list or as shall be instructed by your supervisor.
- Undertake and record cut off or turn on meter readings according to the prescribed format and submit report.
- Record in the approved prescribed format, collect and return all disconnected water meters as shall be directed by the supervisor.
- Collect approved new connection list and reconnection list and water meters and connect or reconnect as shall be instructed by your supervisor record and submit report.
- Collect and deliver demand notices to defaulters
- Promptly record and report suspected underground leaks and other visible leaks
- Promptly report on suspected illegal connections, water theft or meter tampering including but not limited to tampered seals, meter reversals, etc.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and healthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- Prepare and submit ad-hoc and or monthly, quarterly and annual reports submit to your supervisor for management decision
- Prepare and submit report in the prescribed format after every assignment on any issues, observed challenges, conclusion of findings and recommendations.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A Diploma in Marketing, Business Management, Business Administration or an equivalent certificate from a recognized institution.
- At least three (3) years of experience as a commercial officer
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Demonstrate a high customer-focus attitude
Billing Officer
Ref: TVO/06/2023/008
- Promptly generate meter reading books in the billing system according to theapproved Billing cycle and send to Information Communication Technology (ICT) officer through the billing system.
- Promptly confirm from ICT officer, access linked meter reading books in meter reading system and assign to Meter readers.
- Promptly confirm receipt of submitted meter readings in meter reading system and send to billing system verify Meter reading photograph against the submitted corresponding meter readings and correct submitted mismatched readings in the billing system.
- Generate Exceptional/Anomaly reports submit to and instruct meter reader to address, collect feedback update submitted information in billing system, record and submit report of noted issues to your supervisor.
- Generate ad-hoc and or monthly customer water bill(s) per meter reading book send to your supervisor for clearance, collect and send approved bills to ICT officer for onward delivery to customers.
- Promptly generate debtors and customer disconnection list, seek approval for disconnection of defaulters and assign enforcement officers to undertakedisconnections as per approved list of defaulted accounts.
- Check system and give confirmation to requested clarification on customer payments.
- Issue water meters and or receive disconnected water meters, verify submitted disconnection, reconnections and new connections as per approved list and update cutoff, turn on meter readings, meter details, customer details and other approved information in the billing system.
- Seek approval from your supervisor and update in the billing system and meter reading system submitted customer contact information, payment details, authorized customer adjustments and amendments.
- Advise customer on conditions required to update customer account details, superseding of account, stop billing, account termination and new account application seek clearance from your supervisor and update.
- Create superseded account, new account, stop billing, terminate account, update account details, new customer connection application information andconnection approval details in the billing system.
- Collect report on any issues, observed challenges, conclusion of findings and recommendations from enforcement officers, resolve and or escalate to your supervisor.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and healthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- 14. Prepare and submit ad-hoc and or monthly reports including but not limited to billing versus collection, estimated versus actual meter reading, active versus inactive accounts, customer complains analysis, monthly water billing summary report. All by customer category, overall per branch and per meter reading book send to your supervisor for clearance and any other for management decision.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- Diploma in ICT, Business Management, Business Administration or any equivalent or relevant certificate from a recognized institution.
- At least three (3) years experience as a billing officer
- Good communication, interpersonal and time-management skills
- Proficiency in computer skills
Assistant Administrative secretary
Ref: TVO/06/2023/009
- Making, answering, routing phone calls to the correct person, taking and delivering messages.
- Receiving, resolving, escalating inquires and giving feedback.
- Write, receive, reply, sort and distribute routine correspondences
- Taking oral dictation; word and data processing from manuscripts.
- Handling both incoming and outgoing correspondence memos, letters and forms.
- Assist in preparation of regularly scheduled reports including processing, typing and formatting reports.
- Develop, undertake, maintain up to date manual and computer filing system, document copying, scanning, filling and retrieval including of confidential material, corporate records, documents and reports.
- Ensuring security of office equipment, documents and records.
- Helping in preparing and scheduling meetings and appointments including preparing meeting/events facilities, refreshments and meals.
- Take accurate minutes of meetings.
- Handle sensitive information in confidential manner.
- Book and organize travel arrangements for the Board of Directors, Managing Director and head of departments.
- Book conference calls, rooms, taxis, hotels for the Managing Director and Senior managers.
- Help in managing the board of Directors calendar of events and meetings, diary of scheduled events and meetings for the Managing Directors office.
- Welcome and provide general support to visitors, staff, clients, service providers and other stake holders and provide information by diligently answering questions and requests and or directing them accordingly.
- Ensure operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs, maintaining equipment inventories systems to make them more efficient.
