Latest Job Opening at Finn Church Aid (FCA)

Consultancy jobs, Counselling jobs, Social work jobs, Psychology jobs, Jobs in Kenya,

Psychosocial Counsellors (2 Positions)

Primary purpose of the position

  • Provide a range of psychological assessment, diagnostic, therapeutic, and/or case management services for learners,teaching and non teaching-staff, groups, and/or families, as appropriate to the specific expectations of the position.The Psychosocial Counsellors will lead the process in development, implementation, and coordination of the psychosocial counseling services at the EARC (Educational Assessment and Resource Centre), Screening/Assessment, evaluation, referrals, educational program and transition planning, therapeutic intervention, and exit planning for Learners identified with or suspected of having disabilities that interfere with their ability to perform daily life activities or participate in necessary or desired occupations and couselling serives related to impact of the pandemic.


  • Provide comprehensive psychosocial counseling to school going children and or parents of FCA targeted communities.
  • Provide assessment, individual and group counseling sessions to school going children/youth.
  • Sensitize, problem solve, dialogue and mediate with the wider population about specific issues of concern
  • Ensure child safeguarding guidelines and ethical practices are observed, adhered to including coordinated referral pathways in Kakuma/Kalobeyei.
  • Assist in the designing, planning, implementing and facilitating training for numerous target groups
  • Develop new and strengthen existing referral systems with other organizations.
  • Engage in quality self-care through supervision, debriefings, and other shared sessions especially for the adolescent girls.
  • Complete quarterly reports and progress notes shared only to relevant teams.
  • Assist teachers in the development and implementation of psychosocial counselling programs in school communities.
  • Disseminate information concerning psychosocial counselling services available for the refugee communities
  • Monitor learner’s progress and make informed, timely educational decisions.
  • Perform other tasks and assumes other responsibilities as assigned by supervisor.
  • Conduct regular visits to project sites to collect and verify data for preparation of regular and ad hoc program reports and briefs to immediate manager.
  • Represent FCA with external stakeholders as requested (inter-agency coordination meetings, working groups) and influences the shape of broader sector strategies.
  • Take steps to document lessons learned, from the Education program including that of partners for wider dissemination.
  • Coordinating and providing psychosocial counselling services to all learners, teachers and community members in Kalobeyei settlements.


  • A Degree in Counselling, Social work/Community development, Psychology or a higher diploma in Counselling with a minimum of 3 years in related work experience
  • Experience in the provision of psychosocial services to refugees’ /asylum seekers is an advantage
  • Good report writing and communication skills
  • A team player with ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • Ability to maintain professionalism in services delivery and ethics
  • Highly motivated, creative, and compassionate person who is dedicated to ensuring that models of best practice are utilized.
  • Females and qualified locals from within Turkana County are highly encouraged to apply.


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