Latest Job Opportunities at World Vision Kenya

Natural Resource Management jobs, Agriculture jobs, Agri-business jobs, Project Management jobs, Nursing jobs, Clinical medicine jobs, community Health jobs, Public Health jobs, Research jobs, Driving jobs,

Driver – Kitise

Key Responsibilities:

Staff Facilitation

  • Timely Facilitation of staff to and from work and to other official duties.
  • Ensure safety of staff and vehicle while on journey.
  • Ensure mobilization of additional vehicles and drivers to facilitate key events such as major donor visits, campaigns, evaluations and baselines.
  • Ensure facilitation of staff / visitors / donors/ to and from the field.

Vehicle Care and Maintenance

  • Ensure vehicle cleanliness all the time.
  • Keep vehicle movement log book up to date.
  • Check mechanical and operational soundness of the vehicle.
  • To ensure that the vehicle is serviced at the required time.
  • To check and ensure that all vehicle tools are in place and intact.
  • Undertake minor repairs and recommend for major vehicle repairs.
  • Park the vehicle at the recommended parking areas by WVK
  • Seek for permission to use the car as per the laid down policy
  • Obey traffic laws
  • Maintain maximum care of the vehicle at all times.
  • Submit all the vehicle spare keys to the Fleet management for safe custody.
  • Surrender vehicle keys to the respective supervisors every end of trip
  • Report all vehicle malfunctions to the fleet office.
  • Initiate procurement process for all motor vehicle repairs and maintenance.

Documentation & Reporting

  • Prepare monthly and other vehicle reports and file copies of the same after approval.
  • Forward all invoices and fuel returns to fleet management for payment process.
  • In case of accident, forward detailed report for claim processing


  • Facilitate delivery of parcels/ mails
  • In collaboration with Administration department liaise with service providers to ensure quality services
  • Work with respective staff to plan and coordinate field facilitation services.
  • Support in community mobilization
  • Be bank gent for bank transactions


  • Any other duty as assigned by the Supervisor
  • Attend and participate in the staff devotions


  • O level certificate with a clean driving license class A,A1, B, C, C1, D,
  • Automobile Association of Kenya competence certification
  • Three years’ experience in driving class A,A1, B, C, C1, and D vehicles.
  • Basic knowledge of motor vehicle maintenance.
  • Basic knowledge of first AID and other safety & security measure
  • Basic security training
  • Knowledge of transport regulatory acts/Law
  • High professional ethics and whose integrity
  • Excellent communication skills.

Project Officer – Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) – Ng’oswet

Key Responsibilities:

Programmatic and technical support for DM&E processes & products for nutrition projects

  • Coordinate and provide technical oversight on all health, nutrition sensitive and specific DM&E processes and products include review and update of project log frames, M&E Plans, Project indicators, monitor periodic targets and development of detailed implementation plans.
  • Lead the planning and implementation of project evaluations, nutrition surveys using Standard Measurement Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART) methodology, Semi Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC) methodology and Lot Quality Assurance Sampling and Knowledge, Altitudes and Access (KAP) in nutrition projects in line with MoH guidelines.
  • In liaison with Project Manager ensure Health Information Systems and Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and other nutrition databases are updated as required.
  • Support project teams in integrating humanitarian accountability partnership initiatives in project implementation.
  • Build the capacity of county officer(s) and other field level teams on data collection, analysis and interpretation to inform project implementation.
  • Identify and document projects geographical coverage and produce a RS/GIS activity /Project map.
  • Oversee the development of all project DM&E products and processes including development of tools and guidelines for data collection, collation and reporting.
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Project Assessment, Monitoring, Reporting & Evaluation

