Job Openings at United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

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Consultancy jobs, Journalism jobs, Communication jobs, Project Management jobs

Mid-Term Evaluation Consultant

  • The evaluation should be rigorous allowing for verification and triangulation of findings. It will seek, to the extent possible, to be inclusive and participatory, involving principal stakeholders and beneficiaries in the analysis. As per the policy, a mixed methods approach is recommended, which at a minimum will include:
  • Desk review of relevant documents including baseline studies, progress reports and any records of surveys conducted during the project, stakeholder maps, etc.
  • Qualitative methods such as interviews and focus group discussions to explore and explain observed changes. The type of methods used may vary depending on the cultural constraints or opportunities presented by the project’s context.
  • Quantitative methods such as survey or secondary data analysis to assess and validate reported results. Other data collection should be undertaken as needed (government data/records, field observation visits, CDM verifications, public expenditure reporting, GIS data, etc.) to validate evidence of results and assessments (including but not limited to assessment of the TOC, activities delivery and results/changes occurred Project Information: The project “Enhancing Early Warning Systems to build greater resilience to hydro-meteorological hazards in Timor-Leste” was approved by the Green Climate Fund Board in October 2021, with a total budget of USD 21.7 million. UNEP serves as the Accredited Entity for the project.
  • Activities will be executed by the Executing Entities in Timor-Leste and UNEP. The project will be implemented across five years and aims to deliver transformative impact to the entire population of Timor-Leste, including 80% of the populations as direct beneficiaries, directly contributing to the attainment of selected targets and indicators of Article 7 of the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 on Climate Action, SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-Being and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • The project will address the urgent need for accurate, timely and actionable information and early warnings on local weather, water, climate and ocean conditions and related risks to human and environmental health. This will be achieved through four inter-related components – the Project Results:
  • Result 1. Strengthened delivery model and legislation for climate information and multi-hazard early warning services;
  • Activity 1.1 Establish institutional and policy frameworks, legislation and delivery models for climate services Result 2. Strengthened observations, monitoring, analysis and forecasting of climate and its impacts;
  • Activity 2.1 Enhance infrastructure and technical support for observations and monitoring
  • Activity 2.2 Strengthen climate modelling and impact-based forecasting
  • Activity 2.3 Establish climate services for health Result 3. Improved dissemination and communication of risk information and early warning;
  • Activity 3.1 Establish targeted multi-hazard early warning information systems Result 4. Enhanced climate risk management capacity 

Qualifications/special skills

  • Advanced university degree in any of the areas such as Environmental studies, environmental management, environmental protection, climate change, environment, governance, landscape, rural management, business administration or related field is required
  • At least 7 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation and project delivery, including experience in Monitoring and Evaluation for various environmental and climate change-related projects is required.
  • Experience in Timor-Leste is desirable.
  • Experience conducting evaluations for GCF projects is desirable.

Communications Consultant


  • Assist the GEF Coordinator and in collaboration with the UNEP Communication Division to coordinate and provide strategic input on UNEP-GEF communication at the corporate and portfolio level, including strategy, branding, and communication outputs.
  • In collaboration with focal area communications focal points, support the production and ensure maximum dissemination and impact of stories, press releases, and multimedia content on UNEP-GEF initiatives and priorities.
  • Assist in managing and improving the UNEP-GEF online presence, including the UNEP corporate website, intranet, and project and Programme sites.
  • Provide advice and guidance on communication best practices to UNEP-GEF portfolio and project staff, ensuring compliance with UNEP and GEF policies.
  • Provide substantive support in the coordination and organization of communication activities for key events, such as the UNEP/GEF brown bags, GEF Replenishment, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), Multilateral Environmental Agreement Conferences of Parties (COPs), and other targeted regional and international events.
  • Review relevant documents and reports; identify problems and issues to be addressed and propose corrective actions; liaise with relevant parties; identify and track follow-up actions.
  • Support strategic communications development, including the review and analysis of issues and trends, preparation of briefs, or other informative documents.
  • Assist in survey initiatives; design data collection tools; review, analyze, and interpret responses; identify problems/issues and prepare conclusions.
  • Prepare various written outputs, e.g., draft background papers, analysis, sections of reports and studies, inputs to publications.
  • Provide substantive support to consultative and other meetings, conferences, including proposing agenda topics, identifying participants, and preparation of documents and presentations.
  • Undertake outreach activities; make presentations on assigned topics/activities.
  • If needed, participate in field missions.
  • Collect and analyze data to identify trends or patterns and provide insights through graphs, charts, tables, and reports using data visualization methods to enable data-driven planning, decision-making, presentation, and reporting.
  • Perform other duties as required. The consultant will report to the GEF Coordinator, Policy and Programme Division.

