Latest Job Openings at World Vision Kenya

Program Management Jobs, Agronomy, Horticulture, Agricultural Economics,Social Sciences, Development, Theology

Senior Program Manager-THRIVE project

Duties and Responsibilities

Strategic Management and Technical Support

  • Provide effective and innovative overall coordination and technical leadership of the THRIVE Project in the design and implementation of interventions focusing on Empowered World View, Savings for Transformation, Local Value Chain Development and Financial linkages (Vision Fund Kenya)
  • Coordinate with the various project teams and partners to ensure timely and effective project roll out as per the three phases roll out plan (FY 23 to FY 25)
  • Facilitate effective transition of the participating projects as per the transition plans
  • In liaison with the national level technical team, provide planning guidelines and offer technical leadership in the development of the various projects’ annual implementation plans and budgets for sustained co-funding
  • Provide effective technical support to field project teams on roll out of the various components of the THRIVE project through close consultation with the Technical Program teams and the national level and cluster/grant project managers
  • In liaison with the national technical teams, project managers, field officers and the DMEAL coordinator, develop and review monthly project progress to timely project execution as per WVK and WVUS expectations and accountability frameworks.
  • Provide spiritual leadership and model a high standard of personal Christian ministry and integrity, by supporting spiritual development of the team.
  • Ensure that business processes, standards and guidelines related to Livelihood & resilience initiatives are effectively applied by field programs
  • Coordinate and participate in regular calls with WVUS and provide program progress reports and answers to queries related to THRIVE Project implementation
  • Ensure program compliance with World Vision and donor guidelines, policies, business processes and bring any issues of risk, liability, or fraud to the immediate attention of your supervisor.
  • Participate in resource mobilization related initiatives, i.e., the development of timely and accurate funding proposals in line with support office requirements and WVK standards in collaboration with the team and other sector specialists.
  • In close collaboration with the People & Culture Department, support staff recruitment, retention, mentorship, and coaching for THRIVE Project Staff.
  • Assess and facilitate capacity building of THRIVE staff on technical modules, through trainings, workshops, on the Job training, technical backstopping for enhanced capacity in economic development
  • Enhancing farmers and staff capacity on financial literacy, Agribusiness, entrepreneurship, Business incubation, Business Development Services, product pricing, aggregation, collective marketing and negotiation skills as well as on-farm and off-farm local value chain development

Quality Assurance, Monitoring Evaluation, Documentation and Learning

  • Oversee development and dissemination of annual planning guidelines that will support delivery of the THRIVE objectives in collaboration with the national level technical team
  • Working closely with the DMEAL coordinator, ensure accurate and quality Detailed Implementation Plans (DIP) for the program for respective sites are in place and is utilized in all sites.
  • Working closely with the DMEAL coordinator, generate Quality & Accurate quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports informed by Monthly Management Reports and in line with support office requirements and regulations.
  • In collaboration with the DMEAL coordinator, support the program field sites to develop and maintain households tracking using the project digital platforms
  • Work with the DMEAL Coordinator to ensure the appropriate accountability, monitoring and evaluation tools are developed and are utilized in a timely manner.
  • Ensure compliance with all support office data entry requirements including learning appropriate MIS systems and building capacity of project staff for necessary data collection and entry in coordination with the MEAL Coordinator
  • In liaison with the DMEAL coordinator and the field program managers, develop a regular schedule for monitoring and support visits and organize reflection and learning forums.
  • In consultation with the DMEAL coordinator, project managers and communications officer, develop context specific electronic and appropriate documentation on best practice and lessons learned.
  • Develop a risk register to ensure risk mitigation in implementation and ensure accountability.
  • Ensure that findings and recommendations from various accountability mechanisms such as Peer Review, Operational and Finance Audits, Program evaluations, Program Capability Reviews, are acted upon in a timely and effective manner.
  • Coordinate the program’s research and learning agenda in close collaboration with identified academic partners and support office.

