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M&E Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, Latest Job Openings,

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer – KOSAP

Job Description

The M&E Officer is responsible for the overall monitoring, evaluation, learning and reporting oversight at the KOSAP Facilities Manager’s level. The officer will be expected to track and assess the progress of KOSAP RBF Facilities activities, measure the outcomes, and provide evidence-based information for decision-making and learning while documenting and packaging the knowledge for the benefit of the KFM and the sector at large. To achieve this, the M&E officer will play a key role in monitoring and analysing the results at two levels:

  1. The KOSAP Facility Manager’s level: the overall performance of the RBF facilities, based on the results reported by the participating companies offering solar and clean cooking services.
  2. Solar and clean cooking service provider’s level: field monitoring and verification of results against the RBF incentives provided by the Facility.

Roles and Responsibilities

Overall KFM M&E needs and tasks

  • The M&E officer will have the overall responsibility of developing and maintaining the  KOSAP Component 2 M&E frameworks and systems for the generation of knowledge and evidence and the communication of project activities, achievements and lessons learned.
  • The M&E officer will guide the overall monitoring, evaluation and learning strategy for the KOSAP Component 2 facilities; lead the implementation of the M&E function at the KFM and ensure timely and accurate reporting to the stakeholders, including the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum and the World Bank.
  • Ensure the M&E’s framework, systems and plan align with the KOSAP Component 2 Theory of Change (ToC); develop appropriate indicators and methodologies to assess whether the expected changes are occurring as envisioned in the ToC; develop a dynamic system of learning and adaptation and communicating the outputs.
  • Improve the Facility Implementation Manuals as needed to align the M&E-related aspects of the KFM tasks and operations.
  • Support the development of the results-oriented KFM workplan in line with the KOSAP project timelines, KFM tasks and responsibilities and regularly monitor and review its implementation. 

Solar and clean cooking RBF facilities

  • Work closely with the service providers companies when developing their market entry funds workplan and budget, ensuring clear market entry activities, verifiable milestones, and the implementation plan in line with the facilities implementation manuals.
  • Monitor the implementation of the market entry funds workplan, by carrying out regular field monitoring visits and reporting on the activities that the service providers are undertaking in the KOSAP counties.
  • Develop a robust methodology for verifying the milestones and ground operations as reported by the service providers in the KOSAP counties.
  • Coordinate with Senior Officer and Analyst to ensure data-rich knowledge management, analysis and reporting of the key metrics and tracking of the key indicators.
  • Working together with the Senior Officer and Analyst, improve the service provider’s monthly and quarterly reporting systems including the qualitative and quantitative data requirements.
  • Survey the participating service providers and other stakeholders to collect relevant data as needed.   
  • Working together with the RBF Facilities teams, regularly monitor and review project activities to ensure they are on track with the established plans and identify and address any issues or challenges that may arise during implementation.

KFM Data system and management

  • Working closely with the Senior Data Officer, develop a robust Management Information system for tracking and reporting the solar and clean cooking service provider companies’ milestones and achievements in the KOSAP counties, including the market infrastructure development, training, marketing activities, and community engagement.
  • Coordinate with the Senior Data Officer in developing a data aggregation, reporting, and visualisation tool for use by key stakeholders including the MoEP, World Bank, industry players and the public.
  • Ensure the quality and integrity of M&E data through rigorous validation and verification processes.
  • Implement quality control measures to maintain the accuracy of collected information.

KFM Finance and Administration

  • Work closely with the KFM finance officer to enhance accountability in Market Entry Funds utilization and expense reporting by providing a second layer of expense reports verification through activities monitoring, milestones verification and reporting.
  • The M&E officer will be responsible for the verification of the milestones reported in the utilization of the Market Entry Funds disbursed to the companies, as part of the financial reporting and funds accounting.

Environmental and Social Safeguards

  • Review and update the existing data collection, management, and reporting systems for the E&S safeguards support function.
  • Work closely with the Safeguards Specialist in consolidating gender-sensitive project progress reports.


  • Academic qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation or a related field is required (a master’s degree or higher is preferred)
  • Minimum of 5 years (preferably two years in the development sector) of work experience in advisory, business development support, market development, and working with the private sector.
  • A strong understanding of the impact financing and performance grant workings especially the result-based financing in the energy sector.
  • Experience working in the energy access sector, especially off-grid solar and clean cooking technology.
  • Experience working with the fund manager, grant facilities or other financing institutions will be an added advantage.
  • Experience in impact reporting and case study development
  • A strong understanding and experience in managing M&E processes and data for market development and business development support.
  • Demonstrate skills in data management and learning tools/systems.
  • Ability to work in a busy environment and deliver quality results when under pressure.
  • Ability to effectively engage with the private sector and development partners.
  • Highly motivated self-starter with strong organizational skills and can work under minimum supervision.
  • Strong strategic decision-making and excellent communication skills (written and oral), including reporting and presentation skills.
  • Fluency in both written and spoken English.
  • Willingness and ability to regularly travel to the 14 KOSAP counties for the field monitoring visit and stakeholders’ engagement.

