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Occupational Therapist


  • The Occupational Therapist will support the improvement of services and environmental access to Children with Disabilities (CWDs) to enhance inclusive education through assessment, placement, and rehabilitation. In addition, provide capacity building to parents, caregivers and community workers on basic care and rehabilitation of Persons of Concern (POCs).

Job Description:

Identification, evaluation and planning:

  • Assessing and formulating patient treatment plan for the children with disabilities.
  • To develop individualized Education programming (IEP) through professional judgement and clinical knowledge based on occupational performance deficits in the areas of personal care, Learners role, interaction skills, process skills, play, community integration/work, and communication.
  • Collaborates with other professionals to ensure team understanding of learner’s occupational performance strengths and needs, through evaluation, educational program planning, and service delivery.
  • Evaluates the learner’s ability and formulates the learner’s occupational profile through a variety of functional, behavioral, and standardized assessments, skilled observation, checklists, histories, and interviews.
  • Synthesizes evaluation results into a comprehensive written report which reflects strengths and barriers to learner’s participation in the educational environment; directs program development; and guides evidence-based intervention.
  • Develops occupationally based intervention plans based on learners needs and evaluation results.
  • Participates in multidisciplinary meetings to review evaluation results, integrate findings with other disciplines, offer recommendations, and develop individual education plans and intervention plans to achieve IEP goals.
  • Coordinates with the IEP team for the purpose of determining appropriate treatments, etc. To meet the needs of specific learners and attends IEP Team Meetings.

Service delivery:

  • Conducts Assessment, referrals, school placements for Children with disabilities
  • Provides targeted, evidence-based therapeutic intervention to facilitate student participation and occupational performance within the school environment.
  • Consults with the center-based team to achieve learner’s outcomes.
  • Adapts and modifies the environment including assistive technology and training teachers & parents to meet individual needs and to help learners’ function as independently as possible.
  • Educates learners, educational personnel, and family to facilitate skills in areas of occupation as well as health maintenance and safety.
  • Monitors and reassess the effects of occupational therapy intervention and the need to continue, modify, or discontinue intervention
  • Documents occupational therapy services to ensure accountability of service provision

Program Administration and Management

  • Prioritizes and schedules work tasks independently.
  • Manages inventory of therapeutic equipment and assessments, and project needs for budget planning.
  • Maintains clinical and administrative records in accordance with professional standards, guidelines, and school system policy.
  • Adheres to Government regulation, Kenya Occupational Therapy Association and Occupational Therapy Council of Kenya regulation and policies that relates to occupational therapy practice.
  • Reviews occupational therapy services for quality improvement and makes changes as needed to ensure quality of services.

Monitoring, Evaluation reporting and Learning

  • Monitors, and collaborates with Inclusive educational personnel, community structures, parents, and learners to increase understanding of the leaner’s occupational performance.
  • Provides continuing education and in-services for inclusive educational personnel, parents, and community-based service providers.
  • Provides community-based education and supervision for community mobilizers
  • Works collaboratively in a professional learning in addressing the needs of learners, developing effective practices and implementing best practices.
  • Plan, budget, implement, and evaluate Occupational therapy services at the centers
  • Performs other duties as assigned.


  • Diploma in Occupational Therapy.
  • A bachelor’s degree is an added advantage
  • Proven experience of minimum 2 years working with humanitarian and development programme.
  • Certification and membership to professional body
  • An impeccable professional standard of ethics as well as the willingness and ability to implement accountability activities within the LWF World Service essential.


  • Excellent computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, use of internet and email
  • Excellent analytical, facilitation and documentation experience with humanitarian programmers.
  • Excellent communication skills including influencing negotiation and pragmatism.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; the ability to liaise with a variety of people successfully and effectively in a multicultural set up.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.

Personal Attributes

  • High level of integrity, commitments and professional responsibility.
  • Ability to tolerate and respect for cultural, education and religious diversity in the work place.
  • Good communication, organization and presentation skills.
  • A good team player with high degree of initiative, flexibility and tolerance