Advocacy, Networking, Collaboration & Partnerships

  • Strengthening engagements with financial institutions for capacity development and financial access among the S4T groups
  • Market actors mapping per AP and development of engagement plan and platforms such as Business to Business for enhanced farmers’ profitability along key value chains supported through BSL
  • Mapping of key buyers at the Field & National level and fostering buyer seller agreements with farmers for maximum profitability
  • Engagements with respective counties and National government for more investment in infrastructure development to support Local Value Chain development
  • Establish and sustain working relationships with key THRIVE stakeholders including digitizing partners, local value chain and financial actors
  • Coordinate as applicable sector integration interventions for ensuring integrated THRIVE Project implementation with other projects, technical programs and Vision Fund
  • In collaboration with the program managers, ensure that program participants and partners are informed of all Government laws and policies and WVK policies in respect to Economic Development
  • Participate in relevant Annual National and County Government’s Planning and Budgeting processes and influence resource allocation to the priority needs of the most vulnerable groups in programme areas.
  • Oversee establishment of B2B forums, production groups, marketing groups and enhanced collective marketing of produce
  • Ensure capacity building of the farmers and staff for effective engagement in the Local Value Chain development
  • Work with partners and coalitions to engage in advocacy activities with the government structures, (both at National and County level) to support community economic empowerment interventions

Knowledge, Skills and Qualification

  • Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Agronomy, Horticulture, Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Extension, Dryland Agriculture or a closely related field from a recognized University
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in community development work implementing Livelihoods & Resilience programs. At least 3 years should be at managerial level. Familiarity with Economic development and specifically Local Value Chain Development is an added advantage
  • Thorough understanding of all areas of project management cycles in a complex, international development organization especially in development or Relief Projects.
  • A good understanding of International, Regional and National framework on economic development, Community Based Disaster Risk
  • Experience in program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting.
  • Demonstrate ability to influence, network and collaborate with national and county level government, NGO and UN Agency on child protection and economic development
  • Proven track record as a staff and community trainer and capacity builder in mindset change, agricultural production, on-farm and off-farm Local value chain development, marketing and financial inclusion
  • Ability to take initiative, solve complex problems, exercise independent judgment
  • Familiarity with systems approaches to child protection programming, advocacy approaches and referral systems.
  • Demonstrate ability to manage resources efficiently and effectively.
  • Demonstrate experience in implementing faith and development models and working with faith leaders.
  • Must be a committed Christian who is able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity challenges.
  • Excellent oral and written communications, team player, and proficient in English and Kiswahili.

Gender & Social Inclusion (GESI) Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities:

Technical Leadership and Program implementation

  • Provide technical leadership to the Project to ensure integration of gender in program interventions focused on Empowered World View, Savings for transformation, Local Value Chain Development and Financial linkages to FAST
  • Facilitate GESI analysis or gender analysis for the THRIVE Project to assess differences and constraints of various groups to inform inclusion interventions
  • Provide guidance on GESI issues inclusion in the Gender Inclusive Market analysis process
  • Design and deliver realistic and pragmatic gender strategies and programming interventions that will lead to positive gender equality outcomes within the THRIVE Project
  • Develop practical training materials and references according to local context and conduct relevant Gender Equality and social inclusion training sessions for staff, partners, local authorities, and other stakeholders.
  • Oversee project staff capacity development on GESI and equip them with skills to address GESI issues within the THRIVE Project
  • Lead development and implementation of gender mainstreaming techniques for program team and partners across the different project outcomes and contexts
  • Provide quality assurance for GESI project models implementation, in accordance to WVKs Strategy and WVI GESI Theory of Change
  • Provide guidance to the development of the GESI DIPs and work with project teams to identify reasons for any deviation from these plans.

Monitoring, Evaluation Accountability, Learning and Innovation

  • Conduct gender assessments, reviews and audits to assess ways to continually target involvement of women in Local Value Chain specific activities and other THRIVE interventions
  • Integrate gender equality considerations in Results-Based Management monitoring and reporting method
  • Develop tools, frameworks and resources to enable better gender integration in the Project
  • Track and report against gender indicators and disaggregate data by gender to analyse results within each domain.
  • Lead the capacity building initiatives of communities and partners on monitoring and ensure participatory data collection
  • Review and provide technical feedback on results and project reports to donors in order to ensure quality and full compliance with gender policy and progress towards achieving integration of gender in program
  • Identify successful practices in the project that can be showcased in publications, communication materials and conferences
  • Prepare communications materials that highlight the Project’s gender equality programming, successes and lessons learnt
  • Provide opportunities for capacity building to the program team in consultation with GESI Advisor and P&C to ensure proper technical, managerial and personal development, as well as maintenance of gender-sensitive work environment.

