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Medical jobs, Healthcare jobs, Laboratory Sciences jobs, Pharmaceutical jobs, Business Management jobs, Administration jobs, Nursing jobs,
Relationship Executive
Job Objective/Purpose
Manage the reception professionally at all times and that all visitors, patients and clients are accorded immediate service
Key Responsibilities
- Conduct market research – understanding of the healthcare landscape within their mapping.
- New business acquisition & cross selling of the existing services – (newservices uptake, packages – wellness, surgical or any other) – proposalsand quotations Targets to be set based on budgets
- Developing annual marketing plan – to be reviewed quarterly
- Working with the marketing team to enhance facility brand visibility
- Plan and conduct marketing activities
- Generate marketing & CSR reports
- Pitching, developing proposals and sending quotations to potentialclients
- Organize and facilitate service meetings with clients
- Enhance communication through various platforms – Digital, WhatsApp& bulk sms
- Drive innovation
- Drive client experience
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Personal Specifications
- Bachelor in business administration (Sales and Marketing Major) or any other related degree
- Membership in MSK is required
- Professional qualification in CIM is an added advantage
- Minimum experience of 3 years experience
- Organizational Awareness and detailed-oriented
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills, teamwork and reliability
Pharmacy Superintendent II
Job Objective/Purpose
To ensure that high quality standards are maintained at all times in the provision of medication and medical consumables per Avenue Healthcare’sdefined policies and procedures
Key Responsibilities
- Ensure that the facility has the necessary equipment and ensure thatthey are in good working condition.
- Ensure timely, accurate and 100% billing of drugs. If the hospitalmanagement system is down, liaise with the receptionist /invoicing clerkto inform the client that drugs will be recorded on a manual card andissued then card collected later after the bill has been finalized once thesystem is back.
- All processed prescription orders should be well labeled, counterchecked then client informed to collect their cards before the medicationis dispensed.
- Ensure that all insurances exclusion lists are adhered to.
- Ensure that the Pharm-Tech informs the doctor on equivalent of the outof stock medication and the prescription is amended.
- Ensure that the Pharmacy is well stocked as per the set re-order levels.Do daily counts, spot counts, monthly stock takes and give a timely,accurate report with valid explanation on variances and expiries to theBranch Manager for approval of adjustment by the Stock Controller.
- Prevention of medication errors by counter checking and verifying theprescription on doses, allergies, patient identification, right drug,legibility and give clear usage instructions.
- All stock movements including goods received, goods returned,purchases from petty cash, prescriptions issued to patients on cash,inter-branch transfers or in house clinics, expired drugs, lost or stolenitems must be captured in the HIS real time.
- DDA to be dispensed as per the laid down policy, checked weekly andany discrepancies reported to the Branch Manager for approval ofadjustment by the Stock Controller.
- Generate and send LPOs to the respective suppliers.
- Ensure accurate receiving, counter checking and signing of the invoicedorders and delivery notes as per send L.P.O. Drugs with an expiry lessthan six months should be received with a Letter of Undertaking andreturned to the supplier if not consumed within the 6 months.
- Ensure timely and accurate entry of invoices into the hospitalmanagement system and that they are well stored to be checked anddispatched to Finance/Accounts by end of the month.
- Ensure a well arranged pharmacy that is neat, presentable dispensingcounter and workstation
- Ensure that the fridge temperatures are charted twice daily and anyerror reported to relevant department.
- Ensure timely escalation of any urgent out of stock items to thePharmacy Quality Manager for manual purchase approval.
- Ensure that any issue pertaining quality is escalated to the PharmacyQuality Manager.
- Drugs/surgical items expiry management;
- Ensure shelf allocation for weekly checking of expiries and communicateto the Pharmacy Superintendent.
- Enhance FIFO/FEFO by the use of green stickers on short expiry drugsand share the short expiry list with the doctors to assist in prescribing.
- Expired drugs should be documented, quarantined and disposed as perthe PPB regulations.
- Allocate emergency trolley to ensure its well-stocked at all times andexpiry managed
- Ensure that Avenue corporate governance policies and procedures areadhered to.