  • Support in implementing/mainstreaming the project M&E system to the existing M&E system in WVK.
  • Monitor project implementation levels and report progress, impact and best practices.
  • Maintain a comprehensive and updated database for ENRICH REACTS-IN Grant.
  • Support development of ToRs in collaboration with other project teams and identify specific data requirements.
  • Use process, output level quality benchmarks as reference to undertake field monitoring visits, focusing on programme quality aspects, discuss with relevant staff and share reports with relevant colleagues.
  • Take charge of collating and analysing data and synthesizing information, updating the monitoring matrix and other monitoring tools in place.
  • Ensure timely analysis of monitoring data and dissemination to key stakeholders for management decision making.
  • Follow up with project teams on programme quality improvement action plans. Ensure action points are followed up and relevant measures taken and incorporated into programming.
  • Support the implementation of processes to review the quality of existing project data, information collection methods and the suitability of the existing data for the provision of sound baseline information.
  • Ensure established linkages between the M&E system of the project and the Humanitarian accountability requirements.
  • Timely submission of project reports as per World Vision and donor requirements.
  • Always ensure to store collected data securely as per policies relating to data protection for the project.
  • Coordinate project reflection and learning sessions in conjunction with other grant staff and project partners.
  • Disseminate all project information related to M&E to staff and partners in the consortium and other implementing partners.
  • Ensure Project alignment to the donor requirements and support office evaluation protocols and methodological tools.

Database Management

  • Provide Management Information System (MIS) content/requirements and feedback to project team and document progress on indicators/achievement of targets (Logical Framework Approach – LFA) using Indicator Tracking Tables (ITT)
  • Plan tracking for Project indicators of strategic relevance from secondary and primary data, with partners and communities
  • Maintain a tracking spreadsheet for M&E activities and events – baselines, assessments, reviews, evaluations – tracking trends and recommendations, progressing their implementation where appropriate.
  • Compile, consolidate and analyse quantitative and qualitative project data and contribute into subsequent reporting through monthly MEAL reports, updates, successes and issues from the MEAL tracking tools. 
  • Review of reports, ensure alignment with LEAP and donor standards, and are timely submitted.
  • Ensure the development, contextualization and refining of M&E tools and resources needed to implement humanitarian accountability issues.
  • Take lead in the analysis of data collected under the monitoring framework for assessment of progress and areas for improvement.
  • Support remote sensing and GIS Mapping of Program activities, Outputs and Beneficiaries in all the Counties
  • Ensure the appropriate use of information management systems in compliance with WV Kenya, GoK, and GAC in line with partnership agreements.

Networking, Collaboration & Accountability

  • Coordinate with external stakeholders including, but not limited to, academia, NGOs, Government, and Private Sector in order to advance the learning goal of the project.
  • Ensure sensitive complaints collection and handling through development of functional systems within the project.
  • Ensure accountability assessments are conducted and capacity of staff built to undertake accountability assessments.
  • Ensure effective community complaints response mechanisms in collaboration with communities are developed and functional.
  • Comply with and promote WV policies such as Child Safeguarding, Whistle blower and Fraud.

Learning, Documentation & Capacity Development 

  • Ensure continuous learning and documentation of lessons learnt and best practices for program design, monitoring and evaluation frameworks related to emergency response.
  • Coordinate the sharing of learning related to MEAL practices across offices and provide support when internal/external reviews, evaluations, and lessons learned exercises should be employed.
  • Support the development of project case studies, human interest stories, documentaries and other related materials.
  • Organize/ project learning events to document lessons learnt, good practices and areas of improvement.
  • Ensure that lessons learnt and reports are documented (printed, visual) and published for sharing with the donor and other partners and proactively share information and learning with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Develop capacity building plans and support WV and partners in building their capacity in M&E, Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) and in the management of information systems, development of required formats, key indicators, needs assessments, frameworks for evaluation, qualitative documentation of outcomes and impact of projects.

Project Management

  • Ensure timely implementation of projects and follow up on deliverable completion of work plans and budgets, ensuring due dates are met
  • Liaising with the relevant units/departments to ensure the completion of activities and documentation to support the procurement plans of the project
  • Assist in ensuring effective communication within administration team and logistics
  • Coordinating with partners on implementation of the project
  • Create a list of electronic project documentation/files including reports, approvals and any other relevant documentation for historical record
  • Ensure adherence to donor and WV policies and standards and regulations

Provide overall leadership, coordination, management and administrative support in the absence of the Project Manager.


