New Jobs at UN-Habitat

Consultancy Jobs, UN Jobs, Project Management Jobs,

International Coordination and Partnership Consultant

Result of Service

  • The consultancy will be providing technical support on expertise to mobilize key urban stakeholders in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia for World Urban Forum 12 and beyond. UN-Habitat, in collaboration with UN Resident Coordinator Offices in the region, will jointly support this effort.

Duties and Responsibilities
The consultancy will consist of the following deliverables mobilizing Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia regions towards World Urban Forum 12 and beyond: In 2024, the following outputs are expected:  

  • Inception Report: provide an overview towards mobilizing member states from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia for National Urban Fora, WUF12, WUF13, and other relevant regional events. Identify key stakeholders, gather initial data and develop calendar of events, and establish roadmap outlining tasks, responsibilities, and timelines.
  • Report on key areas for substantive engagement: update overview of UN-Habitat substantive and strategic engagement in various countries of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia; including outline of key priority areas of governments.
  • Partnership Database: in close cooperation with UN-Habitat country and project focal points and UNRCOs, establish partnership database for all Habitat Agenda Partners in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia, focusing on local, national and regional stakeholders.
  • National and Regional Urban Fora: support and promote organization of National and Regional Urban for a in coordination with key urban counterparts in each country. Word Urban Forum 12: encourage and facilitate participation of key stakeholders at WUF12, including women and youth, and civil society.
  • Final Report: derive partnership strategy, including lessons learnt from mobilization towards WUF12 participation, attendance, and way forward towards WUF13 and other relevant regional events.

Qualifications/Special Skills

  • Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in Architecture, Urban Planning, Development Studies, Public Administration, or similar discipline relevant to sustainable urbanization and international development or a related field is required.
  • A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
  • A minimum of seven years (5) years of progressively responsible experience in project management in urbanization, strategic planning, housing is required.
  • At least one year of progressive experience in field related to Terms of Reference of the consultancy assignment, establishment of working relationships with various humanitarian and development partners, capacity to work in a complex institutional environment involving government, international agencies, private sector and civil society organizations are required. Strong interest in issues concerning urban development is an advantage.
  • Understanding of urban development paradigms and socio-political situation in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia.
  • International experience is an asset, especially within the United Nations System.

Deadline : Jul 7, 2024

Urban Resilience and Climate Change Consultant (Antigua and Barbuda)

Result of Service

Duties and Responsibilities  

The consultancy will involve the following typical main duties leading to the ultimate requested outputs:  

  • Develop pro-poor urban climate change and pandemic recovery plans / climate resilience strategy for Antigua & Barbuda
  • Develop one pro-poor urban climate resilience project proposal for Antigua & Barbuda
  • Update a regional Caribbean policy paper on COVID-19, climate change and vulnerability which identifies practice approaches and lessons learned from SIDS countries on innovative advances to gear post-COVID-19 economic recovery towards climate change adaptation .

Ultimate Result of Service  

  • The ultimate service of the consultancy is to strengthen national and local capacities and provide technical and policy advise in support of the Strengthened Capacities of African, Caribbean and Pacific SIDS for Green, Resilient and Pro-poor Pandemic Recovery project.  

Project-related Outputs  The related DA14 project outputs are:  

  • Multistakeholder capacity development workshops on articulating and developing urban, fundable green, resilient, and pro-poor climate change and pandemic recovery plans in the six identified countries using UN-Habitat tools.  
  • Targeted technical experts’ capacity development through the provision of advisory services with emphasis on data collection and risk mapping.
  • Development of pro-poor urban climate change and pandemic recovery plans, climate resilient strategies / action frameworks, participatory transformative project proposals and fundable concept notes to access climate finance.  
  • One policy paper per region which will identify best practice approaches and lessons learned from SIDS countries on innovative advances to gear post-COVID-19 economic recovery towards climate change adaptation.   
  • One regional capacity-building hybrid workshop / webinar will be held in each region on the development of urban, climate-resilient strategies / action frameworks and of innovative financing mechanisms for pro-poor, low-carbon urban development projects.
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Qualifications/Special Skills

Academic Qualifications

  • A master’s or advanced degree in urban planning, environmental science, environmental policies, climate change, or related field is required.
  • A minimum of five years’ experience in urban planning, climate resilience, disaster risk reduction, urban recovery, policy development, and project coordination is required.
  • Strong communications and report writing skills are required.
  • Urban / climate or resilience related project experience in Small Island Developing States is in the Caribbean region is required.  
  • Experience in Antigua & Barbuda is highly desirable.

Deadline : Jul 9, 2024

Urban Resilience and Climate Change Consultant (St. Lucia)

Result of Service

Duties and Responsibilities  

  • The consultancy is located in the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC) and reports to the Climate Change and Urban Environment ROLAC Technical Expert.  
  • The overall guidance is provided by the Climate Change Focal Point within Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the RISE UP Programme Coordinator.