Engagement Networking and Advocacy

  • Represent the project in stakeholder meetings at National and International level county levels in collaboration with the Regional manager/County and National coordinators.
  • Work with relevant Government Ministries for technical direction and leveraging of resources to support gender mainstreaming interventions in the project area.
  • In collaboration with other actors, assist in developing initiatives to ensure regular and consistent advocacy on gender concerns
  • Strengthen linkages between the Project and other WVK programs
  • Ensure program representation in key strategic Gender and social Inclusion technical working groups and forums at the county and national level
  • Actively participate in the Project meetings, and other WVK forums and meetings as appropriate
  • Spearhead learning forums to profile, communicate and ensure adoption of promising practices
  • Contribute to engagement, publications, to communicate program progress and successes
  • Advocate for policy translation, position papers and influence to county plans
IMPORTANT: Write a Perfect Cover Letter in minutes and start getting interviews! Get expert advice as you write.) Use These Examples Proven to Work.

Qualification, Skills and Knowledge

  • A degree in social sciences such as Social Work, Gender Studies, Development Studies, Community Development, International Studies, Sociology or their equivalent with specialization in Environment and Natural Resource Management.
  • At least 4 years’ experience in Gender and Disability programming with evidence of successful implementation of program
  • An understanding of Human Rights and specifically Women and Child rights including CEDAW and Social Justice Issues and gender equity.
  • Demonstrated ability to ensure gender integration in project design, implementation and ME.
  • Effective English oral and written communication skills; ability to interact professionally in English.
  • Good understanding, Gender and social inclusion, priorities, approaches, standards and guidelines/ international best practices.
  • Proven track record as a staff and community trainer and capacity builder in Gender and Development,
  • Ability to build capacity of staff on relevant technical fields; Ability to take initiative, solve complex problems, exercise independent judgment; Ability to work with minimum supervision; A team player, capable of building staff and partners in economic development activities  Cross-cultural sensitivity, and emotional maturity Ability to maintain performance expectations in diverse cultural contexts and; Excellent English communication skills (both oral and written).

Project Coordinator-Empowered World View

Duties and Responsibilities

Project implementation

  • Coordinate assessment of target communities World views to inform development of customized training curricula and manuals in the empowered biblical world view
  • Mobilize and screen local EWV champions in target Area programmes  
  • Train and coach the EWV local Champions on the THRIVE strategy and deliverables 
  • Support the APs to mobilize target project participants within and outside world vision operation areas and organize for training as guided by the project design.
  • Offer Empowered World View training to the project participants including Trainer of Trainers and Trainer of Facilitators
  • Offer technical and strategic support to staff in THRIVE implementing APs on integration of Grant with TP(s)
  • Maintain regular communication with all EWV Champions in the grant and wider WVK covered areas in consultation with the THRIVE implementing ADPs.
  • Support Area Programs and grants to realize 100% EWV  THRIVE targets

Partner Engagement

  • Participate in the project partnership meetings
  • Organize for and support successful donor visits within the area programs
  • Develop and review relevant MOUs and agreements for the organizational and project partnership with other stakeholders
  • Establish and cultivate strategic engagements and partnerships with Church and other Faith Based organizations for contribution to child wellbeing and outcomes through the implementation of THRIVE 2.0 project
  • Facilitate the formation and the strengthening of pastors fellowships to support and mentor project beneficiaries.
  • Support program Staff to facilitate dialogue between Christian and Muslim leaders in targeted Area Programs within fragile contexts to ensure successful uptake of THRIVE project to address child wellbeing aspirations, outcomes and targets.
  • Ensure effective integration with other THRIVE components and partners

Monitoring, reporting and evaluation

  • Track, keep record, and share the number of participants reached by the project implementation in every quarter
  • Support in the development of project’s reports
  • Identify and support the documentation of the project’s most significant change stories
  • Support in the project evaluation activities within the Area Programs such as the project baseline assessment and follow-up evaluations
  • Support in Faith and Development adaptation processes, project assessments, planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, documentation and dissemination of promising practices
  • Support F&D in gathering THRIVE and related data for reporting on Faith and development (MMR, Semi-Annual, Annual Reports, WVK annual TP Report)
  • Support integration of faith and development in THRIVE project and other programmes through inception through conceptualization, innovation, development, planning and implementation.
  • support regular learning forum to profile, communicate and ensure adoption of promising practices as well as disseminate strategic Faith and Development guidelines.
  • Support quality reviews of program reports and core documents as per WVK guidelines and donor standards.
  • Participate in THRIVE and Faith and development operational research, documentation, publication and dissemination of useful research findings