- Prevent, detect and report any fraud or criminal activity
- Fully implement audit recommendations and attain satisfactory ratings insubsequent audits.
- Ensure all sentinel incidents/events are recorded and reported to theBranch Manager within 24 hours using the provided tools.
- Maintain and enforce infection control standards when doingextemporaneous preparations.
- Client Satisfaction;
- Ensure client satisfaction through high quality of service, effectivecommunication, prompt feedback and escalation of any unresolvedissues to the relevant person for follow up.
- Ensure that the standardized tool for patient satisfaction feedback isfiled for measurement, follow-up and improvement.
- Maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at all times.
- Ensure adequate knowledge of all Avenue policies, procedures andsystems as outlined in the HRMIS
- Any other duty as assigned by your immediate supervisor in line with thejob description
Personal Specifications
- A Diploma in Pharmacy
- A minimum of 3 years experience
- A valid pharmaceutical technologist license tied to Avenue Healthcare.
- Organizational awareness and detail-oriented
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills, teamwork and reliability
Laboratory Superintendent II
Job Objective/Purpose
Ensure provision of high quality laboratory diagnostic services in the clinic as defined by Avenue Healthcare’s policies, protocols,procedures and standards.
Key Responsibilitie
- Ensure that the clinic has the necessary equipment and ensure that theyare in good working condition and submit a monthly equipment statusreport to the Branch Manager.
- Timely and accurate billing of laboratory services.
- Stock management:
- Do monthly stock takes of lab supplies and submit a stock take and shortexpiry report to the Branch Manager
- Timely ordering and receiving of stock from the lab store to preventstock outs
- Proper storage of lab supplies.
- Ensure that Avenue corporate governance policies are adhered to.
- Prevent, detect and report any fraud or criminal activity
- Fully implement audit recommendations and attain satisfactory ratings insubsequent audits
- Review and act on quality indicator reports (IQC &EQA)
- Follow laid down Lab Board approved rules for medical lab professionand adhere to Government and respective professional standards of careand treatment of patients.
- Ensure timely response to emergencies.
- Carrying out tests based on outlined SOPs & policies.
- Ensure all sentinel incidents/events are recorded and reported to theBranch Manager within 24 hours using the provided tools.
- Ensure that the fridge temperatures and ambient temperature andhumidity are charted twice daily and any error reported to the BranchManager.
- Ensure timely escalation of any urgent out of stock items to thelaboratory store.
- Ensure that any issue pertaining quality is escalated to the Lab QualityManager.
- Infection control;
- Maintain and enforce infection control standards when carrying out labtests.
- There is proper disposal of medical waste
- Equipment and other laboratory surfaces are properly disinfected withthe right disinfectants
- Ensure client satisfaction through high quality of service, effectivecommunication, prompt feedback and escalation of any unresolvedissues to the Branch Manager.
- Maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at all times.
- Ensure adequate knowledge of all Avenue policies, procedures andsystems as outlined in the HRMIS.
- Prevention of lab related errors by following the laid down policies andprocedures on sample handling during pre-analytical, analytical and postanalytical phases of testing.
- Any other duty as assigned by your immediate supervisor in line with thejob description
Personal Specifications
- A Degree/Diploma in Medical laboratory Sciences or related disciplines
- Minimum of 5 years experience
- A Valid practicing license from KMLTTB
- Organizational awareness and detail-oriented
General Nurse
Job Objective/Purpose
Adhere to Avenue Healthcare’s defined policies, protocols, procedures and standards.
Key Responsibilities
- Covering the Unit Manager when required.
- Ensure proper inventory of the available equipment on a daily basis andensure that they are in good working condition. Report any malfunction toBio-Medical Technician/Unit Manager.
- Ensure the unit is financially viable and demonstrate growth through;
- Offering quality care to patients and ensuring good working relationshipwith our stakeholders
- Ensure financial objectives are met by managing costs within budget, timelyand accurate billing of drugs and services. Ensure an invoice rejection rate of< 3% by ensuring that proper pre-authorisations and documentation hasbeen done.
