Fresh Openings at Public Sector Accounting Standards Board 

Ongoing Recruitment UN Jobs 2025
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Janitorial Services, Finance, Accounting, Audit, Driving,

Temporary Office Assistant


Job Purpose 
This position is responsible for ensuring the PSASB work environment is clean, offering clerical support as well as provision of hospitality services to staff and visitors.

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Maintain office cleanliness
  • Undertake photocopying and binding of documents 
  • Prepare and serve tea
  • Dispatch letters
  • Assist in filing
  • Record movement of files and documents.
  • Perform messengerial duties
  • Attend to visitors/clients.

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Job Specification 

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D (plain) or its equivalent;
  • Certificate course in customer care/public relations or equivalent qualification from recognized institution;
  • Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution;
  • Be a person of integrity 

Terms of Service 6 months Short Term Contract

Closing Date: 14th August, 2023 at 5.00pm.

Principal Internal Auditor

ASB 4 REF:PSASB/3/2023

Job Purpose

The position is responsible for providing internal assurance and consultancy services on governance, risk management and control processes at PSASB.

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Managerial Responsibilities 

  • Coordinate development and monitor implementation of the audit committee charter, internal audit charter, policies and procedure manual.
  • Coordinate development and implementation of risk based annual audit plans.
  • Establish and manage the internal audit function in the PSASB.
  • Offer advisory services to the Board on matters relating to governance, risk management and controls.
  • Conduct system, financial, compliance, value for money and IT audits to assess the operating effectiveness and efficiency of internal controls and compliance to laws and regulations.
  • Acquainting management on whether risks are appropriately assessed, identified and managed to continuously improve Council’s risk management, internal control and governance processes.
  • Provide facilitative roles during development and implementation of PSASB risk management policy framework
  • Periodically apprise and advise CEO and the Board on the integrity, accuracy and reliability of significant financial, managerial and operating information generated by the organization. 
  • Oversee development and implementation of the Board integrity strategies and policies.
  • Analyse the Board Corruption Perception index and advising the management on strategies to improve on the same.
  • Articulate the provisions of the Leadership and Integrity Act, Public Officers Ethics Act, Bribery Act to the Authority.
  • Ensure compliance with the International Professional Practice Framework, PFM Act, regulations and guidelines in relation to internal audit and audit committees.
  • Coordinate work in the internal audit division with other assurance providers to ensure optimal efficiency and audit coverage.
  • Follow up on internal and external audit recommendations and report progress to the audit committee.
  • Prepare periodic reports to the Audit Committee.
  • Coordinates secretarial services to the Audit Committee of the Board; 
  • Supervise staff in the department and ensure conducive working environment that promote their performance.
  • Facilitate the statutory audit process
  • Supervise audit engagements and review working papers to assess whether audit objectives have been achieved and findings are supported with audit evidence.
  • Conduct risk assessment of the department and implement risk management strategies.
  • Implement performance management of the division.
  • Mentor and coach staff in the division 
  • Manage the divisions budget

Operational Responsibilities 

  • Day to day management of the division
  • Conduct ad hoc audit assignments and provide consultancy services on risk management, internal control and governance on management request.
  • Lead in sensitization of internal controls and risk management processes. 
  • Develop and implement a quality assurance and improvement program for the internal audit section.
  • Prepare and discuss audit findings with management to obtain management action plans.
  • Maintain safe custody of audit files to promote confidentiality.
  • Prepare and present quarterly internal audit report to the audit committee.
  • Conduct client satisfaction surveys to identify and address any performance gaps.
  • Identify staff training needs for the division and facilitate training and staff development.
  • Discuss and review draft audit programs before the start of an audit assignment.
  • Review draft audit reports and taking up queries and observations that need further interrogation and follow-up.
  • Undertake investigative activities on operations and business line management and any other advisory services required in line with the guidelines set out in the audit charter. 
  • Provide technical support during periodic review and updating of PSASB internal control systems to ensure their adequacy to prevent errors and irregularities.

Academic Qualification 

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: – Finance, Accounting, Accounting, or its equivalent from a recognized institution;

Professional Qualification 

  • Passed Part III of CPA or ACCA;
  • Be a full member of ICPAK in good standing
  • Be a member of Institute of Internal Auditors in good standing 

Other requirements 

  • Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution 
  • Demonstrate thorough knowledge, understanding and experience of international standards for the professional practice in internal auditing standards; and
  • Proficiency in Computer applications and CAATs.


  • Eight (8) years cumulative work experience in Auditing, Finance or Accounting Function in a reputable organization three (3) of which should have been in a management position.

Deadline: 28th August, 2023 at 5.00pm.

Senior Internal Audit Standards Officer

ASB 5 REF:PSASB/4/2023

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Implement the Directorate’s budget and work-plans. 
  • Undertake research to assist in developing draft internal audit standards, risk management and audit committee guidelines.
  • Provide technical assistance in preparation of internal audit guidelines, audit manuals, templates, procedure manuals for all public sector entities in compliance with PFM Act (2012).
  • Provide technical assistance in preparation of audit committee guidelines for all public sector entities
  • Provide technical assistance in preparation of risk management guidelines for all public sector entities.
  • Provide technical assistance to public entities in development of their specific risk management frameworks.
  • Provide administrative support in carrying out public participation in developing guidelines and manuals.
  • Provide administrative support in training internal auditors and Audit Committees on internal audit standards and risk management 
  • Provide administrative support in developing Internal Audit methodologies to assist internal auditors in conducting Value for Money, Forensic, compliance, financial, process audits among others. 
  • Provide administrative support in carrying out surveys to identify training needs for internal auditors, audit committee members and risk management officers in all public entities.
  • Provide administrative support in conducting quality reviews on the implementation of prescribed internal audit standards, guidelines, manuals, and templates for all public sector entities.
  • Provide technical assistance in preparation of learning materials for undertaking training and capacity building on internal audit standards in public entities.
  • Maintain a database of the technical queries and recommendations addressing identified gaps in implementation by public sector entities on internal audit standards, risk management guidelines and committee guidelines.
  • Implement risk mitigating strategies for the Directorate.