The consultancy will involve the following typical main duties leading to the ultimate requested outputs:  

  • Identifying project focal points in National Government of St. Lucia and preparation of key stakeholder list for climate change and urban resilience in St. Lucia and develop a stakeholder engagement plan
  • Develop pro-poor urban climate change and pandemic recovery plans / climate resilience strategy for St. Lucia
  • Develop one pro-poor urban climate resilience project proposal for St. Lucia  The ultimate service of the consultancy is to strengthen national and local capacities and provide technical and policy advise in support of the Strengthened Capacities of African, Caribbean and Pacific SIDS for Green, Resilient and Pro-poor Pandemic Recovery project.  
  • The project Strengthened Capacities of African, Caribbean and Pacific SIDS for Green, Resilient and Pro-poor Pandemic Recovery has two main objectives:  
  • Enhanced capacity of selected national and city governments in SIDS in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific to articulate and develop urban, fundable, green, resilient, and pro-poor climate change and pandemic recovery plans; and  
  • Enhanced capacity for intraregional exchange between African, Caribbean and the Pacific SIDS on post-COVID-19 economic recovery towards climate change resilience.  

Project-related Outputs  The related DA14 project outputs are:  

  • Multistakeholder capacity development workshops on articulating and developing urban, fundable green, resilient, and pro-poor climate change and pandemic recovery plans in the six identified countries using UN-Habitat tools.  
  • Targeted technical experts’ capacity development through the provision of advisory services with emphasis on data collection and risk mapping. 
  • Development of pro-poor urban climate change and pandemic recovery plans, climate resilient strategies / action frameworks, participatory transformative project proposals and fundable concept notes to access climate finance.

Qualifications/Special Skills

  • Academic Qualifications A master’s or advanced degree in urban planning, environmental science, environmental policies, climate change, or related field is required.
  • A minimum of five years’ experience in urban planning, climate resilience, disaster risk reduction, urban recovery, policy development, and project coordination is required.  
  • Strong communications and report writing skills are required.
  • Urban / climate or resilience related project experience in Small Island Developing States is in the Caribbean region is required.  
  • Experience in St. Lucia is highly desirable

Deadline : Jul 9, 2024

International Consultant on Project Implementation for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Development

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The Consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Coordinator of the Urban Basic Services Section of UN-Habitat, and in close collaboration with the thematic team on mobility – reporting to the Programme Management Officer, Urban Mobility.  
  • The Consultant will work to provide technical expertise on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Development while advising on the implementation of the Project Activities in collaboration with the National Consultants in the target cities.
  • The consultant shall work in collaboration with other consultants including the International Consultant on Project Implementation for Transport Demand Analysis (TDA Expert), planned to be onboard at a later phase.
  • The International Consultants and National Consultants, together forming the “Consultant Team” shall actively engage with the working team established in each city consisting of local/ national government officials and stakeholders (“City Working Team”), while cooperating with the Headquarters/Regional Offices/Country Office of UN-Habitat, UNEP, and UNESCAP (“Implementing Agencies”). Note that the project implementation structure described above is tentative and subject to change.  


  • The International Consultant will undertake activities regarding data collection and analysis, preparation of SUMP, and building planning capacities for the target local and national governments, taking into account the following parameters:  
  • Assessing the priority mobility challenges and focus area of the city identifying the theme or area where support is most needed, and adjusting the activities flexibly catering to the individual needs of each city.  
  • Reviewing the mobility planning capacities within the local and national governments and proposing capacity development plans for the target cities.  
  • Reviewing the current mobility situation of motorized (private vehicles, freight, and public transport) and non-motorized (pedestrian and cycling) transport networks, physical condition, accessibility, efficiency, safety, and congestion.
  • The Experts should assess existing data from field traffic recording and pedestrian and cyclist counting, surveys and questionnaires, existing studies, investment plans, and documentation, all spatial planning documents (new and old), as well as additional preparatory work being undertaken by municipal institutions and private operators, the estimated population and employment by areas, demographic & socio-economic data.  
  • Reviewing the policy and legal framework (national and local strategies, plans, etc.) making sure that these are taken into account for developing and aligning the sustainable mobility plan at the study area level.  
  • Developing or supporting a mobility plan proposal for the cities, including goals and objectives, by providing an integrated mobility network, increased road and public safety (especially for women, children, students, and elderly), better accessibility (for people with physical disabilities) and convenience for public transport and non-motorized transport (walking and cycling), efficiency in transport service provision, multi-modal transport options, decreased congestion, comprehensive parking policy, and increased attractiveness (i.e. good roads, junctions, sideways, squares, green areas, bus stops, shading, lighting and other street furniture design).  
  • Consulting the final proposal for the development concept of the SUMP with the groups of interest.  
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer exchange among the participating cities and among different levels of government, and offer insights on mobility challenges, solutions, and policy planning approaches.    

Qualifications/Special Skills

  • Advanced University degree (Master or Equivalent) in Transportation Planning or Engineering, Economics, Urban or Regional Planning, or related fields with knowledge of sustainable urban transportation and mobility issues or a first degree with the relevant combination of professional and academic qualifications is required.  
  • At least 10 years of practical working experience in the fields of transport or urban planning, mobility, and sustainable development, combined with demonstrated knowledge of sustainable planning and the ability to communicate results of research findings and undertake on-the-job training and seminars is required.  
  • Previous projects or research related to the field of sustainable urban planning, and transport management, is an asset.  
  • Ability to work in a team and to undertake initiative to ensure smooth relations and open communication within the team and with partners.  
  • Experience working in the relevant countries of Western Balkans/ Eastern Europe and/or Central Asia is an advantage.  
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills.
  • Good interpersonal skills and previous exposure to cross-cultural environments are advantageous.  
  • It is essential that the candidate be able to meet deadlines for reporting and all project work.

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