New Job Vacancies at Dedan Kimathi University

Lecturing Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, University Jobs, Career Opportunities, Lecturer, Grade 12 Ref: DeKUT/NUR/L/2024REQUIREMENTSA candidate must: OR Clinical Instructor Grade 9 Ref: DeKUT/NUR/CI/2024A candidate must Technologist Grade 8 -Ref: DeKUT/NUR/TECH/2024A candidate must: Method of Application All applications should be done…

Ongoing Recruitment at Rongo University

Teaching Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, University Jobs, Lecturing Jobs, Lecturer – Communication Studies – 4 Posts For appointment to the position of Part-Time Lecturer, an applicant must have: Lecturer -Media and Security Studies – 4 Posts For appointment to the…

Career Opportunities at University of Embu

Education Teaching Jobs, Jobs in Kenya, Lecturing Jobs, Professor-Law Persons’ specifications Applicants must be holders of an earned PhD degree in the relevant area of specialty. In addition, applicants must: Lecturer -Public Health Persons’ specifications Applicants must be holders of…

Job Vacancies at University of Kabianga

Lecturing Jobs, Health Science Jobs, Career Opportunities, Jobs in Kenya, University Jobs, Lecturer Nursing UOK/AC/01/02/24 OR In addition, applicants with master’s Degree must have the following;- Tutorial Fellow Nursing – 2 Posts UOK/AC/02/02/24 Applicants must have a Master’s Degree in…

Latest Recruitment at Kabarak University

Lecturing Jobs, Technical Jobs, Latest Openings, Lecturer, Internal Medicine Key Responsibilities Qualifications and skills Anatomy Technician Key Responsibilities Qualifications and skills Apply Now Master Excel & Elevate Your Career Accounts & Finance Jobs HR & Procurement Jobs Agriculture & Food…

Vacancies at Pwani University

Teaching Jobs, Lecturing Jobs, Career Opportunities, Latest Jobs, Technician in Human Physiology REF: PU/ADV/03/12/2023REQUIREMENTS FOR POSITION OF TECHNCIAN IN HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY GRADE C. This is an entry level to this cadre in the University and appointment is on Permanent and…

Part-Time Lecturers Positions at Maseno University

Education Teaching, Lecturing Jobs, University Jobs, School of Medicine- Human Pathology (MGS 802, Surgical Pathology (3 units) MSU/ACA/SMED/PT/09/23 Specifications/Qualifications  School of Medicine- Human Pathology (NSC 201, Clinical Chemistry (3 units) MSU/ACA/SMED/PT/09/23 Specifications/Qualifications  School of Medicine- Human Pathology NSC 203, General…