Qualifications/special skills

  • Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in journalism, communication or a related field is required.
  • A first-level university degree in combination with two (2) additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
  • A minimum of ten (10) years of progressively responsible experience in communication or journalism is required.
  • Working experience in strategic communication for environmental projects is required. At least 5 years’ experience in communications or the media at an international level is required.
  • Experience in development and implementation of communications strategies is required.
  • Experience in producing and managing the production of written and multimedia content on environmental or development projects is required.
  • Experience working with the Global Environment Facility policy and/or other multilateral environmental or development funds is desirable.
  • Previous experience is producing/managing social media is desirable. Two (2) years or more of experience in data analytics or related area is desirable.

Terminal Review Expert – China Project (GEFID 4865)

  • The Review Consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Task Manager and will report directly to the Portfolio Manager of the GEF Biodiversity and Land degradation Unit, Ecosystems Division in Nairobi.
  • Specifically, the consultant will be required to complete the following tasks: Inception phase: – preliminary desk review and introductory interviews with project staff;
  • prepare the review framework in line with UNEP’s evaluation guidelines;
  • identify stakeholders;
  • develop the interview/questions matrix;
  • plan the review schedule; – prepare the Inception Reports; Data collection and analysis phase of the Main Review, including:
  • conduct further desk review and in-depth interviews with project implementing and executing agencies, project partners and project stakeholders.
  • regularly report back to the Task Manager on progress and inform of any possible problems or issues encountered and; Reporting phase, including:
  • draft the Main Review Reports, ensuring that the review report is complete, coherent and consistent with the task Manager guidelines both in substance and style;
  • liaise with the Task Manager on comments received (including from the UNEP Evaluation Office) and finalize the Review Reports, ensuring that comments are taken into account until approved by the Task Manager
  • prepare a Response to Comments annex for the main report, listing those comments not accepted and indicating the reason for the rejection; and Managing relations, including: • maintain a positive relationship with stakeholders, ensuring that the review process is as participatory as possible but at the same time maintains its independence. • communicate in a timely manner with the Task Manager on any issues requiring its attention and intervention. The consultant will prepare the following documents for both projects, in consultation and collaboration with the Project team and in line with the detailed Terms of Reference for the Review and the guidance package provided by the UNEP Evaluation Office: 
  • Review Inception Report: containing an assessment of the project, project stakeholder analysis, review framework and a tentative review schedule.
  • Preliminary Findings Note: typically, in the form of, a PowerPoint presentation, the sharing of preliminary findings is intended to support the participation of the project team, and act to ensure all information sources have been accessed and provide an opportunity to verify emerging findings.
  • Draft and Main Final Review Report: containing an executive summary that can act as a stand-alone document; detailed analysis of the review findings organized by review criteria and supported with evidence; lessons learned and recommendations and an annotated rating table. The consultancy will be home-based with possible field visits.

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Qualifications/special skills

  • An advanced University degree in environmental sciences, international development or other relevant political or social sciences area is required.
  • A University degree in the same areas is acceptable with two additional years of relevant experience.
  • A minimum of 7 years of technical / evaluation experience is required, preferably of evaluation and management of Global Environment Facility (GEF) projects and using a Theory of Change approach is required.
  • A good/broad understanding of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources is desired.

Method of Application

Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.

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