  • Attend and participate/ lead in daily devotions and weekly Chapel services.
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor


  • Minimum Three years’ practical experience in Health and Nutrition M&E system coordination/ implementation in a large international non-governmental organization or other international relief/development body
  • Good analytical skills with appropriate attention to detail
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent planning, coordination, and reporting skills.
  • High professional ethics and integrity
  • Good Empirical knowledge of humanitarian codes, principles and practice;
  • Experience in quality assurance systems, and continuous improvement, with particular emphasis on integration of accountability measures into all aspects of the project cycle;
  • Experience in Data collection on the Open data kit plat form and other mobile based applications, data analysis and interpretation
  • Computer literacy in MS office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;
  • Must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition, Social sciences, Monitoring and Evaluation or Statistics or related discipline from a recognized University.
  • Certification in M&E and in conducting Nutrition assessments or equivalent
  • Experience in handling Nutrition programs and conducting Nutrition Surveys including SMART Survey, KAP Survey and SQUEAC Survey
  • Experience working in multicultural, multi-location, values driven teams;
  • Experience in working on donor funded programs 
  • Good understanding of Nutrition programming in emergency and developmental contexts
  • Experience in data/statistical programmes e.g. SPSS, Stata etc.
  • Excellent team player with ability to work under minimum supervision

Project Officer – Sexual Reproductive Health

Key Responsibilities:

Project Planning and Implementation

  • Provide technical support in implementation of SRH information and services at the community level and ensure that they are aligned with national policies & practices.
  • Ensure the project goals and milestones are met efficiently and effectively, in accordance with project budgets and work plans
  • Support community-based peer networks to provide appropriate maternal new-born child health and sexual reproductive health (MNCH&SRH) messages.
  • Organize and conduct campaigns and community dialogues related to ASRH, gender equity and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) issues
  • Community-based family planning strategies strengthened to increase demand and utilization of family planning method/contraceptives.
  • Provide appropriate MNCH&SRH messages to adolescent’s girls and young women
  • Sensitization of the community on SGBV prevention, identification, reporting and referrals
  • Engage the community and local leaders to address gender and sociocultural barriers to access of SRHR information and services.
  • Ensure integration of gender equality and social inclusion to the activity implementation at community level.

Project Monitoring, Documentation and Reporting

  • Develop quality monthly reports and quarterly reports as per WV and/donor(s) reporting guidelines.
  • Ensure timely and accurate collection of gender and age disaggregated data for MNCH/SRH for reporting and timely decision making.
  • Document success stories, and best practices to demonstrate the impact created by WVK from the project implementation as per donor requirements.
  • Support MOH monitoring to ensure strengthened health systems and accurate reporting in the KHIS.
  • Develop and share project implementation progress reports, impact, lesson learned and best practices.
  • Ensure timely analysis of monitoring data and dissemination to key stakeholders for management decision making.
  • Ensure regular data reviews at the County/Sub County to fast track target achievement and quality data.
  • Work with M&E officer to develop TORs for various activities that require external support and identify specific data requirements including project baseline, midterm and end-line evaluations.

Capacity Development

  • Support capacity building activities of MOH staff and community health volunteers on ASRH, SGBV and other gender related topics
  • Conduct group education sessions and individual counselling on sexual reproductive health services including ASRH.
  • Training of CHPs & CHCs on gender- equitable and responsive, health and SRHR information and basic service delivery including referral.
  • Train religious leaders and their spouses on Channels of hope (CoH) and with focus on reducing barriers that prevent uptake of gender equitable services by adolescent girls and women.
  • Ensure that frontline health workers trained on gender equitable, responsive, and compassionate health screening, treatment, and referral services
  • Facilitate refresher training to facility-based health workers focusing on gender equitable and responsive health and SRHR service delivery.

