National Drought Management Authority New Job Openings

Work with NGOs Starting Salary- Ksh 200k
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Agriculture Related jobs, Economics jobs, Sociology jobs, Procurement jobs, Commerce jobs, Business Administration jobs, Supplies Management jobs,

Assistant Director, Drought Response (2 Positions)

Position Summary/ Purpose

Drought Contingency Planning and Response function entail: – coordinate the generation and publication of drought contingency plans at county level; produce national drought contingency plans; determine the criteria for disbursement of contingency finance and produce relevant technical guidance and procedures; maintain constant oversight of the drought status in Kenya and determine the level of response required; align applications for drought contingency finance with the agreed criteria and guidelines; facilitate prompt transfer of funds to the counties within the stipulated time period; develop monitoring and control mechanisms; and develop and implement a strategy for continuous capacity development of all those involved in the Drought Contingency Planning

Key Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities will entail:

  • Ensuring that the design of the drought contingency planning and financing system in Kenya is consistent with international best practice and subject to ongoing review and improvement, including through the integration of appropriate technologies;
  • Coordinating the generation and publication of drought contingency plans at county level, and the production of a national drought contingency plan;
  • Ensure that the content of these plans is widely understood by relevant stakeholders and accessible through a national database;
  • Collaborating with the National Drought and Disaster Contingency Fund;
  • Determine the criteria for disbursement of contingency finance and produce relevant technical guidance and procedures;
  • Collaborating with the Drought Information Assistant Director, maintain constant oversight of the drought status in Kenya and determine the level of response required; ensuring that applications for drought contingency finance are in line with the agreed criteria and guidelines;
  • Ensuring that funds are promptly transferred to the counties within the stipulated time period;
  • Developing monitoring and control mechanisms to ensure that drought contingency activities are timely and appropriate, and that all accountability requirements for drought contingency finance are met; and
  • Developing and implementing a strategy for continuous capacity development of all those involved in the drought contingency planning and financing system, through the provision of training, development of manuals and guidelines, or other measures.

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For appointment to this grade an officer must have: –

  • Served in the grade of Principal Response Officer or in a comparable and relevant position in the Authority for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: – Range Science, Agriculture, Livestock, Economics or Sociology from a recognized institution;
  • Master’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: – Range Science, Agriculture, Livestock or its equivalent from a recognized institution
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Course lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution;
  • Certificate in Project Management from a recognized institution;
  • Computer Literacy; and
  • Demonstrated Assistant Directorial, administrative and professional Proficient in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to proper management of the Drought Management Sector.

Assistant Director, Drought Information

Position Summary/ Purpose

Drought Information Function will entail: – coordination, generation and analysis of early warning information at the county level; integrate relevant information from national and international sources into the early warning system; develop mechanisms to ensure that drought information is communicated to stakeholders; coordinate, prepare and conduct drought and food security assessments and surveys in collaboration with relevant stakeholders; maintain constant oversight of the drought status in Kenya and determine the level of response required; work with other stakeholders to ensure harmonized registration systems for beneficiaries of drought management interventions; and develop and implement a strategy for continuous capacity development of all those involved in drought information systems.

Key Responsibilities;
Duties and responsibilities will entail: –

  • Data collection and analysis;
  • Timely compilation of county drought early warning bulletins;
  • Supporting dissemination of drought early information to relevant stakeholders with particular emphasis to drought prone communities;
  • Supporting bi-annual national and district food security assessments;
  • Supporting ad hoc national and district rapid food security assessments and other surveys (nutritional surveys, market surveys, urban vulnerability surveys, etc);
  • Providing information to all drought management divisions; and
  • Effectively monitoring of the drought early warning system.

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: – Rural Development Studies, Economics, Statistics, computer Science, Environmental Management, Developmental Studies, Agricultural Economics, Community Development, Information Science or Project Planning and Management from a recognized institution; and
  • Computer Literacy.

Assistant Director, Resilience

Position Summary/ Purpose

IMPORTANT: Write a Perfect Cover Letter in minutes and start getting interviews! Get expert advice as you write.) Use These Examples Proven to Work.

The Drought Resilience Function will entail:- Coordinate and monitor the implementation of Ending Drought Emergencies strategy; develop policy and conduct research; promote the implementation of strategic development interventions on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate change Adaptation; develop and implement a strategy to ensure that drought management and climate change adaptation are mainstreamed into planning and resource allocation at both national and county levels; develop and implement a strategy for continuous capacity development of county and national planners in mainstreaming drought management and climate change adaptation; support, design and manage the delivery of the Authority’s drought knowledge management function; and build a strong evidence base to justify investments in drought resilience.