- Ensure that Avenue corporate governance policies are adhered to.
- Prevent, detect and report any fraud or criminal activity
- Liaise with the Nurse in charge to fully implement internal auditrecommendations and attain satisfactory ratings in subsequent audits.
- Read, understand and be conversant with all systems, policies andprocedures as outlined in the Hospital Manual especially policies pertainingto provision of medical services i.e. Admission & discharge procedures,nurses’ reports, ward equipment and supplies, emergency protocols etc.
- Record all sentinel incidents/events and report within 24 hours using theprovided tools
- Maintain and enforce infection control standards per the hospital manualand observe the infection control bundles (SSI, VAP, CAUTI and CLABSI)where applicable.
- Daily compilation of government reports and submitting them to the UnitManager (leprosy, cholera, maternal deaths etc)
- Supervise patient attendants as per their job description Active participationin ward rounds and receive handover reports from the outgoing nurse onshift
- Ensure recording and safe keeping of patient’s valuables
- Proper documentation of patient notes and review; consulting with fellowclinicians, consultants when need be.
- Ensure that all diagnostic requests (lab and radiology) have patient’sclinical information.
- Ensure patients safety following the 6 International Patient SafetyGoals (IPSGs) (patient identification, effective communication, safety ofhigh alert medication, ensure correct site procedure and surgery,reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections, reduce the risk ofpatient harm resulting from falls)
- Provides patient and family education/teaching applicable to thepatients medical condition. Discusses patient concerns and answersquestions relevant to care.
- Prioritization of patient needs in a documented nursing care plan.
- Organize emergency trolley for easy use during resuscitation, drugs andsupplies are well stocked, damaged equipment is removed andreported promptly A checklist should be kept and updated on the 1stand 16th of every month, and as needed.
- Update doctors/consultants on patient’s progress and any criticalvalues as soon as they are available
- Perform all invasive nursing procedures under aseptic technique
- Enter unit specific data daily and promptly
- Ensure all the relevant consultants have explained procedures and haveobtained consent
- Complete official checklists for all patients prior to procedures (theatre,radiology, renal)
- Ensure patient privacy and confidentiality is maintained at all times, asper policy.
- Participate in emergency response
- Drug administration;
- Adhere to the 10 rights of drug administration (right patient,medication, dosage, route, time, documentation, client education,assessment, evaluation and client refusal of treatment)
- Submit all new drug orders to pharmacy promptly and STAT dosesgiven within 30 minutes
- Keep D.D.A. drugs safe and drug register properly per unit
Personal Specifications
- A BSc. In Nursing, Diploma or Higher Diploma in Nursing
- Minimum of 2 years experience clinical practice
- A Valid Nursing Council License
- Updated BLS/ACLS/ATLS certificate
- Organizational Awareness and detailed-oriented
Job Objective/Purpose
Manage the reception professionally at all times and that all visitors, patients and clients are accorded immediate service
Key Responsibilities
- Maintaining proper patient / client records depending on the designated department / branch.
- Ensure that all the procedures, systems laid down for vetting and ensuring that all clients seeking treatment are followed for the various categories of clients i.e. Staff, GOP’s , AHC prepaid and credit / insurance clients.
- Ensure proper patient registration per the defined protocols
- Ensure accurate billing and timely finalization of invoices
- Ensure proper cash handling as per defined protocols
- Ensure that all incoming telephone calls are directed/ transferred to the respective departments /offices.
- Client satisfaction – ensure client satisfaction through quality of service, communication, feedback, escalation and caring attitude, the standardized tool for patient satisfaction measurement and demonstrate follow-up and improvement
- Maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at all times.
- Any other duty as assigned by the supervisor in line with the job description.
Personal Specifications
- Certificate in Business Management or a relevant business course
- Minimum of 1 year experience
- Organizational awareness and detail-oriented
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills, teamwork and reliability.
Application documents (CV and Certificates) must be emailed to with the job position you are applying for as the subject of the email by 6th October 2023.