Environmental Safeguards Specialist – KOSAP

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Job Description

Objective of the Assignment

  • To provide technical assistance to the facility manager and provide support services for environmental and social safeguard issues. The consultant will be expected to ensure that all documents mainstream environmental and social safeguards issues so that the project under component 2 does not detrimentally influence the environment and social well-being of the populations
  • The K-OSAP project has triggered the following Environmental and Social Safeguards policies of the World Bank (a) Safeguard OP 4.01.Environmental Assessment ; (b) OP 4.10,Indigeneous People ,(c) OP 4.04 Natural Habitats, and (d) OP 4.12, involuntary Resettlement. Additionally, it has triggered relevant laws and regulations of the government of Kenya concerning Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups (VMG’s)

Scope of the Assignment

The Environmental Specialist will report to the Project Co-ordinator-SNV/Sun funder and will have the following major duties and responsibilities: –

  • Familiarization with each of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Safeguards policies that have been triggered for the project
  • Develop a comprehensive Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP for E-waste/WEEE-Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment  and ensure compliance of the same by the Solar Home Systems providers
  • Appraise the entire management processes including de-manufacturing, collection, storage, recycling, transport and disposal) in accordance with the Environmental Management and Co-ordination (E-waste Management Regulations 2013) and World Bank Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines
  • Develop a project-specific environmental code of practice (ECOP) as a guidance on approach for the collection, transport, storage and disposal/reuse of spent batteries, Solar panels and waste generated from Cook stoves with the aim of ensuring that risks to the environment and human health are prevented or mitigated
  • Develop an elaborate and specific plan on recycling and disposal of spent batteries, solar panels and cook stoves for the solar home systems providers at the end of their useful lives.
  • Develop a Stakeholder Engagement strategy that will seek to inform discussion and build awareness of all stakeholders, including rural remote community members, vendors/suppliers of products and service providers, around safe management, handling and disposal of E-waste/WEEE including used batteries.
  • Supervision and monitoring of the implementation of environmental and social instrument-ESMP-WEEE in accordance with the respective Bank’s guidelines and policies
  • Supporting Solar companies in the review of documentation pertaining to environmental and Social compliance
  • Supervision and overseeing the implementation of the EPOC and World Bank’s safeguard procedures triggered for KOSAP in the operations of the solar home systems and cook stoves providers
  • Contribute to project’s Component 2 progress reports pertaining to overall implementation of Environmental and Social requirements of the project
  • Preparing training materials and conducting technical training workshops to Solar Companies and Microfinance organization on environmental and Social Safeguards requirements
  • Prepare environmental information materials and disseminating the information to the relevant stakeholders; and organize environmental and social orientation & awareness, consultations, and training programs;
  • Generate a screening checklist, guided by the ESMF against which solar home systems providers and cook stoves companies will be gauged as a precondition for accessing debt facility and Result Based financing to assess their preparedness on safeguard issues
  • Review bid documents to ensure environmental and social factors and mitigations are incorporated, and they are in harmony with environmental and social requirements;
  • Support the formation of the grievance/complaints redress mechanism and committees and communication of the grievance mechanism to all the stakeholders and other relevant procedures
  • Working with the social specialist, appraise the social aspects of the Project interventions. Advice on how the programme activities can be more gender sensitive to meet the priories of both men and women beneficiaries in K-OSAP project area
  • Ensure that each activity under the project-component 2 is subjected to the Project ESMF process and procedures, and carry out environmental screening of activities, and prepare specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (EMPs)
  • Undertake routine site visits during project execution and operation to assess how environmental and social screening and mitigation measures are succeeding or have succeeded in minimizing impacts
  • Preparation of environment and Social monitoring and evaluation reports and, perform tasks and responsibilities related to the social issues including sexual Exploitation and Abuse by solar companies staff, Gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS program, issues related to labour influx and child labour (people coming into the project area for project related work
  • Facilitate communication among various project stakeholders to promote socially and environmentally sound project implementation with sustainable development outcomes
  • Liaise on a regular basis with the Ministry of Energy and other implementing Agencies
  • Produce and document environmental and social safeguards implementation reports; and Undertake other duties as per the requirements of the project or as directed by Project Coordinator.

Deliverables/Consultant’s Reporting Obligations

The Consultant will be required to submit reports as follows:

  • ­One copy of quarterly progress on activities undertaken and solutions to challenges
  • One copy of annual progress report; and
  • One copy of project completion report after the completion of the task period


  • The candidate should have, as a minimum, a postgraduate degree from any recognized institution in the area of Environmental science, Environmental Engineering, Natural Resource Management or any related discipline with combination of appropriate trainings;
  • Registered with NEMA as a Lead expert
  • A minimum of ten years of relevant work experience in environmental and social issues, experience in development project is an added advantage. Direct experience in working on implementation of ESIA and ESMF, environmental and social safeguard issues preferably in Conservation organization or large industries in any private or public sector
  • At least 8 years experience working on projects financed by the World Bank with a good knowledge and understanding of the World Bank’s Operational Policies and Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines
  • Experience with Community development, gender mainstreaming issues, VMG’s and participatory  approaches are an added advantage
  • Good communication skills both verbal and written
  • Fluency in English is essential and fluency in Kiswahili is an added advantage

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