Latest Job Vacancies at Kenya Airways

 KQ jobs, Aviation jobs, Marketing jobs, ICT jobs, Business Information Systems jobs, Electrical Engineering jobs,

Senior Brand & Marketing Manager

Brief Description        

SeniorBrand and Marketing Manager role is pivotal in our organization’s success, witha primary focus on revenue delivery. You will spearhead the development and executionof strategic marketing and branding initiatives that not only enhance communityengagement, awareness, and trust but also translate into tangible financialoutcomes. Your responsibilities will include crafting effective marketingcampaigns, optimizing customer acquisition and retention strategies, andclosely monitoring key performance indicators to ensure that our efforts resultin clear and measurable revenue growth. Your expertise in revenue-drivenmarketing and your ability to innovate and adapt to evolving market dynamicswill be invaluable in achieving our financial objectives and propelling ourbrand to new heights.

Detailed Description        

  • Vision and Priorities:Contributes to shaping the overall vision and priorities for the Brand &Marketing function, ensuring they align with the organization’s goals.
  • Integrated Brand and Marketing Activities:Develops a clear and comprehensive strategy that encompasses sponsorships,partnerships, events, and campaigns all designed to enhance the KQ brand and,in turn, increase revenue while keeping the customer at the center of theseinitiatives.
  • Customer-Centric Approach:Infuses a customer-centric perspective into the brand and marketing strategies,ensuring that all activities resonate with the needs and preferences of thetarget audience.
  • Exceptional Experiences:Takes the lead in executing high-quality activities that drive exceptionalexperiences, emphasizing adherence to timelines and budgets to ensure thatinitiatives are carried out efficiently and effectively.
  • Insight-Driven Strategy:Provides strategic direction in leveraging research insights to create CustomerValue Propositions and Thought Leadership positions, which are then integratedinto Brand & Marketing plans. This ensures that the brand’s strategiesalign with the specific needs and perceptions of the target audience.
  • Brand Advocacy:Acts as a Brand Champion, safeguarding the KQ commitment to Sustainabledevelopment in Africa. This involves ensuring that all segment and productcampaigns align with the brand promise while delivering the intended businessoutcomes.
  • Brand Consistency:Leads the delivery of marketing activities within a framework that maintainsbrand specifications, including brand positioning and architecture. Thisconsistency reinforces the overall KQ brand positioning by ensuring a unifiedtone, manner, look, and feel across all marketing efforts.
  • Budget Oversight:Accountable for managing and overseeing the Brand & Marketing budgets,ensuring that financial resources are allocated and utilized efficiently toachieve strategic goals.
  • Compliance and Governance:Ensures strict adherence to the Risk Management Framework, Group Code ofConduct, and the various Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines of theorganization within the Cluster Corporate Brand & Marketing teams. Thisensures that all brand and marketing activities are conducted in a compliantand ethical manner.
  • Agency Management:Proactively manages advertising and media agencies, ensuring that theseexternal partners effectively contribute to the organization’s brand andmarketing objectives.
  • Process Improvement:Identifies areas for process improvement within the Brand & Marketingfunction and recommends strategies to increase functional effectiveness andoperational efficiencies, enhancing the overall performance of the department.
  • Product and Service Knowledge:A deep understanding of the products or services the organization offers, aswell as how they meet customer needs,
  • Data Analytics and ROI Measurement:Implementing data-driven marketing strategies and measuring the return oninvestment (ROI) for various marketing campaigns.
  • Team Building: Responsible for creating acohesive and proficient team of Corporate Branding and Marketing professionals.This involves hiring, onboarding, and fostering a work environment thatpromotes collaboration and success.
  • Leadership Development:Enhance leadership capability within the team. Focus on creating a culture oftalent development and empowerment, ensuring that team members are equippedwith the necessary skills and resources to excel in their roles.
  • Talent Development:Champions capability and training requirements for the teams. This meansidentifying the specific skills and knowledge areas needed for success in brandand marketing roles and advocating for resources and training to develop thesecapabilities.
  • Performance Measurement:Measures and tracks the team’s activities to ensure that they align with plans,forecasts, and capacity models. This entails setting clear performanceindicators and monitoring progress to ensure that the team’s efforts are inline with the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.
  • Reporting and Communication:Regularly reporting to senior management on the performance and impact ofmarketing initiatives, as well as effective communication skills for presentingstrategies and results.
  • Crisis Management:Preparing for and responding to marketing and branding crises, including publicrelations and damage control when necessary.

Job Requirements        

  • Minimum ofa bachelor’s degree preferably in Marketing or related field
  • An accredited chartered marketer or other relevant marketing bodies
  • A minimumof 10 yearsof experience in corporate Marketing and brand management, with at least 5years in a leadership role.
  • A deep understanding ofbrand and marketing frameworks/ strategies.
  • Strong analytical andproblem-solving skills, with the ability to think strategically and creatively.
  • A proven track recordof developingand implementing successful marketing and brand strategies that have resultedin increased revenue and market share.
  • Ability to thinklaterally and strategically, develop and select an appropriate course of actionand provide contingencies, particularly in the face of ambiguity.
  • Knowledge of theairline industry, corporate branding and marketing trends, best practices, andemerging technologies.

Additional Details        
Our Ideal Candidate

  • Strategic thinking andplanning
  • Execution orientation -able to execute and deliver results.
  • Data AnalysisProficiency in collecting, interpreting, and analysing data to extractmeaningful insights.
  • Leadership andteam/people management
  • Influencing andnetworking
  • In-depth understandingof key business drivers, cultural, ethnic, and religious conditions acrossgeographies in order to translate global strategy into effective localoperations.
  • Excellenttime management and working under tight deadlines.

Information System Auditor

Brief Description        

Thepurpose of the role is to conduct internal audit reviews of information systemsand technology as per the audit plan and other tasks assigned within theInternal Audit department.

Detailed Description        

  • Participatein the execution of IT audits and advisory assignments on IT systems focusingon general IT controls and application controls and system security reviews.
  • Ensurethat quality audit working papers are documented for all audit assignmentscovering the work performed during planning, fieldwork, and reporting.
  • Identifyand document potential IT risks and recommend appropriate mitigating measuresto minimize the impact of such risks.
  • Participatein the preparation and submission of timely, quality audit reports, engage inmeetings with management and departmental heads to discuss the audit findingsand recommendations.
  • Automateand suggest practical ways of improving audit work using analytics.
  • Promotethe use of digital automation and analytics to improve the effectiveness of theInternal Audit’s risk assessment process.
  • Participatein major IT initiatives and projects as well as in reviews of security systemsand internal controls under development.
  • Regularlyfollow up and monitor the implementation of agreed actions plans from internaland external audit reviews across the business units.
  • Supportthe implementation of continuous auditing and controls monitoring programsusing technology and other modern tools.
  • Pursueprofessional development opportunities, including external and internaltraining and professional association memberships, and share information gainedwith co-workers.
  • Performother ad-hoc tasks, assignments and investigations as requested by InternalAudit Management.

Job Requirements        

  • Bachelor’sdegree in computer science, IT, Business Information Systems, Electrical orComputer Engineering, Management Information Systems from a recognizeduniversity.
  • CertifiedPublic Accountant (CPA) and / or Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)and / or Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) – desirable.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in IT and/or IT Audit in a public accounting firm or inan internal audit department with experience in data analytics, datatransformation and scripting. Experience in process-oriented financial andoperational audits is an added advantage.
  • Extensiveknowledge and experience in use of data analysis tools such as ACL, IDEA orTeammate analytics.
  • Experiencein visual communication of analysis (e.g., PowerBI, Tableau, QlikView).
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