  Key Responsibilities;
 Duties and responsibilities will entail: –

  • Monitoring implementation of the Ending Drought Emergencies strategy in collaboration with the Directorate of Planning, Policy and Research and, in partnership with other institutions such as the ASAL Secretariat;
  • Promote the implementation of strategic development interventions that enhance resilience to drought and climate change;
  • Developing and implement a strategy to ensure that drought management and climate change adaptation are mainstreamed into development planning and resource allocation at both national and county levels;
  • Developing and implementing a strategy for continuous capacity development of county and national planners in mainstreaming drought management and climate change adaptation, through the provision of training, the development of manuals and guidelines, or other measures; and
  • supporting the design and delivery of the Authority’s knowledge management function. In particular, work with the Directorate of Planning, Policy and Research to build a strong evidence base to justify investments in drought resilience.

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:

  • Served in the grade of Principal Drought Resilience Officer or in a comparable and relevant position in the Authority for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: – Agriculture, Disaster Management, Livestock, Agricultural Engineering from a recognized institution;
  • Master’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: – Range Science, Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Livestock, or Economics Management and Strategic Management from a recognized institution
  • Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Course lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution;
  • Computer Literacy; and
  • Demonstrated Assistant Directorial, administrative and professional Proficient
  • in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to proper management of the Drought Management Sector.

Supply Chain Management Officer- (2 Positions)

Position Summary/ Purpose

The Supply Chain Management Function will involve:- reviewing, updating, interpreting and implementing existing Procurement Regulations, Procedures and Systems implementation and enforcement of regulation and polices on supplies management; aligning Supply chain objective with overall NDMA objective;; undertaking Tender Negotiation; disposal of unserviceable, obsolete and surplus stores and equipment; carrying out market research and advising the Board on the effect of market forces on the authority needs; designing procurement document; developing stock Control measures; preparing annual rates of purchases; evaluating the performance of venders; ensuring security and custody of all stores and documents; carryout board of survey; ensuring security and safeguarding of stores; inspecting incoming goods to the stores coordination of various activities in delivering a combination of inputs, outputs/outcomes for specified requirements in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006 and other laws and policy documents that impact on procurement;

Preparation of procurement plans in accordance with budget processes stocktaking and reconciling; security, safety, maintenance and proper preservation of stores; sourcing of supplies; assessing and measuring performance of supplies of goods, works and services; maintenance of procurement records; conducting market research; carrying out internal monitoring and evaluation of stores; development and implementation of internal procurement on supply policy procedure manuals; carrying out periodic market surveys and research; ensuring smooth distribution of inventory; management of receipts and issues; and verifying orders, invoices and stores accommodation.

Key Responsibilities;
Duties and responsibilities will entail: –

  • Preparing stores requisitions for the items which have reached their minimum stock levels;
  • Preparing LPO’s and LSO;
  • Ensuring goods delivered by suppliers are of the right/required quality and quantity;
  • Compiling requirement for tendering or quotation purposes; maintaining and archiving procurement documents;
  • Carrying out periodic market survey;
  • Requisitioning, receiving and issuing of stores; preparation and maintenance of stores records;
  • Preparing estimates of expenditure on supplies and services;
  • Procurement planning, inventory control and provisioning for the Authority;
  • Analysing the provision of goods and services emanating from the Authority and initiate appropriate action;
  • Disposal of unserviceable stores; and
  • Coordinating the activities of the Authority of Survey on disposing items.

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Commerce, Business Administration, (Supplies Management Option) or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution;
  • Computer Literacy;
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.

Method of Application

Interested qualified applicants are notified of the following:

  • Detailed job descriptions, requirements and applicant’s bio- data form is available on the website
  • ApplicantsMUSTfilltheBio-DataFormwhoselinkwillbeavailedintheAuthority’s website. Applicants who will NOT fill the bio data form will have their applications rejected.
  • All applications MUST be received on or before 24th October 2023 by 5:00 pm.
  • NDMA is an equal opportunity employer. Persons with disability, marginalized and minorities are encouraged to apply
  • There is NO fee charged by NDMA for any application of these positions
  • Canvassing of any form will result in disqualification of the candidate
  • ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contactedpage1image67063248

How to Apply

Interested qualified applicants are requested to submit a cover letter, detailed CV, copies of certificates & testimonial with the title and Reference number of the position clearly indicated in the email subject line to and also fill the Bio-data form whose link is available in the Authority’s website. Applicants who will not fill the bio data form will have their applications rejected

Successful candidates will be required to fulfill the requirements of Chapter six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya specifically clearance from the following institutions;

1) Kenya Revenue Authority
2) Higher Education Loans Board
3) Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
4) National Police Service (Certificate of good Conduct) 5) Credit Reference Bureau

Applications should be addressed to;

Chief Executive Officer,
National Drought Management Authority P. O. Box 53547 00200

Applications may also be dropped at the Authority’s offices located on the 17th floor of Lonrho House, along Standard Street, Nairobi during working hours between 8am and 5pm. Those applicants submitting physical applications MUST also complete the Bio-Data Form

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