Psychosocial Counsellor

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Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Participate in the development of professional, effective, and appropriate psychosocial programming, including direct individual and group counseling support.
  • Provide professional and confidential services to SGBV and trauma
  • Assist in the development and provision of psychosocial activities within LWF/WS project areas in the Kakuma Refugee Program.
  • Provide counseling, training and technical counseling support to learners directly involved with the psychosocial component of LWF Kakuma.
  • Ensure timely implementation of the psychosocial program in schools in Kakuma refugee camp.
  • Lead awareness-raising and/or sensitization campaigns on the LWF Kakuma’s psychosocial activities and other SGBV-related services in collaboration with schools and the EARC unit, among other units.
  • Development of monthly outreach plans based on case trends and school going children.
  • Provide one-on-one and/ or group counseling services (6–8 sessions per person) to learners with personal and social challenges such as truancy, indiscipline, conflict, parenting, SGBV issues, death or grief, dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder among others.
  • Provide periodic group therapy sessions on a weekly basis.
  • Establish and support school guidance and counseling and closely work with the teachers and head teachers in addressing psychological concerns in schools.
  • Secondary referrals to other psychosocial providers and other child protection partners.
  • Provide extensive and comprehensive programs and assessments for stress management, depression, anxiety, bipolar management, and other mental illnesses.
  • Monitor, analyze, and document the behavioral, mental, and emotional disorder trends and patterns in the Kakuma schools.
  • Develop, monitor, and document a case management system for monitoring and dissemination of referred cases.
  • Compile and submit quality and timely periodical reports on the referred cases and the best lessons, experiences, and practices learned.
  • Perform any other professional duty assigned by the supervisor and/or his/her designate.
  • Conduct regular home visits to assess the progress of learners.

Skills and qualifications:

  • A bachelor’s degree in counseling, psychology, or a higher diploma in counseling with a minimum of 3 to 5 years of related work experience
  • Experience in the provision of psychosocial services to refugees and asylum seekers is an advantage.
  • Good report-writing and communication skills
  • A team player with the ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • Ability to maintain professionalism in service delivery and ethics
  • Experience in case management, including the management of cases

Personal Attributes:

  • Good report-writing and communication skills
  • A team player with a high degree of initiative, flexibility, tolerance, and the ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • Ability to maintain professionalism in service delivery and ethics
  • Experience in case management, including management of case conferences
  • High level of motivation, integrity, commitment, and professional
  • Ability to tolerate cultural, educational, and religious diversity in the work
  • Excellent communication, time management, organization, and presentation

National Teacher Intern

Overall Purpose/Broad Function:

  • Reporting to the Education Officer-Primary, the national teacher intern develops teachers professional develop plans, execute and report, oversee school academic programs, ensure authentic data collection and dissemination, provide technical guidance and support deputy head teacher to enforce discipline among learners at school level

Key Duties and Responsibilities

  • Initiate curriculum development process, its implementation and evaluation to ensure it is relevant and achievable in schools;
  • Follow up on individual teacher’s lesson delivery and support accelerated education program; catch up, remedial and bridging classes
  • Enforce inclusive education programs by providing technical support to teachers, eliminating barriers for inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools
  • Ensure all teaching and learning materials available in schools are distributed equitably, used efficiently and recorded well
  • Teach subjects of specialization to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes to learners;
  • Evaluate learners in subjects of specialization and prepare them for national and other examinations;
  • Support child protection by identifying, referring/supporting children with protection concerns and providing psychosocial support
  • Work with protection focal teachers and teacher counsellors to improve safety and hild protection in schools and community
  • Coordinate gender mainstreaming issues for teachers and learners in curricular and co-curricular activities such as sports to ensure gender equity, equitable participation and maximization of potential of teachers and learners

Supervisory Responsibilities:


Education/Professional Designations/Experience:

  • At least a P1 certificate from a recognized teacher training college.
  • Experience working in an informal settlement either rural or urban is desirable.
  • Must be registered by TSC.
  • have successfully undertaken the relevant TPD modules, at least one on EiE and INEE
  • demonstrate ability to supervise, mentor and provide professional support to other teachers;
  • Have a valid Teaching Certificate;

Other Specific Skill Requirements: 

  • Ability to manage and use e-learning/digital devices for teaching and learning, prepare and upload learner content on devices, data collection and analysis
  • Experience of working in refugee schools or with refugee community in the camp or urban set up.
  • Exemplary guidance and counselling skills, and experience in provision of psychosocial support
  • Ability to use e-learning devices for teaching, data collection, analysis and dissemination
  • Passionate for inclusive education
  • High level of integrity, commitment and professional responsibility.
  • Ability to tolerate cultural, educational and religious diversity in the work place.
  • Passionate for inclusive education and some experience in mainstreaming child protection and gender issues in education
  • High level of integrity, commitment and professional responsibility.
  • Ability to tolerate cultural, educational and religious diversity in the work place.
  • Good analytical and problem solving skills. 

Method of Application

Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.

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