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Chief Manager- National Quality Institute

Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Provides strategic leadership and is accountable for the development and implementation of policies, strategies, and programmes with regard to education in standardization through provision of training, membership, collaboration, consultancy, and quality awards in order to entrench a culture of quality in the country for delivery of KEBS mandate, realization of Kenya Vision 2030, African Union Agenda 2063 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Oversees the establishment of frameworks for enhanced coordination and collaboration (which includes partnership agreements and memoranda of understanding) on training and capacity development, for the purpose of building, supporting and nurturing the entrenchment of national quality culture;
  • Provides strategic leadership in the implementation of National Quality Infrastructure framework on education in standardization to promote innovation, product development, consumer health and safety, protection of the environment and enhance competitiveness of Kenyan products and services;
  • Oversees training, membership, collaboration, consultancy, Quality Awards, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) programmes and research processes, systems and procedures, including externally provided processes, to create and deliver value in industry;
  • Provides leadership in articulation of Kenya’s position in Standardization and Conformity Assessment at national regional and international level to entrench the culture of quality;
  • Promotes Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA) issues in industry to build, support and sustain a culture of quality;
  • Oversees analysis of the business environment and advises on the competitive strategies for development of market driven education in standardisation programmes for achievement of KEBS strategic objectives and the National Industrialization Strategy;
  • Oversees the preparation and submission of board papers in relation to Education in standardization to the Director Standards Development and Trade for review;
  • Oversees the implementation of NSC resolutions in relation to education in Standardization to fulfil KEBS mandate as per standards Act CAP 496 Laws of Kenya;
  • Oversees and is accountable for performance management and productivity improvement in the department;
  • Provides leadership in the establishment, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of Management systems adopted by KEBS for the purpose of ensuring efficiency, effectiveness, and sustained customer satisfaction in the department;
  • Oversees and is responsible for the development and implementation of the Risk Management Framework in the department to mitigate against the negative effects of risks and take advantage of opportunities;
  • Oversees and is accountable for the development and implementation of business continuity strategies to ensure resilience and sustainability of department’s processes, products and services; and
  • Oversees identification and is responsible for provision of the department’s human and physical resources for effective implementation and achievement of strategic objectives.

Operational Responsibilities / Tasks

  • Provides leadership in the development and implementation of the departmental workplans, budget and medium expenditure framework and procurement plan for prudent use of resources;
  • Leads in the development and implementation of trainings in standardization to promote best practices in Standards, Metrology and Conformity Assessment in order to entrench a culture of quality in the Kenyan Society;
  • Oversees development, maintenance and improvement of the database for trainings, membership and awards;
  • Monitors and evaluates departmental programs including Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and implementation of corporate plans and provide recommendations on Key NQI issues;
  • Approves departmental expenditure;
  • Collaborates with Market Surveillance, Quality Assurance & Inspection, and Metrology & Testing Directorates in design, development and implementation of training programmes to enhance operational efficiencies and effectiveness of service delivery;
  • Oversees the implementation of harmonized corporate workshops to ensure that material presented during workshops meets the requirements;
  • Oversees setting of targets, reviews and approves department’s performance targets, monitors implementation and submits performance reports to the Director, Standards Development and Trade;
  • Oversees the development of staff competencies in the department through formal training programs, mentorship, coaching, on-the-job training, to be able to deliver the department’s objectives;
  • Leads in the analysis of business environment to identify stakeholder needs to design and implement appropriate research projects to support provision of education in standardization for the delivery of KEBS mandate and contribute to national development agenda;
  • Represents the National Quality Institute at relevant conferences and industry events; and
  • Assigns duties and approves leave for direct reports.

Job Dimensions:

  • Financial Responsibility
  • Generates revenue of approximately KES 100 M per annum,
  • Controls directorate budget of approximately KES 70 M per annum, and
  • Oversees implementation of resource mobilization strategies in the department.

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Responsibility for Physical Assets
Ensures prudent utilization of physical assets in the department.

Decision Making / Job Influence

  • Strategic decisions;
  • Operational; and
  • Financial decisions.

Working Conditions

  • Works predominantly within the office, and Expected travels within and outside the country.

Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills).
Academic qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/Education/Food Science/Information technology /Engineering/ Management from a recognised institution.
  • Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies

Registration with relevant professional bodies:

  • American Society for Quality;
  • Chartered Quality Institute;
  • Engineers Board of Kenya;
  • Kenya Chemical society;
  • Physical society of Kenya;
  • Food Nutrition and Dietetics Board;
  • Computer Society of Kenya;
  • Kenya Institute of Management; and
  • National Quality Institute.
    • Previous relevant work experience required.
    • At least 10 years’ relevant experience out of which 5 years must have been in a management position.

Functional Skills, Behavioral Competencies/Attributes

  • Auditing /Assessor Skills;
  • Negotiation skills;
  • Project management skills;
  • Financial management skills;
  • Management skills;
  • Information, communication, and technology skills;
  • Leadership skills;
  • Presentation skills;
  • Report writing; and
  • Analytical skills.

Chief Manager- Internal Audit

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Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks

Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Provides leadership and is responsible for formulation of audit policies, strategies and procedures, in accordance with standards defined by Public Sector Accounting Board to ensure compliance with constitutional values, applicable laws and policies and promote prudent management of revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities of organization for the realization of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Kenya Vision 2030 and African Union Agenda 2063;
  • Provides leadership in establishing a risk-based framework in order to align the priorities and agenda of the Internal Audit functions with the strategic goals of the organization;
  • Provides leadership and is responsible for the implementation of annual Audit Plan to ensure that all functional areas are covered during audits by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes;
  • Provides leadership and is accountable for monitoring the implementation of legal requirements, Government directives, Mwongozo, audit policies, strategies and plans in order to enhance corporate governance;
  • Provides leadership in the development and implementation of business continuity strategies to ensure sustainability of KEBS operations;
  • Provides leadership in the development, reviews and implementation of Internal Audit Charter to align with the internal Audit professional standards, codes of practice & policies, legislative frameworks and government regulations;
  • Provides leadership in the development of staff competencies in the department through provision of formal training programmes, mentorship, coaching and on-the -job training to deliver on the departmental objective;
  • Provides leadership in the establishment, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and improvement of the Management Systems adopted by KEBS for the purpose of ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustained customer satisfaction;
  • Leads in the identification and provision of departmental resources both human and physical needs for effective implementation and achievement of strategic objectives;
  • Provides leadership in development of performance management framework and productivity improvement in the department’
  • Leads in the development, implementation and monitoring of corporate whistle blowing policy;
  • Provide leadership in the implementation of NSC resolutions in relation to Internal Audit department.

Operational Responsibilities / Tasks

  • Oversees and is accountable for the development and implementation of the budgets, Medium Term Expenditure Framework and procurement plans for the department;
  • Leads in the building capacity of the audit committee of the board including developing curriculum, training materials and provision of training to enable board members provide effective oversight;
  • Leads in internal auditing activities and is responsible for coordinating external review of internal audit process to maintain objectivity and effectiveness of the audit process;
  • Directs financial audit to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements defined by Public Sector Accounting board;
  • Provides technical advice to other departments on establishment of appropriate controls to reduce the vulnerability of KEBS processes;
  • Coordinates implementation and monitoring of new projects, processes and systems to ensure compliance with the corporation’s policies and procedures and applicable laws;
  • Leads in the preparation and submission of board papers and reports to the National Standards Council for consideration;
  • Provides leadership in appropriate and effective communication within the directorate and external stakeholders for effective service delivery and customer satisfaction;
  • Sets objectives and performance targets in internal audit departments for the realization of KEBS strategic objectives;
  • Coordinates the development ,maintenance and updating internal audit databases; k) Approves departmental expenditure and;
  • Assigns duties and approves leave for the direct report.

Job Dimensions:

Financial Responsibility

  • Controls and is accountable for the departmental budget of approximately KES. 12 million per annum Approves the departments expenditure
  • Oversees implementation of cost minimization strategies and resource optimization strategies

Responsibility for Physical Assets

Responsible for physical assets in the department

Decision Making / Job Influence

  • Strategic decisions;
  • Operational decisions;
  • Financial decisions.
  • Working Conditions
  • Works within the office and occasionally travels to the regional offices.

Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills).
Academic qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in a business-related area

Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies

  • Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPA K)
  • Certified Internal Auditor.
  • Previous relevant work experience required.
  • A minimum of ten (10) years’ relevant work experience out of which 5 years’ must have been in a managerial position.