Engagement, Networking and Advocacy

  • Represent WVK in MNCH/SRH stakeholder and TWG meetings county and/or sub-county levels.
  • Participate in advocacy activities to ensure resource allocation to MNCH/SRH by county governments.
  • Engaging with MOH at County & Sub-County level to influence resource allocation MNCH/SRH.
  • Identify potential areas for fundraising   and provide information to inform fund raising initiatives for health and nutrition, gender, child protection and disability at all levels.


  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor


  • A degree or Diploma in Nursing, Clinical medicine, community health or public health with at least 2 years of relevant experience in the field of RMNCAH.
  • Experience working within the health system in Kenya, preferably as a service provider.
  • Must be registered with the relevant regulatory body in KenyaAt least two years working experience implementing MNCH and SRH interventions at the community leve
  • Significant experience working with an NGO environment, community and people’s groups, state institutions etc
  • Demonstrated ability to work in collaboration with sub-county and county MOH staff and other stakeholders.
  • Excellent planning, representational and interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team.
  • Knowledge in ASRH, capacity building, and training of providers.
  • Relevant experience in working in adolescent reproductive health programs and especially Implementation of Channels of (COH)-SRH Hope Model.
  • Familiarity with gender inclusion in community interventions.
  • Good analytical skills with appropriate attention to detail.
  • Ability to work under minimum supervision.
  • Computer literacy in MS office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Experience working in multicultural multi-location, values driven teams.
  • Experience in working on donor funded programs

Project Manager – Eldoret

Key Responsibilities:

Program Coordination and Management

  • Participate in the annual program planning and budget review processes as per ANCP/DFAT donor requirements
  • Ensure that all FMNR initiatives within the 4 Counties of influence meet/exceed planned outcomes and are implemented in full compliance with the Programs guidelines and ANCP/DFAT requirements and ensure community accountability
  • Provide technical support in the implementation of all Environment and Climate Change adaptation development activities in the 8 Area Programme/Program sites
  • Manage and coordinate the FMNR team ensuring competent and motivated staff as well as manage performance of staff and encourage on-the-job coaching, identify and address learning and training needs and opportunities
  • Participate and coordinate quality review and capacity building meetings of staff on NRM with including FMNR
  • Participate in the annual program planning and budget review exercises
  • Integrate the FMNR activities with those of the 8 Area Programs ensuring cost effective use of resources.
  • Mainstream FMNR Concept in 8 ADPs within WVK before Program phase out.
  • Support the development of training materials in line with the identified Program needs for staff, partners and communities.
  • Facilitate dialogue and accountability forums with various stakeholders on issues of livelihood (community groups, service providers, private sector, the county and national government, civil society organizations, churches and schools)
  • Support introduction of new and existing technologies and ensure FMNR initiated interventions are sustainable
  • Develop ToRs for Program baseline, mid-term and End line Evaluations
  • Provide leadership in transitioning CRIFSUP Phase I to Phase II, redesigning of Program structure and programme implementation
  • In close collaboration with P&C, ensure right program staff are recruited, retained, and provided with intentional opportunities, mentoring and coaching for development.
  • Provide management support to supervisees and world Vision Kenya staff for continuous capacity building for competency development
  • Assess and plan for staff capacities/competencies.
  • Engage appropriate Subject Matter Experts for identified training gaps and need assessments
  • Facilitate capacity building of staff on technical modules, through trainings, workshops, On the Job Training, technical backstopping etc.
  • Staff supervision and guidance to ensure overall quality and comprehensive management of technical program
  • Provide technical leadership in implementation of complementary models of interest to SO/ANCP these include GEDSI, iMSD, WEE and Family Change Maker