Resource acquisition and project development

  • Develop concepts and proposals for growing the THRIVE 2.0 grant
  • Participate in any other concept and proposal writing relating to Faith and Development as delegated to you by supervisor
  • Participate in Go-No Go Processes, write ups, meeting with prospective donors and submission of concepts/proposals
  • Physically present/defend Faith and Development Proposals to donors in coordination with RAM when required
  • Support F&D in effectively to calls and queries by donors and SOs on Faith and Development Concepts/Proposals in coordination with Resources Acquisition and Management.
  • Actively participate in strategic forums to enhance resource acquisition

Staff Christian Formation

  • Participate in the recruitment of staff and interns as may be delegated from time to time by your supervisor  
  • Participate in the development of devotional guides and prayer mobilization prayer as may be required
  • Support leading of chapel and management of Trans teams  
  • Offer strategic staff spiritual formation support to ELO-TCTC implementing ADPs


  • Support APs to train the participants on other Faith & Development core models
  • Give technical support to the THRIVE  implementing ADPs on how to run celebrating families curriculum
  • Any other duty as assigned by the supervisor or their designee

Qualification, Knowledge and Skills

  • Bachelor’s Degree in either Social Sciences, Development, Theology from a recognized institution or related field Postgraduate education/studies in Development, project management, Theology will be an added advantage 
  • At least 5 years’ experience 2 of which must be in EWV project model within or outside of World Vision
  • Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan and manage programs as well as transfer knowledge and skills.
  • Experience in integrating Faith and development in programing
  • Experience working with community contexts, some of which may be interfaith r fragile contexts.
  • Must have proven analytical, problem solving skills and ability to work with minimum supervision.
  • Proven ability to cultivate long term partnerships with local communities and faith community
  • Should demonstrate ability to work in multicultural, multidenominational and multi-faith   environments
  • Must have good interpersonal and communication skills willing to market EWV and other Faith and Development programs to donors, collaborating stakeholders and WV marketers
  • Must be well respected in society for Christian values and professionalism
  • Good knowledge and commitment to WV’s ethos, philosophy of work, and CORE documents.
  • Leadership role in a church and/or para church organization strongly desired

Project Manager – K-RAPID+

Key Responsibilities:

Project Management – 30%

  • Ensure proper planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project interventions in the project areas.
  • Manage and coordinate the project team to ensure competent and motivated staff
  • Provide technical support and leadership to Project Officer and driver to enable them effectively guide and support response interventions in the County.
  • Ensure all project interventions are implemented within schedule, plans and budgets and regularly review project status.
  • Ensure that the project interventions are integrated with other projects in the program
  • Ensure identification of local needs and resources and take appropriate programming measures.
  • Mainstream cross-cutting issues (gender (GESI), CC, environment, advocacy, disability, child protection) in the project.
  • Establish operational priorities and monitor performance targets for the respective field project staff
  • Coordinate assessments, designs, measurements of construction and in accordance with established standards, policies and procedures in liaison with NO WASH team and other relevant partners
  • Participate in staff and community capacity building initiatives as stipulated in project designs and guidelines as well as promoting relevant advocacy on WASH, livestock and natural resource management
  • Ensure that project initiatives meet or exceed planned outcomes and are implemented in full compliance with WVK, the donor and other relevant partnership and international standards and guidelines;

Engagement and Networking – 30%

  • Ensure close working collaboration with key National Institutions, County government & county institutions, private sector partners, NGO partners & other development programs, community and other local institutions e.g faith based organizations, rangeland committee etc.
  • Ensure adequate representation with the donor, the Government of Kenya officials (National and County), private sector, Civil Society Groups, including Faith-Based Groups.
  • Support implementing staff to successfully engage with key internal and external stakeholders including other WVK entities, community, faith leaders and civil society representatives in order to maximize the impact of interventions
  • Build and maintain effective communications and pro-active relationships with partners in the County including visits by donors