Functional Skills, Behavioural Competencies/Attributes:

Director- Human Resource and Administration

Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks

Managerial / Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Provides strategic leadership and is accountable for formulation and implementation of policies and strategies in Human Resource, Administration, Marketing, Security and Customer Care in order to support KEBS mandate on Standards, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA);
  • Provides strategic leadership and is accountable for identifying and prioritizing internal/external issues and stakeholders that can affect and are affected by the Business environment and formulating competitive strategies to attract and retain competent staff; safeguard KEBS’ assets and enhance brand equity for the delivery of KEBS mandate;
  • Provides strategic leadership in creating and maintaining linkages and partnerships with National, Regional and International organizations to enhance efficiency in delivery of KEBS mandate and maintain international recognition;
  • Oversees and is accountable for the development and implementation of the corporate strategic human resource plan in accordance with relevant statutory and regulatory requirements;
  • Provides strategic leadership in articulating KEBS position on matters of Human Resource, Administration, Marketing, Customer Care and Security, and negotiates on behalf of the organization at National, Regional and International level to enhance the sustainability of KEBS operations;
  • Leads in the formulation of and is accountable for implementation of a comprehensive marketing, communications and public relations strategy that will enhance KEBS image and position nationally, regionally and internationally to realize the KEBS Vision and Mission.
  • Oversees market research, gathering of customer and market insights to inform outreach strategies, increase customer conversions, and generate qualified leads for KEBS Strategic Business Units.
  • Oversees development and implementation of strategies for awareness creation on KEBS brand and services to stakeholders locally, regionally and internationally to enhance the KEBS portfolio;
  • Provides leadership in the creation of customer service strategies that will create a customer centric culture with the aim of improving customer satisfaction;
  • Provides strategic leadership and is accountable for development, implementation and institutionalization of performance management and productivity improvement strategies, policies and procedures that promoted effective service delivery;
  • Oversees the provision and maintenance of a conducive working environment by providing welfare services, assets, maintenance of physical infrastructure for the realization of corporate objectives;
  • Provides strategic leadership and is responsible for the delivery, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and improvement of the directorate’s annual work plans for the realization of KEBS Mandate;
  • Oversees the establishment, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, improvement and maintenance of Management systems adopted by KEBS for purposes of ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustained customer satisfaction in the directorate;
  • Provides strategic leadership and is accountable for development and implementation of the directorate‘s business continuity strategies to ensure resilience and sustainability of directorate’s processes and services;
  • Provides strategic leadership and is responsible for the establishment and implementation of directorate’s risk management framework to minimize risks for achievement of organizational objectives;
  • Provides strategic leadership in the development and implementation of the resource mobilization strategies to enhance efficiency in service delivery for financial sustainability;
  • Oversees development and implementation of staff development strategies and polices to ensure maintenance of staff competence through formal training, coaching, mentorship and on-the-job training programs; and
  • Oversees identification and provision of corporate resources both human and physical needs for effective implementation and achievement of strategic objectives.

Operational Responsibilities / Tasks

  • Oversees the development and implementation of work plans, budget, Medium Term Expenditure Framework and procurement plans in the directorate;
  • Provides technical advice to the Managing Director in all matters relating to Human Resource, Administration, Marketing & Customer Care and Security;
  • Provides strategic direction in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the customer feedback management framework;
  • Oversee the implementation of Access to Information Act;
  • Provides leadership in management of lease agreements, Service Level Agreements, land rates and rents;
  • Oversees valuation of KEBS assets, plant and buildings;
  • Oversees setting of targets, reviews and approves directorate performance targets, monitors implementation and submits performance reports to the Managing Director;
  • Oversees the preparation and submission of Board papers in relation to Directorate to the Managing Director for approval;
  • Provides leadership in implementation of NSC resolutions in relation to the Directorate;
  • Provides technical advice to the Legal Department and acts as an expert witness in courts, tribunals and legal committees on issues related to the directorate;
  • Oversees the development, maintenance and improvement of Directorate’s databases for purposes of safeguarding KEBS physical and information assets;
  • Oversees the implementation of corrective actions arising from internal and external financial and system audits;
  • Approves directorate and corporate expenditures; and
  • Assigns duties and approves leave for the direct reports.

Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills).

Academic qualifications

  • Master’s degree in business or Management related field
  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource or social sciences with Post Graduate Diploma in Human resource;

Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies

Professional Qualifications

  • Certified Human Resource Professional, Kenya (CHRP-K),
  • Practicing Certificate in Human Resource Management
  • Previous relevant work experience required.
  • At least twelve (12) years relevant work experience out of which five (5) years’ experience must have been in a senior management position.


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