Partnership, Networking and Resource Acquisition

  • Provide a linkage and coordination as per need between FMNR Programs with SO with support from L&R NO staff.
  • Represent WVK in EARO and other Regional forums as approved by Associate Director for Livelihoods and Resilience
  • Represent WV in Environment, NRM, Climate change forums in the Four Program counties
  • Coordinate and Manage Relationships with credible research institutions to support research component in the Program under the agreed framework.
  • Participate in Nakuru, Baringo, Elgeyo-Marakwet and West Pokot County Environmental Stakeholders Forums/Technical working groups as well as supporting WVK Program officers and Cluster Managers on engagement in relation to Environment and Climate change and articulating FMNR objectives in the forums.
  • Participate in the coordination of FMNR vision trips within the targeted Program areas
  • Increase the visibility of WVK and ANCP by maintaining active engagement and advocacy on FMNR and Cluster/County related matters
  • Participate in development of innovative FMNR, Climate Change Adaptation and other Resilience Building concepts and proposals for building community resilience for fundraising as well as marketing FMNR to various Learning forums
  • Build and Maintain effective communications and pro-active relationships with partners at the counties, including visits by donors
  • Collaborate with line ministries and departments in providing technical support and assistance to the program
  • Support implementing staff to successfully engage with key internal and external stakeholders, including the private sector, community, religious leaders and other civil society representatives in order to maximize the impact of interventions;
  • Support timely development of funding proposals in line with donor requirements and WVK standards in collaboration with Resource acquisition department;
  • Participate in public forums and events as appropriate

Compliance to budget Utilization and timely implementation

  • Ensure operation standards of the Program is maintained leading to acceptable ANCP/DFAT requirements
  • Provide leadership and Ensure through Program Officers and cluster accountants, the timely and appropriate utilization of budgeted resources for all FMNR related Program
  • Ensure Program expenditure remains within the acceptable levels and ANCP/DFAT compliances (25% 1st Qtr and 75% for 3 Qtrs) Ensure timely achievement of Program targets on a monthly basis
  • Austere budget utilization monitoring, generate quarterly procurement plans & tracking, contracts management & consultants, adherence to donor and grants contract agreement, adhered to asset management business processes, team review meetings, Risk Register as part of MMR, Share products of WVK (FMNR) engagements with partners from County level.
  • Ensure monthly field support visits to 8 Program sites

Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Innovation

  • Ensure that ANCP donor grant requirements are adhered to during FMNR Program implementation and monitoring and the relevant reports (weekly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual) are submitted in a timely manner and meet the donor quality expectations.
  • In collaboration with design monitoring and evaluation team, Consultants, FMNR and ADP teams, ensure all Program indicators are properly baselined, monitoring and mid or end term evaluation of FMNR Program is done as per the FMNR proposal and DIP and that any recommendations are promptly acted upon.
  • Take lead in the documentation and sharing of best practices on livelihood mainstreaming and the dissemination of any Program technical reports.
  • Facilitate community identification of issues, needs, assets and resources which help children thrive in a participatory and inclusive way.
  • Together with Program officers develop and roll out community-based monitoring system for key child wellbeing indicators and targets.
  • Plan tracking for key CWB indicators of strategic relevance from secondary and primary data, with partners and communities.
  • Review the learning and monitoring reports developed during the reporting period and using them as the basis for the Program report
  • Use innovation in Monitoring data to compile the necessary monthly, quarterly and annual reports for forwarding to the Regional manager, NO as well as support office as advised
  • Provide technical support in new innovations for the Program including carbon credit
  • Contextualize and utilize planning guidelines for the CRIFSUP Program
  • Ensure accurate and quality Annual Development Plan (AD Plan) and Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) for the program in place and utilized
  • Work closely with the CRIFSUP DMEAL Coordinator to effectively support the program to carry out all measurements and assessments – baselines, assessments, designs, monitoring and evaluations – in accordance with donor requirements and WV established standards, policies and procedures;
  • Coordinate with the CRIFSUP MEAL to ensure that appropriate controls, monitoring and evaluation tools are in place and being utilized in a timely manner;
  • Ensure the program achieves Child Well-Being Outcomes in line with the organization’s Ministry Framework and Development Approach, and WVK’s strategic priorities and the program designs.
  • Develop monthly schedule for monitoring together with communities and partners;
  • Ensure community capacity building plan on monitoring is in place and utilized;
  • Participate in monthly data collection – (involving communities and partners) using the standardized tools
  • Apply Contextualized and utilized reporting guidelines
  • Generate quality Monthly Management Reports (MMR) informed by accurate analyzed data written using language that is appropriate to the reader and in line with World Vision reporting guidelines;
  • In liaison with Communications Officer, Develop context specific electronic and live media communications on program activities
  • Work with DMEAL Coordinator ensure effective reflection and learning forums in the counties
  • Work with DMEAL Coordinator to build the capacity for designing, monitoring, evaluating and learning from market-based approaches – to collate, synthesize and communicate the evidence base for the economic development component.
  • Participate in quarterly monitoring visits to the field to review progress, gather stories of change associated with Market systems development, sustainable natural resources-based VCs, and financial inclusion to identify and address strategic gaps;