Design Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation – 20%

  • Lead in the development of the project design and ensure compliance with WVK and donor guidelines and standards.
  • Ensure timely and effective implementation of all project interventions as well as the successful achievement of proposed outcomes and intended impacts.
  • Ensure timely and appropriate utilization of the budgeted project resources.
  • Ensure proper application of business processes, standards and guidelines related to the project in accordance with the donor requirements.
  • Ensure that the project achieves acceptable financial and operational audit results by implementing activities in accordance with established norm and policies.
  • Ensure that all the activities are implemented and evaluated in accordance with the WVK and donor standards.
  • Support the project officer to set up and maintain effective complaints and feedback mechanisms to ensure that beneficiary concerns are addressed in a timely and effective manner.
  • Ensure that an effective and participatory and effective M&E system is established in a decentralized manner
  • Ensure that, in general, project monitoring arrangements comply with the project agreement and, in particular, the provisions of this agreement are fully observed in the design of project M&E.
  • Ensure quality monthly, quarterly, semi annual and annual reports are compiled and submitted in a timely manner in line with the donor requirements.
  • Document and disseminate lessons learnt and best practices on completed project initiatives on PPcPs

Capacity Building – 10%

  • Identification and sharing of capacity building gaps among project staff, communities and partners.
  • Lead the project in capacity building initiatives for staff, communities and partners to enable them effectively advocate for and implement project interventions.
  • Ensure ongoing coaching and mentoring of project staff in order to ensure that they are able to perform and achieve the desired results.
  • Manage performance of staff and encourage on-the-job training, identifying and addressing learning and training needs and opportunities

Resource Mobilization – 5%

  • Map resource mobilization opportunities at local level and develop concepts and proposals in collaboration with Regional and National office teams.

Other Duties – 5%

  • Any other duties as assigned by the Supervisor

Qualification, Skills and Knowledge

Must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in either Agriculture, Rangeland Management, Water, Environmental studies, or a closely related field from a recognized University with relevant experience working in fragile contexts.

  • Must have a minimum of five years’ of general experience with bias to;
    • IWRM, as an integrated approach to water (& land) resources management.
    • Market system development and/or institutional systems strengthening approaches/interventions.
    • Working with Rangeland Management Committees (RMCs), as well as informal customary structures for sustainable rangeland resource governance with experience in climate change.
    • Working with county governments and integration of program design with privates’ sector and other ongoing programs in an integrated manner for success. This includes gender transformative agenda for greater women empowerment by collaborating with county governments and community organized groups.
    • Sustainable system strengthening and capacity building for improving access and service delivery
    • Designing, planning, and implementation; supervising and reporting on integrated development of natural resource management and/or advocacy project.
    • Working on donor funded programs and experience with USAID/BHA donor funded projects is an added advantage.
  • Strong evidence of good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Budgetary and financial management skills
  • Highly flexible and organized, able to manage multiple, simultaneous demands and willing to take on new tasks on an ad hoc basis
  • Ability to work both on own initiative and as part of a team in a high-pressure environment while adhering to deadlines
  • Proficient in written and spoken Kiswahili and English.
  • Notable experience of deployment in response to rapid and slow onset emergencies, including in a programme lead role
  • Experience working with stakeholder feedback and complaints and response mechanisms
  • County government understanding and engagement strategies
  • Result-oriented leader who is able to handle a heavy workload as well as manager accountable and responsible to the donor and other stakeholders.
  • Experience in managing projects in areas that are prone to resource-based conflicts e.g. northern Kenya.
  • Ability to take initiatives, team player who is able to work with minimum supervision
  • Must have outstanding oral and written communications and relationship skills
  • Computer literacy, particularly in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;
  • Demonstrates personal integrity and trustworthiness
  • Ability to conceptualize and put into practice well researched initiatives
  • Demonstrated understanding of quality assurance systems, and continuous improvement, with particular emphasis on integration of accountability measures into all aspects of the project cycle;
  • Empirical knowledge of humanitarian codes, principles and practice;
  • Good team player, self-starter, has ability to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships;
  • Commitment to WV Values, Mission and Vision
  • Good analytical skills with appropriate attention to details
  • Facilitates appropriate information flow amongst staff
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills in English, with experience working in multicultural, multi-location, values driven teams;
  • Excellent planning, coordination, and reporting skills.
  • Practical knowledge of current thematic issues and debates in developing countries, and of the major institutional donors 
  • Good understanding of livelihoods and WASH programming and have had an experience with implementation of at least a USAID or SDC funded grant

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