Latest Jobs at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Procurement jobs, Supply Chain jobs, Agriculture jobs, Data Science jobs, Research jobs,

Procurement Assistant


  • CIMMYT is seeking an experienced professional to support the implementing organization strategy for the timely and cost-effective acquisition of goods and services that results in added value to CIMMYT and meets the standards of International best practice, donor and CIMMYT regulations.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Request from the New and Existing suppliers the required documents for Vendor onboarding and/or for the generation of commercial agreements (purchase contracts). Fill in and route for signature the Vendor selection comparative matrices or the Procurement Method exception Forms according to Procurement’s Vendor Selection Process and institutional policies and procedures.
  • Follow-up with Finance on timely payments to suppliers, ensuring that existing credit/payment terms are complied with CIMMYT’s HQ on the execution of purchase contracts, if applicable and approval of POs, Vendor selection forms and Procurement Method Exception form.
  • Send fully approved Purchase Orders to suppliers and obtain their acknowledgement along with the estimated delivery date.
  • Prepare requests (Journals) for PO Advance Payments, transport, storage, and/or customs duties according to negotiated payment and/or delivery terms.
  • Follow-up on deliveries of Purchase Orders and invoices from the suppliers.
  • Other relevant activities that may be assigned by the supervisor. 

Education, knowledge and experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Procurement Specialized knowledge in KISM or CIPS qualification.
  • At least 3 years’ experience. Strong analytical skills and ability to process both quantitative as well as qualitative information.  
  • Advanced skills in Windows Operating System, LAN, and Internet.

Research Associate – DLC Breeding Operations CIMMYT


  • The Research Associate- DLC Breeding Operations leads the implementation of breeding activities of dryland crops in Kiboko and other locations that may be identified (e.g., disease screening locations). The Research Associate leads and supervises casual workers, plans and organizes activities (short- and long-term) guided by the breeding strategy/schemes discussed with the scientist/s.
  • Activities may include planning the nurseries (segregating populations, seed increase, etc.), allocating field workers to various operations that may occur simultaneously (planting, preparing seed packs/kits, land preparation, irrigation, etc.), collection of accurate data and maintaining integrity of data, and ensuring that all data are uploaded into BMS/EBS.

Job Description

  • Propose and implement agreed improvements in breeding nurseries and seed production and/or multiplication (e.g., speed breeding) Ensure accuracy of data entry and consolidation for analysis by the Scientist.

Establishment, data collection and management of breeding nurseries

  • Ensure nurseries are established on time (timely land prep, planting, fertilizer application etc.) planted according to the plot layout.
  • Ensure nurseries are well managed (irrigated, weed control, pest, and disease control etc.) and that there is frequent communication or updates with scientists.
  • Manage accurate and timely data collection as specified by the scientists and ensure accuracy of data entry and consolidation.
  • Learn and operate the Breeding Management System (BMS) or the Enterprise Breeding System (EBS) in order to manage routine operations, data upload, data curation, cleaning, and preliminary analysis.
  • Implement timely digital data capture using the relevant tools (e.g., Field Book app) and software as identified by DCP.
  • Ensure protocols (e.g., seed retention, seed amount harvested from nurseries) are followed.

Supervise casual labor.

  • Manage a team of casual labor at Kiboko to perform activities in the field, screenhouse and seed laboratories.
  • Ensure labor team receive the necessary training to perform their tasks.
  • Maintain and practice occupational health and safety in the workplace.
  • Preparing master roll and submit to supervisor and accounts for payment processing.

Seed movement.

  •  Coordinate with KEPHIS in ensuring that seeds are sent and received timely, ensure fields and seeds for exporting are inspected as appropriate.
  • Coordinate with Project Admin on tracking seed movement.

Other responsibilities.

  • Assist in tissue sample collection for genetic and/or biochemical analysis.
  • Manage printing of packets, labels, tags, and seed inventory.
  • Establish and maintain contacts with collaborating organizations and partners.
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  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in agricultural science, agricultural engineering, or related fields.
  • Minimum two (2) years’ experience in managing agricultural field activities or research projects.
  • Familiarity with legumes and/or cereal crops and related research operations (pollination, data collection from trials and nurseries, running breeding and operational software, experience with genotyping sampling etc.) will be an advantage.
  • Thorough knowledge of the field of work or specialized equipment.
  • Basic knowledge of administrative and/or operating protocols and procedures of research support function.
  • Basic Supervisory skills and experience.

Research Assistant Maize Seed Systems


  • To provide support to the Scientist, by planting of trials and nurseries, collecting data, supervising casual laborers, and maintaining the assets used for the work (vehicles, tablets for data collections, etc.) Will also be in-charge of seed packaging, shipping, and act as the custodian of maize seed systems stock inventory at duty station.

Job Description
Data collection and organization.