- Develop, coordinate office procedures and update administrative
- Any other duties as may be assigned by your supervisor from time to time
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A Diploma in Secretarial Studies/Diploma in Business Management/Diploma in Business Administration or its equivalent from a recognized institution
- Have relevant work experience of not less than three (3) years in a reputable organization
- Proficiency in computer skills
- Good communication, interpersonal and time management skills
Office Assistants (5 Positions)
Ref: TVO/05/2023/010
- Undertake daily and routine general cleaning of compound, offices, office furniture and equipment and any other item as shall be directed by your supervisor.
- Orderly arrangement of office furniture and equipment shall be directed by your supervisor.
- Disposal of generated office waste as shall be directed by your supervisor.
- In liaison with your supervisor prepare work plan and requirements and submit for approval.
- Inspection, recording and reporting of noted or observed defects on including but not limited to office structures, doors, windows, ceilings, office furniture and equipments and any other item.
- Any other duty as may be assigned by your supervisor from time to time.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of a KCSE or at least three (3) years of experience as an office assistant
- Have excellent communication, organization and time management skills
- Good interpersonal skills to work in a team
Account Assistant Receivables
Ref: TVO/06/2023/011
- Daily prompt reporting to supervisor for assignment as per agreed work plan.
- Receive and post in accounting system invoices from other internal departments and file appropriately as they await payments.
- Promptly collect pre-requisite documents including but not limited to petty cash claims, end month dues (salaries & wages), invoices raise respective vouchers as assigned by supervisor.
- Forward prepared payment vouchers to supervisor for examination, Head of Finance Department for clearance and Managing Director for approval.
- Promptly collect staff imprest requests, raised warrants, surrenders and forward the same to supervisor for examination, Head of Finance Department for clearance and Managing Director for approval.
- Prepare and dispatch cheques for approved payment vouchers to payee’s either by banking or calling for collection.
- Collect deposit slip, stamped transfer letter for cash deposit and cash transfer transactions and post payments onto the automated accounting system, stamp the paid voucher as paid and file appropriately.
- key monthly obligations including but not limited to payment(s) vouchers for statutory deductions, Electricity bills, Bulk water bill, KRA bills are prepared and submitted for approval for payment before stated deadlines.
- Prepare monthly payables reports and forward to supervisor for further instruction.
- Attend to enquiries on payments by staff, suppliers or any other payments
- Monthly reconciliation of all company’s official revenue collection bank accounts, forward reconciliations for checking and signing by both supervisor and Head of Finance Department.
- Ensure, operationalize and observe approved occupational safety and healthy rules and guidelines reporting any breach to head of human resource department through human resource officer.
- Prepare and submit ad-hoc and or monthly, quarterly and annual reports submit to your supervisor for management decision
- Any other duty as may be assigned by your supervisor from time to time.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- Diploma in Accounting, Business Management, Business administration or a minimum of a CPA III
- A Bachelors Degree in Commerce, Business Management or Business Administration- Accounting or Finance option from a recognized institution will be an added advantage
- At least three (3) years of experience in accounts receivables work
- Good communication, interpersonal and time-management skills
Drivers – 12 Positions
Ref: TVO/06/2023/012
- Carry out daily checks on the vehicle before operating the vehicle, record and report any anomalies noted and maintain register.
- In liaison with the transport officer resolve all reported anomalies before operating the vehicle.
- Ensure to always clean and maintain the vehicle in a clean and operational status.
- Ensure vehicle is adequately fuelled and in good operating condition before commencing any journey.
- Drive company vehicle according to the prevailing traffic laws and company policy while carrying company staff, materials and equipment to approved destination.
- Ensure safety of passengers, materials and equipments during the journey.
- Ensure to adhere to the approved travel route during a journey.
- Ensure security of the vehicle on and off the road.
- Update vehicle work ticket and obtain authorization to travel before any journey.
- Daily update of the work ticket.
- Undertake Routine checks, servicing and maintenance of vehicle according to manufacturer’s operation manual.
- Undertake routine inspection, detection and reporting any observed defects or malfunction.
- Ensure the vehicle and driver is compliant to all legal requirements before commencing of journey.
Personal Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- A minimum of a KCSE or relevant work experience of not less than three (3) years in a reputable organization
- Possession of a valid driving license (Class BCE).
- Possession of a suitability/ Occupational Test, Grade 2 Certificate will be an added advantage
- Have excellent communication, interpersonal and time management skills
Method of Application
- Download the job application form from the Company Website , print and fill.
- Attach your updated Curriculum Vitae (CV), copies of your National
- Identification Card (ID), academic certificates and testimonials.
- Hand deliver to the Office of the Managing Director in a sealed envelope
- indicating the position applied for, reference number and addressed to:
The Managing Director,
TAVEVO Water and Sewerage Company Ltd,
P. O. Box 6 – 80300,
Applications should be received on or before Wednesday, 26th July 2023 at 4.00 p.m.
- Candidates found canvassing will be disqualified.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- TAVEVO Water and Sewerage Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Interested and qualified? Go to Tavevo Water and Sewerage Company Limited on to apply