Academic Qualification 

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines:- Finance, Accounting, Accounting, or its equivalent from a recognized institution;

Professional Qualification 

  • Passed Part III of CPA or ACCA;
  • Be a full member of ICPAK in good standing
  • Be a member of IIA in good standing 

Other requirements 

  • Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution 
  • Demonstrate thorough knowledge, understanding and experience of international standards for the professional practice in internal auditing standards; and
  • Proficiency in Computer applications.

Relevant work Experience 

  • Six (6) years cumulative work experience in Auditing, Finance or Accounting Function in a reputable organization 

Deadline: 28th August, 2023 at 5.00pm.

Senior Accounting Standards Officer

ASB 5 REF:PSASB/5/2023

Job Purpose

The position is responsible for supporting the implementation of the regulatory role of PSASB in prescribing the financial reporting standards, facilitating, and monitoring their application by all Government Commercial entities in line with Section 194 of the PFM Act (2012) and its Regulations.

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Assist in formulating accounting standards for public sector entities under the IPSAS and IFRS frameworks;
  • Develop formats for financial statements and reporting to enable all state organs and public sector entities to comply with the prescribed standards;
  • Participate in research towards standard setting activities in the directorate.
  • Prepare responses to the consultation papers and exposure drafts issued by the international standard setting bodies.
  • Prepare and assist in reviewing draft reports, letters, circulars and other communication materials to the public sector entities
  • Prepare and review training materials for the dissemination of accounting standards in the public sector
  • Supervise the planning for capacity building programs and standards dissemination activities in the directorate.
  • Participate in capacity building of public sector entities on standards, templates, guidelines and accounting best practices.
  • Participate in developing a roadmap(s) to transition to accrual accounting for public sector entities.
  • Prepare guidelines on accounting standards and best practices
  • Participate in providing technical assistance to public sector entities to comply with the set standards
  • Ensure dissemination of standards, guidelines, and other materials
  • Supervise the maintenance and update of a database for all public sector entities from time to time.
  • Implementation of risk management Strategies and Business Continuity Plans in the Accounting Standards Directorate. 
  • Assist in publishing and publicizing prescribed Accounting Frameworks, Standards, & guidelines for all public sector entities.
  • Supervise, mentor and coach departmental staff.

Academic Qualification 

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines:- Finance, Accounting, Accounting, or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution;

Professional Qualification 

  • Be a holder of CPA (K)/ACCA, CIFA or equivalent.
  • Be a full member of ICPAK in good standing.

Other requirements 

  • Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution 
  • Have good knowledge and understanding of International Accounting Standards;
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills; and
  • Proficiency in Computer applications.

Relevant work Experience 

  • Six (6) years cumulative work experience in Auditing, Finance or Accounting 
  • Function in a reputable organization.

Deadline: 28th August, 2023 at 5.00pm.


ASB 9 REF:PSASB/6/2023

Job Purpose

The position is responsible for timely, efficient and safe transportation of authorized persons, conveyance and delivery of effects and goods, maintenance of the assigned vehicle(s) in a clean and mechanically sound condition and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Drive Board’s motor vehicle as authorized; 
  • Carry out checks on the vehicle’s cooling, oil, electrical and brake systems, tyres pressure and other related routine checks; 
  • Detect and report malfunctioning of vehicle systems; 
  • Maintain work tickets for vehicles assigned; 
  • Maintain services and fueling schedules for allocated motor vehicles;
  • Ensure security and safety for the vehicle on and off the road;
  • Ensure safety of the passengers and/or goods therein; 
  • Adhere to traffic highway code and safety precautions in order to avoid accidents and violations;
  • Prepare quarterly report on the assigned vehicle including servicing, incidences / accidences, fuel consumption and repairs;
  • Report any accidents and incidents related to the allocated vehicles; and 
  • Maintain cleanliness of the vehicle.

Academic Qualification 

  • Minimum of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D (Plain) or its equivalent;

professional Qualification

  • Valid driving license for the classes authorized to drive;
  • Passed Occupational Trade Test grade II for Drivers;
  • Attended a First-Aid Certificate Course lasting not less than one (1) week at St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute of Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized Institution;
  • Defensive Driving Certificate from the Automobile Association (AA) of Kenya or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution; and 

Other requirements 

  • Good communication and interpersonal skills; 

Relevant work Experience 

  • Driving experience of a minimum period of six (6) years;

Deadline: 28th August, 2023 at 5.00pm.

Method of Application

If you can clearly demonstrate your ability to meet the specified criteria, email your C.V, copies of academic and professional certificates and any other supporting documents to the address

Kindly indicate the reference number on the subject of the email. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit clearance/compliance certificates from CID. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

The PSASB is an equal opportunity employer. Canvassing of any kind will lead to automatic disqualification. PSASB does not charge to process any application. Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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