  • Manage accurate and timely data collection at different stage of the trials in the field and the nurseries.
  • Ensure accuracy of data entry and consolidation for analysis by the Scientist.
  • Data analysis, report writing, summarizing results for stage-gate advancement and other uses as required.
  • Conduct literature reviews, assist in preparing background studies, and research presentations as required.

Management of trials.

  • Organizing and implementing seed production and any other maize seed systems related research including on-farm trials.
  • Ensure timely field preparation and planting of trials according to the experimental design.
  • Trial management, data collection, and organization.
  • Ensure application of the right amount of fertilizer.
  • Manage guarding duties.
  • Generating descriptor data and preparing catalogue for new maize products.
  • Ensure timely irrigation water application, weed, and pet control.

Supervise casual labor.

  • Allocate casual labor to different tasks.
  • Prepare muster roll and submit to supervisor and accounts for payment processing petty cash 150k.
  • Supervision of temporary contracted and casual labourers.

Office and maintenance of assets.

  • Ensure vehicle and motorbike are serviced.
  • Ensure tablets for data collection are serviced.
  • Manage petty cash and prepare expense report.
  • Timely irrigation pump checks
  • Ensure offices are cleaned and air conditioners are serviced.
  • Act as the custodian of seed systems stock and assets inventory (seed, instruments, equipment, etc.) at the duty station
  • Computer, GPS, Data Collection.

Seed Preparation and Management.

  • Manage seed counting accurately, packaging and labeling.
  • Print seed labels and field tags for trial and nursery identification.
  • Seed shipment to various partners.
  • Ensure safe storage of seed to preserve quality and viability.
  • Seed inventory management at duty station.

 Inbred line nursery planting & management.

  • Organizing and implementation of seed increase nurseries.
  • Preparation of nurseries, field preparation, planting, field management, data collection and organization, pollination, harvesting, handling, and safe storage according to instructions.
  • Increase of different classes of seeds in isolation fields, through activities such as field preparation, planting, field management, harvesting, processing, handling, and seed storage.
  • Ensure shelling of inbred lines is carried out carefully to avoid seed mixture.
  • Assist the scientist to rogue off-type plants.
  • Ensure inbred line parents of stage 3 hybrids are planted for line purification, QC, and genotyping.

Technical backstopping, trainings, partners support.

  • Establish and maintain contacts with collaborating organizations and partners.
  • Organizing, seed preparation, planting, management and coordination of exhibitions, demonstrations, and field days.
  • Technical backstopping, training, and partners support.

 Preparing product catalogue.

  • Assist in generating descriptor data of parents and hybrids.
  • Preparing catalogue for new products in pictures and narratives. Publish on CIMMYT website.
  • Work with other CIMMYT maize breeding staff when work priorities dictate or when not busy with his/her specific responsibilities.
  • Any other responsibilities and miscellaneous tasks as required and as assigned by Seed System Specialist from time to time.


  • Bachelor’s degree in agriculture (Crop Science) from a recognizable university.
  • 1 to 3 years conceptual knowledge of theories, practices, and procedures within a discipline
  • Knowledge of field research trial set-up, breeding and seed production, farm, and seed research equipment.
  • Experience in agricultural research set up.
  • Knowledge of data required in a maize breeding program and how to record (FIELDBOOK)
  • The incumbent should have the ability to manage a team of 20-30 casual labourers.
  •  At least knowledge of software SAS and Gestalt Technical, vocational, or professional qualification requiring 2 or more years’ study (for non-Science).

Research Associate – Socioeconomics


  • CIMMYT is seeking an experienced professional to support Agricultural Economy and Value chain on all data analysis for ongoing projects with both qualitative and quantitate data.

Job Description

Overseeing Field Surveys.

  • Conduct regular field visits to supervise data collection and follow-up with partners.
  • Data entry, cleaning, and management of survey data.
  • Implement farm household, market and consumer surveys.
  • Collect and manage secondary data.

Data Management.

  • Locate, assemble, and analyze secondary data relevant for socioeconomics and policy research in maize and wheat systems.
  • Assist in managing and updating existing socioeconomic databases on stakeholder contacts, changing livelihood strategies, poverty and markets.

Data Analysis and Reporting

  • Conduct econometric analysis of survey and other data using STATA or other standard statistical software.
  • Conduct literature reviews and assist in preparing strategy documents, research reports and policy briefs to strengthen research and publication efforts.
  • Participate in the development of communication materials to enhance the impact of strategic socioeconomics and policy research in different regions.

Other duties.

  • Develop work-plans and budgets for subcontractors and collaborators. Maize and wheat productivity in different regions.
  • Handle logistics arrangement related to field planning, data collection and stakeholder meetings/workshops.
  • Perform other duties and miscellaneous tasks as required and as assigned by the supervisor.


  • Master’s/ bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from a reputable university.
  • At least 3 years’ experience in Research activities.
  • General experience in data collection and analysis, planning and implementing mixed methods in data collection.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.


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