Advocacy: Policy and Budget Influence

  • Develop and maintain close relationships with the donor, Government, partners, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Ensure that the Program and partners are actively represented in coordination structures.
  • Participation in Kenya or international conferences to share findings from the Program and support improved programmatic impact.
  • Engage and/or get involved to provide support in policy dialogues and identify synergies or opportunities to advance project objectives.
  • Maintain clear, regular and effective lines of communication with other Partners and other relevant stakeholders (GoK, International Agencies, private sector, and other local actors).
  • Organize and convene/chair partners meetings for joint planning and Progress review. Coordinate advocacy and policy influence initiatives of the program at county and national level
  • Increase the visibility of WVK and the donor by maintaining active engagement and advocacy on NRM related matters
  • Ensure that staff capacity around policy and advocacy is built.
  • Lead and participate in daily devotions and other organizational meetings as required.

FMNR Research and Development

  • Coordinate implementation of FMNR MoU with Moi University, KEFRI, ICRAF and other research institutions
  • Provide management support in establishment of research sites, data collection, community outreach and dissemination of research findings
  • Provide technical support to Moi University in developing FMNR curricula for the university
  • Represent WVK in implementation of FMNR MoU with Moi University


  • Develop ANCP Program Design ToR and guide Consultant in Program design and preparation of design documents (PDDs)
  • Program implementation structure and strategy including recruitment of new staff
  • Gender Equality Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) alignment to the Program with indicator tracking Lead in the interpretation, dissemination and utilization of GEDSI & LVCD survey reports to inform CRIFSUP phase 2 and ongoing Program implementation
  • Provide technical support to Program Design Consultant as per ANCP/DFAT requirements
  • Sensitize staff on donor requirements from time to time
  • Coordinate and conduct Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG) assessment
  • The following may be acquired through a combination of formal or self-education, prior experience or on-the job training;

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

  • Masters/Degree in Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Agriculture, Agri-business, Agro-forestry, Range land Management, Environmental studies, Climate Change or equivalent
  • Minimum of 7 Years of work experience in Managing multi agency livelihood and Resilience grants in Pastoral and or Agro-pastoral regions;
  • Experience with ANCP/DFAT donor Programs is an added advantage
  • Knowledge in renewable energies and alternative technologies are of advantage;
  • Good understanding of Sustainable NRM models e.g. FMNR and other landscape restoration techniques, Tree based value chains, Market systems strengthening’s, Disaster Management, Peace Programming, GEDSI and Governance.
  • The holder of this position must be a results orientated person who can handle a heavy work load as well as manage and satisfy multiple and at times conflicting organizational, donor and other stakeholder demands and;
  • S/he must also have ample experience in public relations and be a strong team player
  • Must have skills and ability to provide training and mentorships;
  • S/he must be a self-starter, able to work under minimum supervision and maintain good relationships.
  • Practical experience working with local communities, government, private sector, institutions and traditional authorities in pastoral and agro-pastoral ASAL regions;
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, networking and representation skills;
  • Proven leadership qualities, problem-solving and negotiation skills, and evidence of successful team player
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills in English
  • Knowledge of World Vision International working systems, policies and standards will be an advantage
  • FMNR certification is an added advantage
  • Computer literate
  • Masters/Degree in Natural Resource Management, Agriculture, Agri-business, Agro-forestry, Forestry, Range land Management, , Environmental studies, Climate Change or equivalent
  • Certification in FMNR
  • Membership with professional body; EIK or FSK.


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