Job Opening at Save the Children

Agriculture related jobs, Project Management jobs, NGO jobs,

Household Economic Strengthening (HES) Officer-Samburu


The Household Economic Strengthening (HES) officer plays a critical role in supporting household and community-resilient livelihood activities that contribute to positive nutritional outcomes. S/he will lead work plan implementation of resilient livelihood interventions as appropriate to context, for sustained vulnerable households’ access to nutrient-dense foods and overall food security despite exposure to shocks and stresses. S/he is directly responsible for supporting all USAID Nawiri Livestock and Agriculture (fisheries and apiculture) program activities primarily; and directly implements financial inclusion and enabling market systems to last-mile communities to support ultra-poor and the most vulnerable households and strengthening diversified efforts for improved Household Economies. S/he works alongside the resilient livelihoods team in layering interventions for collective impact at household and community levels. 

The position will be based at the USAID Nawiri sub-county office level, supporting interventions within the sub-county and prioritized wards that continuously experience and show high rates of acute malnutrition through the LS study/Routine Monitoring System (RMS).

S/he will work closely with relevant sub-county, ward officials, village-level representatives, CSOs and private sector players involved in livelihoods and food and nutrition security within their areas of operation. S/he is an excellent community mobilizer with strong facilitation skills in local language.


Reports to: Household Economic Strengthening Project Coordinator


Save the Children has been operational in Kenya since the 1950s, providing support to children through developmental and humanitarian relief programmes delivered both directly and through local partners. Current programming focuses on child protection, child rights governance, education, health, HIV/AIDS, livelihoods, nutrition and WASH. Save the Children’s humanitarian response to the drought focuses on FSL, nutrition, WASH, health, Education and Child Protection.

Staff directly reporting to this post:  None

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Works with MC USAID Nawiri RL Coordinator, BOMA REAP 4 Nutrition Project Coordinator and field officers, Health and Nutrition Officers, Structural and Social Behaviour Change Officers, and Gender and Social Inclusion Coordinator. 



  • Leading implementation of detailed work plan (DIP) linked to budgets in line with agreed strategic approaches/work areas and milestones and specifically responsible for production systems (fisheries, apiculture) and financial inclusion in resilient livelihood scope.
  • Lead implementation of RL interventions including coordination with target communities and partners at the sub-office level.
  • Supports household engagements for improved economies, transforming household and social dynamics, and is responsible for layering interventions for collective impact at household and community levels.
  • Coordinate with the different levels of stakeholders including household members, community groups, local implementing partners, community resource persons, and government stakeholders at sub-county, ward, and village to mobilize actions and ensure effective communication channels.
  • Coordinate with community leadership to facilitate activity integration and joint targeting of participants.
  • Collaborate with USAID Nawiri health and nutrition team to integrate key messaging into production systems (fisheries, apiculture) training curriculum.
  • Support behavior change communication and adoption of supportive priority practices. This includes sharing evidence informing livelihood choices, and household livelihood visioning in a simplified manner with households and communities.
  • Plans and leads TOT training sessions for community change agents in collaboration with key Government technical officers
  • Liaise with other project teams and staff at the sub-office level to ensure that all USAID Nawiri interventions are well-coordinated and prioritized.
  • Coordinate with Markets and Alternative Livelihoods team members to identify map and identify private sector partners or opportunities for new enterprises that improve producer access to input and output markets.
  • Support financial inclusion interventions, activation and lasting connections of markets to last-mile communities for affordable access to diverse nutrient-dense foods and services.
  • Coordinate with public and private service providers (animal health, crop husbandry) to reach program participants at the ward level.
  • Prepares activity reports and supports county resilience livelihoods coordinator in the review and development of work plans and thematic reports
  • Collaborate with the M & E team to support monitoring and evaluation on effectiveness and impact of livelihood activities at the sub-office level and make recommendations for improvements.
  • Contribute to team work plans and guide successful implementation of program activities, ensuring activities are on track and in alignment to achieve desired impact. 
  • Work closely with other program teams at local level to identify clients for financial services and to support service extension and financial inclusion as well as development of suitable products and services.
  • Actively participate in the periodic program planning, review and reflection meetings and sessions.
  • Prepare accurate and timely reports and other project documentation and communication that contribute to a learning organization.
  • Support collaboration, learning and adaptations, monitoring surveys in the areas of operations.


  • Conduct community mobilization and sensitization sessions that are inclusive and help prioritize the economic needs of the target communities.
  • Support with collaborative partnership with other development partners and identify potential opportunities for linkages
  • Link and strengthen capacity of program participants’ to tap into opportunities including their influence to planning and budgeting of nutrition resilience interventions
  • Continuously update stakeholder mapping and coordinate activities with various stakeholders to ensure strong linkages between resilient livelihoods and other priority pathways of strengthening nutrition resilience in the context.
  • Collaborate with consortium staff within the geographical and thematic scopes to develop projects, implement and closely monitor selected economic development projects including detailed work plans and business plans.
  • Mobilize sub-county, ward level and village meetings with relevant stakeholders.
  • Support the facilitation of planning meetings and workshops with government, NGO, private sector, and community partners to revise and customize implementation plans.
  • Conduct community mobilization and engagement meetings with ward and community-level leaders to implement USAID Nawiri livelihoods activities
  • Support community visioning process for resilient livelihoods
  • Support with collaborative partnership with other development partners and identify potential opportunities for linkages


  • Assist the HES Advisor/Project Coordinator in coordinating activities with consortium partners, local government, and other IPs
  • Support the facilitation of planning meetings and workshops with government, NGO, private sector, and community partners to revise plans and promote partner acceptance and buy-in.
  • Ensure close coordination and sharing of information with relevant stakeholders including key county government departments, NGOs as appropriate and advised by the line manager
  • Collaborate with consortium partners, sub-county and national government representations, and other development partners working at the sub-office level.

SKILLS AND BEHAVIOURS (our Values in Practice)


  • Holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values
  • Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities – giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved


  • Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves (and their team), takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages others to do the same
  • Widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
  • Future orientated, thinks strategically


  • Builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, members and external partners and supporters
  • Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
  • Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to


  • Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
  • Willing to take disciplined risks


  • Honest, encourages openness and transparency


  • Degree in agriculture, agribusiness management, or agricultural economics in a related field with at least 2 years of relevant working experience
  • A minimum of 3 years experience directly implementing agriculture (crop, livestock, fisheries, and apiculture) and financial inclusion interventions at the field level in the Kenya ASALs. 
  • Proficient analytical skills that demonstrate an understanding of the current concepts, priorities, and issues in program monitoring, data collection, and evaluation
  • Effective verbal and written communication, multitasking, and organizational
  • Ability to manage priorities independently
  • Excellent attention to detail and ability to complete tasks in a timely manner
  • Excellent teamwork abilities and interpersonal skills
  • Familiarity with M & E, information, communications, and knowledge-sharing technologies and use of innovative approaches to digital financial services.
  • Demonstrated computer competency in MS Excel, and MS Word and knowledge of data management software.
  • Strong analytical and qualitative skills
  • Demonstrated flexibility, creativity, and enthusiasm as well as a willingness to learn and be continually adaptive in a dynamic and often self-directed working environment.
  • Ability to focus on day-to-day tasks at hand while also working towards longer-term objectives with an understanding that these will change continuously. 
  • Ability to work without constant supervision and as part of a diverse team;
  • Good reporting, communication, and representation skills;
  • Good problem-solving, written and oral communication skills
  • Confident, sound training facilitation skills
  • Strong written and spoken English and Kiswahili

Method of Application

Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.

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